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Trump agrees to $25M settlement to resolve Trump U. lawsuits


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16 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Do you have any proof to back this claim up?


I mean any proof from a Law Enforcement Agency...not some liberal organization that is in the Business of Hate Crimes.


if you are really that curious, i suggest you search for it yourself. 

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46 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


But that is exactly what Trump said about Bill Clinton, to settle implies there was guilt! He said it himself several times. As a snippet here is Trumps campaign manager on 'settling claims'.




It appears that D. Trump won because he  got rid of all logic and concern for coherence, as long as he hammered his opponent,  that's all what his supporters neeeded to grant him their votes.

He won - the rest is goodie. 


Edited by Opl
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3 minutes ago, Opl said:


It appears that D. Trump won because he  got rid of all logic and concern for coherence, as long as he hammered his opponent,  that's all what his supporters neeeded to grant him their votes.

He won - the rest is goodie. 



Sadly, your post lacks any logic or coherence. 



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23 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Sadly, politicians are not nice people. They are not honest people. They are not even good people.


I think you would have to go back to Jimmy Carter to find a President that was actually motivated by a desire to do good and who was an honest person...and he was completely ineffective.


That is the sorry state of US politics and from the constant BBC headlines it appears to be a global problem. 


Wish I had an answer to fix it.


Meanwhile, I vote for the party that offers me the least damage. Please note, I said the least damage and not the most good.

Hopefully, I will lose less under the Republicans than I did under Obama.

The Dems used to be a party for the working man and back then they had my support. These days they are the party for the wealthy and the chronic non-contributors who are looking for free programs. The Republicans are also a party for the wealthy but atleast they are not out there giving hand-outs to the chronically unemployed.


I agree with all you say Clutch. The poison is set in many first world country politics (lets not even get started on 3rd world countries). The lot of them need to remember that they are elected by the people to work for and represent the people. The advantage you have in the US, and it is time it was exercised is this :  "a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state etc etc". The idea as Hamilton suggested was that the people could stand up against a tyrannical Government. Well Tyranny has ruled for some time and the 'second amendment people', have their chance. It's what the constitution was written for. Get the thieves, scoundrels, liars and lobbyists out of the seats of power and claim the country back.  :wink:   Apart from anything, it would make for some splendid television coverage. The 'well regulated (term used with caution)Militia must number 40 Million plus, more than a match for most standing armies  :thumbsup:

Edited by Andaman Al
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11 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


I agree with all you say Clutch. The poison is set in many first world country politics (lets not even get started on 3rd world countries). The lot of them need to remember that they are elected by the people to work for and represent the people. The advantage you have in the US, and it is time it was exercised is this :  "a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state etc etc". The idea as Hamilton suggested was that the people could stand up against a tyrannical Government. Well Tyranny has ruled for some time and the 'second amendment people', have their chance. It's what the constitution was written for. Get the thieves, scoundrels, liars and lobbyists out of the seats of power and claim the country back.  :wink:   Apart from anything, it would make for some splendid television coverage. The 'well regulated (term used with caution)Militia must number 40 Million plus, more than a match for most standing armies  :thumbsup:


I am afraid its like Drug Kingpins.


They simply get replaced by someone just like them...or worse.


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On ‎19‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 9:34 AM, dunroaming said:

By paying out he is admitting guilt and buying his way out.  Everyone can see that and it reflects badly on him.  Not as badly as fighting it and losing of course.


 and $ 25 M to skip impeachment :

In an analysis titled “Trump University and Presidential Impeachment,” Peterson explores Trump’s actions as the leader of Trump University, a for-profit business founded in 2005 where students spent upwards of $30,000 to learn real estate development skills. Trump University advertised curriculum and instructors chosen by Trump, promising students a high-caliber and selective experience. In fact, according to Peterson, Trump University was an unaccredited and unlicensed series of get-rich-quick seminars provided by traveling salesmen.



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5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


In other words, you pulled it out of **** ***.


**** *** = Thin Air.


(What did you think I meant?)

i'm not here to do your research. if you don't believe me, you could try proving your case.  instead,  you prefer to hurl insults instead of thinking.   as with most rabid supporters of the orange ogre,  you prefer to speak in broad generalities, sprinkled with insults and acrimony, to actually trying to think,  and maybe even do some research.  oh how painful.   the facts are there for those who have eyes, can read, have a functioning brain, and an open mind.  you are missing at least one of these assets . i won't waste any more of my time and thought processes on you, for, like most rabid trump supporters,  you have a severe allergy to facts and logic.   good day sir. 

Edited by alfalfa19
just because
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5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Sadly, politicians are not nice people. They are not honest people. They are not even good people.


I think you would have to go back to Jimmy Carter to find a President that was actually motivated by a desire to do good and who was an honest person...and he was completely ineffective.


That is the sorry state of US politics and from the constant BBC headlines it appears to be a global problem. 


Wish I had an answer to fix it.


Meanwhile, I vote for the party that offers me the least damage. Please note, I said the least damage and not the most good.

Hopefully, I will lose less under the Republicans than I did under Obama.

The Dems used to be a party for the working man and back then they had my support. These days they are the party for the wealthy and the chronic non-contributors who are looking for free programs. The Republicans are also a party for the wealthy but atleast they are not out there giving hand-outs to the chronically unemployed.

No they're just going to explode the deficit - the thing they alleged they hated duing Obama's tenure - in act a thing they hated so much they nearly destroyed the full faith and credit of the united states by nearly stopping payment to holders of Treasury Bondst - by giving huge tax cuts to billionaires. Even politically conservative organization say that's what will happen if Trump's tax cuts are passed.

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In some instances, Trump University employees even pressed customers to call their credit-card companies and ask for an increase in their credit limits, so that they could pay the hefty fees.


Unlike some of Trump’s other business interests, Trump University wasn’t a franchise operation or an arm’s-length marketing arrangement that merely used his name. It was a Trump-owned company run out of the headquarters of the Trump organization, at 40 Wall Street, in Manhattan, and it netted him about five million dollars in profit. According to Schneiderman’s lawsuit, both Trump and one of his senior executives, Michael Sexton, were “personally and knowingly involved with the operations of Trump University, with Sexton taking an active role in the company’s conduct, and Trump personally approving each of the misleading advertisements it published.”

One of these ads, for a costly three-day seminar, described Trump as “the most celebrated entrepreneur on earth,” and said, “He’s ready to share—with Americans like you—the Trump process for investing in today’s once-in-a-lifetime real estate market.” And yet, although Trump approved the company’s ads, he didn’t attend the seminars or even review the curricula and programming materials used in them. Trump University ads also claimed that Trump had hand-picked the tutors of the courses. This turned out to be a lie. In a sworn affidavit filed in one of the California cases, a former salesman for Trump University, Ronald Schnackenberg, said, “Based upon my personal experience and employment, I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme, and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money.”



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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:

it netted him about five million dollars in profit.


Oh well that means a $20m loss. Guess he won't be letting that happen again in a hurry. There were some that stood by it and said it was good for them I did hear but haven't researched it. Dead story now.

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2 hours ago, Thakkar said:

In a sworn affidavit filed in one of the California cases, a former salesman for Trump University, Ronald Schnackenberg, said, “Based upon my personal experience and employment, I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme, and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money.”




Ofcourse this could be the opinion of a disgruntled employee.


There were how many salesman over the period this course was in existence? 

2? 10? 20? 50?


I would hope there would be several such testimonies before this single opinion was taken as the end all truth.

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Now Trump can start a new non-accredited University.  The main course:  HOW TO BECOME PRESIDENT of the USA.


Here's part of the curriculum:

>>>  become a video star beforehand.  It worked for Reagan. It worked for the Trump University head, and it can work for you.

>>>  screw a lot of pretty young women, no matter if they're married, or for that matter, if you're married.

>>>  Badger important people - it's great for gaining popularity. Side Note: don't try a 'birther movement against a popular and successful black man. That's already been tried.'  

>>>  Denigrate everyone who doesn't heap praise upon you

>>>  Say you like everyone who praises you.  You can try Russia's prez and the KKK, but that too has already been done.  Try being original.

>>>   Don't pay taxes ever again.  No matter how rich you get, don't be a wimp and pay taxes.

>>>   Don't worry about having to put your businesses in blind trusts.  That's a silly rule made for wimps.

>>>  Find whatever is worst about your political opponent, and inflate it and repeat it incessantly.  No matter if the issue is false and you're telling lies.  A political campaign is nothing about truth, but is instead about trashing the other other person any way possible. Repetition helps a lot.

>>>       If you're hesitant about using your credit card to pay us $34,000 for this excellent course, then perhaps you're not presidential material.  You'll get personal time with our University President Trump, and if not, you'll get your picture taken standing next to a life-sized cardboard cut-out of him.  What could be better?!  ....put it on your resume.  If you don't become president of the USA, you'll at least become a senator or president of some important right wing organization which controls lots of money, and lots of elected officials.


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17 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

FOR-PROFIT Colleges are ALL Scams. Caveat Emptor. 

Some colleges are ok, particularly community colleges which offer low cost (or free) courses for members of the surrounding community.  However, all universities have profit as part of their equation.  I actually believe that U's are often scams, but not only because they seek profits.  They're also a sort of extended high school, sort of like baby-sitting for kids who are a bit freaked about entering the real world.  


 I see universities as scam-like in a way like I see doctors who prescribe lots of unnecessary drugs or lawyers who charge a lot of money for cases they know they'll lose ....as scams. 


Note:  Universities never have a money-back-guarantee.  If you buy a mop, and it doesn't work, you can probably go to the store and get a refund.  Universities: no way.

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:

Ofcourse this could be the opinion of a disgruntled employee.

There were how many salesman over the period this course was in existence? 

2? 10? 20? 50?

I would hope there would be several such testimonies before this single opinion was taken as the end all truth.


As has been suggested to you before, try a doing your own research.

And your hopes will be fulfilled.

Pointless speculation adds nothing. There are several Trumpeteers here who do that all day long.

Pointless deflection while attacking posters rather than seeking facts.


Former Trump University Workers Call the School a ‘Lie’ and a ‘Scheme’ in Testimony


"In blunt testimony revealed on Tuesday, former managers of Trump University, the for-profit school started by Donald J. Trump, portray it as an unscrupulous business that relied on high-pressure sales tactics, employed unqualified instructors, made deceptive claims and exploited vulnerable students willing to pay tens of thousands for Mr. Trump’s insights."


"The most striking documents were written testimony from former employees of Trump University who said they had become disenchanted with the university’s tactics and culture. Corrine Sommer, an event manager, recounted how colleagues encouraged students to open up as many credit cards as possible to pay for classes that many of them could not afford. “It’s O.K., just max out your credit card,” Ms. Sommer recalled their saying."


"Jason Nicholas, a sales executive at Trump University, recalled a deceptive pitch used to lure students — that Mr. Trump would be “actively involved” in their education. “This was not true,” Mr. Nicholas testified, saying Mr. Trump was hardly involved at all. Trump University, Mr. Nicholas concluded, was “a facade, a total lie.”



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3 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


I really don't care enough about the subject.



You don't really care about the subject?   But you continue to post and ask questions?


Isn't there a name for people who do that on internet forums?     Oh, wait don't answer it will be further off-topic.  

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On ‎22‎.‎11‎.‎2016 at 10:39 AM, Linzz said:


Oh well that means a $20m loss. Guess he won't be letting that happen again in a hurry. There were some that stood by it and said it was good for them I did hear but haven't researched it. Dead story now.


That's what Trump calculated. If the court proceedings would have been pursued the word would have seen the American Prez is a fraudster. :shock1:

Make the USA great again by a fraudster? US-Reality show.

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6 minutes ago, puck2 said:


That's what Trump calculated. If the court proceedings would have been pursued the word would have seen the American Prez is a fraudster. :shock1:

Make the USA great again by a fraudster? US-Reality show.


There is an old saying about politicians.


"He may be a crook but he is our crook". 


Conversely for Democrats:


"She may be a crook but she is our crook."

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13 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


There is an old saying about politicians.


"He may be a crook but he is our crook". 


Conversely for Democrats:


"She may be a crook but she is our crook."


Irrelevant about the Dems - Hillary lost.


What is clear (as if there was ever any doubt?)  is that the next president of the US is a liar and a conman who swindled normal working class people out of their savings by selling them a pig in a poke. He is no better than Madoff.

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3 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Irrelevant about the Dems - Hillary lost.


What is clear (as if there was ever any doubt?)  is that the next president of the US is a liar and a conman who swindled normal working class people out of their savings by selling them a pig in a poke. He is no better than Madoff.


I agree the Dems are irrelevant but I wanted to show I was PC and inclusive. 



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44 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I agree the Dems are irrelevant but I wanted to show I was PC and inclusive. 



I only came on this thread to see what you had to say about it.

Having read some of the replies it is clear that it is a clone of every other Trump thread and I'm not missing anything if I never click on it again.

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