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Donald Trump and the Threat of Nuclear War


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If NK is going to attack anyone it's going to be its southern neighbour. All this talk about attacking the US is just so much rhetoric for the benefit of his own downtrodden army to keep them in check and to strengthen his own position internally. There are far more important issues for the next POTUS to contend with than to have to worry about than the imbecile running NK. 



Edited by Xircal
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8 minutes ago, Xircal said:

If NK is going to attack anyone it's going to be its southern neighbour. All this talk about attacking the US is just so much rhetoric for the benefit of his own downtrodden army to keep them in check and to strengthen his own position internally. There are far more important issues for the next POTUS to contend with than to have to worry about than the imbecile running NK. 




Well if NK nukes SK then there are two problems. First it would probably take out NK as well and more importantly would my TV's warranty still be valid?

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Trump wants to be friends with Russia and Clinton wants war with Russia. Quite important in a discussion about North Korea. Clinton has already proven herself to be serious trouble and that is unlikely to change if she is handed the presidency. The honest headline is "Hilary Clinton and the Threat of Nuclear War". That's a much more palpable proposition.

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1 hour ago, Escapologist said:

Trump wants to be friends with Russia and Clinton wants war with Russia. Quite important in a discussion about North Korea. Clinton has already proven herself to be serious trouble and that is unlikely to change if she is handed the presidency. The honest headline is "Hilary Clinton and the Threat of Nuclear War". That's a much more palpable proposition.

You're half right:  Trump has been looking for real estate investments in Russia for some time and wants to be friends with Putin.  He's indicated he's willing to surrender parts of NATO, Ukraine and the Mid-East in order to appease Putin. 


I don't think appeasement will work for Trump with Putin.  It didn't work for Neville Chamberlain with Hitler.


Hillary Clinton doesn't want war with Russia and, more important, Russia doesn't want war with the west.  However Hillary knows how to handle Putin, and Putin doesn't like that.

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12 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


     On the one hand, it's a relief to hear a Trump supporter articulating thoughts about what Trump might do re; N.Korea.  I'm glad cooler heads have prevailed for past decades.  Bombing N.Korea is lose-lose for everyone except weapons manufacturers.    The N.Korean junta is not a real threat to the US.  It is mostly a threat to its own people.


       The US has a checkered recent history with invading small Asian countries.  Things went badly in VN, and similar in Korean peninsula.   What's needed in N.Korea is regime change and it's probably only possible by the N.Korean people themselves.  When that happens, mass mental health problems will ensue which will be as dire as physical problems.  It could take decades for N.Koreans to shake off their mass psychosis.


Hello boomerangutang.  The issue of betting has come up in another post - lets make a bet. 


If Clinton wins I will cancel my ThaiVisa account and quietly go away.


If Trump wins then you will cancel your ThaiVisa accounts and go away.


Do we have a bet?  It is a bit late in the day (morning). So maybe the results will become clearer by the time you read this. Bet offer valid until 11am (Thailand time) this morning. Willing to go all the way for Clinton?  I am for Trump.

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Trump is a walking disaster, a failure at business, but a success at filing bankruptcy and screwing contractors, employees, investors etc. Oh, and groping unwilling women. Clinton is also a walking disaster, just different and perhaps not quite as dangerous as the Trump. I'll admit, as much as I despise the Clintons' she is just a pubic hair better than the orange monster neo-fascist. No I didn't vote for either, Jill Stein. For all us expats, if the Trump is president, watch for 28 or lower exchange rate. This has not been an election, it has been and forever will be a disgrace and the end of any kind of respect internationally for American democracy, and frankly for the American people that allowed this to happen. 


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2 hours ago, Bob9 said:


Hello boomerangutang.  The issue of betting has come up in another post - lets make a bet. 


If Clinton wins I will cancel my ThaiVisa account and quietly go away.


If Trump wins then you will cancel your ThaiVisa accounts and go away.


Do we have a bet?  It is a bit late in the day (morning). So maybe the results will become clearer by the time you read this. Bet offer valid until 11am (Thailand time) this morning. Willing to go all the way for Clinton?  I am for Trump.


We will miss you bob9.  Why not hang around, there will be lots more to bicker about in the future 

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When are people on both sides of the Pond going to get their heads out of their smartphones and face reality?


The real threat to world peace is not Mr Haircut and his brainwashed zombies but the US strategists who see a "limited" new war (most likely with Russia in the Ukraine (at the cost of European and British, rather than American, lives) as a way of avoiding a looming catastrophic financial crisis boosting the US military/industrial complex on which the US economy is increasingly dependent for its very survival.


It makes little difference which of the two appalling candidates becomes US President. They will dance to the tune of the same financial puppeteers who propelled their warmonger predecessors into power.

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Seems odd to me how the republicans are up in arms (excuse the pun) and claiming that Clinton and the democrats are war mongers whilst still defending GW Bush and his war crimes in Iraq.  I know Trump has flip flopped and now says Iraq was a mistake but that is easy in hindsight.  Obama was being accused of being weak when it came to military action but that was just the usual Obama bashing I guess.
What is oddest is that the Trumpsters are sounding very much like those lefties when it comes to military matters. 

The Republicans are divided. The NeoCons dominated the Bush administration and would have done the same had McCain and Romney won. Paleo ( nationalist) and libertarian Republicains however have grown in power since the Iraq war fiasco with Trump being closer to their anti-war views. He called for the impeachment of Bush in 07 for lying about the Iraq war. Justin Raimondo is the libertarian editor of antiwar.com and writes this division in his blog. The NeoCons such as Bill Crystal and Max Boot are terrified of Trump. The "Never Trump" Republicains are almost all NeoCon warmongers.

Sent from my SM-A510F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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