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The latest developments in the US elections


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33 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

The other countries sell more to the USA by mega dollars than they buy.  You have it mixed up.  To exclude another country from the USA market is to put that country out of business there is no replacement for the USA economy - it's too big.

An economy in overall productive decline and propped  up  by zero interest rates and prolific  production  of  paper  "money".

"Selling" to the  USA  in economic reality  requires the USA to have  true equity in the value of the $US. The people of the USA  have  let themselves  be sold out. Now is  crunch time.  Now is  real world  time. You think Trump is  of the real world?

It is the  supremist  attitude  of the USA  that  is  now at question.

The  global danger is whether or  not that is  solved by global  humanitarian  concerns  or  simple minded greed  for wealth for  an elite  minority.

"Now" is for the USA to prove it is a protector  or  an adversary in in its  own interest only. Given  its  record in  dominerence  and invasiveness it  is hard to imagine it will  take any conciliatory  course.

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Hillary will give her concession speech right now. She's leading in the POPULAR vote. Still not 100 percent counted. Interesting this could be another one of those ... winner gets fewer votes deals is in Bush vs. Gore:




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58 minutes ago, BuaBS said:

Well we certainly hope so ! Markets are way overpriced ... even Trump said it.

The FED will raise interest >> market crash>> and blame it on DT.


Markets need to stand on their own feet, whatever that means for valuations. Stimulus is necessary in emergency situations but it should not be relied on to enrich small percentages of the population to the detriment of the remaining population.

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1 hour ago, duanebigsby said:

and Canada and all of Europe, Japan, Korea,  SE Asia, and Africa....... hey.....no country plays fair according toTrump. Who are you going to trade with when the entire world says <deleted>!!

Growing number of countries do not want to accept the families. Not Trump their problem, but e.g. a money without real value, Oil Dollar, the almost compulsory inflation and the sky-rocketing debt, supported and financed by some "unfair countries". 

Billions should work for the unjustified enrichment of some families. It may be populist but I think a lot of people agrees. 

The best advantage of this election probably that America will wake up finally

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Just now, darren84310 said:

I don't want to gloat, really...... but I'd love to hear from some of those anti Trump TV posters who laughed at me when I said 6 months ago he'd win easy..... they said he wouldn't be allowed to run..... adamant that he had no chance.

You don't want to gloat. Really? :stoner:

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1 hour ago, Dtrump said:

Lets say I make cars and the price of labor is $50.00 hour.  I can get the same car made in Mexico for $10.00 an hour.  If the US government gave me a tax break to produce the cars so that the net dollar amount was the same I would stay in the USA.  The government would recoup the dollars from the taxes of the laborers and they money they spent in America and not getting welfare.  This is not rocket science.  The only reason the companies move to Mexico is the Mexicans pay the American politicians not to give tax breaks to the auto companies to stay in America.  Or there are tariffs.  I believe the EU imposes a 54% tariff on dairy products.  If I was Trump I'd get them to stop that or else.


Lets say if America could make cars it would be called Germany!

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58 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Hillary will give her concession speech right now. She's leading in the POPULAR vote. Still not 100 percent counted. Interesting this could be another one of those ... winner gets fewer votes deals is in Bush vs. Gore:




"Popular" vote...seriously?


It's essentially tied and even that's debatable in Trump's favor when you consider all the fraudulent ballots likely sneaked in by the Democrats in their stronghold states

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5 minutes ago, NovaBlue05 said:

"Popular" vote...seriously?


It's essentially tied and even that's debatable in Trump's favor when you consider all the fraudulent ballots likely sneaked in by the Democrats in their stronghold states

Bill was practically crying during the speech...no more interns on the oval office desk for Bubba.

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The American style of democracy has as many faults as all the others.

It was never a good choice, but Obama was hopeless, Clinton would just have been more of the same. Trump should be good news for the Brits anyway.


Thai language subtitles on the Thai TV news coverage of the US election today referred to Donald  Trump as "Donu Trum".

If they can't even get that right there is little hope English will improve here any time soon.


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22 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Bill was practically crying during the speech...no more interns on the oval office desk for Bubba.

I think Bill is crying tears of joy. His long nightmare is over and he and Hillary can quietly go their separate ways. The image is probably the last time you will ever see them in the same photo. He can spend his golden years on a tropical island living in wealth and surrounded by bimbos

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7 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

If people think that because the house and senate are Republican, the Orange One is going to have it easy to pass his agenda, they are going to be sorely disappointed. The Republican establishment dislike him almost as much as the Democrats.




Karen , just saw on Sky Paul Ryan grovelling and licking up to Trump. Ryan....the weak leader of the house who turned his back on Trump and disowned him!


Couldn't say enough about him today and thanking him for their increases in the Senate and House of Reps.


They say a day is a long time in politics....for sure here is a prime example.

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10 hours ago, pegman said:

Hope you sold your equities and  exchanged greenbacks to baht. Your about to be Brexited!


I see you bought into the media hype as well that the markets would fall, tumble, crash, etc... with a Trump win. Place a marker on any of the US markets prior to the election results and in two years time give me a ring.

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1 hour ago, NovaBlue05 said:

"Popular" vote...seriously?


It's essentially tied and even that's debatable in Trump's favor when you consider all the fraudulent ballots likely sneaked in by the Democrats in their stronghold states


Neither of the two won a majority of the popular vote.  Neither.  Due to Libertarians, Green Party, & others getting about 6M votes combined.  Moreover, this isn't the first time a US president has been elected on the basis of electoral vote rather than popular vote (and not the second, not the third ...  the sixth time in fact going all the way back to John Quincy Adams in 1824!)


If you were to apportion the electoral votes in this election evenly among those actually casting ballots, about 25 electoral votes (out of the total 538,  270 being required to win) would've gone this time to the Libertarian and Green Party candidates.  Under the Constitution, if no candidate wins the majority of the electoral votes, the issue actually goes to the House of Representatives where the majority Republican party would've almost certainly elected Trump anyway.  But if instead you were to hold a run-off election between the top two finishers, it becomes a question of those Libertarian & Green Party voters.  The Libertarians this time got a little over 4M votes; the Green Party about 1.2M - almost 3.5:1 in favor of the Libertarians.  The Libertarian ticket consisted of two former Republican governors.  So draw your own conclusions about the probable outcome of a runoff if there were to have been one.


So much for the soon-to-be-heard, always-half-baked, wingnut (and foreigners with zero understanding of the US federal system) whining about the electoral college.



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14 minutes ago, ToS2014 said:


I see you bought into the media hype as well that the markets would fall, tumble, crash, etc... with a Trump win. Place a marker on any of the US markets prior to the election results and in two years time give me a ring.


I understand trading in the futures markets was actually halted for a time last night, but at the moment, the DOW is up about 182 pts (1%), and the SP500 up about 18.5 pts (.9%)!   So much for the backbiters.

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1 hour ago, darren84310 said:

I don't want to gloat, really...... but I'd love to hear from some of those anti Trump TV posters who laughed at me when I said 6 months ago he'd win easy..... they said he wouldn't be allowed to run..... adamant that he had no chance.


You can laugh at me I didn't think Trump had a chance. Never liked Hillary but didn't think there was a snowball's chance in hell of Trump winning. so glad we don't have to hear that awful woman for much longer. 


Some of the Hillary supporters that are being bitter and resentful may be able to accept the facts and take the advice Obama gave to Trump not long ago...




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3 hours ago, duanebigsby said:

ok... Trump will make it difficult for countries to get a fair deal with US because 
"hey want to deal...these are the rules"  Countries will look elsewhere where fair deals are available.

It's not like the US has the only products on the market.

Yup. China has tons and tons of the same products. Oh yeah they break in two days. Wake up!!  So where are your " fair deals?"  In fairyland I suppose. 

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2 hours ago, hawker9000 said:


So much for the soon-to-be-heard, always-half-baked, wingnut (and foreigners with zero understanding of the US federal system) whining about the electoral college.



Can you imagine how trump and his supporters would have reacted if HE had lost the election but won the popular vote? 

Remember, no problem if he won. BIG problem if he had lost.

We heard him.



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