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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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7 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Fox News Analyst Slams Trump's Deceit On Russian Ties



Interesting comment from that guy.  Trump needs to release his tax returns.  But said he won't because it will show ties to Russia.  If not, then release them to get ahead of this before it brings the administration down.


Breaking News:

Trump is pissed at senior staff for not dealing with Sessions properly.  His words were they "fumbled" on this one.  He feels his great speech to congress is now forgotten and overshadowed by this.  His people are saying they've never seen him this pissed.


LOL  Be more honest and you won't have to deal with this BS! LOL

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On Friday, December 09, 2016 at 8:13 PM, Jingthing said:

Michael Moore is getting MILITANT!:intheclub:




I think it's already very obvious that the naysayers that asserted that the resistance to trump was going to be a short lived flash in the pan thing were totally wrong. It's building strongly now and there is no way it doesn't continue as long as the orange "populist" demagogue absurdly holds the office of president. If it comes to pass, that Pence replaces him, there will still be protest and dissent, but it would be more normal.

You just confirmed It JT.  The left can't accept they lost.  Resistance to Pence, even subdued, says that.


Sore losers!!!

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8 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

You just confirmed It JT.  The left can't accept they lost.  Resistance to Pence, even subdued, says that.


Sore losers!!!

You're missing the point.  This is about a president and his administration not telling the truth, and getting caught at it.  This is about a president and his administration who have ties to various Russian officials and individuals...and lied about it.  This has nothing to do with the election.  Get over that.  It gets old.


Big stories out today about how Trump's lost the plot.  Impossible Obama had his place wire tapped.  Impossible.  The only way would be if they were going after Paul Manafort.  Which would make sense considering his connections to Russia and Ukraine.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:


Interesting comment from that guy.  Trump needs to release his tax returns.  But said he won't because it will show ties to Russia.  If not, then release them to get ahead of this before it brings the administration down.


Breaking News:

Trump is pissed at senior staff for not dealing with Sessions properly.  His words were they "fumbled" on this one.  He feels his great speech to congress is now forgotten and overshadowed by this.  His people are saying they've never seen him this pissed.


LOL  Be more honest and you won't have to deal with this BS! LOL

Congress seems to be taking a low profile, after the speech.  Maybe they don't trust Trump's speechwriter.

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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:



Big stories out today about how Trump's loshf the plot.  Impossible Obama h ad his place wire tapped.  Impossible.  The only way would be if they were going after Paul Manafort.  Which would make sense considering his connections to Russia and Ukraine.

Big story??  In the leftist press, CNN and Washington Post!!


If this  ridiculous opposition Is not about a reluctance to accept the election result, why would they go after Pence If he was In the chair?


This IS about the left's Inability to accept the democratic vote.

Please don't raise the 'popular vote'.  It  Is Irrelevant .

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1 minute ago, F4UCorsair said:

Big story??  In the leftist press, CNN and Washington Post!!


If this  ridiculous opposition Is not about a reluctance to accept the election result, why would they go after Pence If he was In the chair?


This IS about the left's Inability to accept the democratic vote.

Please don't raise the 'popular vote'.  It  Is Irrelevant .

It's in every media outlet.  Trump saying Obama wire tapped his phones.  Not just CNN and the Post. 


Again, enough with the election result.  You don't seem to get it.  The election is ancient history.  Please keep up.

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12 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

Big story??  In the leftist press, CNN and Washington Post!!

If this  ridiculous opposition Is not about a reluctance to accept the election result, why would they go after Pence If he was In the chair?

This IS about the left's Inability to accept the democratic vote.

Please don't raise the 'popular vote'.  It  Is Irrelevant .

          In an odd way, it's actually good to hear from the few remaining on the Trump apology raft.  On the one hand, there's the entertainment value of hearing what tepid excuses they're tossing out, hoping they'll float.  On the other hand, it will be fun to observe the Greek chorus of hand-wringers and snifflers, when Trump and his henchmen are eventually booted out to the sidewalk along Pennsylvania Blvd.  

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Iin's in every media outlet.  Trump saying Obama wire tapped his phones.  Not just CNN and the Post. 


Again, enough with the election result.  You don't seem to get it.  The election is ancient history.  Please keep up.


1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

          In an odd way, it's actually good to hear from the few remaining on the Trump apology raft.  On the one hand, there's the entertainment value of hearing what tepid excuses they're tossing out, hoping they'll float.  On the other hand, it will be fun to observe the Greek chorus of hand-wringers and snifflers, when Trump and his henchmen are eventually booted out to the sidewalk along Pennsylvania Blvd.  

It's not a matter  of keeping up or being an apologist.


It's the left who are making dh's of themselves,  not me!


Jingthing assuring us the 'resistance' will continue even If Trump was replaced by Pence Indicates that the left Is unable to accept the result.

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3 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


It's not a matter  of keeping up or being an apologist.


It's the left who are making dh's of themselves,  not me!


Jingthing assuring us the 'resistance' will continue even If Trump was replaced by Pence Indicates that the left Is unable to accept the result.

Trump is making DH's out of all of us! LOL

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2 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


It's not a matter  of keeping up or being an apologist.


It's the left who are making dh's of themselves,  not me!


Jingthing assuring us the 'resistance' will continue even If Trump was replaced by Pence Indicates that the left Is unable to accept the result.

So one comment from Jingthing indicates something for the entire 'left world'?  You need to get a grip on reality. The election is over and people are protesting and resisting a corrupt inept President and his swamp full of Administrators.



It's the left who are making dh's of themselves,  not me!

No, you really are!

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20 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

So one comment from Jingthing indicates something for the entire 'left world'?  You need to get a grip on reality. The election is over and people are protesting and resisting a corrupt inept President and his swamp full of Administrators.


No, you really are!

Check my comment that you're discussing and taking his word about what I said which he blatantly misrepresented my actual comment.


That's the totally DISHONEST level we can expect from some trump fanatics. 

It's not surprising -- trump is the most LYING president in American history.


With trump, we have resistance. Now a persistent and very visible RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. He's not a normal president so the opposition to him isn't normal either. That's why the word RESISTANCE was used from minute one of his tragic win. 

With a normal president, when some people oppose their policies and ideology, we have protest and dissent, which is normal and encouraged in a DEMOCRACY. 


Edited by Jingthing
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8 hours ago, craigt3365 said:


Interesting comment from that guy.  Trump needs to release his tax returns.  But said he won't because it will show ties to Russia.  If not, then release them to get ahead of this before it brings the administration down.


Breaking News:

Trump is pissed at senior staff for not dealing with Sessions properly.  His words were they "fumbled" on this one.  He feels his great speech to congress is now forgotten and overshadowed by this.  His people are saying they've never seen him this pissed.


LOL  Be more honest and you won't have to deal with this BS! LOL

Let´s hope "the great leader" is about to blow a fuse.

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4 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


It's not a matter  of keeping up or being an apologist.


It's the left who are making dh's of themselves,  not me!


Jingthing assuring us the 'resistance' will continue even If Trump was replaced by Pence Indicates that the left Is unable to accept the result.


 the 'resistance' will continue even If Trump was replaced by Pence

The republicans resisted Obama for eight years.


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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

So one comment from Jingthing indicates something for the entire 'left world'?  You need to get a grip on reality. The election is over and people are protesting and resisting a corrupt inept President and his swamp full of Administrators.


No, you really are!


 You need to get a grip on reality.

Problably gets his news from Braitbart News.


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Trump-Russia conspirator Alex Oronov dies suspiciously; he lived in Donald Trump’s building


Yet another individual directly involved in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal has dropped dead under suspicious circumstances, and for the first time, the deceased is a United States citizen.



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Another case of the WHY trumpism MUST be resisted.



Holocaust Scholar Threatened With Deportation Asks ‘Is The United States Still The United States?’

“We must now face arbitrariness and incompetence at all levels,” he concluded. “I heard recently that ‘Paris isn’t Paris anymore.’ The United States seems no longer quite the United States.”


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1 minute ago, Skywalker69 said:

It does feel that way. The Russia scandal is not going away. trump won't do what he needs to do to make it go away and the smoke suggests the reason for that is that he can't make it go away, because it is REAL. 

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9 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


It's not a matter  of keeping up or being an apologist.


It's the left who are making dh's of themselves,  not me!


Jingthing assuring us the 'resistance' will continue even If Trump was replaced by Pence Indicates that the left Is unable to accept the result.


You are literally the only person still talking about the 2016 election. When will you get over it? You do not seem to demonstrate any understanding of the role of political opposition. Strange coming from a fringe right non American living under a Parliamentary system. Your contempt for opposing voices through continued use of the derogatory 'loser' tag is obvious.


Why resistance to Pence? Because he was not vetted during the campaign. The Orange Ogre took all the oxygen in every room. There was no room for an examination of Pence. When 45 announced Pence on his ticket, he spent th time talking about himself, as usual. 


Donald Trump’s favorite topic while introducing Mike Pence? Donald Trump.



Liberals have a lot to be concerned over Pence. He record in Congress and as Governor is troubling.


Here's What Mike Pence Said on LGBT Issues Over the Years



You have demonstrated a clear contempt for those who are not 'winners' in the eyes of the fringe right, that is anyone who has not exploited other people to make money and so do not occupy a position where they can look down on the 'losers', so arguments on LGBTQ issues will be meaningless to you but fortunately you are non American and in American there is now MAJORITY support for LGBTQ rights.


The same majority that voted for 45's opponent 3 million times over in an election that you seem incapable of getting over. If you are going to refer to others as DH's I think some caution is advised since the cap clearly fits elsewhere.

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I intentionally differentiated the RESISTANCE to the ABNORMAL presidency of trump to normal styles of protest against normal presidents based on ideology and policies. 

I've been involved with PROTEST actions against the policies of a number of other presidents. But never have I seen a newly elected president inspire so many credible people (from the left, right, and center) to be dedicated to a RESISTANCE MOVEMENT against his entire presidency, largely based on the obvious fact that the man is clearly UNFIT for the office. 

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            Look on the bright side:  Trump's disaster is dragging down the Republican Party.  Look at the Reps' town hall meetings.  Every one of them are boisterous affairs with constituents shouting, "Do your job!"   Some Republican congresspeople aren't even holding meetings with their constituents.  They're too afraid of facing anger, truth and reality.   They don't know what to say.   They've got their noses in Trump's crack.


         Elections in 2018 will hopefully give a majority in the Senate to Dems.  If not, then I guess it's more biz as usual with Republican majorities:  eviscerating EPA, programs for youngsters, for people of color, for minorities gutted,  ......while further cushioning very rich people from taxes (Trump included), and pouring tens of billions into an already massively overweight military.


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5 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump-Russia conspirator Alex Oronov dies suspiciously; he lived in Donald Trump’s building


Yet another individual directly involved in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal has dropped dead under suspicious circumstances, and for the first time, the deceased is a United States citizen.



You just can't make this stuff up!!



Oronov is also an in-law of Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen, another conspirator in the Ukraine plot.


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5 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Carry on down the page and read the 'comments' section !!!!!

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               Trump the cry-baby tweeted a 6 am that Obama tapped his phone at Trump Tower.  Typically, Trump is lying.  However, there may be a shred of truth to his bellyaching. The Feds may have put a tap on one or more phones/internet lines there.  It's a big building.  Some of Trump's operatives have rooms there.  The Russkie who just died (mentioned above) had a room there.   If the FBI or whomever put a tap at Trump Tower, they probably had a good reason. 


            There should be lots more coming forth in coming days/weeks/months on the Trump-Russian connections.  Hopefully, Trump's tax statements will be shown.  This is like the Olympics of political intrigue, with interesting new events coming forth daily.

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