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moving to chiang mai work ect

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My family and i would like to move to chiang mai for a year we are from New Zealand is there much work there? i.e buying and selling online? thanks for any feed back

My family and i would like to move to chiang mai for a year we are from New Zealand is there much work there? i.e buying and selling online? thanks for any feed back

The first rule of fight club is don't talk about fight club!

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Not really. Years ago, yes. Now the prices of locally produced goods have risen substantially and Europeans, Australians, Canadians, etc. have all experienced severe currency fluctuations and don't spend much money on-line anymore. My wife once had a very successful business selling handicrafts, etc. for many years. She closed her website and sold all her stock (an entire townhouse worth) for 50% as all the customers disappeared. Not the right time in the economic cycle.




Unless you have a specialist agricultural education - there's not much in the way of job prospects in Chiang Mai at all. Though if you're both graduates - you can always get a job teaching English for 3/5ths of nothing each. Thailand isn't a land of opportunity for foreigners today (not sure it ever was). 



1 hour ago, saltnsoul said:

cool thanks for your feedback

Any other work options for hard working kiwis?



yes , work in the rice paddys

its a Sherbet,s high noon to all

2 hours ago, mesquite said:

Man, I'm 4 hours late, but I still get to be first!

"Make sure you have a work permit!"


Yes, anything that can be remotely termed "work" regardless of compensation or not requires the proper immigration and work permit documentation. Yes, you might be able to briefly fly below the radar, but you really don't want to tempt fate and deal with the consequences.


Start a blog / youtube channel about moving to Chiang Mai and sell ebook guides on Amazon, wouldn't need a work permit for that. 


Check out a Facebook group 'Chiang Mai Digital Nomads', over ten thousand people doing some kind of online work there, no issues if it the work doesn't have a physical presence in Thailand / isn't taking jobs from Thais. 


Actually hundreds of guys have been doing dropshipping in Chiang Mai, for years now, they have their own social media discussion groups, online courses etc. Not my cup of tea but maybe worth looking into. 

Actually hundreds of guys have been doing dropshipping in Chiang Mai, for years now, they have their own social media discussion groups, online courses etc. Not my cup of tea but maybe worth looking into. 

Also look into pyramid sales while your at it.
Drop shipping is a bit saturated, so they on-sell the techniques in a pyramid fashion.
If you can spot a niche market / product and can produce your own online marketing, website, shipping etc great you could be a millionaire! Thai baht.

Another online route is affiliate marketing there's even a online market in pre-built websites that are a shop front for the likes of Amazon delivery. Buy the website, user your brilliant website skills to fancy it up fix the problems, increase sales, pocket the hard earn cash, sell the site - repeat.
And or use the time you have to learn web skills if you don't have them

Sent from my mobile, please forgive the autocorrect.

6 hours ago, elektrified said:

Not really. Years ago, yes. Now the prices of locally produced goods have risen substantially and Europeans, Australians, Canadians, etc. have all experienced severe currency fluctuations and don't spend much money on-line anymore. My wife once had a very successful business selling handicrafts, etc. for many years. She closed her website and sold all her stock (an entire townhouse worth) for 50% as all the customers disappeared. Not the right time in the economic cycle.


I reckon the world market has been fully saturated by sequin elephant pictures, buddhas, umbrellas, croaking wooden frogs and weird tribal regalia and other stuff from northern Thailand.


You could buy a bar. Everyone makes fortunes doing that, especially if you give it a name like "The Dogs <deleted>" or "Pussy Palace".


7 hours ago, elektrified said:

Not really. Years ago, yes. Now the prices of locally produced goods have risen substantially and Europeans, Australians, Canadians, etc. have all experienced severe currency fluctuations and don't spend much money on-line anymore. My wife once had a very successful business selling handicrafts, etc. for many years. She closed her website and sold all her stock (an entire townhouse worth) for 50% as all the customers disappeared. Not the right time in the economic cycle.

Your not saying thailand has become more  expensive are you ? .

I have been saying thailand now , has become very expensive because of the things you are saying , but I get told I have no idea what I am saying  by TVF members .

I agree with you 100% , Thailand 6 years ago was very cheap but now it is not the same , the only thing that is still very cheap is going out to eat at a restaurant.

That is why lots of ex pats are moving back home to there country's and let's no get in to the visa rubbish you need to do to stay here that is more of a joke .



You could work as a digital nomad like so many of us.  You just need to find someone that offer a job to work remotely and bring your laptop to Chiang Mai .    It's your only option really unless you want to work as a teacher. 





7 hours ago, 12DrinkMore said:


I reckon the world market has been fully saturated by sequin elephant pictures, buddhas, umbrellas, croaking wooden frogs and weird tribal regalia and other stuff from northern Thailand.

You forgot elephant trousers. There seems to be no end to that.




As mentioned above wityh the DNs....a lot of their schemes ate ponzi related...life coaching, drop shipping, amazon reselling....the money is in teaching how to; not actually doing it.  Unfortunately, it has infected the education sector, also.  The TEFL course providers are doing well...the people teaching for four dollars 

per hour not so much.  Oh, and notice the top blog, where you have to pay for real info..check their calendar for a coaching session...it,s empty...but they sold everything and moved to Thailand for a stress free life..but she taught for a year at 28000 per month..they know a lot about bus service to Vientiane, though.

6 hours ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

As mentioned above wityh the DNs....a lot of their schemes ate ponzi related...life coaching, drop shipping, amazon reselling....the money is in teaching how to; not actually doing it.  Unfortunately, it has infected the education sector, also.  The TEFL course providers are doing well...the people teaching for four dollars 

per hour not so much.  Oh, and notice the top blog, where you have to pay for real info..check their calendar for a coaching session...it,s empty...but they sold everything and moved to Thailand for a stress free life..but she taught for a year at 28000 per month..they know a lot about bus service to Vientiane, though.

Yes, indeed, my idea of a "stress free life"  working like a dog teaching for 28,000 baht/month and riding the bus all the way to Vientiane every few months in hopes of scoring another tourist visa.  Yup, living the life.


Better hope they don't do anything really stupid, like get into a motorscooter accident and end up in hospital unable to pay the bill.  Then they can blog about how Thai medical care really isn't as cheap as it seemed when they went in that one time to get meds for a sore throat and how their Embassy doesn't do a darn thing to help their nationals in need.

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