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Trump attacks 'harassment' of Mike Pence at Hamilton musical


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1 hour ago, AlexRich said:

Trump complains about Pence being harassed at the theatre ... that's the same Trump who abused and harangued his political opponents, both Republican and Democrat, all the way through his election campaign. 


What a hypocrite!


Would you be happy to spend a lot of money to attend a theatrical event and have it spoiled by politics?

This is Pence we are talking about. He is the calm one. He also WILL be V P.

By all means protest Trump, but in an appropriate venue.

The problem is that the loony lefties have a problem with self control and being appropriate to the surroundings. Same reason they go out and break things.


However, keep it up, as it will just lead to turning moderates off the Dems and a larger GOP majority in 2018.

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9 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


It does not surprise me in the least that you would have voted for Trump ... a man who was rude and disrespectful to every one of his political opponents, a thin skinned bully who seeks revenge on anyone who disagrees with him or opposes him in business or politics.


If you can't stand the 'heat' of debate that goes on in a forum you should stick to picking on people you think you might get the better of in a fight ... in a bar or some other place. You can at least be selective ... and avoid those that might put you on your backside! 










You lost any rights to "respect"  or indeed  for  your inferred self titled   "intellectual superiority"  when you referred to others and myself  who voted for Brexit or indeed Trump  as  "idiots!


Your words about "Council house tenants or Chavs does your "cred" no good at all.

You are  now bleating about politics in an attempt to take away the focus from your infantile behaviour in calling people on here "idiots"!


Your  "written" Shizer has stuck to the fan  my friend and  too late now  to try to wipe it away with either the arse,  Buttock , Tuit,  wet wipe of BS about politics or me being intellectually inferior.


Now if you fancy a meeting with nothing more than your IQ as a weapon I will accept the challenge!


Your retorts in that vacuous, sarcastic , self important and  not so  pseudo intellectual manner is just the "grist to my mill" on this quiet Sunday afternoon.


So bring it on lets have a real IQ contest

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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

at 3:30 am the next morning, Trump tweeted, "Yea, you know the lead woman in the play? She used to be a 10, but now she's a fatty.  Still, you can find her x-rated video on the internet. Yea, go look it up. I've been watching it all night.  And yea, her grandmother is a Mexican."


Im really starting to see that the liberal left will stop at nothing & have no shame. 

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3 hours ago, stevenl said:

I thought the president and VP were there for all Americans?

Reading  many of the comments on these threads it would appear not.


The Trump supporters have often been described as a "movement". One of the main attributes of a movement is that it tries to crush those who get in its way.


It is going to be an interesting few years to watch.



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22 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


Or the hate-baiting Trump twitter feed? The 'hateful' and intolerant attitudes where stoked up by Trump during his campaign. 


He likes to dish it out, he's not so keen to take it ... and that's Trump's Achilles Heel.




Sounds a lot like you my baiting friend !

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6 hours ago, SheungWan said:

It was certainly bad manners.

To put it mildly. It isn't too many years since actors were considered to be near the bottom of the scale of acceptable behaviour, I'd say they haven't moved on very much since. Jumped up layabouts puffed up with their own self importance. I hope all right leaning people boycott this "Musical".



Edited by jesimps
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5 minutes ago, n210mp said:





You lost any rights to "respect"  or indeed  for  your inferred self titled   "intellectual superiority"  when you referred to others and myself  who voted for Brexit or indeed Trump  as  "idiots!


Your words about "Council house tenants or Chavs does your "cred" no good at all.

You are  now bleating about politics in an attempt to take away the focus from your infantile behaviour in calling people on here "idiots"!


Your  "written" Shizer has stuck to the fan  my friend and  too late now  to try to wipe it away with either the arse,  Buttock , Tuit,  wet wipe of BS about politics or me being intellectually inferior.


Now if you fancy a meeting with nothing more than your IQ as a weapon I will accept the challenge!


Your retorts in that vacuous, sarcastic , self important and  not so  pseudo intellectual manner is just the "grist to my mill" on this quiet Sunday afternoon.


So bring it on lets have a real IQ contest


Mmm. I didn't call you an idiot ... did I? I didn't say that I was intellectually superior ... did I? I didn't have to, you're nonsense above says it all.


Stick to being the imaginary tough guy, and leave the debating to people who's skin is a bit thicker than your own.



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4 minutes ago, JAG said:

Reading  many of the comments on these threads it would appear not.


The Trump supporters have often been described as a "movement". One of the main attributes of a movement is that it tries to crush those who get in its way.


It is going to be an interesting few years to watch.




I would not characterize Trump supporters (those who voted for him) as a movement. The election was his opponent's to win and she failed to rally her traditional key supporters in sufficient numbers.

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Would you go to an expensive restaurant and expect the waiter to tell you of his political leanings?  No.


We've got idiots like this in the UK, like Benedict Cumberbatch who starts a foulmouthed rant at the end of a production of Hamlet urging the audience to support the refugee crisis.  Pathetic, really.



Edited by MoonUnit
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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Have you seen Trump behaving badly while in a pre presidential setting? He seems quite appropriate to me, but if you can prove otherwise, link please.



"when you're a celebrity they'll let you do anything" ... "even grab their pussy"


... sorry, don't have the link ... does that mean he didn't say it?

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1 hour ago, AlexRich said:


... spoken like a true Brexit CHAV (Council House And Violent) ... :cheesy:



I voted for Brexit. If I was an American I would not have voted for Trump. No secret there.


I voted for Brexit for a number of reasons (which I have already outlined elsewhere on Thai Visa). None of them had anything to do with Council Houses, (in which I have never lived), or violence, which i abhor.


The underlying arrogance in the comment you made about/at "np210p" is one of the (less important) reasons that I did vote for Brexit.


I also suspect that if you were ever unfortunate enough to encounter a violent council house tenant, who took exception to your arrogance, you would probably wet yourself and break the four minute mile, but never mind.

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54 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

Mmm ... so, when the political opposition lose an election they should immediately cross the benches and support the new government on every bill and law that it chooses to pass? That's democracy?


Or, should they hold the new Government to their manifesto promises and make sure that the people who voted for their political party get a voice and representation in the political process? Is that not democracy?


And following your logic the Republican politicians who blocked many of the Obama initiatives in Congress are guilty of treason ... for opposing the wishes of the winning candidate?


You're describing dictatorship, not democracy. Pinochet, Hitler, Mussolini, Putin, Castro ... and soon to be Trump!

You confuse democracy with rioting. The job of the opposition is to oppose in the appropriate venue. Rioting and breaking stuff is not democracy.


Posters that oppose Trump with silly justifications are, to be frank, making me hope that once Trump is president the GOP unite in the house to pass as many laws as possible to REALLY upset the Dems and their fellow travelers.

By their behavior before the man is even president is making me, and I'm sure millions of Americans so angry that they will tolerate laws that would never be considered in a more reasonable environment. They have two years to pass as many laws as they want- I hope they go for it.

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5 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I would not characterize Trump supporters (those who voted for him) as a movement. The election was his opponent's to win and she failed to rally her traditional key supporters in sufficient numbers.


Oh I dont think they all are, or think of themselves as, a movement, far from it.

But I think some do, one or two here have talked about "the movement".


I would be interested to know how the leaders of the campaign see it. I suspect we will never know.

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1 minute ago, JAG said:


I voted for Brexit. If I was an American I would not have voted for Trump. No secret there.


I voted for Brexit for a number of reasons (which I have already outlined elsewhere on Thai Visa). None of them had anything to do with Council Houses, (in which I have never lived), or violence, which i abhor.


The underlying arrogance in the comment you made about/at "np210p" is one of the (less important) reasons that I did vote for Brexit.


I also suspect that if you were ever unfortunate enough to encounter a violent council house tenant, who took exception to your arrogance, you would probably wet yourself and break the four minute mile, but never mind.


The comment was in response to a poster who challenged someone to a fight because they called him an idiot ... he wanted the guy to PM him then meet up for a bit of 'ultra violence' Clockwork Orange style.


A bit of ridicule is no more than he deserves. As for Council estates and their inhabitants, I'm very familiar with them, and no stranger to violence  ... don't presume anything. 


Not all people who voted for Brexit were idiots, but all idiots voted for Brexit.



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1 minute ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

Ah yes, the leopard has changed his spots

Whether he has or not he hasn't been rude to anyone in public since winning, that I've seen reported, and if he had it would be all over the media.

Perhaps, gasp, shock, horror, he was like this all along and only played a part to get elected. The next 4 years will tell, while he IS president.


BTW just watching that awful "red Indian" Warren wailing again. Most enjoyable.

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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

I was meaning since he became president elect, but I'm sure you knew that.


Since he became President elect? Less than two weeks? 


So he's a completely reformed character?




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18 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

"when you're a celebrity they'll let you do anything" ... "even grab their pussy"


... sorry, don't have the link ... does that mean he didn't say it?


What difference at this point does it make????*


*Hillary Quote

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