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From New York to LA, protests erupt against Trump’s win


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4 hours ago, jaggiss said:

The people have spoken.
Respect their vote.
Stop spitting the dummy.
Get on with it.


Funny, but it seems to me that protests are a crucial part of democracy in action.  After all, the US was essentially founded on protests.  Protests ended the war in Vietnam even though a megalomaniac, Nixon, continued the campaign for years until it was abandoned.  But, we all know Trump has no respect for democracy or the Constitution.  After all, he was the one who, in the final days of the campaign, said let's not hold the election because the election would be rigged.  Moreover, Trump didn't win the popular vote, but lost it by about a 1/2 million votes.  He will be elected when the electoral college votes on 19 December, but the people did speak, and the majority did not elect him.

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29 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

Gee seems we have to bring out the drawing board and draw pictures for some people here.

 Symbolic wall, could quite well be trade pressure,immigration pressure,illegal immigrant pressure,It could mean many things.

 The Mexican,s would pay symbolically through loss of trade and exports,Access to America as immigrants. Deportationas illegal immigrants. 

  Are you starting to grasp it now.

I think you're just grasping at pussy. Don't make up stuff for a liar. I heard what he said.

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Just accept it.  This was democracy in action.  He was chosen by the people and these protests and acts of violence only support what has happened.  I posted here long ago that trump would win the nomination and the presidency.  Why?  Precisely because of this type of person thinking they know what is best for everyone else.  You are only accepted by them if you agree.  And I am not even getting into George Soros and his meddling.  Read wilikleaks everyone it may be an awakening for you.  Unless of course you are buying it is a hidden Russian project and Assange is actually a Japanese robot.

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Do you care to take any bets whether the wall/fence will be constructed or not? Also you can also bet whether Mexico will pay for it one way or another or not? IMHO, it will take a while but it will happen.

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44 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

We should be vigilant no matter who is president, but with Trump, we REALLY should be vigilant.


He has to rein in his more extreme supporters, but there's an equal danger in knee-jerk over-reaction too - those protesters who are taking sides on racial grounds are undermining their own case.


Everyone should calm down. Trump's not racist. He's against the scumbags who entered illegally and new muslim immigrants with incompatible un-American values who proven themselves to be a security risk the world over. Sounds reasonable.

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38 minutes ago, JAG said:

Well not really the vast majority of the population was it? Given that Mrs Clinton actually won the popular vote, by a very thin majority but she won it nevertheless. Bit of an anomaly there, perhaps that may be a factor in some of these protests?


California and New York luckily do not get to dictate what the "vast majority" actually is. 

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38 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

Funny, but it seems to me that protests are a crucial part of democracy in action.  After all, the US was essentially founded on protests.  Protests ended the war in Vietnam even though a megalomaniac, Nixon, continued the campaign for years until it was abandoned.  But, we all know Trump has no respect for democracy or the Constitution.  After all, he was the one who, in the final days of the campaign, said let's not hold the election because the election would be rigged.  Moreover, Trump didn't win the popular vote, but lost it by about a 1/2 million votes.  He will be elected when the electoral college votes on 19 December, but the people did speak, and the majority did not elect him.


"But, we all know Trump has no respect for democracy or the Constitution."


Our Democracy and Our Constitution are far and away safer in the hands they are in now, than they could have been with the bootlicking liberal crybabies. 


"He will be elected when the electoral college votes on 19 December, but the people did speak, and the majority did not elect him."


The majority did, in-fact, speak. And the "Popular Vote" in the individual states is what got Trump over 270.


Federalist Democracy in action. 

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8 minutes ago, Strange said:


"But, we all know Trump has no respect for democracy or the Constitution."


Our Democracy and Our Constitution are far and away safer in the hands they are in now, than they could have been with the bootlicking liberal crybabies. 


"He will be elected when the electoral college votes on 19 December, but the people did speak, and the majority did not elect him."


The majority did, in-fact, speak. And the "Popular Vote" in the individual states is what got Trump over 270.


Federalist Democracy in action. 


LOL.  You really think Trump is a defender of the Constitution?  How can he protect something that he doesn’t seem to grasp, and whose underlying philosophy he seems outright hostile to?


I don't dispute Trump's legitimacy as the legal winner of the election.  He won Michigan and Pennsylvania, which are blue-collar solid Democratic-leaning states.   However, his failure to win the popular vote is an additional reason, aside from his abhorrence of the Constitution, which justifies that the voice of protest to be heard. 

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2 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:


LOL.  You really think Trump is a defender of the Constitution?  How can he protect something that he doesn’t seem to grasp, and whose underlying philosophy he seems outright hostile to?


I don't dispute Trump's legitimacy as the legal winner of the election.  He won Michigan and Pennsylvania, which are blue-collar solid Democratic-leaning states.   However, his failure to win the popular vote is an additional reason, aside from his abhorrence of the Constitution, which justifies that the voice of protest to be heard. 


Yes, I think Trump is a better defender of the Constitution than Hillary Clinton would have ever been for legal, law abiding Americans and legal, law abiding Immigrants. Wouldn't want to be a terrorist thats for sure. Or an Illegal Immigrant. 


Liberals, BLM, etc... Can protest as much as their little bleeding hearts desire. The wall just got 10 feet higher for them too. 

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2 hours ago, Thakkar said:


No other presidential candidate in memory has campaigned the way Trump has.

He has encouraged division, exclusion, misogyny and violence. If I have to give you examples, you haven't been paying attention. Just listen to his own words uttered at his rallies.


He has verbally attacked the press and goaded his supporters to attack the press, except when they agree with him.


He has publicly expressed admiration for dictatorial leaders like Saddam, Kim Jong Un and Putin. Clips available online in full context.


He has won the election without the backing of the GOP machine, without the endorsement of any major media or big names from anywhere, so there are no constraints on him to do as he pleases. That is inherently a dangerous situation, especially given his narcissistic, self-aggrandizing tendencies and unwillingness to listen to advice. The campaign showed that he rarely even listen to his own campaign staff.


He has very strong support from the worst sectors f society, including the KKK.


He preys and thrives on resentment and anger. That was the basis of his campaign


All this and more adds up to a dangerous brew in which fascism can rise.

That's why we need to be vigilant. I would be happy to be wrong.


We should be vigilant no matter who is president, but with Trump, we REALLY should be vigilant.



Well said.

Picked up what many who are poo pooing the protestors are failing to see.

Moron Trump right from the start with attacks against women's rights to abortion and attacks on minorities right across the board set a rod for his own back. And Pence with his bible bashing God faring minority bashing is no better. Now the moron wants to play the nice guy and let's all me friends when it suits him. He made what he is now seeing played out. And now grizzling like the moron and soft bitch he is that's it not fair. Jeez give us a break was it fair with all the garbage he was spewing against minority people during the campaign. 

Already campaign policies are being taken down from his website so what he campaigned on was bull crap salesman to play the people's fear and reel them in. He is the biggest joke that America has pulled and a large chunk of the rest of the world who value basic human rights and equality see him for the huckster and liar he is.

As an on the street protester myself against Shinawatra dictator ship and two face Yingluck especially there are rules you follow which certainly do not include violence and damage. Outside of that these young protestors are within their rights and standing up to a lying bigot. But jeez for a so called tuff guy to be crying that's "it's not fair" is showing him up as real soft c0ck...

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Speaking of used car salesmen.

This just in.

A trump campaign rep has stated that the wall is not happening.

It was just a slogan for SALES purposes for the campaign.

Con man. Con man. Con man.

And so it begins even BEFORE he's inaugurated.

The biggest SHAM president of all time.

Can the people take him to court for FALSE ADVERTISING? 


Remember - you know a politician is lying when you see his lips moving - it's not just Trump.

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7 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

If the shoe was on the other foot they'd all be screaming "SEE, WE TOLD YUH SO....DEPLORABLES".....The election was legal, Trump won because people could sense that Clinton was as dodgey as a used car salesman with a bad combover. Time for these pampered college kids to grow up and learn how to behave with dignity in defeat. Painting ALL Trump voters as racist/sexist yadda yadda yadda shows just how closed minded these far left loonies have become to ANY other opinions that dont fit their 'safe space' narratives. 



With Trump as president I would advise you to look for a safe space. He is sure doing a great job of bringing the country together to date. Take a look at the old has beens that he is selecting to be in his cabinet. All old Republican flunkies yesterdays bad news. He cannot fill most of the positions because prior to the election so many turned their back on him and do not want to serve under him. Americans this is your grand opportunity take pen to paper and write him a brief letter saying. 

Dear Mr. Trump (your not president yet)

I have lost my job in the rust belt and am available to serve on your staff in any and all capacities. 

I understand that maybe the job only pays $15 an hour but I need at least $25 an hour the average wage to feed my family

I am desperate so please RSVP as soon as possible. 


George Friendly but you can call me Friendly


P.S. In case there is any doubt I did vote for you which should count for something. 


Edited by elgordo38
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1 hour ago, Strange said:

Liberals, BLM, etc... Can protest as much as their little bleeding hearts desire. The wall just got 10 feet higher for them too. 

You keep on going on about liberals and leftist etc.....the acceptance speech of Trump had very socialist ideas (which the house and congress will never approve of course), so what do you mean exactly? Or are you only supporting his "all Mexicans are rapist, total ban on Muslim entering the US" rhetoric which your so-called liberals indeed dont agree with....

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1 hour ago, DriveByTrucker said:

You keep on going on about liberals and leftist etc.....the acceptance speech of Trump had very socialist ideas (which the house and congress will never approve of course), so what do you mean exactly? Or are you only supporting his "all Mexicans are rapist, total ban on Muslim entering the US" rhetoric which your so-called liberals indeed dont agree with....


I am going on and on about Libs, Leftists, BLM, cause its BS and people are tired of being told what to think and how to feel with all the PC garbage rhetoric over the last 8 years or so. 


Trumps acceptance speech was great and I agree, but of course the Libs and wanna be "Progressives" won't accept anything and this can clearly be seen throughout these "protests" and all over TVF from our own in-house progressives. 


The President, The House, and The Senate are about to be Red, and we got some Supreme Court Justices on the table too. 


We will be getting some change. Brace for it. Find your safe place. 

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Just now, Morch said:


There's no wall. A lot of words, but no wall. You can add another 10 imaginary feet to it now. Have a ball.


Aaaaaand it just got 20 feet higher. 


See how it works? Build a wall or not, the message is clear. 

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6 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:


He meant a symbolic wall. People are naive if they took it literally. Again, Trump is all about changing attitudes and readjusting values, and he's doing that by colourful rhetoric. He knows that it will take an extreme position to change things even slightly. The rules of Conventional politics hardly apply here, this is pure sociology.


Posters not suffering from amnesia will recall Trump discussing price estimates and other figures pertaining to the so-called "symbolic" wall. Are you implying those figures were a con?!

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1 minute ago, Strange said:


I am going on and on about Libs, Leftists, BLM, cause its BS and people are tired of being told what to think and how to feel with all the PC garbage rhetoric over the last 8 years or so. 


Trumps acceptance speech was great and I agree, but of course the Libs and wanna be "Progressives" won't accept anything and this can clearly be seen throughout these "protests" and all over TVF from our own in-house progressives. 


The President, The House, and The Senate are about to be Red, and we got some Supreme Court Justices on the table too. 


We will be getting some change. Brace for it. Find your safe place. 


Find my safe place??? Is that a threat?


It seems indeed that you are merely supporting the "anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim Trump", and not Trumps policies on jobs, healthcare, infrastructure, education, no to trade deals, ect. because these are BS in your view. I understand why you think this because these are socialist policies but let me tell you, the majority of the voters for Trump want THAT change not a  wall or ban on Muslims, they really couldnt care less about that. Unlike what you would want, not all Trump voter are KKK supporters. Now if he doesnt come through with his promises on jobs, healthcare, education, etc. you might see that its going to be this majority of voters who are going to rise up and protest.


The House and Congress will not approve most of Trumps ideas, 1 because it will kill their own position and 2 because a lot of the GOP fully disagree with Trump. So there will not automatically be a WE in US politics.

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4 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:


He has to rein in his more extreme supporters, but there's an equal danger in knee-jerk over-reaction too - those protesters who are taking sides on racial grounds are undermining their own case.


Everyone should calm down. Trump's not racist. He's against the scumbags who entered illegally and new muslim immigrants with incompatible un-American values who proven themselves to be a security risk the world over. Sounds reasonable.



I can't see into Trump's heart. A lot he's said is at least borderline racist. A lot of his supporters are clearly racist. Perhaps he's just pandering to racists or using "the other" as useful scapegoats to rally support among whites, 70% of voters.


I agree that everyone should calm down. But also be vigilant.


You are sugar coating The Donald. Listen to his rally speeches in their entirety. Listen to the cheers he responds to. Listen to the delivery of the standard lines that elicit the loudest cheers. Then tell me in good conscience that he sounded reasonable.



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2 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:

It seems indeed that you are merely supporting the "anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim Trump", and not Trumps policies on jobs, healthcare, infrastructure, education, no to trade deals, ect. because these are BS in your view. I understand why you think this because these are socialist policies but let me tell you, the majority of the voters for Trump want THAT change not a  wall or ban on Muslims, they really couldnt care less about that. Unlike what you would want, not all Trump voter are KKK supporters. Now if he doesnt come through with his promises on jobs, healthcare, education, etc. you might see that its going to be this majority of voters who are going to rise up and protest.


The House and Congress will not approve most of Trumps ideas, 1 because it will kill their own position and 2 because a lot of the GOP fully disagree with Trump. So there will not automatically be a WE in US politics.


Where are you getting this from? I responded to a different poster who provided a link that mentioned the immigrant & muslim thing. Nobody is anti-immigrant so get off your ridiculous throne. People are anti-illegal-immigrant dude get your facts straight. 


Typical nonsense rhetoric your spouting with the KKK included like it has some weight. I want all change. Jobs, healthcare, infrastructure, education the lot. 


I know most of Trumps campaign statements will not come to fruition, but the message is clear where he stands. 


I also take great enjoyment in watching liberal crybabies literally crying over this as well.

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5 hours ago, Thakkar said:


No other presidential candidate in memory has campaigned the way Trump has.

He has encouraged division, exclusion, misogyny and violence. If I have to give you examples, you haven't been paying attention. Just listen to his own words uttered at his rallies.


He has verbally attacked the press and goaded his supporters to attack the press, except when they agree with him.


He has publicly expressed admiration for dictatorial leaders like Saddam, Kim Jong Un and Putin. Clips available online in full context.


He has won the election without the backing of the GOP machine, without the endorsement of any major media or big names from anywhere, so there are no constraints on him to do as he pleases. That is inherently a dangerous situation, especially given his narcissistic, self-aggrandizing tendencies and unwillingness to listen to advice. The campaign showed that he rarely even listen to his own campaign staff.


He has very strong support from the worst sectors f society, including the KKK.


He preys and thrives on resentment and anger. That was the basis of his campaign


All this and more adds up to a dangerous brew in which fascism can rise.

That's why we need to be vigilant. I would be happy to be wrong.


We should be vigilant no matter who is president, but with Trump, we REALLY should be vigilant.




He really is the Democrat's BoogeyMan isn't he? 


"He prays and thrives on resentment & anger"...Lol.


You make him sound like the alien that Arnold had to kil in Predator.


Now that Trump is our next POTUS I wonder if Libs are going to start sleeping with the bedroom lights on. 

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26 minutes ago, Thakkar said:



I can't see into Trump's heart. A lot he's said is at least borderline racist. A lot of his supporters are clearly racist. Perhaps he's just pandering to racists or using "the other" as useful scapegoats to rally support among whites, 70% of voters.


I agree that everyone should calm down. But also be vigilant.


You are sugar coating The Donald. Listen to his rally speeches in their entirety. Listen to the cheers he responds to. Listen to the delivery of the standard lines that elicit the loudest cheers. Then tell me in good conscience that he sounded reasonable.




The Black Panthers supported Obama and their platform was 100% racist and violence. Obama actually marched with them in Selma. (trump did not march with the KKK.)


Obama said he was worried about Trayvon Martin's death because Trayvon was obama's same skin color. 


Why do these things not concern you?


How do you come up with these claims of racism from Trump and the majority of his supporters? What did Trump say that was borderline racist ? 

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6 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Ah, if only obama had been considerate of the same thing...or GWB before him.


But obama and gwb were career politicians and beholden to their party ideology which allowed them to advance to the position.


Trump became president in spite of the Republican Party leaders and he is not beholden to any corporate sponsored political party...or its leadership.


I don't recall Trump making disparaging remarks about liberal democrats but I do remember hillary expressing her hatred towards that very large segment of America she considers deplorable. 


Could President-elect Trump show any greater animosity towards Americans than hillary?


"Possibly you haven't read any of his tweets following the election of Obama, quite aside from his repeated claims that Obama wasn't really an American and the Pakistani-American soldier who died meant nothing and the Mexican-American judge was not to be trusted. etc.




We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!

Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.

This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!

Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble...like never before.

The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.

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3 minutes ago, Strange said:

 I want all change. Jobs, healthcare, infrastructure, education the lot.


Trumps policies on the above are all socialist policies....if you want the changes that he proposed on the above  matters that makes you a lefty too mate!

If you think that the left blindly supported Clinton you really have no clue. A large group of the Bernie supporters (I think we can agree these are left) voted for Trump in the end. Especially because of the above reasons, fueled by the fact that these "Other 99%" are sick and tired of making ends meet: out of a job, house foreclosed, cannot pay the appendix operations of their kid (while big pharma companies make billions profit), and in the meantime banks are bailed-out, billions are pumped into the war machine, etc. etc. This is what liberals, and the left are concerned about, always have and always will!

And yes, the liberals and the left don't agree with a presidential candidate "who randomly grabs woman" or who want a total ban on all Muslims entering the US or says that all Mexicans are rapists murderers and thieves. Thats not because they want to be PC but because its complete and utter BS!

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42 minutes ago, Morch said:


Posters not suffering from amnesia will recall Trump discussing price estimates and other figures pertaining to the so-called "symbolic" wall. Are you implying those figures were a con?!


He may actually believe in it himself,  but I reckon he was just making a spectacular point because he surely knows it won't happen as proposed. He knows that decisions like this are not just down to one man - even the POTUS. He knows the environmentalists will be up in arms for one thing - and he can then always throw up his hands and say that he tried to honour his policies, but couldn't.


Arch and disingenuous, possibly, but I doubt there was anything cerebral in his campaign at all - he's not a man to let intellect interfere with gut feeling. I'm thinking that it's not so much a case of him duping the people, but of the people pushing him forward because it's what they want to hear. He is a symptom of social discontent, not the cause.


I think the man is an idiot, but it will probably take an idiot to readjust values, and that had become necessary.

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15 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

^^^^My question was when did Trump show division or disgust towards his fellow Americans like Hillary clearly did with her "basket of deplorables" quip ? 


You have only provided tweets that show Trump did not like Obama. 




Yes and you responded to my post with things that had nothing to do with what I posted. I didn't realize that I had to follow your agenda any more than you had to reply specifically to anything I said.


Both Hillary and Trump said some stupid things. You selected one thing she said during campaigning and I gave you a selection of thing he said following Obama's election as he was trying to stir up protests. Let's not turn into teenage girls and get all time-of-the-month over things one or the other said. Some politicians are well known for saying stupid things and I'm pretty sure DT is miles ahead in that department.


The topic of the thread relates to post-election protests. DT's tweets show how he reacted when Obama won.

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