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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

I hope that would be done at Trumps own expense. Must the tax payer pay a penalty to prevent 'ineptness' now?

It sounds like a good idea but when Trump is in one of his 3am tweet rages in his own bedroom, who is going to stop him?


They could use these.

And cheaper.



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‘He played me for a fool’: Kentucky Trump supporter laments he should have voted for Hillary


In a heartbreaking interview, one Kentucky voter for President Donald Trump revealed that he believed it when Trump told voters he would fight for them. Now, however, Trump is cutting programs that help people like him survive while jobs are scarce.



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G7 leaders took a stroll in Sicily — and Trump followed them in a golf cart


"President Trump rounded out his first foreign trip since taking office by joining other G7 leaders as they walked the streets of Taormina, Sicily."


"There was just one difference: as the leaders of the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, and Japan walked on foot, Trump followed in a golf cart, The Times of London reported on Saturday."


"They walked the 700 yards from the traditional G7 group photo, taken at a Greek amphitheatre, to a piazza in the hilltop town, but Mr Trump stayed behind until he could take a seat in the electric vehicle," The Times reported."




The doughy one couldn't even make it 700 yards.

And squandering a perfect time to have some off the cuff conversation.


Probably couldn't keep up with them on that either...

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9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Speaks for herself. 

Spot on criticism of the trump --



Thanks for posting posting. I spent the full 30 mins listening and it was excellent. What a difference 50 IQ points can make. I know she was not everybody's favourite personality, but as a President she would have knocked spots off Trump. What a pity the US missed the opportunity. She would have been as tough as boots with US adversaries and as gentle as needed with her own people.

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53 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Thanks for posting posting. I spent the full 30 mins listening and it was excellent. What a difference 50 IQ points can make. I know she was not everybody's favourite personality, but as a President she would have knocked spots off Trump. What a pity the US missed the opportunity. She would have been as tough as boots with US adversaries and as gentle as needed with her own people.

She would be making big dollars for her foundation and appointing liberal Supreme Court justices, no thanks. We are lucky to have the buffoon for President.

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1 minute ago, Ahab said:

She would be making big dollars for her foundation and appointing liberal Supreme Court justices, no thanks. We are lucky to have the buffoon for President.

Sure, her foundation that saves lives in Africa, instead of trump's policies of cutting off basic health services resulting in the massive deaths. Yeah, great choice, Americans. Making American hated again. I recently read a theory that many Europeans like trump because it reinforces their feeling that they're superior to us. I guess it's time to ask Germany to assume the role of leader of the free world, and maybe the U.S. will be back someday, and maybe ... not. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Sure, her foundation that saves lives in Africa, instead of trump's policies of cutting off basic health services resulting in the massive deaths. Yeah, great choice, Americans. Making American hated again. 

You do realize that the amount of money going to health services under the Trump proposed budget is increasing in dollar amount (year over year).


I never have said Trump was a good or great choice, but he is better than the Hillary even though he is a buffoon.

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6 minutes ago, Ahab said:

She would be making big dollars for her foundation and appointing liberal Supreme Court justices, no thanks. We are lucky to have the buffoon for President.

Her foundation has done nothing but good. Point me to one credible source that says otherwise. It was given a triple A rating by the national auditing body. In the meantime Trumps foundation was told to cease operating as initial examination showed gross misappropriation of funds. Trump complained about the Clintons taking Saudi money (which was used to benefit women). After Trumps visit the Saudi's have just pledged 100 Million USD to Ivanka Trumps foundation. Where is your outrage, where is President Trumps out rage. Or do they not report such FACTS on Breitbart or Info Wars?

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16 minutes ago, Ahab said:

We are lucky to have the buffoon for President.


There you have it folks.

Embrace an acknowledged buffoon.

And party over country.




Fortunately, you speak for a minority.




MAGA: Morons Are Governing America.

Edited by iReason
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1 minute ago, Ahab said:

You do realize that the amount of money going to health services under the Trump proposed budget is increasing in dollar amount (year over year).


I never have said Trump was a good or great choice, but he is better than the Hillary even though he is a buffoon.

You are talking absolute rubbish. Spouting out what Donald's media tells you without so much as a cursory interest in the truth. Your last line is pitiful.

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5 minutes ago, Ahab said:

You do realize that the amount of money going to health services under the Trump proposed budget is increasing in dollar amount (year over year).


I never have said Trump was a good or great choice, but he is better than the Hillary even though he is a buffoon.

Are you seriously trying to sell trumpcare with Fox News propaganda? No credible person thinks that's an improvement over ACA (which is flawed, but needs fixing, not KILLING). Let's face it, Fox News is like the Russia Today of the U.S. Propaganda of the regime. 

Anyway, I was talking about foreign aid in Africa because YOU brought up the Clinton foundation. The Clinton foundation has saved countless lives.  trump's cuts based on extremist Christian fundamentalism in foreign aid is basically mass murder. 

Edited by Jingthing
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" Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey and the subsequent string of allegations – from Trump demanding a pledge of loyalty from Comey and pressuring him to ease off a probe into his former aide, to revelations that Trump trashed Comey as a “nut job” in an Oval Office meeting with top Russian officials—have narrowed the ranks of people willing to serve.. wondering if they’re going to take a huge reputational hit if the president of the United States starts tweeting about them. …”



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Sean Spicer slaps down BBC over suggestion Donald Trump failed to use translator at G7


"James Landale posted a video of Trump on Twitter in which he appeared to be the only leader not wearing headphones as he listened to the Italian Prime Minister give a speech."


"Sean Spicer responded directly to the BBC journalist's tweet and clarified that Trump had been listening to the translation though a single ear piece in his right ear."


"It comes just months after the White House revealed that Trump had not been wearing a translation earpiece when he appeared to nod along to remarks from the Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe."


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Trump Was So Tired That He Had To Ride In A Golf Cart While Other G7 Leaders Walked

Here is a picture of just how much Trump is weakening the image of the United States. While the leaders of Italy, Japan, Canada, France, Germany and the UK walked together down the streets of Taormina, Trump led from behind in a golf cart.



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Donald Trump: The Gateway Degenerate

When Republicans allowed themselves to accept and support him in spite of his glaring flaws and his life lived in opposition to the values they once professed and insisted upon, they moved themselves into another moral realm in which literally nothing was beyond the pale.

It is a sort of by-any-means-necessary, no-sin-is-too-grave, all-facts-are-fungible space in the moral universe where the rules of basic human decency warp...

When they allowed themselves to vote for a man who insulted Mexicans and Muslims, who mocked a disabled reporter, who called for executing the Central Park Five and who had “a long history of racial bias at his family’s properties, in New York and beyond,” according to an extensive report by The Times, Republicans surrendered the mantle of morality.



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Disrespectful Trump couldn’t stand still at Arlington Memorial Day service (Video)



On Monday morning for Memorial Day, Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery to honor fallen service members.


He was seen laying a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and then gave his first Memorial Day speech to honor and remember those who have died fighting for the United States. 


Very few people seemed impressed by the speech.



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Trump Caught On Camera Flipping Middle Finger To World Leader; Internet Erupts


For as long as there have been rude gestures throughout the history of time, children seeking some form of rebellion have done their best to use them while still disguising the usage to stay out of trouble. The same applies to the orange commander-in-chief of the United States.



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We knew Trump was completely unfit and entirely over his head for the job.  We just didn't know how low it would go.  If it wasn't for a dysfunctional Congress, this senile, compulsively smearing, compulsively lying sociopath would have had impeachment proceedings started against him by now.  This European tour has made him and the US the laughing stock of the world.

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