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Trump attacks 'harassment' of Mike Pence at Hamilton musical


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What do these hillary supporters want, Trump to step down before he gets started? That's not going to happen.
Are they trying to stage a coup ? So much for the American election process.
What happened to accepting an election, same like Hillary asked trump ....
American freedom and democracy at its best .... what a laugh !

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44 minutes ago, Prbkk said:


They won't suffer financially because it's virtually impossible to get tickets. On the other hand I have given up any desire to see it because it looks a bit silly based on those clips. Certainly not ar $300 plus.


They certainly didn't do themselves any favours, by alienating half of their potential customers.  

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2 hours ago, atyclb said:


" The man is dangerous. He threatens our free press."



trump may indeed be overrated. regarding free press i believe dr.ron paul, a retired physician and former respected congressman complied a list regarding so called free press and alleged fake news websites





And why should we care what that bigot thinks?

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9 minutes ago, tropo said:

They certainly didn't do themselves any favours, by alienating half of their potential customers.  


Whatever my political inclinations, my leisure time is just that, particularly when I've paid for it.  If I want a lecture then I'll search it out and political rants are invariably gratis. 

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The people protesting the beginning of a fascist, racist, bigot, homophobic, war mongering, Constitution destroying (what's left of it) sociopath regime are not Clinton supporters, in fact they are damning the DNC and corporate blue dawg elites for getting America in this mess.


I doubt very, very seriously that the cast of Hamilton alienated any of their potential customers. Probably attracted a few more that might not have gone. In fact very surprised to see a racist, homophobic, misogynist like Pence there. He must have been confused and thought it was about how to stop women from making their own decisions or how to use conversion therapy in the early beginnings of what used to be America. .


Well Boon me , I'm glad you are enjoying your leisure because you will continue to get lectures on this forum.


Resist, resist, do not go lightly into that fascist night.

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7 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

Well Boon me , I'm glad you are enjoying your leisure because you will continue to get lectures on this forum.


I'm more than happy to peruse or ignore any lectures on TV as it goes with the territory.


But if I pay top dollar to enjoy the theatre, ballet, pop concert or such like and I witness a political lecture outside of the show's entertainment remit then I will vote with my feet.  I will also demand a full refund and never return.



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Just now, sgtsabai said:

Boon me, please vote with your feet, ah fingers, and thanks for letting us know who you really are.


Perhaps this sums it up: http://us10.campaign-archive2.com/?u=8c573daa3ad72f4a095505b58&id=b97e4673ba&e=2f816403c7


Indeed, that is who I am.  My leisure time is sacrosanct and expensive for which I work extremely hard to enjoy.  Good food, drink and company is the order.


I'm not interested in your inane link, by the way.

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What do these hillary supporters want, Trump to step down before he gets started? That's not going to happen.
Are they trying to stage a coup ? So much for the American election process.
What happened to accepting an election, same like Hillary asked trump ....
American freedom and democracy at its best .... what a laugh !

For now fire Bannon and block Sessions.
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I thought the Trump voters were tired of political correctness and the pathetic need of today's "soft" generation to have "safe spaces". Yet the tough culture warrior Mike Pence, advocator of policies like pray-away-the-gay can't hack a respectful expression of concern from the gay people he went to see on Broadway? Isn't that cute!

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3 hours ago, JCauto said:

I thought the Trump voters were tired of political correctness and the pathetic need of today's "soft" generation to have "safe spaces". Yet the tough culture warrior Mike Pence, advocator of policies like pray-away-the-gay can't hack a respectful expression of concern from the gay people he went to see on Broadway? Isn't that cute!


Dressed up Aunt Sallies

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I fully support Hamilton cast taking Pence to task over equality, but why didn’t any Broadway stars lecture Hillary and Obama when THEY were bigots?         Piers Morgan



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On 11/20/2016 at 6:58 PM, AlexRich said:

Trump complains about Pence being harassed at the theatre ... that's the same Trump who abused and harangued his political opponents, both Republican and Democrat, all the way through his election campaign. 


What a hypocrite!


What nonsense. Was Hillary or Obama attending Trump's campaign rallies? NO they were not there. Even in the Primary debates between candidates, heated argument is expected given and taken.

Pence was attending the theater with family which is off the campaign trail recreation and was subjected to holier than thou grandstanding. Perhaps even racism would be the push button if it was a white guy on stage singling  out a black guy in the audience and lecturing him. That's where the hypocrisy lies. Despite that Pence recommends the show.

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On 11/20/2016 at 9:43 PM, Jingthing said:

No, he hasn't actually. Do some homework and get back to us. He will be though. No argument there.


He has actually been elected by the electorate. Elected as President elect. He is yet to be inaugurated after the College vote. Are you suggesting he may not be?


(Edit: As you were. No need, I see your later answer)

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On 11/21/2016 at 1:53 AM, JAG said:


Didn't he drop that subject rather rapidly when Obama took the piss out of him at a public dinner?


I seem to recall some rather amusing pictures of a truculent Trump scowling at his table setting, no doubt muttering under his breath about him (Obama) being a "horrible man".


No he was muttering "I have just decided to run to take the Presidency and trash your legacy"

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On 11/21/2016 at 3:15 AM, dunroaming said:


As in all the cast of the show and all the audience?  In future I think Trump and Pence should stick to attending redneck events and KKK meetings where they will get a warm welcome.


At least Pence had the balls to show up probably anticipating trouble. BTW when will you grow some and show up on TVF and eat your hat if Trump won? Was going to be the day after the election you crowed, stills or video...what happened?

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21 hours ago, atyclb said:


although the things you quoted may have merit my question was about perceived difference between political rally and broadway show venue.


its as if you responded to a different post


since you did reply to a different post just to be courteous let me say trump sure does have dirty laundry 


you should watch the well researched documentary "clinton cash" then rethink your statement "mixing politics and personal gain at the State Department and Clinton Foundation (except that she didn't)"


i have little remorse for obese moron chris christie


Sorry, I just got around to responding.

I haven't watched the movie you refer to, but I did read the book. It was full of accusations and innuendo, but provided no solid evidence. Where it purported to provide "evidence", it was merely referring readers to other people who were hurling accusations and innuendo. I watched a few clips of the "documentary" and it seems they've done an excellent job of dressing up a nothingburger into a "looks like definitely a something big burger" enhancing the accusations with a lot of ominous music.


In this post truth era, people will buy anything. Paul Horner, impresario of FB fake news empire On why it is easier to get fake news passed around than it was several years ago:


"Honestly, people are definitely dumber. They just keep passing stuff around. Nobody fact-checks anything anymore — I mean, that’s how Trump got elected. He just said whatever he wanted, and people believed everything, and when the things he said turned out not to be true, people didn’t care because they’d already accepted it. It’s real scary. I’ve never seen anything like it."


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5 hours ago, uptheos said:

I fully support Hamilton cast taking Pence to task over equality, but why didn’t any Broadway stars lecture Hillary and Obama when THEY were bigots?         Piers Morgan



You're forgetting some other points he made:


The best way to encourage Pence and those who agree with him, and allow them to evolve like Hillary and Obama - and me! - is not to mock and abuse but to engage them in respectful debate and conversation.

What happened on Saturday night was not a bad thing.

It was a good start.

PS Oh, and Donald, you’re wrong to say Hamilton’s ‘overrated’ too. It’s the best musical in the world right now. Go see it. You may learn something. "

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6 minutes ago, stevenl said:

You're forgetting some other points he made:


The best way to encourage Pence and those who agree with him, and allow them to evolve like Hillary and Obama - and me! - is not to mock and abuse but to engage them in respectful debate and conversation.

What happened on Saturday night was not a bad thing.

It was a good start.

PS Oh, and Donald, you’re wrong to say Hamilton’s ‘overrated’ too. It’s the best musical in the world right now. Go see it. You may learn something. "


Please don't encourage him to go see it.   He wouldn't understand and he could never deal with what they might say.   


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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:


Sorry, I just got around to responding.

I haven't watched the movie you refer to, but I did read the book. It was full of accusations and innuendo, but provided no solid evidence. Where it purported to provide "evidence", it was merely referring readers to other people who were hurling accusations and innuendo. I watched a few clips of the "documentary" and it seems they've done an excellent job of dressing up a nothingburger into a "looks like definitely a something big burger" enhancing the accusations with a lot of ominous music.


In this post truth era, people will buy anything. Paul Horner, impresario of FB fake news empire On why it is easier to get fake news passed around than it was several years ago:


"Honestly, people are definitely dumber. They just keep passing stuff around. Nobody fact-checks anything anymore — I mean, that’s how Trump got elected. He just said whatever he wanted, and people believed everything, and when the things he said turned out not to be true, people didn’t care because they’d already accepted it. It’s real scary. I’ve never seen anything like it."



It isn't just fake news. The quality of news reporting in general, even from so called "trusted sources", stinks.



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1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:

It isn't just fake news. The quality of news reporting in general, even from so called "trusted sources", stinks.



True that. The NYT pretty much sold it's reputation with the pro-HRC hype it printed over the past 6 months or so. It's about impossible to know what news source you can trust for straight facts anymore

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14 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

And why should we care what that bigot thinks?


because jingthing wrote" The man is dangerous. He threatens our free press. Got to watch this one like a hawk!"


I posted the dr. ron paul compiled list as it related to free press. Any candidate, any political party or press for that matter colluding in such a manner surely threaten free press


regardless of what trump is is isn't, a free press should bu objective and open and not in collusion with any political candidate.

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7 hours ago, Linzz said:


What nonsense. Was Hillary or Obama attending Trump's campaign rallies? NO they were not there. Even in the Primary debates between candidates, heated argument is expected given and taken.

Pence was attending the theater with family which is off the campaign trail recreation and was subjected to holier than thou grandstanding. Perhaps even racism would be the push button if it was a white guy on stage singling  out a black guy in the audience and lecturing him. That's where the hypocrisy lies. Despite that Pence recommends the show.


Pence recommends the show because he recognises the cast were exercising thier constitutional right to free speech. And now that we are "off the campaign" trail why did Trump feel the need to  tweet like a maniac about it? Because he's a thin-skinned narcissist, who likes to dish it out but can't take it when it's coming back at him. Strangely, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz are neither Hillary or Obama ... but all were at the receiving end of Trump insults. People in glass house's shouldn't throw stones ... and thin-skinned narcissists shouldn't take the responsibility of the Oval Office. 



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Perhaps it's worth recalling what a Republican president said over 100 years ago: "Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly as necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else.” Teddy Roosevelt

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7 minutes ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

Perhaps it's worth recalling what a Republican president said over 100 years ago: "Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly as necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else.” Teddy Roosevelt

That is correct, now how about the snowflakes waiting till he IS the president, instead of whining all over the place when he hasn't done anything yet.

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