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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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On May 2, 2017 at 5:25 PM, simple1 said:

Well worth reading, especially the embedded URL link to the reading of the 'Snake'.


Trump’s 100th-day speech may have been the most hate-filled in modern history


It should be noted that Africa Brown, daughter of deceased singer, songwriter, actor and playwrite, Oscar Brown Jr.,

who wrote the song/poem "The Snake",  says the song is actually about people like Trump:


"Africa Brown: I think he would've been shocked and amazed, because what Donald Trump stands for,

and what my father stands for, are in such opposition."


"The snake was basically written to outline something like what Trump is doing!"


"If we let you in, and we see what you are, then we shouldn't be surprised when we get what we get."





"We don't want him using these lyrics," said Brown's daughter, Maggie Brown, also a distinguished singer."


"If Dad were alive, he would've ripped (Trump) with a great poem in rebuttal. Not only a poem and a song, but an essay and everything else."




At his brain dead rallies, the ignorant buffoon introduces the song as being written by Al Wilson who only recorded the song.

A disrespectful cretin who doesn't even know who wrote the words that spew from his uninformed mouth.

Or why they were written.

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I fully realize that some people will discount the resistance work of Stephen Colbert because he gets paid vast sums of money to do his show, and also his ratings have skyrocketed since the election of 45. Well, I don't.

The RANT he recently did was highly unusual and pushed the format of his entertainment show in ways that many people are objecting to. The trumpists are calling for his head now. Will he be fired? Well, I don't think so, but it's possible.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I really don't think there has been a political rant quite like this in the history of "late night show" network U.S. television.  So he took at least SOME personal risk doing this so very well paid as he is, he definitely now has some serious SKIN in the game.

Not a normal presidency. Not a normal reaction. 


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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I fully realize that some people will discount the resistance work of Stephen Colbert because he gets paid vast sums of money to do his show, and also his ratings have skyrocketed since the election of 45. Well, I don't.

The RANT he recently did was highly unusual and pushed the format of his entertainment show in ways that many people are objecting to. The trumpists are calling for his head now. Will he be fired? Well, I don't think so, but it's possible.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I really don't think there has been a political rant quite like this in the history of "late night show" network U.S. television.  So he took at least SOME personal risk doing this so very well paid as he is, he definitely now has some serious SKIN in the game.

Not a normal presidency. Not a normal reaction. 


Watch the whole thing, it is epic. Praise the Lord for the First Amendment!  If Trump can say to the host of Face the Nation, yeah well I call it 'deface the nation' then he deserves everything Colbert throws at him here and I do not think CBS will bat an eyelid. After Trumps attack on the media during the Pennsylvania rally while the press were at the WHC dinner I think the media will go all out now to destroy him and his.

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Watch the whole thing, it is epic. Praise the Lord for the First Amendment!  If Trump can say to the host of Face the Nation, yeah well I call it 'deface the nation' then he deserves everything Colbert throws at him here and I do not think CBS will bat an eyelid. After Trumps attack on the media during the Pennsylvania rally while the press were at the WHC dinner I think the media will go all out now to destroy him and his.

After? That's hilarious.
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                               Colbert is one of several talk show hosts who are skewering Trumpsters.   And yes, it is good the 1st Amendment still exists in the US.   Trump will keep bleating about 'fake news' and how 'everyone who doesn't praise me is an enemy of the people.'  


                   Colbert and the others are like a tall glass of cool water, after a trek through a 110 degree desert.    Keep it going.   

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18 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                               Colbert is one of several talk show hosts who are skewering Trumpsters.   And yes, it is good the 1st Amendment still exists in the US.   Trump will keep bleating about 'fake news' and how 'everyone who doesn't praise me is an enemy of the people.'  


                   Colbert and the others are like a tall glass of cool water, after a trek through a 110 degree desert.    Keep it going.   

Well said, I am truly surprised that Trump hasn't attempted an executive order to silence the critics.


A very good documentary about free speech is George Orwells 1984 , It used to be considered a work of fiction, But now days its a factual reference book.

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22 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

You should research that a bit.  The US reduced ties with Thailand after the coup. It's the law.


And many in the US are not doing fine.  Just heard from a friend who's having problems with his insurance due to this BS from Trump. 


So no. Not everybody in the US is doing fine.  Watch Kimmels video. 

You may be a bit confused or replying to the wrong person?

My post said nothing about the US increasing or decreasing ties with Thailand.

What I said was it is funny you all whine about politics in the US yet live in Thailand & in turn support a country that is under military junta rule


Yet complain about our democratically elected government which you take no part in anyway

Like a bunch of critics demanding a cake be baked a certain way & you will not be here to eat any of it anyway.


As for "your friend" well we live here in the USA & we have no such problems nor does anyone we know.

The only complaints here about insurance is due to the train wreck formerly known as Obama Care <sic>


As for Jimmy Kimmel ....no thanks but you get your  news from any source you want because

again we live here in the USA... front lines...


Maybe clean up your own house before complaining about places you do not live??

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20 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                    Seriously though, as u know, Trump is a giant divider.  He's divided Americans a bunch more than HRC every would have. 

Yes a bunch of if & maybe regarding HRC


Here are the facts...We live here in the democratically elected government known as the United States of America.


We see as always some who are happy with the elected govt they chose & we see some who are unhappy

with the government they did not vote for being elected but there is in fact acceptance here & the usual getting on with life

But...........Never in our life have we seen such a bunch of children throwing tantrums like this thread does....


But again you folks don't live here so maybe your lack of having a say in the Military Junta country you support there in Thailand  makes you act out

about this fairly elected current government here in the United States? Makes you somehow feel patriotic?


I don't know nor do I really care.

Life here in the USA is quite good

I check in here at TV forum from time to time because we once lived for years in Thailand

We Left not long after the Junta


But you folks carry on with your Faux "resistance" to fair US elections from afar & I will check back in 6 months or so see how your holding up.


Take Care




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1 hour ago, mania said:

Yes a bunch of if & maybe regarding HRC


Here are the facts...We live here in the democratically elected government known as the United States of America.


We see as always some who are happy with the elected govt they chose & we see some who are unhappy

with the government they did not vote for being elected but there is in fact acceptance here & the usual getting on with life

But...........Never in our life have we seen such a bunch of children throwing tantrums like this thread does....


But again you folks don't live here so maybe your lack of having a say in the Military Junta country you support there in Thailand  makes you act out

about this fairly elected current government here in the United States? Makes you somehow feel patriotic?


I don't know nor do I really care.

Life here in the USA is quite good

I check in here at TV forum from time to time because we once lived for years in Thailand

We Left not long after the Junta


But you folks carry on with your Faux "resistance" to fair US elections from afar & I will check back in 6 months or so see how your holding up.


Take Care




So if the candidate you support doesn't get elected, you're just supposed to roll over and let him go ahead and put into law whatever he likes?  You have to be pretty obtuse not to understand the difference between resistance to "fair us elections" and resistance to the programs that an elected president wants to put into law.

What adds a somewhat ludicrous note to your comment is that before he was elected, the current president was casting aspersions on the elections and refused to say whether or not they were fair. And after the elections he asserted that they weren't fair because he won despite massive voter fraud. Maybe you should direct your comments about  resistance to election results to him.

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2 hours ago, mania said:


What I said was it is funny you all whine about politics in the US yet live in Thailand & in turn support a country that is under military junta rule


Yet complain about our democratically elected government which you take no part in anyway

Like a bunch of critics demanding a cake be baked a certain way & you will not be here to eat any of it anyway.


As for "your friend" well we live here in the USA & we have no such problems nor does anyone we know.

The only complaints here about insurance is due to the train wreck formerly known as Obama Care <sic>


As for Jimmy Kimmel ....no thanks but you get your  news from any source you want because

again we live here in the USA... front lines...


Maybe clean up your own house before complaining about places you do not live??

Hmmmm. Moved to Thailand permanently many years before the coup. It's my home.  So I'm suppose to sell everything now?  Impossible for me to do. 


I'm part owner in a business in the US.  I have employees, pay a variety of taxes, etc. I have every right to express my concerns.  That's what's great about the US. 


My brother is a pharmacist. According to him, the ACA is fantastic.  For him and his patients. 


Your last comment is uncalled for.  Stopping back here in 6 months would be great.  See you then. 

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It’s time to seriously consider that Trump is unfit to be president


"Let's face it, and let's say what needs to be said, President Trump has rhetorically crossed the Rubicon. His jabbering has jumped the shark. His public pronouncements have passed the point of no return."


"We are now beyond debating whether this president's policies have merit or whether he intends to "make America great again."


"We should, however belatedly, be discussing whether President Trump remains fit and competent enough to remain the leader of the free world."



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Trump: Crazy Like a Fox, or Just Crazy?


"Trump was always going to be an unpredictable work in progress because he did no homework before coming to office — which is why he now tells us that he’s finding so many problems more difficult than he anticipated — and because he didn’t know most of his cabinet members."


"They’re sort of a pickup basketball team, bound not by a shared vision but by a shared willingness to overlook Trump’s core ignorance, instability and indecency and serve in key jobs as much to restrain him as to be guided by him."



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Does Donald Trump Have Dementia?


"As people analyze the flurry of rambling misstatements, outright lies and flip-flops coming from the toupeed totalitarian sitting in the Oval Office, credible voices who once giggled at Donald Trump’s antics have stopped laughing and started asking a very serious question: "


"Is the president of the United States suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s?"


"Even more troubling is the fact that Trump’s medical records, released during the campaign, are basically a cursory exam, filled with hyperbole, written by a family friend who is a gastroenterologist."



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Dan Rather: 'Trump's knowledge of American history' below 'most gradeschoolers'


"He writes, in part, "Nevermind that Mr. Trump's knowledge of American history seems below that of most gradeschoolers."


"Nevermind that in many people's view, Jackson is not exactly the kind of president, or man, you would want to hold up as an example."


"Rather continues, "Should we not conclude that he approaches policy decisions with the same half-baked conspiracies with which he apparently approaches history?"



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Trump has a dangerous disability


"It is urgent for Americans to think and speak clearly about President Trump’s inability to do either."


"This seems to be not a mere disinclination but a disability."


"It is not merely the result of intellectual sloth but of an untrained mind bereft of information and married to stratospheric self-confidence."



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3 hours ago, mania said:

Yes a bunch of if & maybe regarding HRC


Here are the facts...We live here in the democratically elected government known as the United States of America.


We see as always some who are happy with the elected govt they chose & we see some who are unhappy

with the government they did not vote for being elected but there is in fact acceptance here & the usual getting on with life

But...........Never in our life have we seen such a bunch of children throwing tantrums like this thread does....


But again you folks don't live here so maybe your lack of having a say in the Military Junta country you support there in Thailand  makes you act out

about this fairly elected current government here in the United States? Makes you somehow feel patriotic?


I don't know nor do I really care.

Life here in the USA is quite good

I check in here at TV forum from time to time because we once lived for years in Thailand

We Left not long after the Junta


But you folks carry on with your Faux "resistance" to fair US elections from afar & I will check back in 6 months or so see how your holding up.


Take Care




Well as has been the subject of much scrutiny for 6 months it seems the intelligence agencies think that the elections were far from " fair", but I am glad they have not blighted your vision of utopia.


You are lucky you could up-sticks and move back to the US after the 'junta' were imposed. Not many can make such a move and many others have businesses and commitments, yet now face your criticism for doing so.


You find it amusing that people living here may want to comment about the USA political system, I find it even more amusing that someone living in such 'paradise' as you clearly believe you are wants to come onto a forum designed for all things Thai. You belong on here far less than our interest in commenting on US politics, which after all have a GLOBAL impact. As for the politics, frankly you are completely blind. You have no idea what type of democracy actually works and why. The western model of democracy does not work in the Middle East and it was never an option here. Is it a democracy here (when you chose to live here) when all votes are bought? - Nope. Frankly Thailand is doing just fine now and has never had such extended periods of peace and Government officials who are actually working for the people and the country. The Thai people are happy and the current government has stopped the dreadful divisive nature of how 'democracy' affected this part of the world.



We live here in the democratically elected government known as the United States of America.

You even got that wrong, you live in a Democratic Republic, and your voting system is now so plagued by gerrymandering there is nothing that resembles democracy left.


So although you believe that we have no right to comment on US Politics despite the fact they now take us to the brink of nuclear war in OUR region of the world - not your own, you have far less of your implied rights to come on here and bitch and moan about a group of people who happily live where you once did. You couldn't have liked it that much for you to leave just on a change of system of governance, so tell you what, don't poke your head back in here in 6 months, just get on with your new life and we will be quite happy here without your comment. It makes sense. Ciao.

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4 minutes ago, Morch said:


What does the guy sell?


One of the most successful investigative journalists ever. He has put plenty of politicians behind bars. Doesn't need to sell his book, it's a best seller.

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7 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

One of the most successful investigative journalists ever. He has put plenty of politicians behind bars. Doesn't need to sell his book, it's a best seller.


Yeah, alright - meant the pitch was funny in light of the clip's title.

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:


Yeah, alright - meant the pitch was funny in light of the clip's title.

You were quick :wink:  I put it on again when I posted and am still listening to it. The guy has some fascinating information. No anonymous sources. Trump is a grade A crook.

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7 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Well said, I am truly surprised that Trump hasn't attempted an executive order to silence the critics.


A very good documentary about free speech is George Orwells 1984 , It used to be considered a work of fiction, But now days its a factual reference book.

Woman faces up to a year in prison for laughing during Jeff Sessions hearing



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The Russia investigation could finally unlock Trump’s tax returns

It was a recurring theme during the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing with FBI Director James Comey.



"Last month, USA Today reported that since the election, Trump companies have sold 14 luxury condos and home-building lots for about $23 million." 


"In many cases, the identities of the purchasers were concealed by shell companies."


"The USA Today report details how one mysterious shell company spent $3.1 million to buy 11 luxury condos in a Las Vegas building co-owned by Trump shortly before the Republican National Convention."





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Trump's business network reached alleged Russian mobsters


"To expand his real estate developments over the years, Donald Trump, his company and partners repeatedly turned to wealthy Russians and oligarchs from former Soviet republics — several allegedly connected to organized crime, according to a USA TODAY review of court cases, government and legal documents and an interview with a former federal prosecutor."


"The president and his companies have been linked to at least 10 wealthy former Soviet businessmen with alleged ties to criminal organizations or money laundering."


Among them:



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Kleptocrat in chief.

Prepare to vomit.

Why you don't want to elect a corrupt "businessman" con artist as president. 

When does his 40 percent base start to get how ROTTEN this is?



But Trump isn’t failing. He and his family appear to be making money hand over fist. It's a spectacle the likes of which we've never seen in the United States, and while it may end in disaster for the Trumps someday, for now it shows no real sign of failure.



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This is so Trump !


Trump is now caught lying on his candidate form !!  The link is a good starting point, fill your boots with google after that. This is a year ago and just not followed up. This scum bag should not be permitted to get away with this.



Recently it has just been discovered that Trump, in an effort to show the world how rich he is, valued one of his properties at “more than $50 million,” yet his attorneys, for tax purposes, tried to argue that it is really only worth $1.35 million. The property in question, The Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York, is a sprawling 147-acre private club with manicured lawns, stone bridges, and has a 101-foot waterfall.





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Trump goes soft on Saudi

He used to trash the kingdom, but now the president is making it his first foreign stop. (sub-title)


"President Donald Trump has said that Saudi Arabia “blew up the World Trade Center” and wants “women as slaves and to kill gays.”


"He has also insisted that the oil-rich Arab kingdom provide the United States with free oil for a decade."


"But when Trump takes his first overseas trip later this month, Saudi Arabia will be his first stop."




A shameless panderer.


With the principles of a gnat...

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