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Donald J Trump sees Climate change as a Chinese hoax


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Donald J Trump sees Climate change as a Chinese hoax


BRUSSELS: -- Senior travel and tourism celebrity Geoffrey Lipman has a firm message to US President Elect Donald J Trump.


Professor Geoffrey Lipman is president of the Haleiwa, Hawaii, USA based global travel industry association ICTP, International Coalition of Tourism Partners.


Brussels based Professor Lipman is a recognized senior celebrity in the Global Travel and Tourism industry. He was the founder and first CEO of WTTC, the World Travel and Tourism Council, and he was the assistant Secretary General for the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).


Full story: http://www.eturbonews.com/75810/donald-j-trump-sees-climate-change-chinese-hoax


-- eTN 2016-11-21

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The issue is not about whether global warming is a Chinese hoax or not. It's about whether global warming is happening or not, and if it is, is it caused by burning coal.


Is Trump right when he reckons that burning less coal will not help planet earth ?
Let's say that burning coal is actually slowly killing planet earth. I think lots of people simply don't care. I mean, almost none of us will still be around when it gets really bad.


Edited by tonbridgebrit
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16 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

I mean, almost none of us will still be around when it gets really bad.



Hmmm, except your kids? And their kids?


Do we have a responsibility to future generations or don't we? When our collective time comes, shouldn't we pass the world over in as good a condition as we possibly can to the next generation? Or should we leave it as a work in progress for our kids to pick up the tab?

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Not so long ago in the life of Earth, the "powers-that-be" [aka the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church] believed that the Earth was flat.  When a poor schmuck called Galileo came along and suggested that maybe the Earth goes around the Sun, he was incarcerated for his troubles (and for troubling the then elite).


In our age, there is a lot of academic research funding and promotion possibilities riding on us all believing that we are in the end times of climate heating.

In fact we are living in an Ice Age, but no one seems to point this out:

"There have been five known ice ages in the Earth's history, with the Earth experiencing the Quaternary Ice Age during the present time. Within ice ages, there exist periods of more severe glacial conditions and more temperate referred to as glacial periods and interglacial periods, respectively."

Timeline of glaciation - Wikipedia


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5 minutes ago, NumbNut said:


Hmmm, except your kids? And their kids?

Some people don't have kids. Others have hardly any contact with their kids. Also, there's problems that need to be sorted out now, global warming, if it is a problem, can wait a few generations before it gets really bad. Some people think so.


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1 minute ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Some people don't have kids. Others have hardly any contact with their kids. Also, there's problems that need to be sorted out now, global warming, if it is a problem, can wait a few generations before it gets really bad. Some people think so.



I don't have kids either, but my brother and sister both do. And I do care about the world we are eventually going to hand over to them.

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4 minutes ago, blazes said:

Not so long ago in the life of Earth, the "powers-that-be" [aka the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church] believed that the Earth was flat.  When a poor schmuck called Galileo came along and suggested that maybe the Earth goes around the Sun, he was incarcerated for his troubles (and for troubling the then elite).


In our age, there is a lot of academic research funding and promotion possibilities riding on us all believing that we are in the end times of climate heating.

In fact we are living in an Ice Age, but no one seems to point this out:

"There have been five known ice ages in the Earth's history, with the Earth experiencing the Quaternary Ice Age during the present time. Within ice ages, there exist periods of more severe glacial conditions and more temperate referred to as glacial periods and interglacial periods, respectively."

Timeline of glaciation - Wikipedia


And Britain was warmer during the Roman times than it is now. There were vinyards for making wine in Britain back then. Can't have them today, because it's too cold.


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1 minute ago, NumbNut said:


I don't have kids either, but my brother and sister both do. And I do care about the world we are eventually going to hand over to them.

But todays kids can still sort it out when THEY are older. At some point in time, they will have no choice but to sort it out. It might actually be the grand-children of todays kids who must do something about it.



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5 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

But todays kids can still sort it out when THEY are older. At some point in time, they will have no choice but to sort it out. It might actually be the grand-children of todays kids who must do something about it.




But is this an ethical, let alone moral, way to carry yourself? Do we leave it to our kids to clean up after our (metaphorical) party that they weren't invited to because it was after their collective 'bedtime'?


Serious question, what is the correct way for us as the current custodians of this planet to behave?

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14 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

And Britain was warmer during the Roman times than it is now. There were vinyards for making wine in Britain back then. Can't have them today, because it's too cold.



And of course there were times it was a lot colder. frost fairs on the frozen river Thames.

All this man made global warming is a scam.

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4 minutes ago, car720 said:


Our kids are the real problem.

In 1960 there were 667 million people in China.  Today there are 1.357 billion.

In 1960 in India there were 449 million.  Today there are 1.252 billion.


I would love to know the correlation between climate change and population growth.

It's all very well going on about how there are too many Chinese and Indians on planet earth.
BUT, you've got to realise that on a per person basis, Americans release far more carbon dioxide than people in China and India. Actually, on a per person basis, America produces almost twice as much carbon dioxide as China.

That's why it does actually make sense for Americans to ignore "burning coal is causing global warming".



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2 minutes ago, otherstuff1957 said:

^ Population growth is a problem that seems to have fallen off of our collective radar!  Whether or not you believe in climate change, the impact of so many people on the world can only make things worse.

Yes, more people on planet earth does not help. But it's also about releasing carbon dioxide on a PER PERSON basis. And this is when we see that Americans and Europeans release far more (on a per person basis) than people in Africa, India and China.


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1 hour ago, tonbridgebrit said:

The issue is not about whether global warming is a Chinese hoax or not. It's about whether global warming is happening or not, and if it is, is it caused by burning coal.


Is Trump right when he reckons that burning less coal will not help planet earth ?
Let's say that burning coal is actually slowly killing planet earth. I think lots of people simply don't care. I mean, almost none of us will still be around when it gets really bad.


That's it.Most people don't care because we wont be here.Very,very sad for the youth of today.It is the boiling a frog syndrome.

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43 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Some people don't have kids. Others have hardly any contact with their kids. Also, there's problems that need to be sorted out now, global warming, if it is a problem, can wait a few generations before it gets really bad. Some people think so.


       If a person doesn't have kids, that person can still be concerned about the type of world other peoples' kids inherit.  But GW is about more than people.  We are but one of millions of species, albeit one of the most successful, and certainly the most trashy.  


       If I was against GW assessments shared by 97% of climate scientists, it would be for different reasons than those of anti-science right wingers.   I would be in favor of a warming planet, if I liked the idea of human populations lessening.  In other words; drastic depopulation.   Less people on the planet, would give more space for other species, though big beautiful trophy species like tigers and rhinos are already on the outs.

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I was forced, as an executive of a company, to attend a climate conference. When I left after two days, I was convinced the whole thing is pretty much crap, and humans cannot stop the long term issue with warm ages and ice ages.


These guys, director of Global warming for a huge company, and others, showed us graphs demonstrating, we were told, the increase in the temperature, but graphs without any numbers on the X axis. Got to be joking, must be fake, when otherwise intelligent people present something which could not possibly be taken as truth. Also was discussed the rising sea level and the inundating of the Carteret Islands. Well the Carterets are sinking, not the other way around. I have lived on a boat, in a marina,  for over ten years, and the sea level where I lived hasn't changed, well if so, imperceptably.


Temperature readings can also be chosen at times which suit the argument. There is at least one scientific book written which says the Earth is actually cooling, again maybe temperature readings taken at times to suit the argument.


I believe there is so much now invested in this issue, and a lot of political momentum, that it won't go away no matter what the truth. But the conference I attended told lies and left me convinced of a major BS factor.

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47 minutes ago, NumbNut said:


But is this an ethical, let alone moral, way to carry yourself? Do we leave it to our kids to clean up after our (metaphorical) party that they weren't invited to because it was after their collective 'bedtime'?


Serious question, what is the correct way for us as the current custodians of this planet to behave?

reduce  population by half would be a good  start but that doesnt  matter too much as "nature"  will sort  out over population eventually either by some mass epidemic or other natural disaster method.

Mans own selfish greed  will probably see to his  demise  anyway and after we  are  gone  another species  WIL take  over, probably for the better.the dinosaurs  were masters  for hundreds of  millions  of years

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The new religion of the elite, a hoax and money making scam.  I don't know if China implemented it although it seems to have got onboard despite building new coal fired power stations quicker than you can say "Jack Robinson"  And taking money and redistributing it can change the climate. Yeah, right.


Just look at who are promoting the hoax and from what side of politics they're from.  And who are those who have made billions and nothing has changed, other than most of their predictions falling in  heap.  And why is it that everything they predict is mostly 30 to 50  years into the future.  Probably because most of them and many of us won't be around to tell them that they were full of spin.:wai:

Edited by Si Thea01
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If the USA or China , India, Russia, or the Middle East , do not charge their citizens a carbon tax, it is time for all other countries

like Canada to stop their carbon taxes until the real, polluting countries start.!

  I Know that the USA will not be doing much with Donald Trump and the Republicans in power for the next 4 years.


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Of course the idiots on Thai Visa don't believe in in anthropogenic global warming. Who in their right mind 'follows the money' in climate change research and ends up with scientists warning about global warming? Do you realize how much money a climate scientist could make shilling for an oil company instead? Even leaving aside understanding the actual science behind it all, the idea that there's a global network of scientists propagating the theory in order to enrich themselves is just stupid.

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1 hour ago, tonbridgebrit said:

The issue is not about whether global warming is a Chinese hoax or not. It's about whether global warming is happening or not, and if it is, is it caused by burning coal.


Is Trump right when he reckons that burning less coal will not help planet earth ?
Let's say that burning coal is actually slowly killing planet earth. I think lots of people simply don't care. I mean, almost none of us will still be around when it gets really bad.


true, we will not be around when it gets really bad.  but i would expect some of these imbeciles to at least care about the world their grandchildren and great grandchildren will be occupying.  are they really this heartless? 

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1 hour ago, blazes said:

Not so long ago in the life of Earth, the "powers-that-be" [aka the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church] believed that the Earth was flat.  When a poor schmuck called Galileo came along and suggested that maybe the Earth goes around the Sun, he was incarcerated for his troubles (and for troubling the then elite).


In our age, there is a lot of academic research funding and promotion possibilities riding on us all believing that we are in the end times of climate heating.

In fact we are living in an Ice Age, but no one seems to point this out:

"There have been five known ice ages in the Earth's history, with the Earth experiencing the Quaternary Ice Age during the present time. Within ice ages, there exist periods of more severe glacial conditions and more temperate referred to as glacial periods and interglacial periods, respectively."

Timeline of glaciation - Wikipedia



     Exactly right !    We are presently in an Ice Age that began about 2.6 million years ago.  And we have been going into and out of Glacial Periods since then.  Right now we are in a reasonably warm Interglacial Period between Glacial Periods.  And it won't last.  We are due to enter another Glacial Period before too long.   

        And we go into and out of warm periods...  like the Holocene during which our hunter-gatherer ancestor settled down, build villages, started agriculture and animal husbandry and created the first written words.   Then the Minoan Warm Period, then the Roman Warm Period.... the Medieval Warm Period..    All of them times of great advancement for the human species.


  And we just came out of a cooler time... the "little ice age" which lasted more or less from 1300 - 1850.   We warmed about 0.85 degree C between 1880 - 2012.... .and people are losing sleep over it ? ?      Most people know nothing of the history of changing climate on this planet..  Sometimes it changes slow.. sometimes fast... (like 10 degrees in a decade or less...  not 0.85 over 132 years like now)   Sometimes Climate changes a lot... sometimes a little.   Wow... we learn something new every day..  


     Humans generally do not do well during the cooler and colder times. 


  The present Ice Age we are in is also known as the Pleistocene, or Quaternary Ice Age... .  or simply the present or current Ice Age. 


   So many people confuse Glacial Periods with Ice Ages.   And so many people buy into Al Gore's and Leonaro Di Caprio's b.s.


   Like Leonard Di Caprio want's the rest of us to cut back our middle class lifestyles.. while he lives like a king with multiple luxury homes and jetting around the world in first class and on private jets and partying on some of the largest private fossil fuel burning luxury yachts in the world. 


   Global Warming/Climate Change is a great tool though to use for a political agenda.. don't you think?    Great for helping to build U.N. power, get cash for your "study and research", and to get cash to fly to fancy conferences at exotic places with five star hotels, limousines and champagne and caviar banquets with the  other "concerned elites" who know better than the rest of us,  and to raise taxes.. 


    Two questions:  Why does biodiversity (amount and variety of life) decrease as you move from the tropics to the poles ?


    Why do most people who wish to travel or move....  choose to travel or move the the hot tropical regions ? ?  with warmer weather, Palm Trees and sandy beaches? ? ? 

        For some reason they don't choose to move to the beautiful communities on the shores of the Arctic Ocean... or islands off of Antarctica..     

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31 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

It isn't the fossil fuels; it is the methane from animals. If you are serious about global warming turn to vegetarianism.

Dinosaurs  were way  bigger must have been a lot of farting then

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It´s just so nice and it feels really safe that the US got such a competent person to be head of the country. When you get a person that only knows how to make money on the cost of everything else. That´s just what happens.
With him in that place it´s going to be pure and sheer luck if we still have a planet to live on for another election to come. Duck down and hide everybody. Soon he comes! It reminds me little bit about Jason in Friday the 13th. Everybody was nice and fine and thought that life was a party, until the truth just made them see reality in another horribly wrong perspective.

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1 hour ago, louse1953 said:

That's it.Most people don't care because we wont be here.Very,very sad for the youth of today.It is the boiling a frog syndrome.


If ask the frog during the mid part of the heating process, "How's going?"

He'll smile broadly, display the A-ok sign and reply, "so far so good!"



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51 minutes ago, dcpo said:

Of course the idiots on Thai Visa don't believe in in anthropogenic global warming. Who in their right mind 'follows the money' in climate change research and ends up with scientists warning about global warming? Do you realize how much money a climate scientist could make shilling for an oil company instead? Even leaving aside understanding the actual science behind it all, the idea that there's a global network of scientists propagating the theory in order to enrich themselves is just stupid.


   Wrong......  the ones "shilling" for oil companies get peanuts...   The BIG money is shilling for the U.N. and governments...   

        Al Gore with his multiple homes and private jet is making a fortune pushing the Gore Bull Warming Alarmism.. Charging $150,000 – $200,000 per speech       Leonardo Di Caprio jets around and parties and tells the rest of us to cut back.. while he lives like a king..  


   "Scientist" and leftist political activist Michael "Hockey Schtick" Mann's Penn State salary and benefits are over $200,000 annually with his income fattened by speeches he gives for up to $10,000 according to reports, but he has not attracted a benefactor to support an Endowed Chair, unlike peers such as former Environmental Defense Fund climate scientist Michael Oppenheimer, who holds a multi-million-dollar endowed professorship at Princeton University.

   Figures from:  http://leftexposed.org/2016/07/michael-e-mann/


    Have to keep the Alarm level high for that cash to keep flowing into the bank account.   "Squeeky wheel gets the grease."  


    The result of there being no problem...  of everything going on as it always has... is to see your funding get cut, see your big money talking speech tours to get cancelled...  and to possibly lose tenure.. 


One of the main reasons you can tell that alarmism about global warming not being natural is a hoax is that the main purveyors of global warming, like Leonardo Di Caprio, live lifestyles opposite of what they preach, they all own multiple large homes and yachts and they fly around the world in private jets pushing their propaganda. Al Gore actually profits from Carbon Taxes and other green energy laws. If they actually believed what they preached they would be leading quite different lives.


   So it's best to try to scare everyone..    keep that alarm level high...  it keeps the big money flowing, and helps to "build socialism" and U.N power. 



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