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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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4 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

Is this the real life? No
Is this just fantasy? Yes
Caught in a landslide, :cheesy:
No escape from reality. (only here in this liberal fantasy thread) :cheesy:


No landslide. trump lost the popular vote. His electoral win was modest in historical perspective. The key states that he won to win electorally, he won with thin margins. This thread is about the resistance. It's more real than fake news about a trump landslide, which again, NEVER happened. 

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Is this the real life? No
Is this just fantasy? Yes
Caught in a landslide. (Disclaimer: His electoral win was modest in historical perspective. The key states that he won to win electorally, he won with thin margins.):cheesy:
No escape from reality. (only here in this liberal fantasy thread) :cheesy:

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2 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

Is this the real life? No
Is this just fantasy? Yes
Caught in a landslide. (Disclaimer: His electoral win was modest in historical perspective. The key states that he won to win electorally, he won with thin margins.):cheesy:
No escape from reality. (only here in this liberal fantasy thread) :cheesy:

Yes, opposition to Trump has been a massive failure. Just look at his amazing triumph in the health care bill. Resistance is futile.

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A bit of good news for the anti-fascist/anti resistance. Nazi-linked Hungarian Gorka now ousted from the white house. Hopefully, Bannon is next!



Sebastian Gorka, President Trump’s chief counter-terrorism advisor, is soon to be shifted from his White House position to another spot somewhere else in the administration, according to a report in the Washington Examiner.

Gorka, whose official title is deputy assistant to the president, has been under continued attack from critics for his alleged lack of professional qualifications and past ties to anti-Semitic and racist groups in Hungary.




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2 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Yes, so I get to keep the POC plan the last administration forced on me.

Nothing was forced on anyone and what you are doing is trolling.  


I suggest you stop.  

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10 hours ago, Andaman Al said:





Trump marketed himself on a hundred day plan and now denies all knowledge of that! Even his supporters must see that he is an ass! 

I loved that video JT put up with John Cleese. As he said,  Trump supporters are plain stupid. That supporters comments about what he said on the bus is insane.


Goes back to my previous comment. Is democracy now a failed form of government? Sure looks that way. 

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1 minute ago, Skywalker69 said:

Still haven't heard a good argument against impeachment  ... 

You make a mistake. You cut the losses and move on. It's just business. 

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Via RawStory: Kenneth Peek, a Georgia farmer, who is now on Obamacare, thought Trump would get things “straightened out.” However, he’s now understanding things might get worse. Under the proposed law, thousands of rural Georgians, who voted overwhelmingly for Trump, stand to lose their health insurance or their hospitals and, for many, their costs will increase.



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1 hour ago, Skywalker69 said:

No way to know when the photos were taken? Of course the no bias reporter would not attempt to mislead in any way.


I believe the place has 7000 + seats, not sure if there is a maximum allowed in for insurance/fire safety etc etc.


As you can see from the pic below, in addition to the seating, there are 1000's standing.



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59 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

No way to know when the photos were taken? Of course the no bias reporter would not attempt to mislead in any way.


I believe the place has 7000 + seats, not sure if there is a maximum allowed in for insurance/fire safety etc etc.


As you can see from the pic below, in addition to the seating, there are 1000's standing.



The flag is covering the emty upper seats.

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The not normal so called president.





"During the first 100 days the Republic has survived, but the GOP, permanently we think, has been morally compromised and intellectually corrupted, just as many of us warned. “Everything Trump touches dies,” GOP consultant Rick Wilson is fond of saying. Trump’s victims now include a respectable Republican Party."



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The ignorant buffoon clamors on...


Trump Quotes About Andrew Jackson and the Civil War


"TRUMP: I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart, and he was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War. He said, "There's no reason for this."




What a complete idiot.

Andrew Jackson died in 1845.

The Civil War started in 1861.


Donald Trump just gave two incredibly bizarre (and fact-free) interviews





Dunning Kruger.

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Donald Trump builds relations with authoritarian Asian leaders


"Donald Trump has revived US relations with two of Asia’s most authoritarian heads of state – the leader of Thailand’s junta and the president of the Philippines – by inviting them to the White House."


"In separate phone calls over the weekend, Trump spoke with Thailand’s prime minister, Prayuth Chan-ocha, a former general who took power in a 2014 coup, and the Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte, who is accused of mass murder."


"The governments of Thailand and the Philippines had cooperative but strained relationships with the US before Trump took office, mostly because of human rights concerns expressed by the former administration."



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The ignorant doof strikes again!   :laugh:


Trump stirs debate in remarks on American Civil War


"In a radio interview, he suggested the conflict might have been avoided if President Andrew Jackson had still been in office."


"The 1861-65 Civil War between the northern and southern states was principally caused by slavery."


"Mr Jackson, who was president from 1829-37, was a slave-owner himself."





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Trump keeps praising international strongmen, alarming human rights advocates


"Egyptian President Abdel ­Fatah al-Sissi has had his opponents gunned down, but Trump praised him for doing “a fantastic job.”


Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha is a junta chief whose military jailed dissidents after taking power in a coup, yet Trump offered to meet with him at the White House. "


"Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has eroded basic freedoms, but after a recent political victory, he got a congratulatory call from Trump."




Lest we forget, Putin, Duterte and that "smart cookie", the North Korean dictator who Trump would be "honored to meet"...

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