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Snowden not worried about extradition to US after Trump victory - paper


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Snowden not worried about extradition to US after Trump victory - paper

"If I was worried about safety, if the security and the future of myself was all that I cared about, I would still be in Hawaii," Edward Snowden said


MOSCOW, November 11. /TASS/. Whistleblower Edward Snowden, wanted by the United States for leaking secret information, said he was not afraid that Russia may turn him over in a bid to improve strained relations with Washington, Guardian reported Friday.


The former NSA contractor, who revealed massive National Security Agency surveillance in 2013, said in a videochat Thursday that it would be "crazy to dismiss" an extradition deal between the leaders of Russia and the United States.


"If I was worried about safety, if the security and the future of myself was all that I cared about, I would still be in Hawaii," he said.

Full story: http://tass.com/world/911670


-- TASS Russian News Agency 2016-11-11

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20 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

He ought to be worried.  He's just a pawn.  Given up in a heartbeat to cut a deal.


And unfortunately, despite the global outcry at what he revealed, the world is still moving in the direction of mass surveillance


"A year after it was first proposed, and with the government mired in a Brexit fuelled crisis, the UK’s new mass surveillance regime last week passed its third reading in the House of Lords and is soon to become law."

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18 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

How ironic.  Assange will get a pardon and kiss from Trump, but Snowden, a proper whistle-blower for the violation of Constitutional oaths by the CIA, will continue to be hounded.

Snowden is classified as a traitor.  Huge difference.

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39 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Snowden is classified as a traitor.  Huge difference.

No, the real traitors head the alphabet agencies, the IRS, NSA, CIA, FBI and DHS.  They, and their civil service minions, have continually and repeatedly violated the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land.  Snowden merely exposed a small part of the conspiracy, which has also implicated Congress in a cover-up.  Until America roots out and prosecutes its civil service ranks, it remains a dangerous and unsafe place to live.

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14 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

No, the real traitors head the alphabet agencies, the IRS, NSA, CIA, FBI and DHS.  They, and their civil service minions, have continually and repeatedly violated the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land.  Snowden merely exposed a small part of the conspiracy, which has also implicated Congress in a cover-up.  Until America roots out and prosecutes its civil service ranks, it remains a dangerous and unsafe place to live.

Maybe.  I understand your issue.  But doesn't change the fact Snowden is a traitor, as defined by US law. 


The US dangerous and unsafe place to live?  Perhaps in S. Central LA.  I've never had problems there.  Not one.

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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Maybe.  I understand your issue.  But doesn't change the fact Snowden is a traitor, as defined by US law. 


The US dangerous and unsafe place to live?  Perhaps in S. Central LA.  I've never had problems there.  Not one.

My understanding of S. Central LA is that even the NSA/CIA/FBI/ATF/DOJ/AT&T don't want to mass survail there.

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5 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

How ironic.  Assange will get a pardon and kiss from Trump, but Snowden, a proper whistle-blower for the violation of Constitutional oaths by the CIA, will continue to be hounded.

So he should he's the lowest of the low - a traitor to his country. He should suffer the maximum penalty.


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5 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

How ironic.  Assange will get a pardon and kiss from Trump,

No he won't ! He may have helped Trump , but that was not his intention . The clintons had so vastly much more dirty laundry that needed to be aired . And the threat to "drone " Assange was not helpful. As soon as damaging Trump documents leak to wikileaks , Assange is going to publish them too , Trump knows that , so no break for Assange.

Trump is also very in tune with the NSA , that's why you didn't hear of them during the election campagne.  It was a win/win for them . Both candidates are for spying , military spending and drones.

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8 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


And unfortunately, despite the global outcry at what he revealed, the world is still moving in the direction of mass surveillance


"A year after it was first proposed, and with the government mired in a Brexit fuelled crisis, the UK’s new mass surveillance regime last week passed its third reading in the House of Lords and is soon to become law."


Not exactly a new development, just a continuation of an ongoing process. I think it comes with the territory of communication related advances, and larger societies. Wonder if Chinese or Russians feel we're whingers when this comes up.

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2 hours ago, FlorC said:

No he won't ! He may have helped Trump , but that was not his intention . The clintons had so vastly much more dirty laundry that needed to be aired . And the threat to "drone " Assange was not helpful. As soon as damaging Trump documents leak to wikileaks , Assange is going to publish them too , Trump knows that , so no break for Assange.

Trump is also very in tune with the NSA , that's why you didn't hear of them during the election campagne.  It was a win/win for them . Both candidates are for spying , military spending and drones.


Did Assange say anything to this effect, or is this a personal opinion?

There is no conceivable reason for Wikileaks not "covering" Trump, the GOP, or for that matter, Putin.


And far as I recall, Trump actually encouraged the release of more emails and documents, and did encourage a foreign power to hack and reveal information about his domestic rivals. Not sure that the NSA is exactly on board with this approach.

Edited by Morch
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      Trump likes Snowdon and Assange when they do things which benefit Trump.  Yet like can turn to hate/vindictiveness in a NY minute, if anyone does things Trump doesn't like.  Beware:  For Trump, people are friends if they're useful to getting Trump more power, fame and money.   If they don't or if they switch allegiance, Trump can hate them in a jiffy, and call for them to be jailed. 


        Oh, and it helps to say good things about Trump.  A direct quote for the Divider: "Putin says good things about me, so I'll say good things about him."   ......sounds like a bratty 8 yr old kid, but hey, that's who Americans voted for.  Darn, I'm gonna miss Obama.  He's a gentleman, articulate, smart, thoughtful, funny, trustworthy, sage, knowledgeable,  ......all the things Trump fails at.

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42 minutes ago, Morch said:


Did Assange say anything to this effect, or is this a personal opinion?

There is no conceivable reason for Wikileaks not "covering" Trump, the GOP, or for that matter, Putin.


And far as I recall, Trump actually encouraged the release of more emails and documents, and did encourage a foreign power to hack and reveal information about his domestic rivals. Not sure that the NSA is exactly on board with this approach.

No this is not my opinion . Assange said so in different interviews . He is not a Trump supporter but his hate (or despise) for the clintons was a good motivater for the relentless email leaks. Look at his last RT interview.  (Oops , we're not supposed to mention RT ).


"There is no conceivable reason for wikileaks not covering Trump"

Well that was my point , so Assange is not getting a break from DT . And since Trump "loves" the NSA ( or it's use of them) , Snowdon should be a little worried.

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9 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

How ironic.  Assange will get a pardon and kiss from Trump, but Snowden, a proper whistle-blower for the violation of Constitutional oaths by the CIA, will continue to be hounded.

Do you have a link to your source for thinking that? His revelations embarrassed Obama, who hates whistleblowers more than bankers who commit fraud. Seriously, with Obama gone, Snowden is safe. Trump has no reason to want him back. His revelations embarrassed people who were doing illegal things, but did not embarrass any of Trump's allies. 

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9 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

No, the real traitors head the alphabet agencies, the IRS, NSA, CIA, FBI and DHS.  They, and their civil service minions, have continually and repeatedly violated the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land.  Snowden merely exposed a small part of the conspiracy, which has also implicated Congress in a cover-up.  Until America roots out and prosecutes its civil service ranks, it remains a dangerous and unsafe place to live.

You left out UFO.

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

The former NSA contractor, who revealed massive National Security Agency surveillance in 2013, said in a videochat Thursday that it would be "crazy to dismiss" an extradition deal between the leaders of Russia and the United States.


The US and the Russian Federation don't have an extradition agreement: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_extradition_treaties


That's not to say that a way couldn't be found to do a secret deal, but the only one Putin would be interested in at the moment is for the US to look the other way if Russia decides to invade the Baltic states.

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10 hours ago, Acharn said:

Do you have a link to your source for thinking that? His revelations embarrassed Obama, who hates whistleblowers more than bankers who commit fraud. Seriously, with Obama gone, Snowden is safe. Trump has no reason to want him back. His revelations embarrassed people who were doing illegal things, but did not embarrass any of Trump's allies. 

A talking head on CNN speculated Putin helped release the wiki leak info, perhaps even obtained it themselves, and has dirt on Trump via his business deals in Russia.  He's happy Clinton is gone and now knows about Trumps skeletons in the closet.  Just speculation....

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A talking head on CNN speculated Putin helped release the wiki leak info, perhaps even obtained it themselves, and has dirt on Trump via his business deals in Russia.  He's happy Clinton is gone and now knows about Trumps skeletons in the closet.  Just speculation....

If you have an afternoon free, there is a massive amount of (speculative) information about Wikileaks and the Kremlin on reddit:

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13 hours ago, FlorC said:

No this is not my opinion . Assange said so in different interviews . He is not a Trump supporter but his hate (or despise) for the clintons was a good motivater for the relentless email leaks. Look at his last RT interview.  (Oops , we're not supposed to mention RT ).


"There is no conceivable reason for wikileaks not covering Trump"

Well that was my point , so Assange is not getting a break from DT . And since Trump "loves" the NSA ( or it's use of them) , Snowdon should be a little worried.


And if Assange said so, it must be true. Right? Don't know that "we are not supposed to mention RT", only that it's not regarded as the most trustworthy source, to put it mildly. I will say that the choice of venue is a bit ironic, in this instance.


Still not sure what your "point" is. Wikileaks (Assange) does not "cover" Trump, Russia or Putin. It does "cover" a whole lot of Western bodies, persons and countries - especially those less accommodating to Russian interests (with reference to the US presidential elections, that was HRC). It is not conceivable that there is no similar information relating to Trump, the Gop, Russia or Putin. It is also not conceivable that these persons, organizations and countries are all saintly and righteous. It all makes Wikileaks to be less of an objective, non-partisan, pro-truth setup than some present.


Snowden broke US law, and his situation is not different now compared to before. Can't see any US president giving him a free pass without any legal proceedings.



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13 hours ago, Acharn said:

Do you have a link to your source for thinking that? His revelations embarrassed Obama, who hates whistleblowers more than bankers who commit fraud. Seriously, with Obama gone, Snowden is safe. Trump has no reason to want him back. His revelations embarrassed people who were doing illegal things, but did not embarrass any of Trump's allies. 


Snowden will never be completely "safe". His fate and future are in the hands of Putin. If he ceases to be a useful pawn, he could be either dumped or traded. How strongly a specific US president feels about it, could bear some weight, but doubt it's fundamental to the issue. Two comments about "did not embarrass any of Trump's allies": First, I wouldn't be too sure on that score (a lot of people were involved), and Second, Snowden's case is perhaps less a partisan issue (re betraying one's country). The vocal pro-Snowden cries are from relative extremes of both political sides. 

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11 hours ago, Xircal said:


The US and the Russian Federation don't have an extradition agreement: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_extradition_treaties


That's not to say that a way couldn't be found to do a secret deal, but the only one Putin would be interested in at the moment is for the US to look the other way if Russia decides to invade the Baltic states.


Ad hoc arrangements can always be made, as is the case when no treaty exists. Depends on goodwill and cooperation, which granted, are in short supply on this one. Further, there's always a chance for trade of such operatives and traitors.

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29 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Snowdon  knows too much and has outlives his usefulness. He will be disposed of. Accidents happen. Snowdon should be very worried for his  personal safety.

Assange is  toast. Trump won't want to be blackmailed so Assange will have an accident too.



How has Snowden outlived his usefulness? Seems handy to keep him around, have him tweet or "release" something as suits. There will be no need for any "accidents". His access to the World is at Putin's discretion.


Assange is even more of an asset than Snowden. Doubt anything will happen to him the way you alleged. Not anytime soon, anyhow. No one will take out Assange because "Trump won't want to be blackmailed". And even if Assange was out of the picture, it wouldn't mean Wikileaks will go away.



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On 11/11/2016 at 9:48 PM, Acharn said:

Do you have a link to your source for thinking that? His revelations embarrassed Obama, who hates whistleblowers more than bankers who commit fraud. Seriously, with Obama gone, Snowden is safe. Trump has no reason to want him back. His revelations embarrassed people who were doing illegal things, but did not embarrass any of Trump's allies. 


You obviously need a history lesson.  Trump advocated executing Snowden.  Donald Trump has repeatedly called for the execution of National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden

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