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Stepfather knocks 5 year old to the ground and kicks him - because he couldn't count 1-10


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Stepfather knocks 5 year old to the ground and kicks him - because he couldn't count 1-10



Picture: Naewna


BANGKOK: -- A Thai stepfather was caught on CCTV in a school car park slapping his five year old son. When the little boy was knocked to the ground he kicked him mercilessly.


A concerned parent rushed to the child's aid to prevent a further beating.


Why was the stepfather so angry? The boy was unable to count from one to ten to his tormentor's satisfaction, reports Naewna.


The mother has gone to the police while the stepfather has disappeared - apparently fleeing to his own mother in Bangkok.


The attack was posted online. It happened in a school in the northern town of Phitsanulok on Wednesday evening after Pongsak Sahaisuk, 28, went to pick up his stepson after the day in kindergarten.


Social services have been in contact with the mother and child named only as "A",25, and "Mack", five and a half. Mum was stressed. Her son complained of a headache but was otherwise healthy.


The mother said that her first husband left her when the boy was seven months old. She had known Pongsak for four years and they have another 2 year old child together.


She said that Pongsak disappeared for the night on Wednesday. When he came back next morning he got some things and left again - she thinks he has run off back to his mother in Bangkok.


Later she saw the footage from the school car park and was horrified.


She went straight to the police.


Source: Naewna

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-11-18


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Reprehensible... This individual needs to be made the biggest example of by the authorities here, battering a young kid for (well there never is a reason, is there?) should bring out an incredibly harsh sentence, and some monstrous treatment from some of the more gnarled cons in the nick.

But I wonder what will actually happen, some kid I remember got stomped by his friend's dad in a stairwell near their house, and we don't know what happened there (although do we ever). This am sorry is 1 instance where a mob beatdown (or a good kicking by the cops back at the nick) is not only justified but required.

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4 minutes ago, z42 said:

Reprehensible... This individual needs to be made the biggest example of by the authorities here, battering a young kid for (well there never is a reason, is there?) should bring out an incredibly harsh sentence, and some monstrous treatment from some of the more gnarled cons in the nick.

But I wonder what will actually happen, some kid I remember got stomped by his friend's dad in a stairwell near their house, and we don't know what happened there (although do we ever). This am sorry is 1 instance where a mob beatdown (or a good kicking by the cops back at the nick) is not only justified but required.

I'm glad there wasn't a mob attack on this guy. I just think mob attacks set an awful precedent and more violence isn't the solution. In saying that, if he had been mobbed, you'd have heard no complaints from me at all. In fact, if I'd been there, I would have gone for him. 


This act was purely despicable. It's stuck in my head. I don't know how anyone could do that to a child. It sickens me. I wish the people around him had formed a line instead of rubbing his arm. Form a line and call the police straight away. 


This man needs to be in prison right now. That poor kid isn't only physically hurt, but emotionally scarred too. I hope to read the kid is away from this man and people do something nice for him. 

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"Why was the stepfather so angry? The boy was unable to count from one to ten..." 

From what I have been reading about teachers' behaviors towards student's who do not meet their standards, this stepfather just seems to be cutting out the middleman. 


This type of violence towards children appears to be readily accepted as a way to discipline them. All this does is perpetuate this mindless violence to the following generations. A mandatory 5 year prison sentence for any type of child abuse might be the only way to make inroads in preventing this barbaric behavior. 


Edited by jaltsc
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3 minutes ago, Cuchulainn said:

And the woman in the pick up in the background didn't lift a finger to help or stop or even summon for help!!



Spot on! She didn't seem to move a muscle, not a scintilla of emotion or anger. Oh look, he's just smashed a small child to the ground and kicked him like a dog. Simply amazing and pathetic.

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I hope that when he is caught by the police that he "resists" arrest and attacks a policeman.


Despicable waste of a life and an oxygen thief as well.


I cannot fully express my feelings about him but the thought of an electric drill in the hammer mode with a 1/2 inch masonry drill bit plus a pair of knee caps and elbow joints just flitted across my mind.


In the other English language newspaper the boy is his stepson whose real father disappeared early in the boys life. The boy was born with a cleft palate and has learning difficulties.

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13 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

Spot on! She didn't seem to move a muscle, not a scintilla of emotion or anger. Oh look, he's just smashed a small child to the ground and kicked him like a dog. Simply amazing and pathetic.

Look what's been happening to some who don't wear appropriate clothing etc.

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16 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

Spot on! She didn't seem to move a muscle, not a scintilla of emotion or anger. Oh look, he's just smashed a small child to the ground and kicked him like a dog. Simply amazing and pathetic.


In my homecountry people WILL call the police if you kick a dog like that. And they WILL give a big fine for that and take the dog away from the owner.


Only that big strong father dared to react, i bet any nerdy looking BKK-father would look the other way.

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This guy does need to be severely punished... Thats just not the way to deal with issues


As a parent, I also get frustrated at the lack of education in Thai schools and I have always gone to speak to the teacher about issues... Unfortunately and always with zero results

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What the #$%@?

What the ACTUAL #$%@?


None of the usual suspects here yet?

"I got beaten by my teachers, my father, mt grandfather and the neighbors aaaaaaall the time and it didn't do me bad!"

or the "The little brat deserves it! Probably was provoking dad and actually can very well count to 100!"

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4 hours ago, jaltsc said:

"Why was the stepfather so angry? The boy was unable to count from one to ten..." 

From what I have been reading about teachers' behaviors towards student's who do not meet their standards, this stepfather just seems to be cutting out the middleman. 


This type of violence towards children appears to be readily accepted as a way to discipline them. All this does is perpetuate this mindless violence to the following generations. A mandatory 5 year prison sentence for any type of child abuse might be the only way to make inroads in preventing this barbaric behavior. 


would  that  be  physical as  well as  mental and  can  all religious  teachings  therefore  be  included

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