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Did I get this right "Good Guys in Bad Guys Out"

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2 hours ago, louse1953 said:

55,where has this woman been living,in a box and where have you been going on the grand tour,Walking St,soi 6,soi Boakaw,soi Cowboy,Loy Khro.What happened to the last good lady?

You need to get a life ok not all woman in thailand are like the ones you go out with 


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7 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Very , very true sometimes thailand has it self to blame because of the sex  Industry .

was just talking with my new thai lady who did not know much about the thai sex industry last night , I ask her did you know how bad the  prostitution was in thailand before you meet me and she said no I had just hreard about it .

and before all the smart c get on here and start having a go at me ,no she is not a hooker she is a good lady .

we have traveled around thailand a lot and you can't get away from the sex industry here .


I really do agree with the OP where  Pattaya and similar other touristy ghettos are concerned.

The "wrong uns" possibly because there are more of them per % of the population.

Its just maybe that In pattaya there are more per square kilometer and therefore more noticeable.


For the rest of rural Thailand there is no discernable "wrong un population" that "Stands out"   in my opinion. 


As far as prostitution is concerned the Thais like many other Countries have their own ways of  keeping them invisible especially  in more rural  areas  and sometimes not so invisible but being the oldest profession known to mankind there is little chance  (thank God) of it ever being stopped!

6 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Agree with you 100% but not about some low life  westen that can't afford a better visas . 

You are say that most man that don't have that 

Elite visa  rubbish are low life ? .

how would you know it is the  opinion of the Thais bs , you think you are better then most man in thailand , if you don't you would not say that bs .

I said its not my opinion, and if it was not the opinion of Thais why are the checks and balances so much easier for elite and you get treated so much better ? The difference at immigration is huge. Maybe I should say its the opinion of the Thai immigration department.  You can call it BS.. but then you explain why we are treated so much better. I have been on a  visa based on mariage and the problems they always found and all the extra checks and so on.. while on elite its so easy. Only way to explain is that they prefer the kind of foreigner that can pay for an elite visa.


IMHO it should not be like this.. but it is.

5 minutes ago, robblok said:

I said its not my opinion, and if it was not the opinion of Thais why are the checks and balances so much easier for elite and you get treated so much better ? The difference at immigration is huge. Maybe I should say its the opinion of the Thai immigration department.  You can call it BS.. but then you explain why we are treated so much better. I have been on a  visa based on mariage and the problems they always found and all the extra checks and so on.. while on elite its so easy. Only way to explain is that they prefer the kind of foreigner that can pay for an elite visa.


IMHO it should not be like this.. but it is.

Ok if you say so .

As long as you are happy doing it that way good on you .

me I think my thai days are over just come see the Thais family some friends then out .

like I say thailand is not for everyone but if I made up my mind to live here full time I would have to put up with all the bs .

thailand is good but hard to live here full time for me that is , I don't need to rubbish my country to come and live here like most do , I would just come put up with the bs and not say a think .

but I am sure I would never live here and happy you like the place.

1 minute ago, georgemandm said:

Ok if you say so .

As long as you are happy doing it that way good on you .

me I think my thai days are over just come see the Thais family some friends then out .

like I say thailand is not for everyone but if I made up my mind to live here full time I would have to put up with all the bs .

thailand is good but hard to live here full time for me that is , I don't need to rubbish my country to come and live here like most do , I would just come put up with the bs and not say a think .

but I am sure I would never live here and happy you like the place.

I lived here 10 years now and i like the place. Sure there is BS and I hate jumping through the hoops at immigration (now a lot less hoops as I got elite but its expensive). 


This is not paradise.. but for me its better than where I come from. I like it here just don't like immigration. 

5 minutes ago, robblok said:

I lived here 10 years now and i like the place. Sure there is BS and I hate jumping through the hoops at immigration (now a lot less hoops as I got elite but its expensive). 


This is not paradise.. but for me its better than where I come from. I like it here just don't like immigration. 

which elite  did  u get  Rob?

Just now, robblok said:

I lived here 10 years now and i like the place. Sure there is BS and I hate jumping through the hoops at immigration (now a lot less hoops as I got elite but its expensive). 


This is not paradise.. but for me its better than where I come from. I like it here just don't like immigration. 

I agree with you ok the immigration side of it is a joke .

i like it coming here as well but just miss home to much.

but I have seen lots of the bs here from westerners that make me think how stupid some man can be but up to them .

they is more to life then just the sex ok it is great but give me a day out on the big fish and I will never forget it but give me a one hour with a hooker and she is never in my mind after the hour haha but the big fishing day still remember it haha .

happy you like thailand good on you .


I'm betting that the two most ardent supporters of anti-prositution and sleaze in this thread haven't really seen much at all of Thailand at all and think the whole country is exactly the same as Pattaya. Oh OK, they may have been on the odd trip here and there but what they understand and have leaned about Thailand, outside of what they've seen in Pattaya, totals a whopping great zero.  What's my evidence for this? Well one uses internet jargon and acronyms which means he's probably not old enough to have a long stay visa, I'm betting tourist at best. And the other rallies to the defence of his good lady at the slightest provocation and writes to ardently protest her innocence et all, a sure sign of a newbie in my book as evidenced by his own words.


Hardly worth the debate really.

1 minute ago, kannot said:

which elite  did  u get  Rob?

The 400k one for 5 years.. I had to get something to stay here after my divorce. But the difference was  amazing on how i was treated and how easy it was. But if i did not have too I would not have taken it of course.

3 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

I agree with you ok the immigration side of it is a joke .

i like it coming here as well but just miss home to much.

but I have seen lots of the bs here from westerners that make me think how stupid some man can be but up to them .

they is more to life then just the sex ok it is great but give me a day out on the big fish and I will never forget it but give me a one hour with a hooker and she is never in my mind after the hour haha but the big fishing day still remember it haha .

happy you like thailand good on you .

Why do you assume people are here only for the sex ? Like you fishing is a thing i love doing. Hookers.. I don't really use them and can understand why you forget them fast. If you have no other options then hookers can be fun.. otherwise I would not bother. 

3 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

I'm betting that the two most ardent supporters of anti-prositution and sleaze in this thread haven't really seen much at all of Thailand at all and think the whole country is exactly the same as Pattaya. Oh OK, they may have been on the odd trip here and there but what they understand and have leaned about Thailand, outside of what they've seen in Pattaya, totals a whopping great zero.  Hardly worth the debate really.

I don't see why people are anti prostitution.. as long as its not forced its ok with me. I guess they are prudes or religious fanatics bent on taking away other people's liberties. 

19 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

It's about foreigners like these fine examples pouring into Thailand daily. Understand ? Too many low life foreign criminals, pedophiles, serial killers, alcoholics, sex tourists, Full Moon Party idiots , bank robbers, visa overstayers, you name it they are here by the thousands. Time for the Thai government to have road blocks in every tourist town like Pattaya ,Koh Samui, Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Hua Hin checking passports and visas of every foreigner and start deporting the scum by the plane loads . Thailand wll be far better off without them.










Have you heard the expression: "first do no harm".


If you're suggesting Thailand should become a police state, constantly doing spot checks on all tourists, all the time, Thailand will lose more than they gain. Doing that you're actually more likely to get rid of the good people than the bad ones you're targeting as the bad people will go to ground.


22 minutes ago, robblok said:

The 400k one for 5 years.. I had to get something to stay here after my divorce. But the difference was  amazing on how i was treated and how easy it was. But if i did not have too I would not have taken it of course.


By the time you've done your 5 years you'll nearly be old enough for a retirement visa.


Oh, the joys of getting old. LOL

16 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

I'm betting that the two most ardent supporters of anti-prositution and sleaze in this thread haven't really seen much at all of Thailand at all and think the whole country is exactly the same as Pattaya. Oh OK, they may have been on the odd trip here and there but what they understand and have leaned about Thailand, outside of what they've seen in Pattaya, totals a whopping great zero.  What's my evidence for this? Well one uses internet jargon and acronyms which means he's probably not old enough to have a long stay visa, I'm betting tourist at best. And the other rallies to the defence of his good lady at the slightest provocation and writes to ardently protest her innocence et all, a sure sign of a newbie in my book as evidenced by his own words.


Hardly worth the debate really.


Absolutely spot on. Their arguments do rather smack of the utterly ignorant posts made by outraged backpackers from Lonely Planet's Thorn Tree forum back in the early days of the internet forum...boy was it fun setting them straight back then......


These types who spout off phrases about 'scum and villains' ad nauseum, or claim they exist in every shadow of every corner of Thailand are usually those rather sad individuals full of some delusion regarding their own importance. They see themselves as 'at one' with all things Thai, as true beacons of 'expat' life thanks to a TEFL certificate or a meagre pension which affords them a level of status they have never experienced previously in their lives and it gives the poor dears an inflated sense of their own importance.....

4 minutes ago, tropo said:

By the time you've done your 5 years you'll nearly be old enough for a retirement visa.


Oh, the joys of getting old. LOL

I was counting on that one.. seriously i prefer something like that over elite.. but if your under 50 there are not many options unless you want to try it on tourist visa's

7 minutes ago, robblok said:

I was counting on that one.. seriously i prefer something like that over elite.. but if your under 50 there are not many options unless you want to try it on tourist visa's


You might have to try that to bridge the gap when your Elite Visa expires. I'm sure you don't want to pay another 400k for a couple of years.

7 hours ago, Peterw42 said:


Last time I looked hanging in a bar isn't a crime, you seem aware of some other crime he has committed, maybe if you shared the stories associated with the photo we would know what you are talking about. Is this guy wanted in Thailand, his home country, both ? Did he leave his home country illegally, arrive in Thailand illegally.


I am sure these people in the photos have committed heinous crimes, but for me and other members, they are just random photos, we dont know who they are.

Maybe they bumped into this guy's high horse one time?

As far as I'm aware the Swedish/Norwegian/Scandinavian guy covered in blood,although looking horrific is guilty of nothing more than being drunk and covered in blood?

I think I speak for everyone when I say we have all been guilty of being drunk at some time,most likely guilty of being covered in blood also maybe not both at the same time but then again...

12 hours ago, chiang mai said:


I think you need to rethink it all, unless of course you've got some verifiable numbers to support what you claim?


Firstly, Thailand is an international tourist destination and tourists tend to blow off steam, act out of character and do crazy things whilst on holiday, just like tourists do everywhere in hot climates. That doesn't mean your so called Full Moon Party idiots and alcoholics live here and need to be deported!


Secondly, just because the media make s a big deal out of the arrest of a criminal or paedophile doesn't mean there are thousands of them living here, lurking and waiting to pounce, I'm pretty  sure there are more pedo's and criminals per capita in the UK than in Thailand, should they also be deported and if so, to where!


As for sex tourists, I presume you came here for the temples and the pristine beaches, right!

I agree...all europe Is full..even some politicians are......

10 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

I ain,t going nowhere. Hopefully the Thai government will get rid of them soon. Wow! yonr blind or on something special.

Sure there are like every where but compared to the 30milion foreigners that arrive here, they are realy a drop of water In the ocean...

11 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

Agree to a point. The Thai men have their own hangouts in Thailand. Having said that the Thai government is making efforts to clean up the problems it has caused itself. The foreigners that are attracted to here tend to be of the lowest quality possible. Also the easiest place in the world next to Camboadia for hiding every slimeball possible on the planet. If they are serious about getting rid of the bad foreigners, they need to set up roadblocks in various places in Pattaya for example and start checking every passport and visa. I am sure in one day alone they could fill up a few plane loads and deport them for life. Problem is at the airports and borders they just allow them to walk right in without a problem. In the sixteen years and the numerous times i have entered Thailand likely in the hundreds have never beed asked a single question or had a bag checked.

You could always try a change of scene as it appears from your posts that your haunts are not the most salubrious places in LoS. Knowing so many undesirables must make life a real pain for you so if you are so displeased with it here just stay at home or go elsewhere, problem solved 

5 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

yea i have once was enough. Brain dead and disrespectful to the Thais. Here is a good example. Nice kids? Maybe really dumb kids.


Tons of Thais attend the full moon party every month and do the same thing.  It's in a concentrated area and they go to have fun, drink and some choose to do drugs. Really no  big deal. Most are actually educated college students and some are not. Kids from the finest Universities in the world go to relax as well. I know this for a fact.  

2 hours ago, robblok said:

The 400k one for 5 years.. I had to get something to stay here after my divorce. But the difference was  amazing on how i was treated and how easy it was. But if i did not have too I would not have taken it of course.


2 hours ago, chiang mai said:

I'm betting that the two most ardent supporters of anti-prositution and sleaze in this thread haven't really seen much at all of Thailand at all and think the whole country is exactly the same as Pattaya. Oh OK, they may have been on the odd trip here and there but what they understand and have leaned about Thailand, outside of what they've seen in Pattaya, totals a whopping great zero.  What's my evidence for this? Well one uses internet jargon and acronyms which means he's probably not old enough to have a long stay visa, I'm betting tourist at best. And the other rallies to the defence of his good lady at the slightest provocation and writes to ardently protest her innocence et all, a sure sign of a newbie in my book as evidenced by his own words.


Hardly worth the debate really.

Wrong ! try again.


Flame removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

2 hours ago, chiang mai said:


If I had a mango for every time I've heard the line, my lady is a good one blah blah blah, I could have mango smoothies twice a day for life.

Another one who sounds as though he has never been to where the vast majority of are not and have never been connected with the sex industry. You should get out more!

56 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

I just avoid the scum areas. Problem is the scum like slime tends to roll down hill . Are you pro criminal?

What has your inane comment got to do with my post? If that's the best retort you can manage then your understanding of the English language is very poor. Furthermore it's doubtful if anyone forced you to visit Thailand and 100's of times over the period of your visits averages out at once a month. You must be a troll.


It does seem very easy to get lost/disappear in thailand.  I have been waiting for news of this Scottish guy who killed teacher in myanmar. apparently guy fled to thailand 10 days ago and no sign since.

1 hour ago, Anon999 said:

Another one who sounds as though he has never been to where the vast majority of are not and have never been connected with the sex industry. You should get out more!


Many years ago I went there, today I like my garden, if having to chose between visiting Pattaya and growing orchids in the mountains, I chose orchids.

2 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

I just avoid the scum areas. Problem is the scum like slime tends to roll down hill . Are you pro criminal?



I can't imagine any person who is as critical of other humans as you are could be any better than the people you deride. You take this to a new level. To a level which most "normal" people would consider offensive. 

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