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Three year old boy found dumped by roadside north of Bangkok was murdered


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Three year old boy found dumped by roadside north of Bangkok was murdered



Image: Daily News


The three year old boy found mostly naked by the side of the Sena - Ayuthaya road was murdered by his stepfather.
The Thai factory worker who killed the child said he did it because the boy would not stop crying and defecated and urinated.
For those reasons the 27 year old hit the boy with a clothes hanger until he was unconscious. Then he took the boy into a toilet and forced water from a hose down his nostrils until he was dead.
All this happened while the boy's mother said she was cowering in fear in the bedroom.
When the stepfather told her that her son was dead they wrapped him in a blanket and travelled some way from their house and dumped him by the side of the road.
A member of the public found him on Thursday being bitten by a water monitor amid a pile of clothes between kilometer markers 19 and 20 on the Sena - Ayuthaya Road.
Police originally thought he may have died from natural causes but they soon found the man responsible living in Sena. He is from Singburi and was named only as "Tong". 
He had met the boy's mother "Phee" - who had two children from a previous relationship - and they lived together.
Tong told police that he couldn't stand the three year old's loud crying and lack of bowel control. 
So on Wednesday he attacked him with a clothes hanger until he was knocked out. Then he drowned him by forcing water down his nose in the toilet.
He was taken on a reenactment to the scene of the murder. 
Many neighbors who had heard about the crime came out to shout obscenities at him as he was escorted by uniformed and plain clothes Sena police .
Police are still investigating to determine whether to prosecute the mother. She told them that Tong often hit her son. 
On the day of the murder she had heard him beating her son and had cowered in the bedroom in fear not daring to intervene. She didn't believe that he would actually kill her son.
But to hide the crime the poor boy was wrapped in a blanket and tossed out like rubbish on the roadside.
Source: Daily News
-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-11-19
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Well outside human normative behaviour, but interesting from a biological point of view.

Some apes kill unrelated young, as reproductive is competitive.

This man is still young with reproductive potential and no doubt instinctively intended to replace someone else's offspring with his own.

Step-parents are proverbially cruel, as their investment, from a selfish-gene point of view, is wasted.

The child was allegedly displaying signs of being abnormal, increasing the biological pressure to replace it.


We're still animals beneath the skin, though this individual appears to have been animal on the surface.

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3 minutes ago, getreal said:

unfortunately this thing happens all around the world with stepfathers, often they are young and drugs are often involved.

it always amazes me that the stupid mothers dont stop it.

Your post has not taken into account the powerlessness of victims of violence. The testimony from the woman even states she was also the victim of his violence. They have been cowed into submission.


Your viewpoint as an empowered, confident, self-reliant person bears no relation to the viewpoint of people who have been victims for lengthy periods of time. Behaviour changes radically and the victim is unable to help himself/herself or reach out to others for help. It is a very well understood human reaction.

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7 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

Well outside human normative behaviour, but interesting from a biological point of view.

Some apes kill unrelated young, as reproductive is competitive.

This man is still young with reproductive potential and no doubt instinctively intended to replace someone else's offspring with his own.

Step-parents are proverbially cruel, as their investment, from a selfish-gene point of view, is wasted.

The child was allegedly displaying signs of being abnormal, increasing the biological pressure to replace it.


We're still animals beneath the skin, though this individual appears to have been animal on the surface.

And the mother was far less than any animals... she did nothing to help her son.. even though she knew he beat the boy.. and she even helped to hide his body.  Why would she even be with this guy... any sane persons would not be around someone who was abusing their child. 

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5 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

Well outside human normative behaviour, but interesting from a biological point of view.

Some apes kill unrelated young, as reproductive is competitive.

This man is still young with reproductive potential and no doubt instinctively intended to replace someone else's offspring with his own.

Step-parents are proverbially cruel, as their investment, from a selfish-gene point of view, is wasted.

The child was allegedly displaying signs of being abnormal, increasing the biological pressure to replace it.


We're still animals beneath the skin, though this individual appears to have been animal on the surface.

you have got to be kidding, are you trying to justify actions like these based on some buried prime evil instinct, we are not apes dogs or any other animal - we are human and supposed to be intelligent although some obviously not so much ............... go get help if you think there is anything remotely normal or excusable about any of this

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9 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

Your post has not taken into account the powerlessness of victims of violence. The testimony from the woman even states she was also the victim of his violence. They have been cowed into submission.


Your viewpoint as an empowered, confident, self-reliant person bears no relation to the viewpoint of people who have been victims for lengthy periods of time. Behaviour changes radically and the victim is unable to help himself/herself or reach out to others for help. It is a very well understood human reaction.

She chose to live with this animal

I doubt it was his first outburst of violence to the kid

She had the choice to leave, but she stayed for whatever reason

Maybe next time she will be more selective in the low life she wants to shack up with

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14 minutes ago, smedly said:

you have got to be kidding, are you trying to justify actions like these based on some buried prime evil instinct, we are not apes dogs or any other animal - we are human and supposed to be intelligent although some obviously not so much ............... go get help if you think there is anything remotely normal or excusable about any of this



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1 hour ago, Pimay1 said:

You bet she should be prosecuted. Even an animal will defend their young at risk of death.

She aided and abetted the psycho,  of course she should be charged with assisting a murder.

This is why the police get so much criticism from the public. If they want a good image act in the interests of the public.

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Thats it blame the kid,because he crys,shits and wee's,

every child does that,just most of them dont have an

evil stepfather,thankfully,lets hope he suffers the full

force of justice,and when inside doesn't see a day

when he is not put through hell, RIP little one.

regards worgeordie

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32 minutes ago, monkey4u said:

She chose to live with this animal

I doubt it was his first outburst of violence to the kid

She had the choice to leave, but she stayed for whatever reason

Maybe next time she will be more selective in the low life she wants to shack up with

The bolded bits shows you don't understand the mindset of a victim and the power of coercion.


You are approaching this as an empowered rather than a powerless person.


A thorough investigation would likely reveal to what extent the mother was responsible for the child's death or previous abuse.

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1 hour ago, getreal said:

unfortunately this thing happens all around the world with stepfathers, often they are young and drugs are often involved.

it always amazes me that the stupid mothers dont stop it.

hope you include alcohol in your drugs .... by far more violent crimes committed under the influence of alcohol

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It is almost unbelievable to witness the evil that some so-called humans exhibit.  Unfortunately we see evil in conflicts and wars across the world every day,but a horrific murder like this within a so-called family brings evil right to our doorstep..  No doubt there will be some do-gooders who will suggest that this man is sick and needs help but there is no hope for this man and he certainly does not deserve any.  Some people are just evil.........period .

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I hate to rain on your parade, but I do know what its like to be a victim

As a kid I lived in an abusive household

My old man came home from work drunk and started to lay into whoever was closest

Finally my mother moved us kids and herself out of the house, and into a poor but happy life

So I guess I can say this woman had a choice

Its sad that her choice cost the life of an innocent 3 year old

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2 hours ago, smedly said:

words fail me and I have seen some horrors in my life

A person thinks maybe he has, but then hears a story like this one. 


@monkey4u:    I'm sorry for your misfortune, but I'm not sure all women, or men either for that matter, simply have what it takes to leave even a brutalizing monster like this.  No, we need to get out of the business of contriving to assign blame to the victims here on TV.  'Happens so often it's practically a sport.

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1 hour ago, monkey4u said:

She chose to live with this animal

I doubt it was his first outburst of violence to the kid

She had the choice to leave, but she stayed for whatever reason

Maybe next time she will be more selective in the low life she wants to shack up with


Yes, and after a previous failed relationship. Still, the system is that anyone is allowed to have an unlimited number of kids, no matter whether they are suitable parents or live in suitable circumstances or not.

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2 hours ago, smedly said:

you have got to be kidding, are you trying to justify actions like these based on some buried prime evil instinct, we are not apes dogs or any other animal - we are human and supposed to be intelligent although some obviously not so much ............... go get help if you think there is anything remotely normal or excusable about any of this


There is enough irony in your post to start a scrap metal business.

Edited by metisdead
Please do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes or wording.
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2 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

Well outside human normative behaviour, but interesting from a biological point of view.

Some apes kill unrelated young, as reproductive is competitive.

This man is still young with reproductive potential and no doubt instinctively intended to replace someone else's offspring with his own.

Step-parents are proverbially cruel, as their investment, from a selfish-gene point of view, is wasted.

The child was allegedly displaying signs of being abnormal, increasing the biological pressure to replace it.


We're still animals beneath the skin, though this individual appears to have been animal on the surface.


It's interesting how often the evil step mother/father theme occurs in stories through the ages.

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3 hours ago, Briggsy said:

Your post has not taken into account the powerlessness of victims of violence. The testimony from the woman even states she was also the victim of his violence. They have been cowed into submission.


Your viewpoint as an empowered, confident, self-reliant person bears no relation to the viewpoint of people who have been victims for lengthy periods of time. Behaviour changes radically and the victim is unable to help himself/herself or reach out to others for help. It is a very well understood human reaction.

That is a real lefty social worker's type view of the mother's role in this. In my opinion she's as culpable as the guy and should be punished accordingly. Miserable excuse for a mum.


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Once again you got to question the intellect of these inbred savages. Guy kills the kid then dumps the body side of the road. Out of sight out of mind. End of story. Did it not occur to the dimwit that someone would find the child's body and notify the police and there would be an investigation and an identification and an arrest?


What horrible excuses for humans both mother & stepfather are. RIP little one.

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50 minutes ago, jesimps said:

That is a real lefty social worker's type view of the mother's role in this. In my opinion she's as culpable as the guy and should be punished accordingly. Miserable excuse for a mum.


Again, I will repeat 3 points I made earlier.


1. A police investigation will show the mother's role in all this.

2. I am not excusing the mother simply pointing out to the 'hang 'em high'  brigade that it is very easy to have a viewpoint of what you might have done, sitting in your comfortable chair in your comfortable house, full of confidence, money in the bank  and a support network of family and friends to rely upon compared with what you might actually do as a woman with 2 screaming kids, no money, no connections as your drunk psychotic boyfriend smashes you repeatedly in the face and threatens to kill you. Anybody can be a keyboard warrior.

3. There is a huge trove of evidence to show that victims of domestic violence are very often unable to reach for help as any sense of control of or power over their own destiny has been removed by their abuser and they live in a state of constant fear and anxiety.


Therefore to immediately call for the mother to be prosecuted without knowing the facts of the case may be wrong and show a lack of understanding over the events leading to the child's death.

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54 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

Again, I will repeat 3 points I made earlier.


1. A police investigation will show the mother's role in all this.

2. I am not excusing the mother simply pointing out to the 'hang 'em high'  brigade that it is very easy to have a viewpoint of what you might have done, sitting in your comfortable chair in your comfortable house, full of confidence, money in the bank  and a support network of family and friends to rely upon compared with what you might actually do as a woman with 2 screaming kids, no money, no connections as your drunk psychotic boyfriend smashes you repeatedly in the face and threatens to kill you. Anybody can be a keyboard warrior.

3. There is a huge trove of evidence to show that victims of domestic violence are very often unable to reach for help as any sense of control of or power over their own destiny has been removed by their abuser and they live in a state of constant fear and anxiety.


Therefore to immediately call for the mother to be prosecuted without knowing the facts of the case may be wrong and show a lack of understanding over the events leading to the child's death.

I can agree with some of you points.  But you seem to be defending the mother without yourself knowing the facts.   I get from your posts you are justifying the woman's actions and presuming her innocent as a abused and powerless women.  But how can you know that is the case?  It could be a possibility, so could be the possibility the man has real mental health problems from him being abused as a child, or the woman antagonizing him in some way which flipped him out and caused the incident. 


As it stands the woman did nothing to help her child from previous abuse and then helped to cover up his murder. Then she failed to report the crime, or even just 'run away'.  Her actions seem strange in this situation. 


It seems she cared more for herself than her child.  A mothers natural instinct should take over in an event like this... knowing and hearing you child being so badly beaten and getting murdered.... self preservation would go out the window and she would have at least tried to stop the man.. no matter how much she feared him, ran for help, called the police from her phone, or called a neighbor or friend.  From the report she only stayed in the bedroom scared.


We don't know all the facts... I just hope that justice can be done in the end.  

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8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Tong told police that he couldn't stand the three year old's loud crying and lack of bowel control. 


So he kicked the shit out of him... :sad:


Let him rot in jail, the fact is if a woman find herself with an abusive partner there should be help for them.


Fine for the neighbours to come out when the guy was arrested but are you telling me they did not know about the abuse before this???

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Another very, very sad case of a stepfather abusing a child hot on the heels of that poor lad that couldn't count to ten.

Rest in peace little one - there's not a big bully to inflict any more pain and suffering now.


However, for the bully that unjustly remains in this world - I truly hope his actions haunt him every single day and night (which I doubt) and because of my cynical doubt someone will provide the necessary karma on that sick individual..

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5 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Yes, and after a previous failed relationship. Still, the system is that anyone is allowed to have an unlimited number of kids, no matter whether they are suitable parents or live in suitable circumstances or not.

And why not, would you want the government to decide how many children you have?

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