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Thousands join anti-Trump protests around country 


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7 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:



That video was shown, at length, on Fox News this morning. Illinois was a strong win for Clinton, with a 16% margin, so no Trump supporters had any effect on the outcome there.

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1 minute ago, tropo said:

That video was shown, at length, on Fox News this morning. Illinois was a strong win for Clinton, with a 16% margin, so no Trump supporters had any effect on the outcome there.

In other words, any excuse for mayhem against a Trump supporter.

These people are feral scum.  Human garbage.:ph34r:

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Soros-Funded Orgs Behind Violent Anti-Trump Protests Across America

Washington CAN! is a far left group leading the protests against Donald Trump in Seattle.

The far left group is paying protesters to attend their rally.
Here is one of their ads on Craigslist.



Soros-funded groups are behind many of these violent demonstrations.
Russia Today reported:

Some of the anti-Trump protests in the US have been organized by groups that were sponsored by Clinton sympathizer and billionaire George Soros.

Among Wikileaks’ Podesta emails was a strategy document involving the Soros-supported MoveOn.org and grassroots organizing and funding.

MoveOn.org issued a press release on Wednesday afternoon about the protests where they wrote “hundreds of Americans, dozens of organizations to gather peacefully outside the White House and in cities and towns nationwide to take a continued stand against misogyny, racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia.”

More here:  



Even Ronald Maximus didn''t have to deal with all these commies and evil-doers! :ph34r:

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^^^^@Publicus #427


400,000 more votes to Hillary?




She ought to be very PO'ed at her political strategists for losing. But I still stand by my assertion that this perfect storm was A-OK with the Democrats right up until the point they lost.


As for Ma & Pa Kettle. They live just down the blacktop from me. In fact, they go to my church. Good folks and she makes some darned good fried chicken. But the Kettles are even older than I am and they have always voted Conservative Republican and their votes were factored in and anticipated from day kne by the hillary camp as lost.


I do believe you are mistaken to say they were responsible for the surprise Trump victory. I think Dems are just having a hard time admitting suburban women could vote for Trump. The DNC wrongfully assumed a rather large demographic of educated female voters would automatically vote hillary. They even had a name for it--they called it the womb vote--but they got it wrong.





Edited by ClutchClark
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57 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

^^^^@Publicus #427


400,000 more votes to Hillary?




She ought to be very PO'ed at her political strategists for losing. But I still stand by my assertion that this perfect storm was A-OK with the Democrats right up until the point they lost.


As for Ma & Pa Kettle. They live just down the blacktop from me. In fact, they go to my church. Good folks and she makes some darned good fried chicken. But the Kettles are even older than I am and they have always voted Conservative Republican and their votes were factored in and anticipated from day kne by the hillary camp as lost.


I do believe you are mistaken to say they were responsible for the surprise Trump victory. I think Dems are just having a hard time admitting suburban women could vote for Trump. The DNC wrongfully assumed a rather large demographic of educated female voters would automatically vote hillary. They even had a name for it--they called it the womb vote--but they got it wrong.






Clutch you're just a true believer.


You have an ideology of the right, not a philosophy of government or in respect of a Constitution. I say the rural vote made the difference in the election because the data is there.


Trump won US election thanks to the rural vote

A closer look at where each candidate got their votes reveals how critical the rural vote was for Mr Trump


Donald Trump won US election thanks to the rural vote





Posted Thu at 1:13pm




My summary:

Trump won outside the cities in Michigan

Of the 3 million total vote in MI, Trump won by 11,837. Last time MI voted Republican for Potus was in 1988.

Regional towns and cities backed Trump in Wisconsin

Of the 2 million total vote in WI, Trump won by 27,257. Last time WI voted Republican for Potus was in 1984.

Vote was polarised in Pennsylvania

Of the 5 million total vote in PA, Trump won by 68,236. Last time PA voted Republican for Potus was in 1988.


The rural vote was up 10% this year.


Conversely, black voters did not have a black guy to vote for in this election, so it would be expected black voter participation would be somewhat reduced but still strong for Hillary Clinton.


Democratic Party voters are positive and productive contributing Americans. This is true whether we live in the city, the suburb, the exburbs, or in rural areas. We are middle class, of all colors, creed, ethnic origin, orientation, better educated or lesser educated, professionals, high tech innovators, entrepreneurs, parents; we pay our taxes, many attend church and we enjoy our barbeques and the various sports and outdoor recreational activities winter and summer.


Reading here one easily could be led to believe Democratic Party voters are degenerates hell bent on destroying the United States. As to Republican Ma and Pa Kettle demographic -- which is almost all of it -- they're nice but not funny, parochial rather than cosmopolitan, and as with Trump, if they had a brain they'd be dangerous.

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5 minutes ago, Publicus said:


I'd posted to your stuff earlier in the thread.


However, I'm not going to do your research or your reading for you.


So I'll reiterate what needs to be said given the vitriol of the Right Sector...


Democratic Party voters are positive and productive contributing Americans. This is true whether we live in the city, the suburb, the exburbs, or in rural areas. We are middle class, of all colors, creed, ethnic origin, orientation, better educated or lesser educated, professionals, high tech innovators, entrepreneurs, parents; we pay our taxes, many attend church and we enjoy our barbeques and the various sports and outdoor recreational activities winter and summer.


"Well, that's the news from Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average."

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Obama might tolerate these scum as he's of a kindred spirit but when Trump steps into office, it''s a whole new ballgame man! :smile:


Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 11, 2016
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Yes...  D.Trump:


1 -  first twitted d " Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair! 3:19 AM - 11 Nov 2016"

2 - then after "  Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 11, 2016


Let's say he is OJL


Trump’s tweets during protests go from stormy to respectful


Edited by Opl
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Who gives a pad thai if  trumps votes came from rural america....


their enthusiasm, combined with urban apathy for crooked hillary, pushed trump over the line. 


Are we saying that urban folk are superior to rural folk?


discrimination at its ugliest. 



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8 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Thats the same mistake hillary made--you don't learn very fast do you?


The post does not contain enough knowledge to know whether a mistake was or was not made. Very little knowledge. Less than zero in fact.


Take John Kerry in 2004.


Kerry chose Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina as his vp running mate. (Forget the sex scandal cause it came later.)


Kerry chose Sen. Edwards of a southern red state to reach out to the nation's rural vote which, as with Sen. Edwards, is right of center. The rural vote is socially conservative to strict, politically right sector hard core, poor or moderate income, not much attentive to education, blue collar, Nascar, WWF -- the rural folk are for guns, for god, gay opposed, and all for grits. 


It came down to Ohio and the Kerry-Edwards ticket lost due to the rural vote and the evangelical vote. It is a complete waste for the Democratic Party to appeal to the rural vote of the USA. Rural voters are connected at the hip to the Republican Party.


HRC did what every Democrat running for Potus does -- focus on the party's base in the metro cities and suburbs, ID your voters and get 'em out to vote in swarms. This D party strategy had overcome the rural vote in the recent successful elections, save of course for Kerry.


The high turnout of rural voters in 2004 killed Kerry. So OB made sure in 2008 he got his base of swarm voters and then some. Ditto in 2012. Hillary Clinton's problem is that Democratic Party voter participation fell off in this election. Coupled with the 10% increase of the rural vote, we got the result we have.


So in the 2016 election, the redneck swarm came out for Trump while just enough of the Democratic Party base stayed home. The forces that drove that are for other posts -- this post focuses on the fact of the rural vote massively for Trump, the metro vote having been off for Clinton.


It's plain and simple. Ma and Pa Kettle are the United States for the next four years. Their learning curve is a right angle, not a curve. 

Edited by Publicus
Mild revision.
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Pointless exercise as they will not change the result nor stop Trump taking office.


Maybe if some of them who had not bothered to vote had done so things would have been different. 


Four state were close Florida, Mitchigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, all were less than 1.5% of being a Demarcate win with 75 Electoral Collage votes.

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27 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


The riots over losing an election make that statement very suspect. 


The far out right only vilify and scorn Democratic party voters as consciously and willfully destructive of the country. You' don't know Trump the Birther in Chief because a staff person of the Clinton campaign in 2008 raised a question about OB and located a photograph.


Some one and I'm it has to point out Democrats are normal and average middle class Americans who work hard for a living, get an education, are responsible citizens, neighbors, enjoy their work, look forward to holidays, make festive barbeques, coach community sports leagues, go to church and the like.


All we ever get from the Right Sector here are that Democrats are evil and willful people destroying America. It is long past time to challenge and refute the slanderers and the liars of the Right Sector. 


Street demonstrations almost always attract violent types but the violent types do not define the demonstrations.  It's a distinction with a difference. Thank you for the opportunity to write this post. 

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13 minutes ago, Basil B said:

Pointless exercise as they will not change the result nor stop Trump taking office.


Maybe if some of them who had not bothered to vote had done so things would have been different. 


Four state were close Florida, Mitchigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, all were less than 1.5% of being a Demarcate win with 75 Electoral Collage votes.

Of course it doesn't change the election. The point is a huge segment of the American population will never accept the trump presidency as normal. The resistance has already started and hopefully it will be non-violent. You might be one of those non-Americans that doesn't realize the uniqueness of this election. This is a new and horrible thing Americans are going to have to work through somehow, like the Civil  War, WW2, and 911. 

We as a deeply divided people now don't really know how to do that exactly because it's all so unprecedented. Certainly trump is 100 percent incapable of unifying us. I have no idea where this is going but I know for sure the election was wildly abnormal, and so the aftermath will be as well. 

Edited by Jingthing
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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Who gives a pad thai if  trumps votes came from rural america....


their enthusiasm, combined with urban apathy for crooked hillary, pushed trump over the line. 


Are we saying that urban folk are superior to rural folk?


discrimination at its ugliest. 




Pulp fiction.

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9 minutes ago, Publicus said:


The far out right only vilify and scorn Democratic party voters as consciously and willfully destructive of the country.


Pretty much everything the lefties have posted here for months has been  proven to be absolute nonsense by the results of the election. Is anyone still paying attention to it?

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13 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Do you actually support the violence taking place? The assaults on Trump voters?






That's a 'have you stopped beating your wife' post. It is a leading question and a loaded post.


It comes from the place that Democrats are really, really bad and wicked people.


So it's a 'return to sender' reply.

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Okay, if the protests are peacefull and organised with the police, fine.
But if they block traffic, well, I really do think the demonstrators should be removed.

And burning the American flag should be illegal, they must be punished if they do this.


Edited by tonbridgebrit
missed the word flag
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