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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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6 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Trump voters are waking up.


Trump Voter Shocked To Find That Her Meals On Wheels Could Be Cut



It speaks volumes that the paucity of your arguments in support of the Giant Clown means that the only response you can provide to critics is 'get over the election'. The equivalent of poking out your tongue.

Tried to "Like" you mate but was unable to.


Seems like a recently-subscribed troll wants some feeding. I would just ignore the poor fellow.


You are right though. Meals on wheels, healthcare, you name it: many of those who took the blowhard at his word are and will continue to be victims of his "making American Great" again agenda. And this is only the beginning.

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41 minutes ago, Pepe1 said:

Very good article.  Probably true.  Many will be hurt by Trumps plans. Makes sense they'll lose sleep over that!  LOL

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Trump approval rating sinks to new low


"President Trump's approval rating has fallen to 37 percent -- the lowest of his fledgling presidency, according to Gallup.

His disapproval rating rose correspondingly, hitting 58 percent."


"At this point in his first term, President Obama's approval rating was hovering in the low 60s, while President George W. Bush's was in the mid-50s.




The majority speaks! :laugh:

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Trump sued over disclosure of personal debts


"A Washington lawyer is suing President Donald Trump for allegedly obscuring the extent of his personal debts on his federal financial disclosure form."


"Attorney Jeffrey Lovitky filed the case in federal court in Washington this week, claiming that Trump's May 2016 disclosure intermingles his personal indebtedness and loans made to businesses or development projects Trump is affiliated with."


"While Trump or his businesses are facing at least four lawsuits alleging unfair competition or violations of the Constitution's foreign emoluments clause, Lovitky's suit makes no claims of impropriety — it simply alleges that the public is being deprived of accurate information about Trump's debts." :whistling:



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Trump, critic of Obama's golfing, regularly hits the links


"Trump has visited the two courses near his Mar-a-Lago estate -- Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach and Trump National Golf Course in Jupiter -- 10 times in the first two months of his presidency."


"Trump's top aides would rather obscure that fact, especially considering the President's past comments about the sport and the White House."


"I'm going to be working for you; I'm not going to have time to go play golf," Trump said during a 2016 event in Virginia.




What do ya think Trumpeteers?



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47 minutes ago, iReason said:

Trump, critic of Obama's golfing, regularly hits the links


"Trump has visited the two courses near his Mar-a-Lago estate -- Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach and Trump National Golf Course in Jupiter -- 10 times in the first two months of his presidency."


"Trump's top aides would rather obscure that fact, especially considering the President's past comments about the sport and the White House."


"I'm going to be working for you; I'm not going to have time to go play golf," Trump said during a 2016 event in Virginia.




What do ya think Trumpeteers?



Time for Trump supporters to wake up and smell the coffee (or BS?).  He's fooled them. 


I went into this with an open mind.  But now, it's clear he's not the man for the job of POTUS.

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15 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Time for Trump supporters to wake up and smell the coffee (or BS?).  He's fooled them. 


I went into this with an open mind.  But now, it's clear he's not the man for the job of POTUS.

He's two months into a forty eight month term and you're sure he isn't the guy for the job? You may want to consider keeping an open mind a bit longer before coming to a conclusion. That would be the definition of keeping an open mind.


Btw, it's history that judges presidents with the greatest accuracy... 

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18 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

He's two months into a forty eight month term and you're sure he isn't the guy for the job? You may want to consider keeping an open mind a bit longer before coming to a conclusion. That would be the definition of keeping an open mind.


Btw, it's history that judges presidents with the greatest accuracy... 

I'm sure.  As are a majority of Americans considering his approval ratings.


His plans for the future are based on the populist BS he pledged during the campaigns.  Which were probably formulated by Bannon and crew, who are nut jobs.  So if this is true, and Trump says it is, the future doesn't look bright.

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Just now, Ramen087 said:

He's two months into a forty eight month term and you're sure he isn't the guy for the job?



He was well known as a crass, boorish, ignorant, sexist, draft-dodging, Mafia associating, Arms dealer associating,

Text Book Racist (Paul Ryan's words), exporter of American jobs and materials, (a family business),

while burning the work contractors he did employ in the U.S, while operating a bogus "university", 

before he ever got near  the White House.

(That's just a short list)


Trumpeteers on this forum have read documented evidence of all this and continued to ignore it all. 

As I suspect you will.


You are backing a World Class Liar and Con-Man.




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Just now, Ramen087 said:

Your inferences and conclusion are inaccurate.


They are not inferences.

Take your cute bullet points and put one next to each description I listed,

then run off and do your own research on each one and see what you find while you check each one off.


Enlighten yourself.


Or, continue to be the avid Trumpeteer while ignoring the facts.

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1 hour ago, iReason said:



He was well known as a crass, boorish, ignorant, sexist, draft-dodging, Mafia associating, Arms dealer associating,

Text Book Racist (Paul Ryan's words), exporter of American jobs and materials, (a family business),

while burning the work contractors he did employ in the U.S, while operating a bogus "university", 

before he ever got near  the White House.

(That's just a short list)


Trumpeteers on this forum have read documented evidence of all this and continued to ignore it all. 

As I suspect you will.


You are backing a World Class Liar and Con-Man.




Regarding Pres. Trump's performance: I am reserving judgment is all.

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On 3/17/2017 at 10:40 PM, Jingthing said:

Nazi(s) in the white house?

Calls to fire close trump adviser Gorka (good buddy of Breitbart propagandist alt-right white nationalist Bannon) because of his Nazi ties back in Hungary.

I would like to see both Gorka and Bannon fired but don't expect it. That's trump being trump, surrounding himself with such hateful sleazeballs.


Gorka failed to disclose his Nazi ties at immigration interviews. That can still be pursued today even though he is now a citizen. He still may have been eligible to become a citizen if he had disclosed them but his legal problem now that it's come out that he failed to disclose them. 





Sebastian Gorka, who sits in the Trump White House as deputy assistant to the president just five years after becoming a U.S. citizen, has faced growing controversy about his academic and professional credentials. Critics have also highlighted his past association with racist and anti-Semitic figures in Hungary, where he lived as a citizen for many years before coming to the United States. Questions have been raised, too, about whether he has been granted the security clearances that would ordinarily be necessary for someone working as the president’s chief counter-terrorism consultant.




EXCLUSIVE: Nazi-Allied Group Claims Top Trump Aide Sebastian Gorka As Sworn Member





"A story alleging that Trump aide Sebastian Gorka is a "crypto-Nazi" actually made the rounds today on left-wing media and even among mainstream news outlets. The allegation is so absurd one has to wonder if the White House baited the media into looking foolish. "


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22 minutes ago, stander said:

"A story alleging that Trump aide Sebastian Gorka is a "crypto-Nazi" actually made the rounds today on left-wing media and even among mainstream news outlets. The allegation is so absurd one has to wonder if the White House baited the media into looking foolish. "


The story from the Forward claimed that Gorka is a member of Vitézi Rend a far right anti-Semitic Hungarian organization. When the Forward contacted him to ask about the truth of this, Gorka refused to answer. Instead he told them to ask higher ups in the Trump administration.

What we do know for certain is that Gorka did have articles of his published in virulently anti-Semitic newspapers when he lived in Hungary.

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On 3/18/2017 at 10:30 PM, beechguy said:

I agree that Comey should have been fired already, but for different reasons. At any rate, he didn't tell the U.S. public anything they didn't already know about Hillary, her track record speaks for it's self.

HRC was not as clean as the driven snow, but she had wisdom, experience in the halls of power, self-restraint, diplomacy, decency .....all things which Trump is devoid of.   Trump is for America what sand is for the inside of a car engine.


On 3/19/2017 at 9:31 AM, craigt3365 said:

Perfect. Some just don't get it.

Just read an article about Trump's lies and how it energizes his base.  The Obama birth certificate was a big one.  Helped get Trump into office.  And many fell for it! LOL 

Nail on the head.  Trump is only a very flawed and stupid man.  It's the people who voted for him who are as much to blame for the bad things which will curse the US on his watch.  As proof of Bannon's influence: The gargantuan increase in already bloated military spending.   Bannon is a military nut.  Just mentioning military stuff gives him a hard on.  He eat breathes and dreams about military.  That's was, in essence, what his former secretary (of many years) said, when asked what best describes her former boss.


On 3/19/2017 at 9:31 AM, Pepe1 said:

You don't have a clue, do you?  Anyway, this thread and the "Resistance" movement serve a very good purpose: Group therapy for those who cannot accept President Trump's victory.  Carry on!

Americans are going to need a lot more than group therapy, when some of Trump's disastrous policies take hold.

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trump's approval ratings going even further down the toilet.

This is encouraging news ... as the lower they go, the better chance more republicans may get on board with any impeachment efforts:


Trump approval drops to 37% - the worst Gallup poll any president has ever had this early in their term.



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Trump Still Hasn't Done Very Much


"Trump signed only one substantive piece of legislation since February 20, repealing a minor Obama administration rule

that made it harder for the mentally ill to buy guns."


"His push to repeal Obamacare is stumbling on Capitol Hill; his budget seems dead on arrival; his revised travel ban, like the original, has been blocked by a judge." 


"Overall, according to the Partnership for Public Service,

he has only filled 20 of the 553 key positions that require Senate confirmation—and has not even picked a nominee for 497 of them."



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Trump Russia claims: FBI's Comey confirms investigation of election 'interference'


"The FBI investigation would examine possible links between individuals in the Trump campaign and the Russian government

and whether there was co-ordination between the Trump campaign and Russia, Mr Comey said."


"Mr Comey said the investigation was "very complex" and he could not give a timetable for its completion."


"We will follow the facts wherever they lead," he said."




Take your time Mr. Director and nail with treason those who may be culpable.

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Trump’s Weary Defenders Face Fresh Worries


"Mr. Trump’s allies have begun to wonder if his need for self-expression, often on social media, will exceed his instinct for self-preservation, with disastrous results both for the president and for a party whose fate is now tightly tied to his."


"But it’s the obsessiveness and ferocity of Mr. Trump’s pushback against the Russian allegations, often untethered from fact or tact, that is making an uncertain situation worse."


"And Mr. Trump’s fixation on fighting is undermining his credibility at a time when he needs to toggle from go-it-alone executive action to collaborative congressional action on ambitious health care, budget and infrastructure legislation."




Throw the bum out.

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Editorial suggests that if trump continues being trump (as he has promised and probably can't help himself to change even if he wanted to) most Americans will regard him as a FAKE president.

Well, so many of us were already there from day one. 

So now what? How to get him OUT before he causes too much permanent DAMAGE? 

From the Wall Street Journal. Not exactly the Huffington Post, eh?





A President’s Credibility

Trump’s falsehoods are eroding public trust, at home and abroad.

March 21, 2017 7:28 p.m. ET

If President Trump announces that North Korea launched a missile that landed within 100 miles of Hawaii, would most Americans believe him? Would the rest of the world? We’re not sure, which speaks to the damage that Mr. Trump is doing to his Presidency with his seemingly endless stream of exaggerations , evidence-free accusations, implausible denials and other falsehoods.



WSJ editorial: Most Americans may conclude Trump 'fake president'





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trump troubadour now anti-trump.

He realized he has been CONNED by the master CON MAN (the "health" care bill).

One down ... millions to go.

Watch it happen.


Grieving father: 'I don't play Trump songs anymore'


"The bill is an absolute betrayal of what Trump represented on the campaign trail," he said. "I feel betrayed."



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Trump's problem with truth


"From false assessments of the size of his inaugural crowd and claims that millions of illegal voters dealt him defeat in the popular vote in November, the President has often seemed happy to propagate conspiracy theories."


"But none come near Trump in the volume of their falsehoods: the Pulitzer Prize-winning website Politifact, on its Truth-o-Meter monitor, currently rates a staggering 70% of the President's statements as mostly false, false or "pants-on-fire."


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He's clearly not having fun being president and most Americans are not having fun dealing with his fallout. Except of course at his Mussolini style campaign rallies. He loves those. What's up with all the campaign rallies for four years later when he was just elected? Bizarre man. 



Now he’s stuck in meetings pondering policies and ideologies that matter a whole lot more to the American people than they matter to him. As a candidate, he got to accuse the establishment of trashing the country. He played hype-man for a future in which he’d refresh our ideals. Now he’s accountable in the present to all the men and women whose lives haven’t become fairy tales since he took office. That’s not fun. That’s a full-time job, and that’s the one thing Donald Trump has never wanted.


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Before taking office, Donald J. Trump pledged that his business empire would forgo new deals abroad while he was president. 


An examination by The New York Times of records including corporation registrations, private emails and archived websites found that Alterra Worldwide, the real estate firm that would own the hotel and be partners with the Trumps, has business ties in Russia, Kazakhstan and at least two dozen other countries. 



But hey!  No Russian ties.  Right. Unreal some still believe this guy.  He's taking full advantage of his position and some are allowing him to do so.  Sad times.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

But hey!  No Russian ties.  Right. Unreal some still believe this guy.  He's taking full advantage of his position and some are allowing him to do so.  Sad times.

"Trump" is a worldwide brand.  The brand isn't going away just because The Donald is now the CiC of the USA. 

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