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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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31 minutes ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

No, not misleading at all.....

No need to be a rocket scientist, psychiatrist, or dog catcher to realize that trump is a BIZARRE mental case.




Whether that means he is clinically mentally ill or not isn't particularly relevant and really can't be made definitively outside a professional clinical setting which he obviously won't voluntarily subject himself to do. He's a very public figure though, so it's open season on theories and speculation. 


It's also not much of a stretch to realize that trump is probably the most massively unfit person to be president just based on TEMPERAMENT in American history. The nation and the world are going to have to pay a heavy price for this horrific mistake. The only question is how high the price. It didn't matter as much to the world before the U.S. was the major power that it  has become. But now it matters BIGLY. 

Edited by Jingthing
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Public gives Trump low marks for first 100 days: NBC News/WSJ poll


"Nearly two-thirds of Americans give President Donald Trump poor or middling marks for his first 100 days in office, including a plurality who say he's off to a "poor start," according to results from a brand-new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll."


"Trump's overall job-approval rating stands at 40 percent - down four points from February."


"It's the lowest job-approval rating for a new president at this 100-day stage in the history of the NBC/WSJ poll."





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13 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:

I won't be like a trumpist and call that fake news. So that is indeed a strong indication that the minority of Americans that comprise trump's base continue to be bizarrely loyal. Still at 100 days the most unpopular president in history at this stage as long as that kind of thing has been recorded. 

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It can't really be known if trump is actually mentally ill in the clinical sense, but it continues to by very clear that he is massively UNFIT for the job and he does not change.





Donald Trump has 'dangerous mental illness', say psychiatry experts at Yale conference

Mental health experts say President is 'paranoid and delusional'

“We have an ethical responsibility to warn the public about Donald Trump's dangerous mental illness.”






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"Trump’s AP Interview Reveals Our Unhinged and Unintelligible Commander-in-Chief; The leader of the most powerful nation on earth. A president whose very language, even if you can weave through the lies, and therefore the ideas behind it is unintelligible."



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Trump Inauguration Admits Errors, Vows To Correct Numerous Faulty Donor Records

The committee’s Federal Election Commission report “looks like negligence,” a watchdog said. (sub-title)


"The inaugural committee raised more than $100 million for Trump’s Jan. 20 festivities, which included two inaugural balls that drew a combined total of about 30,000 guests."


"But according to Brendan Fischer, counsel to the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center, “it doesn’t seem that any real effort was made to collect the information that is very clearly required by law.”


"The scores of mistakes contained in the more than 500-page FEC filing can largely be traced to a fundraising and ticketing system the Republican Party introduced this year, which provided special online access codes to Trump supporters."




Clowns or... :whistling:


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On 4/24/2017 at 10:15 PM, Jingthing said:

I won't be like a trumpist and call that fake news. So that is indeed a strong indication that the minority of Americans that comprise trump's base continue to be bizarrely loyal. Still at 100 days the most unpopular president in history at this stage as long as that kind of thing has been recorded. 


No one likes to admit making a mistake. It is better to double down and hope the next 100 days brings the "greatness" that those sheeple just know will come. Any day now...


Hmm, maybe the next 100 days, or the next 100 days after that, or the next? 

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CHICAGO (The Borowitz Report)—In an appearance at the University of Chicago on Monday, former President Barack Obama unloaded a relentless barrage of complete sentences in what was widely seen as a brutal attack on his successor, Donald Trump.

Appearing at his first public event since leaving office, Obama fired off a punishing fusillade of grammatically correct sentences, the likes of which the American people have not heard from the White House since he departed.



“He totally restricted his speech to complete sentences,” Tracy Klugian, a student at the event, said. “It was the most vicious takedown of Trump I’d ever seen.”




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At least he has managed to configure a red "Coke" button in his first 100 days. That has got to count for something.


The President of the United States Has a Button That He Presses So a Butler Delivers Him a Coke



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12 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Glad to see you're accepting the validity of the poll. According to which Trump's approval rating is at record lows.

I don't care about his popularity, I care about someone that will do the job, and in the end, Trump would still win. Hillary and Obama already proved they weren't very competent, and more people have clued in on that.

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Judge cites Trump's comment in "sanctuary city" ruling


"In a ruling on Tuesday, U.S. District Judge William Orrick quoted Trump to support his decision to block the president’s order to withhold funding from “sanctuary cities” that do not cooperate with U.S. immigration officials."


"The first comment was evidence that the administration intended the executive order to apply broadly to all sorts of federal funding, and not a relatively small pot of grant money as the Department of Justice had argued, the judge said."


"The second statement showed the two California governments that sued to block the order — San Francisco and Santa Clara County — had good reason to believe they would be targeted, Orrick said."




Your strong arm Mussolini gibberish doesn't wash oh Orange one...

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Trump’s over-the-top, boastful AP interview, annotated


"President Trump sat down with the Associated Press's Julie Pace on Friday, and what emerged was a conversation in which Trump bragged and boasted repeatedly — sometimes unprompted and using revisionist history — about what he's accomplished in his first 100 days as president."


"He did this all while dismissing the idea that the 100-day threshold even matters, despite hailing that same standard dozens of times late in his 2016 campaign."




Ramble on...

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23 hours ago, beechguy said:

I don't care about his popularity, I care about someone that will do the job, and in the end, Trump would still win. Hillary and Obama already proved they weren't very competent, and more people have clued in on that.

So you are OK with Trump going back on all his campaign promises? NAFTA being the latest. Clearly,  he's not doing the job as he promised last year.  LOL


Obama was an OK president. Sadly,  stymied by Congress in his last term. Place the blame properly.

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41 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

So you are OK with Trump going back on all his campaign promises? NAFTA being the latest. Clearly,  he's not doing the job as he promised last year.  LOL


Obama was an OK president. Sadly,  stymied by Congress in his last term. Place the blame properly.

It's just been about 100 days, I'm willing to give the guy some time, and I'm already better off than I was under the Obama Administration. I also know, that I'm better off with Trump in the White House, VS Hillary.

By the way, Obama had 8 years, what great things did he do with NAFTA?

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31 minutes ago, beechguy said:

It's just been about 100 days, I'm willing to give the guy some time, and I'm already better off than I was under the Obama Administration. I also know, that I'm better off with Trump in the White House, VS Hillary.

By the way, Obama had 8 years, what great things did he do with NAFTA?

What great things could he have done with Nafta after his first 2 years? Nafta always enjoyed much warmer support from Republicans in the house and senate than from Democrats.

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11 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

What great things could he have done with Nafta after his first 2 years? Nafta always enjoyed much warmer support from Republicans in the house and senate than from Democrats.

Very well, he had 2 years, what did he do? He actually had more time, but that would require presenting a plan, that would work, but considering the guy hadn't owned, or ran a business, how would he know.

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10 minutes ago, beechguy said:

Very well, he had 2 years, what did he do? He actually had more time, but that would require presenting a plan, that would work, but considering the guy hadn't owned, or ran a business, how would he know.

Oh, there was a little something called Obamacare. Which the Republicans repeatedly called to be eliminated. And yet, somehow, the more they try, the more popular it grows.

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13 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Oh, there was a little something called Obamacare. Which the Republicans repeatedly called to be eliminated. And yet, somehow, the more they try, the more popular it grows.

Yes, where 5 states only have one Insurance Company in the exchange, where about 1/3 of the Counties in the U.S. have one company on the exchange. The problem is, the Democrats thought they would have another 4-8 years with Hillary to fleece the tax payer, didn't work out that way.

From the link I posted the other day, yes, Trump isn't very popular, but Hillary would still lose to Trump 43-40%, get over it.

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