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Italy threatens to block EU budget talks


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4 hours ago, happy Joe said:


Here is exactly the kind of hateful words that justify the Europeans laughing at the misfortunes of the GB and want the implementation of Brexit as soon as possible.


What is more normal that each country put its problems forward to obtain the best subsidies ?


In the end, the council of nations will decide and everyone will be free to accept or leave. But since the catastrophic UK example, all want to stay.

French will be the next to leave the EU after Penn wins the election there in May, the man in the street in Europe is jealous of the uk for getting out, not laughing at it. You will see as elections are slowly held across Europe, they are as fed up with it as the majority of the British

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2 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Yes this has been forecast and Japan comes next. The US will be the last to fall. Any rate hikes in the future by the Fed will not last long before they are cut yet again to try and sucker people into borrowing cheap money. I was rather amazed that consumer numbers were up but then who makes up the numbers??



well, if everyone falls, they will all land on the same level  right ?

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Please try to stay on the topic of this thread which is about Italy's threat to block the EU budget.   The UK's decision to leave the EU is a factor, but it is not the subject of the thread.  Please keep any discussion relevant to the topic.  

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15 hours ago, jadee said:

The Brits who voted remain (remoaners) need occasional reminders of what the UK would be dealing with if remain had won. However the vote turned out, there would have been economic pain and misery. 

Short term pain for long term gain. Block the chunnel live in peace. 

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21 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

Devaluations are a conscious act of a government.

Your statement is correct but the conscious part hmm. Politicians have no conscience no morals nothing. If it benefits big business its a go. If it hurts UK expats around the world they could care less. Your simply not a player in their game. 

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22 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Truly a bizarre comment since the UK never adopted the Euro.   

Its going to be rough doing business with a doomed currency in the future. Its time some of these take it for granted countries including my own got off their lazy arse and scoured the world for markets. We put all our eggs in one basket and they got smashed. Its time they looked inward to see what they can innovate to sell outward. Geeze guys its not rocket science. Well study that as well lots of demand there rocket science that is. Mars here we come.

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