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Thousands join anti-Trump protests around country 


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18 minutes ago, NeverSure said:


It's a map of the 50 states and the counties within each state. Trump won all of the counties that are red. It's common for a state to have polar opposite politics as rural people tend to think differently than city people. The blue areas which Hillary won are mostly the densely populated areas with big cities.


She didn't win all of those areas but that was her strength. Those areas also tend to have what we call ghettos with a lot of people on benefits. Those people tend to think Democrats will give them more free stuff. They also contain a lot of high crime areas.


Trump won the real estate war where most of the plain, rural, hard working people live.




Yes, as I thought the map is bogus as a proper representation either of respective size of Electoral States or even numbers of people voting and no appeal to 'real estate war', is going to finesse the nonsense, but do carry on.

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On 11/11/2016 at 9:01 PM, Publicus said:


Democrats weren't ever going to flip the House from Republican Party gerrymandered majority control in this election.


Here is the demographic that made the critical difference in the Republican right gaining absolute institutional power in Washington for what is likely to be the next four years at the least.




Meet your silent majority.


So we know why it's the noisy urban folk who have taken to the streets. Ma and Pa Kettle have produced the current absolute Republican Party institutional control of the U.S. Government in Washington.



Latest Popular Vote Results 2016: Hillary Clinton Has Almost 400,000 More Votes Than Winner Donald Trump

By Greg Price @GP_IBTimes On 11/11/16 AT 8:59 AM


As Republican and president-elect Donald Trump continues to transition toward his first term in the Oval Office, his now former opponent Hillary Clinton has opened up an almost 400,000-vote lead in the latest reported popular vote totals.


Democratic nominee Clinton, whose failure to capture the so-called “blue wall” of Midwest states like Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan and Ohio ultimately handed Trump a 290-232 electoral college victory. But she currently leads the popular vote 60,467,245 to Trump’s 60,071,650 for a difference of 395,595, or 47.7 percent to 47.4 percent, respectively, according to CBS News, CNN, and NBC News.




The Right Sector of the society is going to have to get used to the Popular Opposition in the streets and in the courts.


There is no alternative. So accept it. Live with it. it does not happen every time, but it is natural and normal about politics and government. Read the First Amendment for solace while it is still there.


Your side lost. How long ago was it that your side was bashing Trump because he wouldn't 100% guarantee that he'd accept the results of the election? He was concerned about cheating by crooked Democrats.


I have no doubt there was Democrat cheating because is many places illegals are allowed to vote with no identification. Trump still won.


The real protest was last Tuesday when people came out and said they'd had enough of the crooked, globalist Democrats. The Democrats got skinned alive. Trump beat Crooked Hillary 306 to 232. Landslide.


Your efforts would be better placed in cleaning up your corrupt party and getting ready for next time. Oh, and pick a better candidate. Hillary sucks.



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On 11/12/2016 at 8:02 PM, Publicus said:

As to Republican Ma and Pa Kettle demographic -- which is almost all of it -- they're nice but not funny, parochial rather than cosmopolitan, and as with Trump, if they had a brain they'd be dangerous.


This is why you lost the election. Ma and Pa Kettle were just so very tired of the belittling condescension. Guess it will be hard to learn though because it means having to call into question a very cosmopolitan disposition and it's disconnect from anything beyond it's understanding.

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1 minute ago, Linzz said:


This is why you lost the election. Ma and Pa Kettle were just so very tired of the belittling condescension. Guess it will be hard to learn though because it means having to call into question a very cosmopolitan disposition and it's disconnect from anything beyond it's understanding.


Both Publicus and you are incorrect. The critical swing was really about the rust belt states. Hardly Ma and Pa pitchfork idealisation. More to do with the working class.

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10 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


Yes, as I thought the map is bogus as a proper representation either of respective size of Electoral States or even numbers of people voting and no appeal to 'real estate war', is going to finesse the nonsense, but do carry on.


It's not bogus. It shows how Trump won 306 delegates to Hillary's 232. It's a graphic representation of her butt kicking nation-wide.



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Just now, NeverSure said:


It's not bogus. It shows how Trump won 306 delegates to Hillary's 232. It's a graphic representation of her butt kicking nation-wide.




That map is not a proportional representation of 306/232, but I guess you want to throw good money after bad, so keep going.

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2 minutes ago, NeverSure said:

Trump beat Crooked Hillary 306 to 232. Landslide.


"The 'L' word. Landslide. It's what I've been saying for the last year. HRC in a landslide. A landslide the Republicans won't be recovering from for a generation. Best election...ever. "

Another  high information prediction a month or so ago


The "L' word was right except it was really "L" for Lose

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6 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


Both Publicus and you are incorrect. The critical swing was really about the rust belt states. Hardly Ma and Pa pitchfork idealisation. More to do with the working class.


Then you already missed my post 554

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8 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


That map is not a proportional representation of 306/232, but I guess you want to throw good money after bad, so keep going.


You missed the point. It's just there to show the areas that each won. Trump took the rust belt which surprised many people, and he took the rural areas which may not have. You're right it doesn't show numbers; it shows demographics in general.


It's interesting if looked at in that perspective. It's just another piece of the puzzle.



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11 minutes ago, NeverSure said:


You missed the point. It's just there to show the areas that each won. Trump took the rust belt which surprised many people, and he took the rural areas which may not have. You're right it doesn't show numbers; it shows demographics in general.


It's interesting if looked at in that perspective. It's just another piece of the puzzle.




I will agree with you that the geographical coverage of the GOP's victory is significant and not to be completely dismissed. However, if Hillary had held those rust belt States the amount of acreage held by Trump would not have mattered. The point is she didn't. What does seem to have happened is that outside the inner urban areas of those states, the smaller town vote for the DP appears to have jumped ship. We will get further confirmation as the voting figures at a local level are analyzed.

Edited by SheungWan
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35 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

More to do with the working class.

26 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


No. Just another inaccurate comment about an inaccurate map that was hardly worth the bother commenting on, but since you insist.


It is interesting that the socialist fair minded justice for minorities representatives of the working class has now become their oppressors."


I wasn't talking about the map specific to Ma and Pa Kettle but working class in general which was your point

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On 11/13/2016 at 4:53 AM, JHolmesJr said:

Who gives a pad thai if  trumps votes came from rural america....


their enthusiasm, combined with urban apathy for crooked hillary, pushed trump over the line. 


Are we saying that urban folk are superior to rural folk?


discrimination at its ugliest. 




Rural deplorables have only one vote and urban cosmopolitans should have 2 votes don't you know!

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22 hours ago, Publicus said:

Potus institutionally and Constitutionally is not in charge of law and order in the streets of the country, as it is a state's rights matter. Washington provides training and other assistance to the states to include certain funds, but civil action in the streets is Constitutionally a state matter.


You mean that Obama cannot make a call for calm? His silence could be interpreted as complicit as silence is a statement too

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20 hours ago, Publicus said:

I reduced the post you quote by editing it subsequently but the substance remains.


Please can you do this with yours too because I think you have sometimes something useful to add but the temptation is to skip your posts because of time constraints

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3 minutes ago, Linzz said:


You mean that Obama cannot make a call for calm? His silence could be interpreted as complicit as silence is a statement too


He has had no problem commenting on some pretty controversial issues like Ferguson and Travon Martin. He got egg on his face in both of those cases. Calming these protests is a lot more of s positive move.

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Thousands join anti-Trump protests around country

and who pays them?  Pres. Trump won on a democratic election. Cannot be other than democratic in the flagship of democracy :) The minority should accept their defeat, that is the democratic way. It seems liberal minority likes one-way democracy....

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14 hours ago, Publicus said:


The key to a sustainable democracy is knowing how to win and knowing how to lose. Each side gets its turn so we all get a lot of practice and preparation. 


Knowing how to lose when you're not prepared is a matter of temperament, perspective, maturity. The loser side of an election always looks even better when he's up against the winning side that has no clue of how to win. 


Sorehead winners find it impossible to recognise how the game is played. The obvious reason is that they are out at the fringe of normal and ordinary society and politics. Culturally deficient. Personally angry no matter what. 


I know the game.  When you guyz win well really you lose because we know that winners are really losers at heart and even when we lost we know that inside we came out winners. Yep I get it. At school it's best to give losers certificates so they don't feel so bad. Everybody wins. Yaay!

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:


I think I would be right in saying that the above is a geographical map and not a map reflecting the respective sizes of each Electoral Constituency and therefore not really the correct map one would use to accurately reflect the electoral outcome. It is really an acreage map, no?

For those having trouble believing here are 2008 and 2012 electoral maps

Image result for 2012 electoral map
Image result for 2012 electoral map


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9 hours ago, jaidam said:

Might one humbly suggest you switch off CNN, refrain from using offensive and derogatory names for the President elect, and start coming to terms with the vote results. You are living in a democracy, which along with rights, comes with a required degree of responsibility. Throwing the mother of all hissy fits is absolutely inappropriate, not to mention immature. You will have your chance again in 4 years time to cast your vote for MSM's current darling of the month. Move past denial and anger, and on to acceptance, you will feel much better for it I promise you. 


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4 minutes ago, NeverSure said:

While I knew and stated on this forum that Trump would win, it never occurred to me that the BEST thing about a Trump win would be this total liberal meltdown.


It's just too delicious to describe.   :smile:




Jing Jing :smile:

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5 hours ago, Publicus said:

Donald Trump is likely the most unpopular elected president or prime minister in the history of democracy.


Live with it. Recognise it. Accept it and admit it. Stop denying it or trying to deflect it or ignore it.


Making categorical statements are your stock in trade. 


5 hours ago, Publicus said:

Another one over there who begins his statement with an if.


Starting a sentence with "IF' could be something you would be wise to have learnt already

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Might one humbly suggest you switch off CNN, refrain from using offensive and derogatory names for the President elect, and start coming to terms with the vote results. You are living in a democracy, which along with rights, comes with a required degree of responsibility. Throwing the mother of all hissy fits is absolutely inappropriate, not to mention immature. You will have your chance again in 4 years time to cast your vote for MSM's current darling of the month. Move past denial and anger, and on to acceptance, you will feel much better for it I promise you. 

As Winston Churchill mentioned - The biggest argument against democracy is a five minute discussion with the average voter

Winston has been proven to be correct once more

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
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