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SURVEY: Did the US elect the right person as President?


SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?  

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8 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

Thanks, bu I don't really care who it's by, the contents show that Clinton is highly corrupt and used her position to gain financially, which is illegal an immoral. 


The director of the creating company is a campaigner for Trump and you still just automatically believe all that they say?  Really?

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Just now, Shawn0000 said:


The director of the creating company is a campaigner for Trump and you still just automatically believe all that they say?  Really?

Did you watch the VDO?


If so, tell me which bits are not fact. If not, please watch it, then comment.

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1 minute ago, Johnniey said:

Did you watch the VDO?


If so, tell me which bits are not fact. If not, please watch it, then comment.


I avoid watching political propaganda thinly disguised as documentaries as even if I keep in mind that the makers are clearly biased I could still subconsciously take in their propaganda and find myself blindly repeating what they said as if it were fact, I would rather get information on Hillary from outside of the Trump campaign.

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2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Trump states he was against the Iraq war. Why would you want Bolton as Secretary of State?

Because everyone else turned their back on Trump during the election campaign. When you want to undo NAFTA why not get the perpetrator who sat in on negotiations. Neo-Con right on. He has lots of company in the Neo-Con territory being considered for glory you know the men that failed to "Make America Great Again" in the past. Quite a rogues gallery. Everyone of them wants another chance at the political trough its a Washington disease. As a matter of disclosure John Bolton is a Fox News contributor. I am sure he has made many trips to the cashiers cage there to collect his viewpoint stipend. 

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It seems to me that trump supporters are OK with everything he has said,  the racism,  the misogyny, the xenophobia which I guess they must condone. They are OK with it,  a lot of us aren't. It's sad to see and I've really noticed the USA going downhill in these regards. I can't see trump making things better,  they are going to get a lot worse so stay tuned for a big surge in hate crimes.  Thailand has a lot of older white middle class men that are racist (surrounded by a foreign culture they don't get) are misogynistic (leery comments about Thai women and angry at women in general because of divorces) and generally have nothing better to do (retired) than sit around all day and complain. 

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Just now, Bung said:

It seems to me that trump supporters are OK with everything he has said,  the racism,  the misogyny, the xenophobia which I guess they must condone. They are OK with it,  a lot of us aren't. It's sad to see and I've really noticed the USA going downhill in these regards. I can't see trump making things better,  they are going to get a lot worse so stay tuned for a big surge in hate crimes.  Thailand has a lot of older white middle class men that are racist (surrounded by a foreign culture they don't get) are misogynistic (leery comments about Thai women and angry at women in general because of divorces) and generally have nothing better to do (retired) than sit around all day and complain. 

If you read the poll results a lot of retired guys here voted for him. I think your in a minority but kudo's for speaking up. I think you will find the Republican's lurk here ready to hurl SB at the first sign of disagreement. Its the Republican modus operendi keeping talking till the other side is silent keep talking over top of people that want to voice their opinion drown them in BS.

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23 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


I avoid watching political propaganda thinly disguised as documentaries as even if I keep in mind that the makers are clearly biased I could still subconsciously take in their propaganda and find myself blindly repeating what they said as if it were fact, I would rather get information on Hillary from outside of the Trump campaign.

That is why you have a brain. It helps you to work out (when you have watched and heard something) whether the contents, on balance, allow you to arrive at a conclusion that you are satisfied is fair and just or not

Edited by ChrisKC
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20 hours ago, Gary A said:

If Hillary would have been elected and something happened, how would you feel having Kaine as president?

A hell of a lot getter than the narrow minded Pence.


BTW- the new (and correct)  name for Fox News is   FAUX News!

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And you think that Trump was just being mean when he called Hillary Crooked Hillary? I think the Clintons were much more corrupt and immoral because of the Clinton Foundation than the emails. Hillary made the statement that they were broke and in debt when they left the Whitehouse. How do you suppose they because so very wealthy. Hopefully this could send them to jail where they belong. 

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Just now, Nasrullah said:

All the mainstream hyped-up media coverage was for Clinton if memory serves me correctly!

You could be onto something. They were so focused on her they let all of the Donalds little and big peccadello's slide casually by. Ah what a wonderful thing the new age of morality. Just like the old wild west. We keep sex scalps today. Maybe the Donald keeps notches oops I doubt that. 

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3 minutes ago, Gary A said:

And you think that Trump was just being mean when he called Hillary Crooked Hillary? I think the Clintons were much more corrupt and immoral because of the Clinton Foundation than the emails. Hillary made the statement that they were broke and in debt when they left the Whitehouse. How do you suppose they because so very wealthy. Hopefully this could send them to jail where they belong. 

Ah yes Hillary and the Donald reminds me of one huge crooked pretzel. 

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The US was spiraling deeper and deeper into corruption and corporate interests, fanned racial conflict and overgrown government. Will it be better with him? Who knows. Would it have been 100 times worse with her? No question.

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18 minutes ago, ChrisKC said:

That is why you have a brain. It helps you to work out (when you have watched and heard something) whether the contents, on balance, allow you to arrive at a conclusion that you are satisfied is fair and just or not

 No one can fabricate that kind of information without facing HUGE lawsuits. Why not even a denial from the Clintons?

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The people who voted Trump are those that believe he will make changes that will benefit them and their families. Trump's economic philosophy is similar to Reagan with lower business taxes and looser regulation that will pump up business and the money will trickle down to the lowest paid.-. In theory- Trump is correct. However, business is much different now then when Reagan was in power.  CEO's are paid huge salaries- much more than they are worth- and they are mostly selfish people who will not share any success with their workers. This is what has caused a huge shift of income to the 1% and why the 99% are getting poorer.


Health care is a good point. Insurance companies and Pharmaceutical companies make huge profits. Why should they?  Healthcare must be considered a human right. One has a right to life and healthcare is what controls a person's life. Without medical care- a person can die. In fact, people in America die regularly from lack of money to obtain healthcare. How can this exist in a country as rich as America?  Quite simple- pure greed by insurance companies; pharama and all those associated with the industry to include politicians. The solution is simple- expand the US Government medicare program to the whole population. This immediately provides universal health coverage; caps costs of  healthcare and takes the insurance industry out of the picture.

The politicians will never let this happen because they get huge benefits from Insurance companies and Big Pharma.  If Donald Trump wants to be the revolutionary President he claims he is- let him replace Obama Care with a single payer system- medicare.

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1 hour ago, Johnniey said:

Thanks, bu I don't really care who it's by, the contents show that Clinton is highly corrupt and used her position to gain financially, which is illegal an immoral. 

Watch and see what Trump does with his biggest money lender Deutsche Bank and their 14 billion penalty. 

Think they'll get out of it?

He's already saying Keystone pipeline is back on the table. Maybe because he has lots of Keystone stock.

Watch the Trump Empire get richer and richer.

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3 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


So we can see that it is true, there really are people who don't know the difference between climate and weather.  I will not argue against your belief in God being the only force capable of changing climate, that is OK, you can believe in what you want, but do go and have a read about weather and climate, the mixing of the two is one of the main ways the rest of the world ridicules Americans, do yourself a favor and take a little of that chance away from them by learning the difference.


Tell me oh wise one, what part of the scam don't you understand?  I don't have to read anything or do myself any favour to know a scam when I see one.  Obviously you are blindsided by all the hype.  So with a couple of exchanges getting off topic, you've had your say, I've had mine therefore, without further ado, I will have to agree to disagree but I know what side I'd prefer to be on.  Have a nice evening.  :wai:

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If Trump wants to something for American Expats- almost 8 Million people living overseas and without any representation- he can immediately order Medicare be provided to all Expats. We have already paid for it and can not get any refund and no coverage. In addition, healthcare provided overseas is quite cheap when compared to what it would cost in America. Go ahead Mr President elect- do something revolutionary- help the common man or woman.

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43 minutes ago, ChrisKC said:

That is why you have a brain. It helps you to work out (when you have watched and heard something) whether the contents, on balance, allow you to arrive at a conclusion that you are satisfied is fair and just or not


When something is told to us through a medium associated with factual presentation which is close to the truth but altered or exaggerated we are often mislead, these political propaganda films, masquerading as documentaries, go to great lengths to appear convincing; they bring on "experts", they show stills of documents and they recount figures, however none of those things do anything to help us ascertain whether or not they are real experts, documents or figures, the clincher for many would be the medium through which it is presented, a medium traditionally used to present facts rather than black propaganda as being presented by the film in question.  I would rather just give it a miss, not that I like Clinton in the slightest, just that I don't want to receive a load of untruths from the Republican party.

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48 minutes ago, Gary A said:

And you think that Trump was just being mean when he called Hillary Crooked Hillary? I think the Clintons were much more corrupt and immoral because of the Clinton Foundation than the emails. Hillary made the statement that they were broke and in debt when they left the Whitehouse. How do you suppose they because so very wealthy. Hopefully this could send them to jail where they belong. 


Was it something about pay for play? God forbid if they were gaoled, could you imagine the lefties on here, no one would ever hear the end of it.:wai:

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1 minute ago, Si Thea01 said:


Tell me oh wise one, what part of the scam don't you understand?  I don't have to read anything or do myself any favour to know a scam when I see one.  Obviously you are blindsided by all the hype.  So with a couple of exchanges getting off topic, you've had your say, I've had mine therefore, without further ado, I will have to agree to disagree but I know what side I'd prefer to be on.  Have a nice evening.  :wai:


First you ask me a question then go on to say we have to agree to disagree, which is it?


Anyway, I said nothing of my views on climate change, I was merely pointing out that you are mixed up between the weather, which is what is rapidly changing, in your own words, by the hour, and the long term trends of atmospheric behavior, which we call climate, they really are quite different things.

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47 minutes ago, Andreas2 said:

Heh heh, even on ThaiVisa Mr. Trump would be President!








Even?  Has there ever been a forum with a more right leaning membership than ThaiVisa?  I am surprised he didn't win on here by more!


And of course the way Trump did not trump Clinton was in the popular vote totals, where Clinton did actually get a lot more votes, about 400,000 more!

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