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US racist and bigoted hate crimes explode after Trump election victory


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10 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


No one condones this, it just goes to show that there are all types in society.   And have you seen any racism being expressed by any group other than whites.  If you haven't here's a link of African Americans being racists. So not only confined to us whiteys. :wai:




svastika is red flag - it has not to be promoted in any circumstances - even by those white supremacists.   

I do condemn these hate slogans - hate speeches coming from Trump's core advisers - such as Bannon.

Even more when these people detain the powers at the highest levels to promote their propaganda.


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Wow!  You guys are really getting rattled by this. If there is nothing in it then why are you all being so defensive.  I suspect that denial is the best way to deal with the way things are going in the USA.


If a racist, bigoted, homophobic USA is what you wanted then rejoice, it looks like your dream is coming true. 

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34 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


No one condones this, it just goes to show that there are all types in society.   And have you seen any racism being expressed by any group other than whites.  If you haven't here's a link of African Americans being racists. So not only confined to us whiteys. :wai:





We live in Thailand and know that many that Thais are convinced Thais are superior to all other people.


Its a common trait amongst most 'patriotic' nationals....

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13 minutes ago, Opl said:


svastika is red flag - it has not to be promoted in any circumstances - even by those white supremacists.   

I do condemn these hate slogans - hate speeches coming from Trump's core advisers - such as Bannon.

Even more when these people detain the powers at the highest levels to promote their propaganda.



Is your only problem with the swastika.  I've also condemned racism and the way certain people use this motif together with words to denigrate others.  But don't forget how other races preach their own hate speech and direct it at certain groups.  It appears you are only interested in one side of the equation or else you would have acknowledged that some African Americans and other nationalities  are just as guilty of racism as many whites are.  It happens world wide, not only in America.


In so far as the swastika it  comes from the Sanskrit svastika, which means “good fortune” or “well-being." The motif (a hooked cross) appears to have first been used in Neolithic Eurasia and to  this day it is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Odinism.  But given that Hitler selected it and the atrocities performed by him that many only associate with him and not who else uses it in peace and what the actual meaning of it is.:wai:

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1 hour ago, DriveByTrucker said:


Fully agree with your post, though "rubbish" is putting it very mildly.....


Unfortunately your words fall on deaf ears. I have been saying the same thing for a some time now, but I find that most of the Trump supporters here on TV dont care at all for the working class and their struggle to survive. They dont understand (or dont want to) that what attracted the working class to Trump are basically socialist ideals (jobs, affordable healthcare, free education, better infrastructure, anti-globalization, etc.), and not "building the wall" or "complete ban on Muslims entering the county".

Agree to a large extend, but IMO also 'building the wall' and 'ban on muslims' attracted them to Trump.

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We're all ignoring that patriotism/nationalism/patriotism are rampant in our own countries - disguised as racism in the media.


Not that I'm disagreeing that racism is also rampant, hence the face-changing argument that it is 'patriotism'.


The problem is that the ordinary, low or middle salary worker have watched their lives being decimated - whilst the wealthy have continued to increase their salaries.


Trump gave those that had been abandoned by the  political parties a chance to voice their opinion of the status quo.

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15 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Is your only problem with the swastika.  I've also condemned racism and the way certain people use this motif together with words to denigrate others.  But don't forget how other races preach their own hate speech and direct it at certain groups.  It appears you are only interested in one side of the equation or else you would have acknowledged that some African Americans and other nationalities  are just as guilty of racism as many whites are.  It happens world wide, not only in America.


In so far as the swastika it  comes from the Sanskrit svastika, which means “good fortune” or “well-being." The motif (a hooked cross) appears to have first been used in Neolithic Eurasia and to  this day it is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Odinism.  But given that Hitler selected it and the atrocities performed by him that many only associate with him and not who else uses it in peace and what the actual meaning of it is.:wai:



Did I say that ?

I just underline that Svatsika associated to racist slogans  signs an ideology, therefoe a propaganda etc.. and it does resonate - it is not " racism as usual" as commonly shared - maybe by anyone at a certain degree - dépends on your background and expériences confronted to foreigners - that said, everyone can try to fight against personal own bias instead of promoting  hate.   

It's about how you consider your personal responsibility = do you want America to be categorized as a racist nation?   

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:

Agree to a large extend, but IMO also 'building the wall' and 'ban on muslims' attracted them to Trump.


I view this differently, because these people are much more concerned about their own family's welfare than anything else. Had Bernie won the primaries, Trump would have never adapted the socialist ideals (but my guess is that he would rather have used them against Bernie), and Bernie is obviously not a xenophobe.....I know its all "ifs" and "buts"

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6 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:


I view this differently, because these people are much more concerned about their own family's welfare than anything else. Had Bernie won the primaries, Trump would have never adapted the socialist ideals (but my guess is that he would rather have used them against Bernie), and Bernie is obviously not a xenophobe.....I know its all "ifs" and "buts"


I also wonder if D. Trump would have  won - had'nt he been a billionaire - everything else alike otherwise.


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25 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:



We live in Thailand and know that many that Thais are convinced Thais are superior to all other people.


Its a common trait amongst most 'patriotic' nationals....

Nonsense, the Thais I know don't think they are superior to European countries. Cambodia and Burma perhaps but that's not all other people. 

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25 minutes ago, Opl said:


Did I say that ?

I just underline that Svatsika associated to racist slogans  signs an ideology, therefoe a propaganda etc.. and it does resonate - it is not " racism as usual" as commonly shared - maybe by anyone at a certain degree - dépends on your background and expériences confronted to foreigners - that said, everyone can try to fight against personal own bias instead of promoting  hate.   

It's about how you consider your personal responsibility = do you want America to be categorized as a racist nation?   

Get over it.  The population of most Western countries are 'patriotic' - as are the population of most other countries.


God forbid that patriotic should be confused with racist :lol:.

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Regardless of how capable Trump is to be POTUS, God know knows I didn't vote for him. In a Jeffersonian way  however, it does invigorate the Republic; money doesn't matter, neither does political heritage, patronage; he did pretty much stick the middle finger to the whole establishment, both left and right, which should knock both their heads together


As for the Hate stuff, it'll run it's course, expect some outrages, but it'll subside as the reality of the Trump POTUS settles in, and what he can actually do.


Bannon is interesting. Hard to tell what he actually believes after you strip out the provocateur stuff. Time will tell I guess

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16 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

You may be right - but I've as little time for 'patriots' as I have for racists.

You mean you don't like Mel Gibson in the movie "The Patriot" or "Braveheart"?


When I watch Braveheart I get extremely patriotic and think there is nothing at all the matter with that. How can you compare that to racism? I'd like to see English people need passports to get into Scotland but I have no hatred towards most of them.

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11 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

Racism is racism. There's nothing patriotic about it. The U.S. was a nation built on immigration and freedom of religion. To suggest otherwise, or move away from those ideals is not an act of patriotism. It's an act of bigotry. Period.

Unfortunately as a nation we have always been bedeviled by the contradictions of the Constitution. A beautiful document, professing the fact that 'All Men are created equal' yet written by a man that unabashedly owned 200 human beings as slaves.


We have never really addressed this fundamental issue. The absolutists like to tout the constitution as inviolable, yet at it's core it validated slavery, a fact that has forever tainted race relations in our country


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After reading the title "US racist and bigoted hate crimes EXPLODE after ....."  , frankly..... I was simply expecting more than a few random pictures of vandalism with  a video of teenagers acting stupid. 

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4 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Unfortunately as a nation we have always been bedeviled by the contradictions of the Constitution. A beautiful document, professing the fact that 'All Men are created equal' yet written by a man that unabashedly owned 200 human beings as slaves.


We have never really addressed this fundamental issue. The absolutists like to tout the constitution as inviolable, yet at it's core it validated slavery, a fact that has forever tainted race relations in our country



Different time. Slavery is also spoken of in the bible. Doesn't mean anyone wants to return to it in this day and age. When I was a kid we were taught that we were a nation built by immigrants, where people from all over the world could come for the chance of a better life, and to become citizens with equal opportunities to everyone else... this was the American Dream. 

I think the voter demographics say a lot. Older voters, who grew up in a segregated America leaned towards Trump, where younger voters, who grew up in an era of acceptance choose Hillary. I felt like we'd moved on and progressed quite a bit from Nazi Germany, segregated schools, and open bigotry. Trump's platform and the alt-right put that into question.


This type of a platform is going to bring hatred from both sides. The racist side is going to use this as validation and get braver, and on the opposite side you will see retaliatory incidents, from people who in their mind associate anyone who supported Trump with bigotry. It's a bad situation all around.

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1 hour ago, Johnniey said:

You mean you don't like Mel Gibson in the movie "The Patriot" or "Braveheart"?


When I watch Braveheart I get extremely patriotic and think there is nothing at all the matter with that. How can you compare that to racism? I'd like to see English people need passports to get into Scotland but I have no hatred towards most of them.


Yes of course  Braveheart represents patriotism and that is the proper use of the word.  Even though Wallace was played by an Australian in the film!  As for passports for the English to go into Scotland that may come in the future, probably visas as well. 


There are not many places in the world where you won't find a Scot living or working.  Same goes for the English, Americans, Dutch, Germans, Scandinavians etc. etc. I love that and the fact that the world is open to all.  It is healthy and beneficial to everyone.  Of course there will be those who abuse the system taking rather than giving but should we let those losers dictate our freedom to live where we want to?

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4 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


Don't the so called Ma & Pas have rights, last time I looked they did.  They also have opinions, eat and breath and s**t the same as you all, so why all the concern?  Last time it was reported a total of 106'000+ of those so called Ma & Pas, which it appears you look down your nose at,  in the 3 states you referenced, voted for Mr  Trump.  Do   I smell a sense of superiority emanating from your post.  And no, this is not trolling or baiting or whatever else you want to call it, just my opinion.  :wai:


Don't the so called Ma & Pas have rights, last time I looked they did


Yes, they indeed do. And privileges. Most of all life saving exemptions. For instance, they don't get shot in the head or in the back by a white cop during a traffic stop, despite the fact the victims I'm referring to were unarmed. It is likely anyway Ma and Pa Kettle are armed with a 30-30 or a plain old fashioned shotgun any where or any time.


                                                                                 Image result for images ma and pa kettle

Yep Ma, it's an immigrant out there.



No Muslims comin' near this house. No Democrats either.



It's the old urban-rural divide that is centuries old, if not older by tens of centuries. There's nothing new or unusual in it. Some are on their side and defend them, others are on the other side to criticise them. Being plaintiff about it and wailing that the rural folk are being picked on is tired, glib, mundane, banal.


To reiterate, yes, of course Ma and Pa Kettle have rights. So do I and so do the rest of us. You are free to criticise those who criticise, just be ready to get some over there too. The right are compulsive whiners however.  :guitar:

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I expect and hope the dust never settles until the fascist and his bigoted, racist, cabal are tarred, feathered and run out of the country on a rail. As shown by the posts lately, the win of fascists over what was supposed to be a democracy has brought the racists and bigots out of the woodwork. I hope the Democrats have had a come to jesus meeting and decided on scorched earth just the Republicans did when a black man was elected to a White House. Then again, the Democrats never did inform the people of why there was a "do nothing" Congress.

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18 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

I expect and hope the dust never settles until the fascist and his bigoted, racist, cabal are tarred, feathered and run out of the country on a rail. As shown by the posts lately, the win of fascists over what was supposed to be a democracy has brought the racists and bigots out of the woodwork. I hope the Democrats have had a come to jesus meeting and decided on scorched earth just the Republicans did when a black man was elected to a White House. Then again, the Democrats never did inform the people of why there was a "do nothing" Congress.


You're definitely posting on the right thread. :wai:

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16 hours ago, webfact said:

INDIANAPOLIS: -- Swastikas and homophobic insults:graffiti dubbed on a church in the US state of Indiana. Just one example of 437 reports of hate crimes recorded in the United States since Donald Trump’s election victory.


Just for the better understanding. On the picture no one swastika can be found, even with doulble left-wing filter

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