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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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The FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign, US officials told CNN.


Watch the video.

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Resistance against trump from the minority segment of white Christian evangelicals that didn't get sucked into the incredibly un-Christian trumpist movement.




Amazing Disgrace

How did Donald Trump—a thrice-married, biblically illiterate sexual predator—hijack the religious right?


Moore, in short, wanted the Christian right to reclaim the moral high ground—and Trump, in his estimation, was about as low as you could get.

“The church of Jesus Christ ought to be the last people to fall for hucksters and demagogues,” Moore wrote in Onward: Engaging the Culture Without Losing the Gospel, a book he had just published at the time. “But too often we do.”


But for now, he concedes, the religious right has forfeited its moral standing by aligning itself with the alt-right’s gospel of white supremacy. “Evangelicals are a tool of Donald Trump,” Schenck says. “This could be the undoing of American evangelicalism. We could just become a political operation in the guise of a church.”



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2 hours ago, linksman00 said:

WOW,  52 pages of this bovine scatology!  I think the last time I saw this much delusion and misrepresentation was when I accidentally turned the channel to CNN or MSNBC :smile:  If the dysfunction of the Democrat party is anything even remotely close to the dysfunction on this thread (and it likely is)  then President Trump will have a very easy reelection in 2020 :thumbsup:

The fact that you are now one of the one in three people of voting age in the US that actually believes Trump (probably one in ten-twenty outside the US), you need to question where the dysfunctionality is :wink:

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President Trump’s cascade of false claims in Time’s interview on his falsehoods


"President Trump had a remarkable interview with Time magazine on March 22 about falsehoods, in which he repeated many false claims that have repeatedly been debunked. Here’s a round-up of his key misstatements."


"Trump consistently astounds us with his inability to acknowledge that he repeatedly gets facts wrong and consistently misleads the American public with inaccurate, dubious claims. He earns Four Pinocchios for this interview."




The Clown in Chief continues to spew the same lies over and over.

Someone please check this truth deprived man's mental health.

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Trump’s Rambling Speech About Abe Lincoln Is Like Watching A Car Crash In Slow Motion (VIDEO)


"Trump was at a fundraiser for Republicans when he decided to share a little hidden gem about Abraham Lincoln that he assumed nobody knew: Lincoln was a Republican."


"For most people who graduated elementary school that is common knowledge. For Trump, it was a revelation. He was so impressed by it that he ordered Republicans to start paying to promote the fact."


“Great president. Most people don’t even know he was a Republican. Right? Does anyone know? A lot of people don’t know that. We have to build that up a little more.”



Whatta an embarrassing doof...


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20 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

It indicates something, but does it prove anything?  Can anyone prove or provide incontrovertible evidence that any of Trump's ex-aides shared this information with him prior to coming under Trump's wing?  If 'Yes', it is all on Mr. Trump. But If 'No' it would represent a breach of trust to the US President.   As opposed to assuming it was all done with Trump's full knowledge, why not reserve opinion until all of the information is presented in the course of the investigation?

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6 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

It indicates something, but does it prove anything?  Can anyone prove or provide incontrovertible evidence that any of Trump's ex-aides shared this information with him prior to coming under Trump's wing?  If 'Yes', it is all on Mr. Trump. But If 'No' it would represent a breach of trust to the US President.   As opposed to assuming it was all done with Trump's full knowledge, why not reserve opinion until all of the information is presented in the course of the investigation?

No proof.  Yet.  But if Manafort, Flynn and Stone were all involved in this, then it'd be hard to imagine Trump didn't know.  He's a micro manager.  Nothing happens without his approval.


Never said it was all done with Trump's full knowledge. That's your line.  The link was talking about his associates.  Too much smoke here to be no fire.  The noose is closing.

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10 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

No proof.  Yet.  But if Manafort, Flynn and Stone were all involved in this, then it'd be hard to imagine Trump didn't know.  He's a micro manager.  Nothing happens without his approval.


Never said it was all done with Trump's full knowledge. That's your line.  The link was talking about his associates.  Too much smoke here to be no fire.  The noose is closing.

I never claimed you said anything about Trump's full knowledge. I was asking the question to you or anyone else. As you indicated, there is no proof. You speak of Trump's lies, but if he didn't have prior knowledge, then he wouldn't be lying, would he? Trump's trust would have been breached. At this point that bit of information remains an unknown. We will see what the real story is when the proof is presented, I'm reserving judgment until then.  You're working in the assumption Trump knew based on his being a micro manager, I am not.

And I did view the link... have a nice day.

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Understanding the most dedicated trumpist internet activists, what they did, what they do, what they will continue to do:




President Donald Trump’s administration, in its turbulent first months, has drawn fire from both the left and the right, including the ACLU, government ethics accountability groups and former Bush administration officials. But one group has shown nothing but unbridled enthusiasm for the president’s actions thus far: the over 380,000 members of r/The_Donald, one of the thousands of comment boards on Reddit, the fifth-most-popular website in the U.S.

And all of those hate-based subreddits? They’re decidedly in r/The_Donald’s corner.

You can see them in action here:



Resistance needs to know the ENEMY.


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Yet another reason even Pence would be much better than trump that should be relate-able to people of any political persuasion.


Kim Jong Un plus trump -- higher risk for nuclear war

Kim Jong Un plus a regular sane president of any ideology -- more normal much lower risk




But Sherman went on to express "very little" confidence in the Trump administration's ability to navigate the "high-risk" diplomacy required of this issue. 


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ALL trump ALL the time.

This is not good.



The Soul-Sucking, Attention-Eating Black Hole of the Trump Presidency

While we endlessly watch for the latest blunder or scandal, America is being pulled dangerously off course.


Trump may have thought he would mesmerize us with his glory and his “winning.” Instead what has happened is that America has become addicted to the 24-hour-a-day reality television show that is his not-so-slow-motion downfall.



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8 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

From member jcsmith.  A funny video to watch, but really does bring it all home.  Amazing at how many got suckered by Trump.

Maher has always been very full of himself.  But, can't argue with his points about the 'con man', and the Trumpsters.


However, none of these smug bastards have attempted to explain why Clinton, and her supporters, couldn't beat a 'con man'.

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The vast majority of Americans get it now. He's a total con man, massively incompetent, way above his head for the job, and mentally unstable as well. He's got his base which largely knows this too and LIKES it. How can this MADNESS stand for four years? 

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13 minutes ago, rijb said:

Maher has always been very full of himself.  But, can't argue with his points about the 'con man', and the Trumpsters.


However, none of these smug bastards have attempted to explain why Clinton, and her supporters, couldn't beat a 'con man'.

I think without the email hacks and the BS done by Comey just days before the election, Hillary would have won.  So far, crooked Hillary would have been way better than con man Trump.  IMHO.  Partisan politics at it's worst.  Many just voted on party lines, regardless of their candidate.


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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The vast majority of Americans get it now. He's a total con man, massively incompetent, way above his head for the job, and mentally unstable as well. He's got his base which largely knows this too and LIKES it. How can this MADNESS stand for four years? 

Do the vast majority get it ???? Fox news are still pushing the envelope to the point where its becoming ridiculous. Its like watching tobacco lobbyists defending cigarettes.

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2 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Do the vast majority get it ???? Fox news are still pushing the envelope to the point where its becoming ridiculous. Its like watching tobacco lobbyists defending cigarettes.

With 37 percent approval rating and rapidly dropping in the wake of trumpcare fiasco, yes, I do think the vast majority gets it. Fox will always be Fox. 

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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

With 37 percent approval rating and rapidly dropping in the wake of trumpcare fiasco, yes, I do think the vast majority gets it. Fox will always be Fox. 

Yes, you are right but Fox now have unbalanced voice in the media, as the only media outlet Trump will deal with, talk to etc. In the past, presidents at least took questions from and did interviews etc with all media outlets. Trump has set up an Orwellian control of information, one way information flow via twitter tantrums and exclusive dealings with one supportive media outlet. I find it ultimately more concerning than any of trumps policies etc.

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2 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Yes, you are right but Fox now have unbalanced voice in the media, as the only media outlet Trump will deal with, talk to etc. In the past, presidents at least took questions from and did interviews etc with all media outlets. Trump has set up an Orwellian control of information, one way information flow via twitter tantrums and exclusive dealings with one supportive media outlet. I find it ultimately more concerning than any of trumps policies etc.

I can't remember if it was the NY Times or the Washington Post, both of which Trump has labeled as fake news.  But one or the other was his first call after the health care bill was pulled.  Amazing.  There's no consistency with trump.  Like a 2 year old.  Whatever catches his attention, and what happened 10 minutes ago is forgotten...or ignored.

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Americans elected him. He's horrible and ridiculous but it says something really embarrassing about our country. Americans CONSENTED to this. OK, not the majority of voters, but he won, and that indicates to me a nation in serious peril that has not only lost it's moral compass, but really any kind of compass. 

It's no wonder that America's adversaries and enemies are salivating now. They don't have to beat us. We're doing the work for them. 

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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

  Like a 2 year old


And like the spoiled teenager he is, it's becoming easy to imagine him just quitting the job because he's not getting his way or enough attention. 

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1 minute ago, Rob13 said:


And like the spoiled teenager he is, it's becoming easy to imagine him just quitting the job because he's not getting his way or enough attention. 

I don't see him as the quitting kind. Yes he moves on from failures but it's never his fault. 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I don't see him as the quitting kind. Yes he moves on from failures but it's never his fault. 

If he did quit it wouldn't be his fault. It'd congresses or the fake news people or any number of other reasons that he'd come up with.

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2 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

If he did quit it wouldn't be his fault. It'd congresses or the fake news people or any number of other reasons that he'd come up with.

He may indeed quit but I assume that would be more of a PUSH quit than a free will quit. Like if the treason investigation heats up, I doubt he would go through an impeachment process. He can just get Pence to agree to pardon him. But not sure, I wouldn't put starting a violent civil war beyond him (and Bannon) if it gets too hot. 


Other very possible scenarios. A Putin style false flag "terrorist" attack which he can spin into literally becoming a dictator. That's what he really wants, obviously, CEO dictator of everything. 

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5 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


And like the spoiled teenager he is, it's becoming easy to imagine him just quitting the job because he's not getting his way or enough attention. 

Impeachment and resignation are curently the same odds on the betting sites.


To serve full term...............................................................................................Evens

To leave office via impeachment or resignation before end of 1st term.......4/5

NOT to be re-elected as President in 2020......................................................1/2

To visit Russia before the end of 2017.............................................................2/1

To win 2017 Nobel Peace Prize......................................................................20/1

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