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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

            Are you blissful when Trump attacks people (media, CIA, FBI) who are trying to uncover whether there were illegal (and possible treasonous) connections between Trump, his people, and Russian agents?  


         BTW, AG Sessions and FBI head Comey should both recuse themselves from any of t he Russian-connection investigations, as they're both probably complicit. Even a right-wing Republican senator on the 'Ways and Means' committee admitted that, reluctantly, when grilled in an interview yesterday, by Bill Maher.


           How blissful is it when you hear a little Iraqi girl can't come to the USA to get life-saving heart surgery - due to Trump and Bannon's illegal travel ban?


I sometimes make private bets with myself on expected responses. Guess I'll head to to the kitchen and grab that beer, thanks.


Never said I was a Trump supporter, and if you'd actually pay attention, you'd know that's not the case. Rather the opposite. Simply not as vehement as some. My comment was an observation on how people act, not a judgment on how worthy their choices are.


So yeah....barking the Pavlovian rant at the wrong tree. Again.

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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

  There are the hundreds of grievous damages (including, but not exclusive to the 3,000+ still-active lawsuits against him) before he was elected.     

Everyone should really consider that. This man has over 3000 outstanding lawsuits against him for non-payment of contractually agreed fees. That really takes some going. Consider the type of person he must be to have 3000 outstanding court cases against him. A good businessman? Really? It's a pretty shocking indictment on the man isn't it. I would love to hear his supporters on here justify that its ok to have so many class actions against your name.

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20 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

You're pretending that you haven't been paying attention.  And you want me to make a list for you, so you can turn your nose up and say none of it matters?   Actually, there are three categories of damages when relating to Trump.  There are the hundreds of grievous damages (including, but not exclusive to the 3,000+ still-active lawsuits against him) before he was elected.   Then there are the damages he's done since the election.  Thirdly, there are the myriad serious damaging things which will ensue from his (and Bannon's) immensely flawed policies. 


Too many to list here.  Maybe I'll write them in a book, and you can pay $9.95 to read them.   

Maybe you should practice reading before trying to write a book.


My questions are in response to post 954

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"the Wall Street Journal published a small, wonky, yet deeply disturbing scoop that seemed to confirm some of the worst fears about how Donald Trump’s White House might abuse government data. The administration was debating whether to change the way it measured U.S. trade figures" so that US trade deficit looks bigger. And to better convince the elected representatives of the need for its protectionist project.

The idea? Exclude from the exports  the re-exports" :  goods transiting through US territory before being exported elsewhere. Like cars made in Mexico and sent to Canada 



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Retired admiral, commander of bin Laden raid, slams Trump's sentiments on media


William McRaven, a retired four-star admiral and former Navy SEAL, defended journalists this week, calling President Donald Trump's denunciation of the media as "the enemy of the American people" the "greatest threat to democracy" he's seen in his lifetime.

That's coming from a man who's seen major threats to democracy.

McRaven, who was commander of the secretive Joint Special Operations before he retired from the military, is the man who organized and oversaw the highly risky operation that killed Osama bin Laden almost six years ago.

From the Newspaper of the US Military no less. Way to go Commander in Chief !


Stars and Stripes - Admiral slams Trump on Media comments.


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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:


The New York Times and the Washington Post, owned by the worlds 4th and 5th richest persons. Deeply entrenched oligarchs with multinational oligarchys to protect. Bezos's agenda is to dodge taxes personally and corporately and guard against trust busters gaining a foothold in government.

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Rachel Maddow's team does some excellent investigative journalism. Spend a little time (20 mins)  and watch this, it is fascinating. It also probably explains why we have the current distractions at the White House with banned media outlets etc. It is getting peoples attention to focus in a direction where they should not be focusing. There is a big dark storm brewing and the White House have drawn the curtains and taken you into another room that looks in the opposite direction with a blue sky sunset.


It is just a matter of time now before all these pissed news agencies put two and two together and PROVE that the answer is 4. Start packing your bags ready to do a runner Mr Trump.



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1 hour ago, rijb said:

I'll bet she was eager to sign up for Obamacare. She was probably a big Obama supporter too.  


You are aware, along with your tedious blather,

that the Health Care initiative forwarded under President Obama, (ACA) the Affordable Care Act,

is the type of legislation that the GOP never considers.? Right?


You are aware of the odious tag the Lemmings have imposed as a title for the ACA, ObamaCare right?


And BTW, what is "She was probably a big Obama supporter too" supposed to mean?


Please, can you elaborate?

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19 minutes ago, iReason said:


You are aware, along with your tedious blather,

that the Health Care initiative forwarded under President Obama, (ACA) the Affordable Care Act,

is the type of legislation that the GOP never considers.


You are aware of the odious tag the Lemmings have imposed as a title for the ACA, right?


And BTW, what is "She was probably a big Obama supporter too" supposed to mean?


Please, can you elaborate?

My 'tedious blather' was an attempt at sarcasm.


My point is that many people, who are now on ACA (and like it), didn't want it initially, mostly because they didn't like Obama.


I think ACA shouldn't be replaced, just improved.  The Republicans biggest objections to ACA is the nickname...Obamacare.


How long have you been a preacher?

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7 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


The New York Times and the Washington Post, owned by the worlds 4th and 5th richest persons. Deeply entrenched oligarchs with multinational oligarchys to protect. Bezos's agenda is to dodge taxes personally and corporately and guard against trust busters gaining a foothold in government.

The NY Times is a public company.  And controlled mainly by members of one family.  Who do you think "owns" the Times?  Definitely not Carlos.

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6 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Rachel Maddow's team does some excellent investigative journalism. Spend a little time (20 mins)  and watch this, it is fascinating. It also probably explains why we have the current distractions at the White House with banned media outlets etc. It is getting peoples attention to focus in a direction where they should not be focusing. There is a big dark storm brewing and the White House have drawn the curtains and taken you into another room that looks in the opposite direction with a blue sky sunset.


It is just a matter of time now before all these pissed news agencies put two and two together and PROVE that the answer is 4. Start packing your bags ready to do a runner Mr Trump.



This is a must watch.  Wow.  Scary and shows why Trump is doing what he's doing.  Trying to protect himself from all this coming out.  Unreal.

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         Trump has spent more on personal travel in his 1st month than Obama spent in a full year in office.  Remember when Trump said he would be working full-time, and chastized Obama for playing some rounds of golf?   Trump has been playing 18 holes minimum, once per week.  He has instructed people around him not to leak it out, because he doesn't want the American people to have further proof what a hypocritical mean-spirited liar he is.  


         When HRC went to the ladies room during a debate break, Don mentioned several times to the audience, what a disgusting thing that was.  A woman taking a pee break.  Disgusting, according to Donald.  To me, that plummets Trump to as low a level as pussy grabbing.


       Sorry Donnie, too late.  Everyone already has mountains of proof you're a liar, only your most ardent fans justify it.  They will support you no matter how law-breaking you are.  Even treason is excusable for them.  Don, you said it yourself when you said you could shoot somebody dead in broad daylight on a NYC sidewalk, and people would still love you.

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36 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

This is a must watch.  Wow.  Scary and shows why Trump is doing what he's doing.  Trying to protect himself from all this coming out.  Unreal.

Looks like people are trying to close the barn door after the horses are out.


It's more important than ever for the press to do their job.  The voting public needs facts, not hate (TVF posters take note).  And then (hopefully) the truth will out.

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4 minutes ago, rijb said:

Looks like people are trying to close the barn door after the horses are out.


It's more important than ever for the press to do their job.  The voting public needs facts, not hate (TVF posters take note).  And then (hopefully) the truth will out.

agreed and they must do it fairly without embellishment and report facts that neither side can dispute

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1 minute ago, LannaGuy said:

agreed and they must do it fairly without embellishment and report facts that neither side can dispute

Which is what they are doing.  It's just the administration that's pushing "alternative facts" and calling the media all sorts of nasty names.  And for very good reasons, it seems.  They're trying to protect themselves.  Don't fall for it.  A free press is mandatory for a democracy.  For better or worse.

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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Which is what they are doing.  It's just the administration that's pushing "alternative facts" and calling the media all sorts of nasty names.  And for very good reasons, it seems.  They're trying to protect themselves.  Don't fall for it.  A free press is mandatory for a democracy.  For better or worse.

I agree 100% but not that that is what they are doing. To have credibility and TRUST from the public they must be squeaky clean and not show bias. Much of the public do not trust the media because it is patently obvious that they manipulate the truth - not all of them but enough to make it count.  

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1 minute ago, LannaGuy said:

I agree 100% but not that that is what they are doing. To have credibility and TRUST from the public they must be squeaky clean and not show bias. Much of the public do not trust the media because it is patently obvious that they manipulate the truth - not all of them but enough to make it count.  

Every media site has a bias.  But that doesn't mean they don't report the truth.  I see the same stories being reported across many MSM sites, and many smaller ones.  No spin. 


If you look at the fringe media sites, then yes, there's lots of manipulation and lies.  Sites like Breitbart come to mind.  Zerohedge is another.

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

Every media site has a bias.  But that doesn't mean they don't report the truth.  I see the same stories being reported across many MSM sites, and many smaller ones.  No spin. 


If you look at the fringe media sites, then yes, there's lots of manipulation and lies.  Sites like Breitbart come to mind.  Zerohedge is another.

There's so much stuff coming out, I feel like I need a spreadsheet to keep track of everything.

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Just now, rijb said:

There's so much stuff coming out, I feel like I need a spreadsheet to keep track of everything.

It's true that we are all in overload. Going forward it should not include 'sources' (both sides) that can't be verified and fact driven only. There is enough to hold POTUS to account without news media engaging in manipulation and 'sour grapes' because all their forecasts and wishes were wrong.

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13 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

It's true that we are all in overload. Going forward it should not include 'sources' (both sides) that can't be verified and fact driven only. There is enough to hold POTUS to account without news media engaging in manipulation and 'sour grapes' because all their forecasts and wishes were wrong.

Forecasts are just that.  Predictions.  Not facts.  I don't see news manipulation because their "wishes" went wrong! LOL

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

Forecasts are just that.  Predictions.  Not facts.  I don't see news manipulation because their "wishes" went wrong! LOL

But they tried to influence the elections especially CNN. I well remember them sending out Van Jones to interview Republicans and always starting the interviews with "I just don't get it, how could you?"  that's hardly unbiased and I'm a Democrat and if I find nit distasteful I can imagine many other would too!  I also like CNN but their bias was appallingly obvious they could make so many more hits on POTUS by stating the facts ONLY.  I want a free and tough media both is US and even more HERE. 

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30 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

But they tried to influence the elections especially CNN. I well remember them sending out Van Jones to interview Republicans and always starting the interviews with "I just don't get it, how could you?"  that's hardly unbiased and I'm a Democrat and if I find nit distasteful I can imagine many other would too!  I also like CNN but their bias was appallingly obvious they could make so many more hits on POTUS by stating the facts ONLY.  I want a free and tough media both is US and even more HERE. 

I don't watch the news much.  Vary rarely.  Especially TV stuff.  I just read stories.  Hopefully, factual ones!!!!


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