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should we hang him ?  

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i reckon hes been setup/

he annoyed too many people by ripping them off , then chinese wispers took over , a lot of people denouncing him as a nonce to get their own back .

its happened before in LOS , if you upset too many people they get you by denouncing a person as a pedo .

so the moral is dont upset too many people in LOS.

(you could also end up dead as well)

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i reckon hes been setup/

he annoyed too many people by ripping them off , then chinese wispers took over , a lot of people denouncing him as a nonce to get their own back .

its happened before in LOS , if you upset too many people they get you by denouncing a person as a pedo .

so the moral is dont upset too many people in LOS.

(you could also end up dead as well)

He has not been set up

He has been convicted in Australia...

Wait for the verdict from the jury??? what for?? He has been arrested for harbouring illegal immigrants... whos questioning that?

He has already been through a jury in Australia that have found him guilty of a quite shocking crime and now he has to pay the price. There is no question as to if he is guilty or not. The AFP are taking him home so he can do his time. They just needed a good excuse to arrest him in Thailand... He hasnt been set up at all.

Correct me if i am wrong in any of this but does this not make sense to you? :o

opinions anyone?

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And besides that,Who says these boys are illegal aliens, Maybe they were born in Thailand, To my way of thinking, If you are born in a country,then you are automatically a citizen of that country,specially if your parents were also born in that country, But it doesn't seem to be that way here.

Even my wife says that they are illegals even if they were born here,so figure.

And didn't I T do his time before leaving OZ? I personally do not like him,but I will wait for the results of this thing to settle down before I make my decision. If that is OK with y'all. :o

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if he was convicted in aus. then how come was allowed to leave 7 years ago to come here, after sentencing wouldnt he of been imprisoned or punished straight away? if he got away from aus after being found guilty but before punishment then why did the aus.authorities wait 7 years before going after him?

why exactly do they want him back in aus? are there more charges against him? or are the thais just kicking him out because the illegal alien thing and the stuff about his previous sexual transgressions has been made public just to juice the whole thing up for the benefit of the press and the kudos of the thai police?

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Very good point, Taxexile.

Should'nt we wait the following before condemning him of ....:

- What will be the final charges against IT in Thailand?

- What will be the sentence?

- If he does not serve any time in Thailand and is deported to Australia, will he be charged in Australia and hence sentenced?

I for one will wait before emitting a final opinion on IT's case,...

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The Oz government are serious about busting these child sex crime rings up and will move to break them up by sharing information with overseas governments.

IT may have pissed people off or whatever but is now caught up in the process and is being deported.

He may be charged with sex crimes against children on his return, Australian legislation that came into force in july 1994 allows it follow this link

A succesfull prosecution would require Thai co-operation I guess, so all is revealed sooner or later.

If he is convicted he gets serious time, 17 years.

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Yes true... you all do have valid points however for the AFP to go after him he must be wanted for something decent...

Yes the media has done some pretty good propaganda against him, but what are the facts? What was he charged with in AUS? Why are the AFP after him? Why do the Thai police want him out? Does anyone know what "exactly" he has done and if hes done all his time or whatever? Was he on the run from AUS or was he free to go?

In my opinion... what he has done in Thailand means little compared to what he may have done in AUS. They only want something to justify handing him over to the AFP. Harbouring illegle immigrants deserves a slap on the wrist compared to his past crimes.

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i reckon hes been setup/

he annoyed too many people by ripping them off , then chinese wispers took over , a lot of people denouncing him as a nonce to get their own back .

its happened before in LOS , if you upset too many people they get you by denouncing a person as a pedo .

so the moral is dont upset too many people in LOS.

(you could also end up dead as well)

He has not been set up

He has been convicted in Australia...

Wait for the verdict from the jury??? what for?? He has been arrested for harbouring illegal immigrants... whos questioning that?

He has already been through a jury in Australia that have found him guilty of a quite shocking crime and now he has to pay the price. There is no question as to if he is guilty or not. The AFP are taking him home so he can do his time. They just needed a good excuse to arrest him in Thailand... He hasnt been set up at all.

Correct me if i am wrong in any of this but does this not make sense to you? :o

opinions anyone?

My apologies.... I was wrong about some of the above...

The arrest is another indication of the Australian Federal Police's new focus on encouraging other countries to investigate Australian child sex offenders "potentially" committing crimes overseas.

I get the impression hes done his time already in AUS but the Thai police dont want him recommiting in their country. Its quite possible he may have been set up so the Thai could get him out ASAP. However i have no sympathy for child sex offenders so Good luck to the police getting scum out of their country.

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###### and Jacko can share the same lawyer if we group hug and save the funds to grant him back-2-back visas so he may continue residing in our beloved Kingdom. Will he be deported or blacklisted when found to be not too straight?


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Its quite possible he may have been set up so the Thai could get him out ASAP.

How could he have been setup?

He had undocumented young men living with him, apparently for some time. No matter peoples feelings about the treatment of the hill tribes, the fact is that many of them remain stateless and are not allowed out of the immediate area where they live. To have one (or more) live in your house, away from that area, is a crime, punishable, at the very least, by deportation.


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and to think that i was kicked off this web forum for bad behavior when that sex case was filthing up young boys

i say cut off his tackle then hang the tosser

Im with ya mate, you cant get angry and swear - you get suspended!

You are a convicted child molester and you get an admin job :D

I wish he came to my place of work! :o

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Still there is something unclear about his arrest and his deportation.

If there is not any international warrant from the Australian government and that seems to be the case; as he's just charged for "harboring illegal migrants".....under which reason they should deport him to Australia ?

As I said in another thread, he might chose another destination and that can be Malaisya, Cambodia or else.

I once knew a French guy deported after 2 year overstay and I provide the immigration enought money to buy him a ticket plane to Penang, the destination the guy had chosen.

Why should it be different for IT if there is no international warrant !?

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The link provided by 12Call provides (for the first time), details about what offences David was convicted of in Australia. I presume he served his time on these, and that he did not jump ship to Thailand to escape the Australian police etc.

The article then goes on to say that the AFP tipped off the Thai authorities because the AFP were keen to ensure that overseas authorities investigated Australian citizens who could potentially commit child-sex offences in their country.

If that was indeed the reason why (if?), the AFP tipped off the Thai authorities, then the AFP left it about 6 years too late! I understand that David was looking after this hilltribe boy since the age of 12 years old. Why did the AFP not tip off the Thai authorities years ago? (And there has been no statement/evidence as yet that David has committed any sex offences in Thailand).

Regardless of your own gut feeling about child sex offenders, it seems that David has served his time in Australia. He has not (apparently) committed any similar offences in Thailand. I wonder whether his bad business track-record has more to do with his arrest than his past sex offence history in Australia.

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and to think that i was kicked off this web forum for bad behavior when that sex case was filthing up young boys

i say cut off his tackle then hang the tosser

Im with ya mate, you cant get angry and swear - you get suspended!

You are a convicted child molester and you get an admin job :D

I wish he came to my place of work! :o

Even worse, he also said that he is pretty sure that the gentleman is a switch-hitter. Something about why would a straight guy spend so much time on a Gay forum!

Jing, jing. :D

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Does anyone know of his whereabouts now?

He was arrested on Saturday 24 April it's now the 29 th.

I for one think there is more to this than meets the eye,he made no secret of the young stateless men living with him and his non existant wife "Heather" for a long time.

See his web site for more details re the deportation of one of them and his return.

In my business dealings (one and only thankfully although an expensive one) with this gentleman and the fantasy world he lived in and whom in my opinion could not lie straight in bed.

I think the Thai authorities have done us all a favour by gettting rid of him I fwould like to thank them on behalf of the decent Farangs who live here,good riddance to him.

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even if he hasnt abused kids here, hes done it before, even if hes paid his dues, he has still taken innocence from a poor child, in my mind he should be cut up and burnt!!!

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