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I have had a cold for almost a month now. My nose and left ear are blocked. I am now on week two of antibiotics and other cold remedies prescribed from Phayathai hospital.

No improvement to date and it's driving me up the wall. Has anyone else had this before and how long does it usually take for the ear to unblock itself?? :o


If you put an earbud in your ear (for cleaning), does it smell funny ? This might mean you have an infection in your ear. But i'm no doc.

I have had a cold for almost a month now. My nose and left ear are blocked. I am now on week two of antibiotics and other cold remedies prescribed from Phayathai hospital.

No improvement to date and it's driving me up the wall. Has anyone else had this before and how long does it usually take for the ear to unblock itself?? :o

Go to a different doctor. If no improvement in two weeks there is a problem. I went to Bumrumgrad for a sinus infection and was very pleased. I don't know what the cost was but it wasn't that bad. They sent me directly to a specialist who took x-rays, explained the x-rays and what they showed was happening, precribed three medications and what each would do. I had a follow up after 10 days and was almost completely cleared up, got another weeks medication and I was done.

This is how he explained things to me, maybe it will help you. My x-ray showed the sinus cavities on one side of my face were completely filled with fluid and the other side was about 70% filled. The infection caused swelling which blocked the passages from allowing the fluid to drain. He gave me an antibiotic to control the infection, another pill (antihistimine I think) to help constrict the swollen tissue blocking the passages so fluid could drain, and also a nasal spray that helped promote drainage.

I would bet you have the same problem I did. If you are just getting antibiotics you are just stopping the infection but that wont clear up the fluid in your sinuses and the infection will probably come back if you don't.

If you put an earbud in your ear (for cleaning), does it smell funny ? This might mean you have an infection in your ear. But i'm no doc.

I don't think what jingjingna described has to do with anything physically blocking his/her left ear. It is some type of effect of the cold. I know how it feels having a blocked ear.

JJ, 1 month is a long time to still have a cold, I think. All these doctors in Thailand would only prescribe you tonnes of medications as they get a fat commission for more the quantity sold. I always try to avoid medications as much as possible. If the doctor cannot suggest any other alternative, change doctors and ask a new one.

I'm no expert but there are certain fruits (banana :o ?) and food items (yogurt :D ? etc) which only further aggravate your cold, which you might be taking unintentionally. Probably, others with more knowledge/information would post here.


Looks like I will have to get a second opinion. I agree that it is sinus related but after two different sets of antibiotics and tonnes of other tablets to go with it, I am still none the better.

I am in Chonburi. I have tried both Phyathai and Samitivej. To be honest I am not confident in either of these private hospitals. Most of the time, the doctors purely 'guess' what might be wrong with you as opposed to conducting a thorough investigation in the first place!

Anyway, thanks to those who responded....and I definately do not have an ear infection, as for sticking a bud in my ear and smelling it .. :o


Doctorate of Audiology here, responding to the OP.

An Audiologist, by the way, specializes in auditory diagnostic studies.

OK, now that is out of the way.

First thing is, you need to have a thorough hearing evaluation. Air conduction, bone conduction, Weber, and tympanometry. This will tell you for sure if you have a hearing loss due to a middle ear disorder, which is rather common for people that have had sinus issues.

What is going on in the above case is that your Eustachian tube has become blocked off due to swelling within the throat/neck area. The purpose of the Eustachian tube is to equalize pressure within the middle ear cavity. When the Eustachian tube becomes blocked it can no longer perform its function.

(google: otitis media)

Most physicians recommend an antihistamine in this case coupled with an antibiotic.

Now the important thing is to rule out a sudden onset sensory neural hearing loss. (SSNHL) This is a hearing loss within the cochlea/inner ear. It is not something you want to let go untreated. If it is a SSNHL and you do not have it treated, chances of recovery are very slim. Truthfully immediate treatment after onset is best.

Thailand currently has one doctorate level audiologist in the country.... that would be me.

PM me if you would like my recommendations on which ENT's to see, or if you want a hearing evaluation done by me.

(I live in BKK)


Tim207's answer sounds exactly the same as my own experience. For many years I have suffered from deafness after geeting a bout of cold. Then last year I had several colds one after the other, and I began to worry that my immune system was very weak. I went to see the ENT specialist at BNH in Convent and was relieved to know that my immune system is fine, and that I sinusitis, (as described by Tim207). I was given some antibiotics, (and I too hate taking these things), but it has cleared up the problem, and I have had no recurrence.

Regarding deafness, this used to take about 6 weeks to clear and I found inhaling eucalyptus oil in hot water helped clear the sinuses.

Very frustrating, I agree, and you have my sympathies. But if you're in Bangkok, try BNH's ENT department.



You're scaring me now!...I am in Chonburi, if you know of any ENT specialists in this area, please advise asap. Are you private or hospital based? I am due to be travel to China on Xmas Eve and would prefer not to travel with this in tow!

Samtam, I am kind of leaning towards your explanation ..but SIX weeks seems a rather long time. I am on day 12 of deafness and I can't imgagine being like this for another month or so!


You're scaring me now!...I am in Chonburi, if you know of any ENT specialists in this area, please advise asap. Are you private or hospital based? I am due to be travel to China on Xmas Eve and would prefer not to travel with this in tow!

Samtam, I am kind of leaning towards your explanation ..but SIX weeks seems a rather long time. I am on day 12 of deafness and I can't imgagine being like this for another month or so!

I traveled all the way from Chantaburi for my visits to Bumramgrad so Chonburi to bkk seems very reasonable to me. If you are flying for xmas go to the doctor NOW. If the swelling is obstucting pressure equalization your flight will be very uncomfortable if not painful.

I think it was less than 2 hours from walking in the door the first time with no appointment to being on my way out with medication. You can easily be home for dinner if you leave in the morning.

I have had a cold for almost a month now. My nose and left ear are blocked. I am now on week two of antibiotics and other cold remedies prescribed from Phayathai hospital.

No improvement to date and it's driving me up the wall. Has anyone else had this before and how long does it usually take for the ear to unblock itself?? :o

It's an edema. It can take up to 3 weeks for the ear to unblock itself. If there's no improvement after that you might need some (light) surgery.


I too am on my 3rd week of a bad cold or flu (now much better). Am on my 2nd round of Zithromax, this is the only drug that worked for me in America (this is my first time being this sick since being in Thailand for 11 months). Had a bad cough and that has almost cleared, now pain in my ear (I think from swollen sinus). I have had chronic sinusitis for several years and this can cause pain in the ears, face, throat and fatigue etc. See chronic sinusitis from web MD:


you also might want to read this from the Zithromax site too, The Zithromax TRI-PAK (500 mg qd for 3 days) is indicated for the treatment of acute bacterial sinusitis due to Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, or Streptococcus pneumoniae:


I also might take Tim207's advice myself:

Go to Bumrumgrad and see a specialist...

Keep us posted, Rainmon...


I get ear infections (swimming ear) every bloody year in cold season (november/december).

Just finished 2 weeks of Amoxycillin, it cured the ears but I still have bad cough. Went back to the doc specialist a few days ago and I'm now on a 7 day cure with "Klacid MR" (Once a day antibiotic pill). Hope that will work finally.


One other possibility when you have a bad cold combined with a bad cough for an extended time is Community-acquired pneumonia. I think this is what got me, after spending many hours in a confined Internet cafe with half the people here coughing and sneezing, plus the germ infested keyboards and mice:


I understand Levofloxacin brand name Levaquin is one of the best antibiotics for this:


hope this helps...


The doctor is in the house again:

Just so you know, both zithromax and leviquin are ototoxic.

(add the www) .fqresearch.org/special_16.htm

So folks, be careful.


Just an update to let you know. Apparently the blocked nose and consequently blocked ear was caused by an allergic reaction, most likely the change in weather.

Anyway, saw Dr Vathit Sakdisubha and he prescribed some other allergy tabs and advised to come off the antiobiotics as I had been on them for two weeks previously.

Two days into my new meds and it seems to be working. My hearing has returned. I wouldn't say it is quite a 100% yet but atleast I am heading in the right direction.

Thanks to all you for your help and input!

  • 3 weeks later...

i get this problem from time to time, usually during/after a cold. the blocked ear is usually a closed eustatian tube (spelling?). the only thing that helps me is something that drys up the sinuses. antibiotics have never helped, nor has much else. i find the best thing to do is wait for it to go away. it has taken as long as a month for it to go away completely.. usually it's totally blocked for one or two or three days. breathing in a mist, like aromatherapy, of something strong with menthol, eucaplitis, etc, might help. for me, most medicine seems to do nothing. i read an article not long ago that some researcher found out that antibiotics have ZERO effect on bronchitis/bronchial infections, and I believe that is my experience too.

since it's probably a closed eustatian tube, or a tube that has some fluid in it, you might try sleeping with your head tiled the opposite side of what you usually sleep on. it might, just might, drain the fluid in your inner ear out the other way, and help clear it up.


Sounds like OP is gettying better but for benefit of others who may encounter same problem (or OP if it happensd again)..

Blockage due to swelling of the eustachian tube will usually respond to the following:

1) a good antihistamine (try zyrtec or similar)

2) while waiting for the above to kick in, if it's really driving you crazy get some decongestant nose drops. lie down with your head hanging way back, put in the nose drops and tilt your head further back. the idea is to have the drops come into contact with the entrance to the Eustachisan tube, which won't happen unless you get it far back. You may feel some stinging as it comes into contact with the inflamed area. This will usually give immediate but temporary relief.

Step 2 can be repeated a few times a day but only for a couple of days, by then should no longer be necessary. Prolonged use will irritate the tissues.

BTW, a cold by definition will resolve within 2 weeks max, if it does not, allergy or sinus infection is likely. To simplify matters, try an antihistamine; if no relief, better see an ENT specialist.

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