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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


That is how I feel. He is screwing up occasionally, but IMO the good far outweighs the bad and he is often maligned unfairly.

From what I've been reading, he's been screwing up a bit more than occasionally. LOL


I've yet to see him maligned unfairly.  He brings it all by himself.  Nobody else to blame.

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

From what I've been reading, he's been screwing up a bit more than occasionally. LOL


I've yet to see him maligned unfairly.  He brings it all by himself.  Nobody else to blame.

Sorry if I dismiss your opinions on Donald Trump. It is very obvious that you are in no way objective on that subject. I disagree with most of what you have had to say about him.

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17 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Sorry if I dismiss your opinions on Donald Trump. It is very obvious that you are in no way objective on that subject. I disagree with most of what you have had to say about him.

I have to say the same about you.  You are obviously one of his best cheerleaders.  For better or worse.  You are in no way objective and I also disagree with most of what you have to say about him.  As does most of the press. 


And as you know, I'm not a democrat or a republican.  I didn't like Trump during the elections nor Hillary.


Here's an article that was written due to the mess he's creating.  It's all done by his actions.






What's a constitutional crisis -- and are we in one?

Less than two weeks into Donald Trump's presidency, the United States is staring down the barrel of a crisis echoing the fraught final months that ended with Richard Nixon's resignation in August 1974.


"I have not seen either lawless behavior or civil servants calling out lawless behavior like this since (the Watergate era)," Seth Kreimer, the Kenneth W. Gemmill Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania, told CNN on Monday night as Donald Trump was replacing an acting attorney general who would not defend his executive order with one who would.


"We saw mass confusion at the level of (airport) line agents because we had an executive who crafted an executive order without consultation with any of the usual suspects you'd normally consult with," Chacón said, referencing reports that the Department of Homeland Security, State Department and congressional officials were left in the dark about the order right up to its dizzying implementation.



This one sums it up rather well:


"What we're seeing (in the airports) and what I'm concerned about is an administration that acts rashly and fails to consult in ways that generate the possibility and create the likelihood that executive agents will operate in violation of court orders," Chacón said.


How can I support a president like this?

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A common comment recently following the YUGE women's march is about comparing the right wing tea party to the anti-trump resistance. Remember the tea party started as outsiders but then they slowly but surely took over the republican party. Later mentally bizarre "alt-right" ally trump did a hostile takeover of that party and somehow managed to win the presidency.


So isn't that the way to go? Take over the DEMOCRATIC party?




America’s New Opposition

From Occupy Wall Street to Black Lives Matter, the left has been reborn. Can it find a way to harness the populist uprising that brought Trump to power?

A political party, as Trump and the Tea Party have both demonstrated, is well worth fighting to take over.





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A new Twitter account is one way of finding humour in Trump's arguable preposterity. @TrumpDraws takes the moment the billionaire signed his executive order – implementing the 'Muslim Ban' – and changes it up a bit.

The account's profile states: "I'm the president and I like to draw."

Trump Draws is an excellent one-joke Twitter account    https://boingboing.net/2017/01/31/trump-draws-is-an-excellent-on.html










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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

A common comment recently following the YUGE women's march is about comparing the right wing tea party to the anti-trump resistance. Remember the tea party started as outsiders but then they slowly but surely took over the republican party. Later mentally bizarre "alt-right" ally trump did a hostile takeover of that party and somehow managed to win the presidency.


So isn't that the way to go? Take over the DEMOCRATIC party?





One problem that doesn't look good, I'm sure even to many Democrats, is the actions by groups that are violently protesting. Look at the violence at Berkley over the simple fact a Breitbart editor was going to give a speech. Not good PR to watch a woman, minding her own business, wearing a Trump hat, get peppered sprayed by a protestor. Never mind the destruction done to the University property. Odd, that people that are protesting against Trump, can't support free speech.

I say odd, but not surprising at how dishonest these groups are.

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26 minutes ago, beechguy said:

One problem that doesn't look good, I'm sure even to many Democrats, is the actions by groups that are violently protesting. Look at the violence at Berkley over the simple fact a Breitbart editor was going to give a speech. Not good PR to watch a woman, minding her own business, wearing a Trump hat, get peppered sprayed by a protestor. Never mind the destruction done to the University property. Odd, that people that are protesting against Trump, can't support free speech.

I say odd, but not surprising at how dishonest these groups are.


Agreed. I think the left's nutty rhetoric and blatant distortions are working against them. It is way over the top and the average person in America realizes it. This kind of unprincipled behavior is exactly what got Trump elected in the first place. If they keep it up, Trump will end up increasing his support with the silent majority.

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If you want to focus on the Berkeley incident, wait for a World News thread about that, OK?


Please don't HIJACK this thread to digingenously suggest the Berkeley incident represents the breadth of the anti-trump resistance movement. 


As far as "unprincipled behavior" it's hard to imagine anything more unprincipled than the digusting, divisive, race baiting, obscene way that trump ran his tragically successful presidential campaign. trumpists can't claim the moral high ground ... EVER. 

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

If you want to focus on the Berkeley incident, wait for a World New thread about that, OK?


Please don't HIJACK this thread to digingenously suggest the Berkeley incident represents the breadth of the anti-trump resistance movement. 

I haven't disingenuously asserted anything, the actions of these groups, not just the one at Berkley, these actions speak for themselves. I did not suggest this was the scope of the resistance. Now, you are suggesting I shouldn't have free speech? Not surprised, you seem to make a regular effort to ask me to shut up, simply because I'm stating facts, you can't dispute,.

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The FIGHT has just begun. 




Democracy Is Holding Up, for Now

Despite Trump’s blatant assaults on American ideals, our institutions and people are refusing to give in without a fight.


When faced with a choice between a candidate with no vision and a candidate with a nasty vision, many voters will embrace the nasty vision. Even in times of peace and prosperity, perfectly decent human beings are willing to vote for candidates promising extraordinarily cruel policies. When a candidate who promises to inflict extraordinary cruelty on the despised and the abject wins high office, he will (surprise, surprise) use his new-won powers to inflict cruelty on the abject and the despised.




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" Buy American, Hire American" 


Trump vineyard seeks Labor Department approval to hire foreign workers

(The workers are needed to prune the vines on the estate, the Labor application said, and they would be paid $10.72 per hour for a 40-hour, six-day week. The jobs are anticipated to last from January to June. )

" Federal ethics experts for former Democratic and Republican administrations warned Thursday that President-elect Donald Trump is creating a major conflict of interest by allowing his Virginia vineyard to seek special temporary visas for foreign workers. "



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1 minute ago, Opl said:

" Buy American, Hire American" 


Trump vineyard seeks Labor Department approval to hire foreign workers


" Federal ethics experts for former Democratic and Republican administrations warned Thursday that President-elect Donald Trump is creating a major conflict of interest by allowing his Virginia vineyard to seek special temporary visas for foreign workers. 3



Americans will not do farm work, so no choice really. Grueling work.

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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Americans will not do farm work, so no choice really. Grueling work.


So what ?  POTUS Trump is supposed to show the way  " Buy American - Hire American"   Famous Inaugural Speech ...


Meanwhile.. "The founder of Chobani ( at origine a Turk immigrant to US)  the upstart Greek yogurt maker recently valued at as much as $5 billion, just committed one of the most selfless corporate acts of the year: he’s giving 10% of the company to its 2,000 or so employees. Some long-term workers could receive stock valued at $1 million or more, with stock amounts based on each employee’s seniority.  "




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9 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Don't agree at all. He is a successful businessman.

Oh, so those things are mutually exclusive? 
Sounds like irrational worship of successful businessmen. 

I'll never understand your trump fandom in a million years, but to remind everyone again, THIS thread is not a pro vs. con trump thread.

It's SPECIFICALLY about the anti-trump resistance.

You get that right?

Look dude, clearly pro trump people do not support the resistance. 

But it exists, it's real, it's growing, it's persistent. 

You can't trump cheerlead it away. 

trump had the power to throw cold water on it by being a decent, civilized, UNIFYING president. Instead his first few weeks were HORRIFYING.

He won't change except to get even worse. This will feed the resistance just as it feeds the trumpist loyalists. Face it, it's a kind of civil war already.


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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Sure, happy to hear that you agree trump is a hypocrite.

Then you must also admit, that several in the resistance movement, are hypocrites. How can they call someone a fascist, then try to shut everyone down with an opinion that is different than theirs. If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be laughable, I can hardly wait for the next round of elections in 2018.

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Most Americans I speak with are completely fed up with the noise the left is making and are getting on with life, giving the office the respect it deserves.


The louder they become the more deaf the silent majority will become, it is apparent many on the left are suffering some sort of mental illness by attacking every single move our new President makes - perhaps it's the previous 8 years of failure that has them bent out of shape. 

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7 hours ago, beechguy said:

One problem that doesn't look good, I'm sure even to many Democrats, is the actions by groups that are violently protesting. Look at the violence at Berkley over the simple fact a Breitbart editor was going to give a speech. Not good PR to watch a woman, minding her own business, wearing a Trump hat, get peppered sprayed by a protestor. Never mind the destruction done to the University property. Odd, that people that are protesting against Trump, can't support free speech.

I say odd, but not surprising at how dishonest these groups are.

This guy is a disgrace.  Congrats to the students for protesting his speech.  He's a hateful and vindictive person.  A senior editor at Breitbart.  Nuff said there.


Are you aware of what this guy says?  He's been banned from Twitter.  And attending his speech was going to be the white nationalist nut job Nathan Damigo.  Two peas in a pod.  And people wonder why America is becoming divided.  This is an excellent example.  These guys preach hate and should be stopped.






Milo Yiannopoulos is trying to convince colleges that hate speech is cool

"I just want to burn it down," Yiannopoulos said in an interview last month with CNN. "I am speaking on college campuses because education ... is really what matters. It's a crucible where these bad ideas are formed. Bad ideas like ... progressive social justice, feminists, Black Lives Matter ... that I think is so cancerous and toxic to free expression."


'A troll and a provocateur'

Yiannopoulos is often identified with the alt-right, a far-right political movement rife with white nationalist, anti-Semitic and racist ideologies, although he rejects the label.



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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

This guy is a disgrace.  Congrats to the students for protesting his speech.  He's a hateful and vindictive person.  A senior editor at Breitbart.  Nuff said there.


Are you aware of what this guy says?  He's been banned from Twitter.  And attending his speech was going to be the white nationalist nut job Nathan Damigo.  Two peas in a pod.  And people wonder why America is becoming divided.  This is an excellent example.  These guys preach hate and should be stopped.





No problem at all with peaceful protests and demonstrations. What I do have problem with, is breaking windows, burning vehicles, and damaging university property, and especially pepper spraying someone just standing there, not doing anything. I have no doubt, that you do not condone such behavior.

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2 minutes ago, beechguy said:

No problem at all with peaceful protests and demonstrations. What I do have problem with, is breaking windows, burning vehicles, and damaging university property, and especially pepper spraying someone just standing there, not doing anything. I have no doubt, that you do not condone such behavior.

100% agree.  The university should not have allowed this nut to speak.  Kinda like allowing the klu klux klan to speak.  Not a good idea at a liberal, and prestigious, college like Berkeley.

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Wow.  This just in from Trump.  What a nut.  Absolutely terrible.







Trump threatens U.C. Berkeley after protests stop far-right speech

U.S. President Donald Trump threatened on Thursday to cut funding to the University of California at Berkeley after protesters smashed windows and set fires at the school, forcing the cancellation of an appearance by a far-right Breitbart News editor.


Trump's threat in a tweet provoked a response from California lawmakers, who in discussions on the floor of the state senate called it distasteful and an abuse of power, marking the latest clash between the Republican president and officials in the Democratic-majority state.


"If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view - NO FEDERAL FUNDS?" Trump wrote on Twitter at 6:13 a.m. EST (1113 GMT).



He needs to be stopped.

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2 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

In 4 years you'll have your chance :) 


Until then sit back and enjoy the show it's actually quite comical.

The White House probably isn't the best place for comedy.  He's scary now.  Looks like lawyers will be having a boom for the new few years.  At the expense of taxpayers!

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10 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:

Are you?

Lots of stuff on YouTube if you care to look.

A lot of what he has to say is bang on.


You should learn how to properly use the quote function.

When they say it is ok to burn the U.S. Flag, etc. then I think it takes away some of the leverage, to limit these people, on both sides of the issue.

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10 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:

Are you?

Lots of stuff on YouTube if you care to look.

A lot of what he has to say is bang on.


Ok, now I'm having problems with the quote function or edit!

I couldn't edit to give a more accurate reflection of my opinion. I feel like free speech is important, even if we disagree. That gentleman may have very valid points of view, and I think should have been allowed to speak, nobody was forcing anyone to attend. The farce  of those demonstrators, is that they are denying others, the very thing they claim is so important to them.

They(Rioters) are liars, haters, racists, and bigots, everything they accuse the Right or Conservatives of being.

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