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Not eating well, what are some cheap easy fattening foods.

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I feel like since I've been in thailand I've lost a lot of weight because I just haven't been hungry as much. I have no idea why but I think soon it will get on the unhealthy side, is there any cheap fattening foods I can eat. I am thinking of just drinking a lot of milk a day - which is a good source of protein and is easy to digest and will easily fatten me up

Any suggestions?


Cashew nuts.

But it really sounds like you need a thorough medical screening. 

Loss of appetite like that could be a symptom of something serious.

You didn't say if you've become underweight. Underweight is a health risk because the body then doesn't have reserves to fight common illnesses.


2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Cashew nuts.

But it really sounds like you need a thoroughly medical screening. 

Loss of appetite like that could be a symptom of something serious.

You didn't say if you've become underweight. Underweight is a health risk because the body then doesn't have reserves to fight common illnesses.


Yeah I think I'll need to, 2 weeks ago I suffered from giardia food poisoning which was the most substantial change in my appetite. Not sure if the antibiotics killed all my good flora to no return

Just now, Jinxed said:


Yeah I think I'll need to, 2 weeks ago I suffered from giardia food poisoning which was the most substantial change in my appetite. Not sure if the antibiotics killed all my good flora to no return

If you like kimchi you might try eating that daily. It's much more powerful than active yogurt and active yogurt can even lose it's bacteria after some days in the fridge. 


Your Already eating thai food loaded with rice and carbs. Cashew nuts are not cheap especially here

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Just now, Jingthing said:

If you like kimchi you might try eating that daily. It's much more powerful than active yogurt and active yogurt can even lose it's bacteria after some days in the fridge. 


You know what I would kill for, some sauerkraut - haven't been able to find any in every shop, haven't tried makro

8 minutes ago, mcfish said:

Your Already eating thai food loaded with rice and carbs. Cashew nuts are not cheap especially here


But even that, I ordered a chicken and rice which is a medium sized plate with little soup included. Finishing that was a challenge and I probably won't feel hungry again today. Yesterday I ordered a mcdonalds meal - finished the big mac but couldn't finish the chips. And that was it for the day.


Back home it was much different, I'd eat all day really

- I should note I'm quite slim to begin with


To start with: apple cider vinegar, kimchi, sauerkraut and probiotic yogurt are all good for your digestion (and it seems there are a lot of digestion problems in the LOS). After that, if you don't have any lactose issues and want to gain weight, you can eat all meats, fish, seafood, fruits, vegetables, cheeses, pasta dishes, potatoes with butter, fried rice, noodles... you know, proteins and carbohydrates... until you fill out. Good luck (from someone who has filled out a bit too much)!

Also, it's hot here! And, that slows the appetite. PS- cashews aren't that expensive; I'd say go for it.

30 baht for 10 cashews at 7/11 or a big bowl of soup with rice noodles.. Huh? OP also mentioned the word cheap

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2 hours ago, Jinxed said:


You know what I would kill for, some sauerkraut - haven't been able to find any in every shop, haven't tried makro


No need to go to jail for something simple as sauerkraut, just make all you can eat in one year for 20 baht ;-)





































You need:


White cabbage, deadly cheap during the season


Something from wood to 'push' the kraut - I use a big wooden spoon

Jars you can close well

Optional: white wine, juniper beans





Cut the cabbage with a sharp knife

Put one layer in a big jar, put salt on it, 'push' it with the wooden spoon till the cabbage releases juice

One more layer cabbage, more salt, more pushing


After a while, the cabbage should be covered with juice.

For more taste,  add some white wine and juniper beans (if you can find)

Put the jar in a dark place and let rest for minimum 4 weeks.




You can keep it forever - the kraut in the pictures I made approx 8 months ago.  If it is too salt to your taste, drain it with water before cooking.





4 minutes ago, U235 said:


No need to go to jail for something simple as sauerkraut, just make all you can eat in one year for 20 baht ;-)

That looks incredible! It's on my list for ASAP, I even went to Tops again today to take a look and nope nothing 


Strange you can't find in Tops, they normally sell it in cans. The only problem if you make it by yourself is that you have to wait weeks before you can eat. I always make several jars, in fact it becomes better after a couple of months. (btw, sauerkraut needs mustard, also very easily to make :smile: )


kimchee is also quite easy to make, see google for a million recipes...same basic ingredient as sauerkraut, cabbage, cheap as chips...just need to get some big pickling jars...I gots mine at Lotac some years ago and have made kimchee, pickled eggs, etc...I hadn't realized that pickles are good for probiotic replenishment...


with U235's good lookin' recipe above for kraut I gots to get them on the go again...


You lost weight, alright but don't fatten up. That's not gonna be any healthier. 

Drink a cup of extra virgin olive oil. That's another 1000 calories if fattening is the goal. 

Or buy nuts. Seeds. Sunflower seeds are cheapest. Lots of protein and fat. 


btw...I've bought raw (not roasted and salted) cashews at lotac and they were reasonably priced...they are in a different section than the roasted nuts which are in the snack food section...




It sounds like a health check up is definitely in order.  I experience the same thing though, I lose weight here (not slim to begin with though, but not very overweight).  For me I figured it was a combination of smaller portions and a shrinking stomach.  In the states I was a member in standing of the "clean plate club" and the plates were large!  Here I eat the smaller portions and am satisfied, not overly full, but fine so I stop.  The heat contributes, but, for me, I found the smaller portions got me used to eating less and losing weight.  


When we returned to the states a little earlier this year i found I could only eat half what I used to there (didn't stop me from trying though!!)


On the health front, don't know where you are, but we (wife and I) just completed a comprehensive health check at Bumrungrad.  Not cheap, but very comprehensive, and handled very well.  They have a variety of plans as well as a checklist to choose from.  Handled quickly, and professionally.


Good Luck!


I second a check up….particularly for parasites or perhaps candida which manifests itself in strange ways.


In some villages in africa the men prefer their brides to look like heifers….so at age 6 or 7, the mother takes the girl out into the desert for a few months and feeds her a mixture of camel milk and millet…..they come back looking quite fat…..try it.


OP, go see a doctor and get checked out. If you're OK than just make sure you're eating healthy, ie not McDonallds and fatty foods.. If you're underweight, there are healthy ways of putting weight back on without loading up on fats.


Your body may be adjusting to the heat. Until you get checked though, any  talk is just speculation.


Joking... but I wish I had your problem.  I hardly eat anything... ride my push bike 1 to 2 hours every day, swim and walk a lot.  I am slowly getting fatter and fatter!!!


Go to the hospital for a check up before you do anything else. I suspect you are not fully recovered from the food poisoning and your stomach has shrunk as you are not eating a lot, so you will feel full with only a small amount of food. 



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