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Donald J Trump sees Climate change as a Chinese hoax


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9 hours ago, Opl said:

Trump's other wall: is his Irish resort a sign he believes in climate change?


Before he set sights on Mexico, Donald Trump had his eyes on a wall to protect his luxury golf resort.  – a 13ft high structure erected to protect his luxury golf resort, the Trump International Golf Links and Hotel, from increasingly volatile storms and rising sea levels.

Does it suggest he recognizes effects of global warming?




The United States took the first steps to protect the environment

Another reminder: China couldn’t possibly have invented global warming as a ploy against the United States because it was Donald Trump’s Republican predecessors who first initiated negotiations on the subject in the 1980s.





      The Gaurdian.... Britain's largest leftist/socialist rag.   


   Ever stop to think that Trump might be wanting to protect his golf resort from coastal erosion, which has been always going on?  How about the town of Dunwich for example?  Its decline began in 1286 when a storm surge hit the East Anglian coast followed by a great storm in 1287 and another great storm also in 1287, and it was eventually reduced in size to the village it is today.



  On the other hand, other areas of Britain are now further from the sea then they used to be.   Weird huh ? ?   


     In the early 14th century, Harlech Castle used to had a dock just at the base of the cliff below the walls, where ships would bring supplies to the people in the castle.     


     Now the sea is more than half a mile away.   Where the sea, and the dock used to be, are now homes.  you have more that half a mile, in a straight line, to get to the shore today...  


     Erosion and land loss in some places, and land gain in others..         Even on the Great Lakes in North America you have erosion.  


  Fort Niagara, where the Niagara River enters Lake Ontario has had to rebuild it's north wall several times since the 1700's as land has fallen into the lake taking the north section of fort with it...  and the shore has moved south.  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers finally built a reinforced retaining wall to protect it from further erosion.... saving the "French Castle" from disappearing into the lake. 


      So stop it with the sea level rise crap.   Sea level is rising ...yes.... about 2mm - 3mm per year, like it's been doing  for ages ever since the last Glacial Period started to melt back... about 20,000 years ago or so. ...   But actually much slower than it used to.  Sea Level Rise slowed greatly about 8,000 years ago....    Do you know how to read a chart ?  




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4 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

5555555555!!! Marc Morano...PLEASE! Are you serious??? He and his website Climate Depot are a JOKE with no credibility whatsoever. He is bought by Big Oil and has zero expertise in this area. He has been dubbed The Climate Misinformer of the Year 2011. He is only taken seriously by Rush Limbaugh and similar ilk...Alex Jones, FOX News, et al. :crazy::cheesy::clap2:Certainly NO special interests involved here...


Marc Morano is the executive director and chief correspondent of ClimateDepot.com, a project of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). Morano is also the Communications Director at CFACT, a conservative think-tank in Washington D.C. that has received funding from ExxonMobil, Chevron, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars from foundations associated with Richard Mellon Scaife. According to 2011 IRS Forms (PDF), Morano was the highest paid staff member with a salary of $150,000 per year. Morano's blog Climate Depot regularly publishes articles questioning man-made global warming.


Although he has no scientific expertise in the area, Morano has become a prominent climate change denier. He has been called “the Matt Drudge of climate denial,” the “King of the skeptics,” and a “central cell of the climate-denial machine.” He was also listed as one of 17 top “climate killers” by Rolling Stone Magazine. He has accused climate scientists of “fear mongering,” and has claimed that proponents of man-made global warming are “funded to the tune of $50 billion.” [15], [16]

From 2006 to 2009, Morano was the communications director for Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), the minority chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. Prior to the last election, Inhofe was the majority chair of the EPWcommittee. In the 2002 election cycle, Senator Inhofe received more in donations from the oil and gas sector than any other Senator. Sen. Inhofe is known for his infamous quote that the threat of catastrophic global warming is the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,” and as his communications director, Mornano has spent his recent years propagating this message.


According to Marc Morano's archived profile at the Heartland Institute, “Morano joined the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee as the majority Communications Director in June 2006 after a decade and a half as a working journalist, documentary maker, radio talk show host, and national television correspondent.” Apart from being a regular speaker at the Heartland Institute's International Conference on Climate Change, Morano is also listed on their website as a “global warming expert.” 


Prior to working for Senator Inhofe, Morano was a journalist with Cybercast News Service, which is owned and operated by the Media Research Center (MRC). The MRC is supported in part by right-wing foundations and funding from industry, including over $200,000 from ExxonMobil. From 1992 to 1996, Morano also worked as a producer for the Rush Limbaugh Television Show and was known as “Limbaugh's man in Washington.” Morano often appears on Fox news to promote his ideas regarding climate change.



     What a joke !   Every source you quoted to defend your position is a leftist/socialist mouth piece.   Congratulations !  555555:)  :cheesy:


    Oh.... yeah... .Morano gets $150,000.00 a year.   What's he supposed to do ?  Work for free ?    Stand on the street corner begging for change ? ? 


       What he gets is peanuts compared to what idiots like Al "Disaster" Gore gets (millions from his carbon credit schemes and about $100,000 for each talk on the speaking tour)

   ..  Peanuts compared to what Michael "Hockey Schtick" Mann gets...(Mann's Penn State University salary and benefit are over $200,000.00, and on top of that he gets $10,000.00 for each speaking engagement according to reports.  (Michael E. Mann has several speaking engagements each month..plus profits from his warming alarmist book sales, easily  bringing his yearly income from Global Warming/Climate Change Alarmism to more than $500,000.00 easily.


    Moranao gets peanuts compared to what Dr. David Suzuki... the Canadian Warming Alarmist pal of Al Gore gets.   Suzuki has at least three homes, (maybe four now) his main home being worth $8,000,000.00....yeah.....you heard right...    eight big ones.. ! ! ! 

          He has written books supporting Global Warming/Climate Change Alarmism, has a "foundation" suporting and giving out "Alarm".. is a shill for the CBC... Canada's left wing official government media..... and gives speaches for about $35,000.00 a shot.  Except when he gives talks outside North America... and then he charges $75,000.00 - $80,000.00.. as he did in Australia. He's hired fleets of busses for cross country trips, which he leaves idling during the Summer so they stay cool inside. 

       He loves to vacation in places like Bhutan and Malaysia.   And tells the rest of us we have to cut back our middle class lifestyles.. driving and trips.     

    Reminds me of Leonardo DiCaprio... another "Do as we say... not as we do!"  ..yet another champagne and caviar travelling jet setting socialist who thinks he knows better than the rest of us.  


     And you :crazy: think Marc Morano should not be getting $150,000.00 .      :)

      You know... he has a mortgage and family to support also.       


You leftists/socialists are truly very funny and entertaining...  :)  :cheesy:      

Edited by Catoni
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2 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Come on Clutch,  your really expecting a lot given the talent on here.  :stoner: :wai:


You aren't suggesting they have such strong opinions and don't even have a clue as to what impact it will have on different regions of the world?


Is it possible that GW will actually result in an environmental benefit to some regions with increased rainfall or better climates for agriculture? Perhaps bring up the temps so not as much energy needs to be used heating living spaces, or conversely, cool down some regions so not as much energy need be generated to cool living spaces?


It seems that jumping on the Climate Change/Carbon Tax bandwagon is not much different from passing Obamacare.

Nobody actually takes the time to study it, they just hop on board.

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3 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


You aren't suggesting they have such strong opinions and don't even have a clue as to what impact it will have on different regions of the world?


Is it possible that GW will actually result in an environmental benefit to some regions with increased rainfall or better climates for agriculture? Perhaps bring up the temps so not as much energy needs to be used heating living spaces, or conversely, cool down some regions so not as much energy need be generated to cool living spaces?


It seems that jumping on the Climate Change/Carbon Tax bandwagon is not much different from passing Obamacare.

Nobody actually takes the time to study it, they just hop on board.


No, I wouldn't dare do that. That would be so unkind. :wai:

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17 hours ago, alfalfa19 said:

true, we will not be around when it gets really bad.  but i would expect some of these imbeciles to at least care about the world their grandchildren and great grandchildren will be occupying.  are they really this heartless? 


You mean a world where Radical Islamist terrorists call the shots?

Where presidents and SOS are only interested in their own pockets.

Baggy eyed Clinton has made a fortune and Obama hasn't done so bad, I see he's going to live with the working class. 

The Obamas 'buy mansion at California golf mecca as well as leasing their $4.3million DC home to prepare for life after the White House'


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6 hours ago, Catoni said:


     What a joke !   Every source you quoted to defend your position is a leftist/socialist mouth piece.   Congratulations !  555555:)  :cheesy:


    Oh.... yeah... .Morano gets $150,000.00 a year.   What's he supposed to do ?  Work for free ?    Stand on the street corner begging for change ? ? 


       What he gets is peanuts compared to what idiots like Al "Disaster" Gore gets (millions from his carbon credit schemes and about $100,000 for each talk on the speaking tour)

   ..  Peanuts compared to what Michael "Hockey Schtick" Mann gets...(Mann's Penn State University salary and benefit are over $200,000.00, and on top of that he gets $10,000.00 for each speaking engagement according to reports.  (Michael E. Mann has several speaking engagements each month..plus profits from his warming alarmist book sales, easily  bringing his yearly income from Global Warming/Climate Change Alarmism to more than $500,000.00 easily.


    Moranao gets peanuts compared to what Dr. David Suzuki... the Canadian Warming Alarmist pal of Al Gore gets.   Suzuki has at least three homes, (maybe four now) his main home being worth $8,000,000.00....yeah.....you heard right...    eight big ones.. ! ! ! 

          He has written books supporting Global Warming/Climate Change Alarmism, has a "foundation" suporting and giving out "Alarm".. is a shill for the CBC... Canada's left wing official government media..... and gives speaches for about $35,000.00 a shot.  Except when he gives talks outside North America... and then he charges $75,000.00 - $80,000.00.. as he did in Australia. He's hired fleets of busses for cross country trips, which he leaves idling during the Summer so they stay cool inside. 

       He loves to vacation in places like Bhutan and Malaysia.   And tells the rest of us we have to cut back our middle class lifestyles.. driving and trips.     

    Reminds me of Leonardo DiCaprio... another "Do as we say... not as we do!"  ..yet another champagne and caviar travelling jet setting socialist who thinks he knows better than the rest of us.  


     And you :crazy: think Marc Morano should not be getting $150,000.00 .      :)

      You know... he has a mortgage and family to support also.       


You leftists/socialists are truly very funny and entertaining...  :)  :cheesy:      

You have sunk really low by trying to make this about left and right.

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8 minutes ago, stevenl said:

You have sunk really low by trying to make this about left and right.


I really cannot understand why you are saying   "someone has sunk really low" when all they are doing is voicing their opinion.  I see nothing about the right, maybe you are assuming, he could well be from the Centre.  Now if you check with those who have been mentioned, those alarmists, you will find they will admit they are of the left, so how is this sinking low? :wai:

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6 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:




Sorry if I missed sarcasm but you do see the CC issue is very much a Left/Right issue?



No it's not.   According to the OP, it's a Chinese Hoax, now stay on the topic.  


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7 hours ago, Catoni said:


      The Gaurdian.... Britain's largest leftist/socialist rag.   


   Ever stop to think that Trump might be wanting to protect his golf resort from coastal erosion, which has been always going on?  How about the town of Dunwich for example?  Its decline began in 1286 when a storm surge hit the East Anglian coast followed by a great storm in 1287 and another great storm also in 1287, and it was eventually reduced in size to the village it is today.



  On the other hand, other areas of Britain are now further from the sea then they used to be.   Weird huh ? ?   


     In the early 14th century, Harlech Castle used to had a dock just at the base of the cliff below the walls, where ships would bring supplies to the people in the castle.     


     Now the sea is more than half a mile away.   Where the sea, and the dock used to be, are now homes.  you have more that half a mile, in a straight line, to get to the shore today...  


     Erosion and land loss in some places, and land gain in others..         Even on the Great Lakes in North America you have erosion.  


  Fort Niagara, where the Niagara River enters Lake Ontario has had to rebuild it's north wall several times since the 1700's as land has fallen into the lake taking the north section of fort with it...  and the shore has moved south.  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers finally built a reinforced retaining wall to protect it from further erosion.... saving the "French Castle" from disappearing into the lake. 


      So stop it with the sea level rise crap.   Sea level is rising ...yes.... about 2mm - 3mm per year, like it's been doing  for ages ever since the last Glacial Period started to melt back... about 20,000 years ago or so. ...   But actually much slower than it used to.  Sea Level Rise slowed greatly about 8,000 years ago....    Do you know how to read a chart ?  






The point of my post is not about my own belief - or knowledge - which is not relevant here .


The topic of this thread is " D. Trump  sees climate change as a chines hoax", so :

- it's not a chinese hoax ( the process was initiated by the US Under Republican adminitration)

- and I repeat : Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course The billionaire, who called global warming a hoax, warns of its dire effects in his company's application to build a sea wall.




My answer is about D. Trump's facts distorsion, to manipulate those who listen to him.

 That's all.  




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15 minutes ago, Opl said:



The point of my post is not about my own belief - or knowledge - which is not relevant here .


The topic of this thread is " D. Trump  sees climate change as a chines hoax", so :

- it's not a chinese hoax ( the process was initiated by the US Under Republican adminitration)

- and I repeat : Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course The billionaire, who called global warming a hoax, warns of its dire effects in his company's application to build a sea wall.




My answer is about D. Trump's facts distorsion, to manipulate those who listen to him.

 That's all.  





Just wondering and maybe you can answer, maybe not.  Given that when scientists want a government handout in an effort to continue studies, regardless of what it may be, if they mention GW in their application for funds, they stand a bigger chance of getting those funds than if they made no mention at all.


Now, not knowing what the local council is like where the golf course is situated, but given what most are from the left and believe in GW, then he might just be playing smart and knows that if he mentions global warming then he will have a much bigger chance of being allowed to build the wall, were he not to make any mention at all.


Playing one of against the other, I don't know, but if I were in his shoes, I certainly would, wouldn't you?  So just because he mentions it and has a sign means absolutely nothing and you should not assume, it may well be just to appease others.  I have to disagree with you at this time in so far as his trying to manipulate others who listen to him, he has stated what he has, which he in entitled to, however, many of us had our own opinions on GW long before Mr Trump made his feelings known.   :wai: 

Edited by Si Thea01
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13 minutes ago, Opl said:



The point of my post is not about my own belief - or knowledge - which is not relevant here .


The topic of this thread is " D. Trump  sees climate change as a chines hoax", so :

- it's not a chinese hoax ( the process was initiated by the US Under Republican adminitration)

- and I repeat : Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course The billionaire, who called global warming a hoax, warns of its dire effects in his company's application to build a sea wall.




My answer is about D. Trump's facts distorsion, to manipulate those who listen to him.

 That's all.  





But you have to give him credit for his creativeness.


A Chinese Hoax?


Its a good one.


And at the very least China is also enjoying this since it moves production costs even higher amongst any competing industries in these countries that are going to invest 100's of millions to limit, scrub or capture these emissions.


Resulting in the Chinese manufactured goods being even more competitively priced to the consumer.


BTW, any idea how CC will impact the US? No one seems to know.

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37 minutes ago, Scott said:

No it's not.   According to the OP, it's a Chinese Hoax, now stay on the topic.  





Did you forget to add a smiley emoticon ?




i have to admit you have me confused. 

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28 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


But you have to give him credit for his creativeness.




ClutchClark, you can be  creative the way he is. .



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49 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


But you have to give him credit for his creativeness.


A Chinese Hoax?


Its a good one.


And at the very least China is also enjoying this since it moves production costs even higher amongst any competing industries in these countries that are going to invest 100's of millions to limit, scrub or capture these emissions.


Resulting in the Chinese manufactured goods being even more competitively priced to the consumer.


BTW, any idea how CC will impact the US? No one seems to know.


They won't to provide any answers for fear of looking more foolish than they are now.:smile: And I didn't forget. :wai:

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49 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:




I had my own opinion of GW even before big Al made his film.


They should have confined the whole lot to the cutting room floor.  It is now being banned from a lot schools as it is being considered untruthful and straight out propaganda, and that is coming from the students. :wai:

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Donald Trump’s opening shot: The wind farm at his golf course

The US President-elect used his first meeting with a British politician since his shock White House victory to criticise the Scottish government for allowing the country to become over-run with wind farms. 

In a meeting with the interim Ukip leader Nigel Farage and his team at Trump Tower in New York last weekend, the business tycoon launched into a tirade against the eyesores, which he has previously branded “unattractive, ugly, noisy and dangerous”. 

Mr Trump has fought a long-running battle against a wind farm off the coast from his Aberdeenshire course, Trump International Golf Links, which he has previously called an act of “public vandalism”.


He went on to urge Nigel Farage to lead a campaign against wind farms.



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7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Donald Trump’s opening shot: The wind farm at his golf course

The US President-elect used his first meeting with a British politician since his shock White House victory to criticise the Scottish government for allowing the country to become over-run with wind farms. 

In a meeting with the interim Ukip leader Nigel Farage and his team at Trump Tower in New York last weekend, the business tycoon launched into a tirade against the eyesores, which he has previously branded “unattractive, ugly, noisy and dangerous”. 

Mr Trump has fought a long-running battle against a wind farm off the coast from his Aberdeenshire course, Trump International Golf Links, which he has previously called an act of “public vandalism”.


He went on to urge Nigel Farage to lead a campaign against wind farms.




Can anyone honestly say windfarms are attractive?


Iowa is littered with them. 


And it is well proven they kill 1,000's of migratory birds.

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:

BTW, any idea how CC will impact the US? No one seems to know.


Water Out West

According to a 2011 U.S. Interior Department report, "annual flows in three prominent river basins - the Colorado, Rio Grande and San Joaquin - could decline by as much [as] 8 percent to 14 percent over the next four decades," reported the Associated Press. Expected changes in temperature and precipitation are likely to alter river flows "with increased flooding possible in the winter due to early snowmelt and water shortages in the summer due to reductions in spring and summer runoffs." Mike Connor, commissioner of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, said, "Impacts to water are on the leading edge of global climate change." Earlier this year, the Bureau of Reclamation asked the public to suggest ideas for meeting future water demand around the Colorado River basin.




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Quote :     1 hour ago, ClutchClark said: BTW, any idea how CC will impact the US? No one seems to know.


I do not know , but farmers do.


Yummy Pancake Breakfasts
It may be a bit harder to drown your pancakes in maple syrup in the future, studies suggest. According to a 2010 Cornell University study, "maple syrup production in the Northeast is expected to slightly decline by 2100, and the window for tapping trees will move earlier by about a month." Additionally, most maple syrup production south of Pennsylvania "will likely be lost by 2100 due to lack of freezing." Click here to watch one farmer's fight to save New Hampshire's sugar maples.
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23 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Donald Trump’s opening shot: The wind farm at his golf course

The US President-elect used his first meeting with a British politician since his shock White House victory to criticise the Scottish government for allowing the country to become over-run with wind farms. 

In a meeting with the interim Ukip leader Nigel Farage and his team at Trump Tower in New York last weekend, the business tycoon launched into a tirade against the eyesores, which he has previously branded “unattractive, ugly, noisy and dangerous”. 

Mr Trump has fought a long-running battle against a wind farm off the coast from his Aberdeenshire course, Trump International Golf Links, which he has previously called an act of “public vandalism”.


He went on to urge Nigel Farage to lead a campaign against wind farms.



Can anyone honestly say that Trump is genuinely concerned about the environment? Can anyone honestly say that Trump's opposition to wind farms has nothing to do with the long running battle he has had in Scotland over wind farms and the view from his golf course? Can anyone say that Trump is not exercising the prospective power of his presidency to advance his own personal interests?

And as for them being ugly. Really? Windmills are a big tourist attraction in many parts of the world. In fact, wind farm blades and turbines are beautiful and elegant pieces of engineering.  Particularly the ones located in the ocean that are very different in appearance from the land-based variety.

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