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Nasty Flu Bug Going Around ?

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Flu bug in CM Did you get it ?

AWFUL, had it for 2 weeks.


Must have been one of those nasty winter season northern hemisphere ones brought it and gifted to the local populace.


Anything like the strain that was named  because of origin, Asian Flu which became rather a successful export with 70,000 deaths attributed to it in the USA alone?


There always seems to be one strain or other going round the world...., it's been laying people low in the southern hemisphere also..., modern air travel assists transmission. Actually it surprises me when people take anti-biotics to combat these things...., further assisting the development of resistance. It's not quantum physics..., work at staying as healthy as possible.
(At the risk of tempting fate) I don't (usually) get these sorts of things...,   

1 hour ago, Sandy Freckle said:

There always seems to be one strain or other going round the world...., it's been laying people low in the southern hemisphere also..., modern air travel assists transmission. Actually it surprises me when people take anti-biotics to combat these things...., further assisting the development of resistance. It's not quantum physics..., work at staying as healthy as possible.
(At the risk of tempting fate) I don't (usually) get these sorts of things...,   



Antibiotics are not effective against colds cos they are a virus and not bacteria...

The problems about over use of antibiotics, or not completing the full clinical dosage is something else.


Glad to hear that you manage to escape colds.

Your immune system must be in good order....






I completely agree about the overuse of antibiotics.


But, I've learned (the hard way of course) that viral infections can set the stage for bacterial infections to move in. 

So, if a cold or flu seems to last way too long, it's doctor time for me. 


My kid attends school with dozens of (other) little Petri dishes- so far, nothing worse than the Defcon-1 strain of cooties she brought home about six months ago has reared its ugly head (that I'm aware of, at any rate).  Of course, now that I've said that and jinxed myself, I expect to be posting from the ICU soon...

12 hours ago, Paul Catton said:

Anything like the strain that was named  because of origin, Asian Flu which became rather a successful export with 70,000 deaths attributed to it in the USA alone?

Once again, Lets blame the evil empire (USA). BTW, you are referencing the Spanish influenza(sp?) that was strongly suspected to be of USA origin, dated around the end of WWI. The Asian "Bird" Flu originated in the Chinese Region, then jumped species to human http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/260025.php . 


Google "Black Death" and then multiply it by 10,000.....


and then subtract ONE...


because i eat only durian and live in the deep jungle....haven't seen a human in over 11-years.....don't worry, i speak fluent jungle.  

9 hours ago, Sandy Freckle said:

There always seems to be one strain or other going round the world...., it's been laying people low in the southern hemisphere also..., modern air travel assists transmission. Actually it surprises me when people take anti-biotics to combat these things...., further assisting the development of resistance. It's not quantum physics..., work at staying as healthy as possible.
(At the risk of tempting fate) I don't (usually) get these sorts of things...,   


flu is the result of a virus and therefore anti-biotics are will have no effect, common sense really, but it is quite common for thais to be prescribed anti-biotics when they have flu, it's a strange old world.



10 hours ago, themorn2112 said:

Once again, Lets blame the evil empire (USA). BTW, you are referencing the Spanish influenza(sp?) that was strongly suspected to be of USA origin, dated around the end of WWI. The Asian "Bird" Flu originated in the Chinese Region, then jumped species to human http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/260025.php . 

I wasn't blaming anyone.

It was the OP making the suggestion that latest bout is an imported gift.

I was merely bringing up a point of a regionally grown alternative to consider.

BTW, I didn't meant Spanish Flu.

My source of information provided, Asian Flu, H2N2, circa late 50's,  originating in China.


15 hours ago, flare said:

My kid attends school with dozens of (other) little Petri dishes- so far, nothing worse than the Defcon-1 strain of cooties she brought home about six months ago has reared its ugly head (that I'm aware of, at any rate).  Of course, now that I've said that and jinxed myself, I expect to be posting from the ICU soon...


I think that if you are in a generally healthy state then your immune system can successfully defeat most invasion attempts. If you have a generally healthy, well balanced diet you will have all the necessary nutriments to allow both the good and bad bacteria to flourish in the correctly balanced proportions.

(We need to be aware that most of the cells of which we are composed are bacteria cells and do not share our DNA.)

So, if things are out of balance due to a deficiency of something important, your immune system may let you down.


We generally call them winter colds with originating sources far from the equator.

So what's the difference?

Well less hours of daylight and less strength in the sun's rays.

Therefore your ability to make vitamin D from sunshine is badly reduced and it is an important component for your well being.


On a side note, it turns out that Vitamin D is actually a hormone rather than a vitamin, it was wrongly classified but the term became so widely used that there has been felt no need to correct it.


The action of sunlight on our skin produces a substance called cholecalciferol, which is converted by the liver to calcidiol.  Excess cholecalciferol and calcidiol made during the summer are stored in our fat for use during the winter. Have a Google for links to explain all this in detail.

Here is a link that I just came across:   http://www.yourhormones.info/hormones/vitamin_d.aspx

The link will tell you that, along with a host of other things " it has been suggested that a lack of vitamin D is linked to an inability to fight infections effectively". Do your own research.


Perhaps Flare's family get plenty of sunshine during the summer, creating a good stock and perhaps they continue to get sunshine during the winter months. I would be interested to hear about that.


The British Gov knew how important Vitamin D is and they required it to be added to various dairy products.

(It is fat soluble and for years we have been told to restrict fat in our diets......)

They allowed D2 to be supplemented in this way.

Vitamin D2 is cheap and easy to make but it has to be processed by your body into D3.

So if your body is old and a bit under the weather, maybe it cant do much conversion so you don't actually absorb much and D2 is a waste of time for you.

Therefore, if you decide to supplement, the easiest form (IMO) is liquid D3 drops.

One drop is usually about 1,000 iu's.

There is much controversial discussion about how much we need but what I have read is that more is better than less.

Again, from the link " It is very rare to have too much vitamin D. If you have too much vitamin D the level of calcium in your blood may increase and this causes a condition known as hypercalcaemia, which can cause a number of symptoms such as: nausea, vomiting, constipation, tiredness, confusion, depression, headaches, muscle weakness, the need to pass urine more frequently and feeling thirsty. However, this condition is very rare. "


My wife and I winter in Thailand and her brother usually got the winter cold. I introduced him to vitamin D3 drops and the duration of his colds reduced as did their severity.

I observe that most Asians prefer to have as light a skin as possible and they strenuously avoid sunshine to achieve this.


Well, these are my thoughts on the subject.

Boost your immune system,

eat a well balanced and varied diet,

get plenty of gentle exercise, with the odd sprint - like to catch a bus. (IMO too much exercise can cause stress and, on balance, is therefore not good for you).

get plenty of good quality sleep

and meditate stress away.


If any of my ideas resonate with you then perhaps you should do research and follow them up.

Knowledge is power!

If not, never mind.





6 hours ago, Paul Catton said:

I wasn't blaming anyone.

It was the OP making the suggestion that latest bout is an imported gift.

I was merely bringing up a point of a regionally grown alternative to consider.

BTW, I didn't meant Spanish Flu.

My source of information provided, Asian Flu, H2N2, circa late 50's,  originating in China.


After reading further into your comment, I see the mistake on my part. for that I appologize. You comment was misleading on my part because on the surface it gave the impression of the USA being the source of the outbreak. Now I interpret it as the Asian flu "being" the cause of death of 70,000 in the US. I took it as the Asian flu being named by the USA and coming from the USA. Once again, my mistake and apologies all around. 

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