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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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8 minutes ago, beechguy said:

Stock Market, Currency Market, customer base, pay raise, etc

Are you aware that stocks rose and rose and rose under Obama? And the dollar appreciated considerably? I don't know about customer base but I've gotten pay raised under various presidents. And to think I never sent one of them a thank you note.

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7 minutes ago, beechguy said:

Stock Market, Currency Market, customer base, pay raise, etc

The stock market and currency market is a nonsense and you know it. I have had interests in both for a long time. The stock market has been on a steady and healthy rise for years and the last 5 years have been awesome. In 3 months you are not even seeing any of Trumps policies come into play, firstly because he has none and secondly there has not been enough time. Now the last 3 months are over and we could expect input from the administration - there is in fact nothing. You KNOW that the dollar will now weaken, you KNOW that the markets will turn bearish. Trumps effect will now start to be seen. Are you one of these people that actually thought the last months job figures were a result of Trump as well?


People get pay rises every year and if your customer base is better how is that attributable to Trumps policies?


2 minutes ago, beechguy said:

The problem is, the Democrats thought they would have another 4-8 years with Hillary to fleece the tax payer, didn't work out that way.

From the link I posted the other day, yes, Trump isn't very popular, but Hillary would still lose to Trump 43-40%, get over it.

How does it benefit Democrats to 'fleece the tax payer'?  This is just so much BS, you make it sound like they benefit personally.


The current situation is NOTHING to do with Hillary, it is time that YOU GET OVER IT. The man in the spotlight now is Trump and he is failing BIGLY!

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11 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

The stock market and currency market is a nonsense and you know it. I have had interests in both for a long time. The stock market has been on a steady and healthy rise for years and the last 5 years have been awesome. In 3 months you are not even seeing any of Trumps policies come into play, firstly because he has none and secondly there has not been enough time. Now the last 3 months are over and we could expect input from the administration - there is in fact nothing. You KNOW that the dollar will now weaken, you KNOW that the markets will turn bearish. Trumps effect will now start to be seen. Are you one of these people that actually thought the last months job figures were a result of Trump as well?


People get pay rises every year and if your customer base is better how is that attributable to Trumps policies?


How does it benefit Democrats to 'fleece the tax payer'?  This is just so much BS, you make it sound like they benefit personally.


The current situation is NOTHING to do with Hillary, it is time that YOU GET OVER IT. The man in the spotlight now is Trump and he is failing BIGLY!

Agreed, the market has done well, but it was in spite of Obama, not because of what he did. All though it appears, Obama is in for a $400,000 pay day soon for a Wall Street speech.

The Democrats benefit, by being re-elected by people who think the Democrat's will keep the government dollars flowing to them every month. It worked for years in Arkansas, for Bill when he was Governor, and later the Presidency.

As to Hillary, I simply point out, that things could be worse.

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1 minute ago, beechguy said:

Agreed, the market has done well, but it was in spite of Obama, not because of what he did. All though it appears, Obama is in for a $400,000 pay day soon for a Wall Street speech.

The Democrats benefit, by being re-elected by people who think the Democrat's will keep the government dollars flowing to them every month. It worked for years in Arkansas, for Bill when he was Governor, and later the Presidency.

As to Hillary, I simply point out, that things could be worse.

So according to you, If the market does well under Obama, it's in spite of. If the market does well under Trump, it's because of. Do you have any intellectual underpinning for that argument or is it just faith-based?  And lets say the economy in the first quarter of this year does badly. I guess to your way of thinking that will be because of Obama or in despite of Trump.

I do remember in the 2012 election how Republicans were saying that the stock market was going to crash and employment would stagnate because of Obamacare.  Clearly there is something wrong with the economic theories you people subscribe to.

And tell me. are you an employee of  Trump's? I'm still trying to figure out he he's responsible for your pay raise.

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8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So according to you, If the market does well under Obama, it's in spite of. If the market does well under Trump, it's because of. Do you have any intellectual underpinning for that argument or is it just faith-based?  And lets say the economy in the first quarter of this year does badly. I guess to your way of thinking that will be because of Obama or in despite of Trump.

I do remember in the 2012 election how Republicans were saying that the stock market was going to crash and employment would stagnate because of Obamacare.  Clearly there is something wrong with the economic theories you people subscribe to.

And tell me. are you an employee of  Trump's? I'm still trying to figure out he he's responsible for your pay raise.

It's something usually called, sentiment in polls.

I'm kind of busy, but how am I worse off under Trump? You guys seem to have a problem, I don't.

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10 minutes ago, beechguy said:

I'm kind of busy, but how am I worse off under Trump? You guys seem to have a problem, I don't.

WE never said you were worse off, YOU said you were BETTER off. A big difference. How can you be better off under Trump was the question - AND attribute it to Trump.


As ilostmypassword so accurately put:


29 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So according to you, If the market does well under Obama, it's in spite of. If the market does well under Trump, it's because of.


30 minutes ago, beechguy said:

All though it appears, Obama is in for a $400,000 pay day soon for a Wall Street speech.

Any President or PM that is even remotely lucid and articulate has their own career after office. Bill Clinton was charging a million dollars per speech at some events, Tony Blair a minimum of 500K per speech. $00K for a recently retired President is about right, and after all it doesn't cost the host anything as it is all written off to tax. The only people incapable of delivering speeches after office were the Bush's, notably George W. There is nothing wrong with Obama seeking that employment now. He cannot promise anything, he cannot help them benefit, he is there to give his take on things, that is it. Trump will have Trump TV, Trump rally's, Trump speeches, he will have an entire industry spring up around him when he is an 'ex President'. I just hope that the only money he actually makes is from the book deal he is offered for his story behind bars for 20 years.

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12 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

WE never said you were worse off, YOU said you were BETTER off. A big difference. How can you be better off under Trump was the question - AND attribute it to Trump.


As ilostmypassword so accurately put:



Any President or PM that is even remotely lucid and articulate has their own career after office. Bill Clinton was charging a million dollars per speech at some events, Tony Blair a minimum of 500K per speech. $00K for a recently retired President is about right, and after all it doesn't cost the host anything as it is all written off to tax. The only people incapable of delivering speeches after office were the Bush's, notably George W. There is nothing wrong with Obama seeking that employment now. He cannot promise anything, he cannot help them benefit, he is there to give his take on things, that is it. Trump will have Trump TV, Trump rally's, Trump speeches, he will have an entire industry spring up around him when he is an 'ex President'. I just hope that the only money he actually makes is from the book deal he is offered for his story behind bars for 20 years.

He will be pardoned by Hillary Clinton before jail time is a reality. At that point his book will generate more money than the GDP of the USA.

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21 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

WE never said you were worse off, YOU said you were BETTER off. A big difference. How can you be better off under Trump was the question - AND attribute it to Trump.


As ilostmypassword so accurately put:



Any President or PM that is even remotely lucid and articulate has their own career after office. Bill Clinton was charging a million dollars per speech at some events, Tony Blair a minimum of 500K per speech. $00K for a recently retired President is about right, and after all it doesn't cost the host anything as it is all written off to tax. The only people incapable of delivering speeches after office were the Bush's, notably George W. There is nothing wrong with Obama seeking that employment now. He cannot promise anything, he cannot help them benefit, he is there to give his take on things, that is it. Trump will have Trump TV, Trump rally's, Trump speeches, he will have an entire industry spring up around him when he is an 'ex President'. I just hope that the only money he actually makes is from the book deal he is offered for his story behind bars for 20 years.

You are missing the point, it's the hypocrisy. To Obama and Hillary, Wall Street was the evil empire, yet they didn't have any problem collecting good money, for campaigns, and soon, both of them for speeches.


As to Trump, again, it is business sentiment. Illegal border crossing is supposed to be down 61% since Trump took office, is Obama supposed to get credit for that also? You guys have a problem, I don't.

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1 hour ago, beechguy said:

As to Trump, again, it is business sentiment. Illegal border crossing is supposed to be down 61% since Trump took office, is Obama supposed to get credit for that also? You guys have a problem, I don't.

Yes you do have the problem.


You mentioned, Stock markets, Currency Markets, your pay rise and your customer base, that is what we answered to. Now you bring in some random statement on illegal immigration being down 61%. We and YOU never mentioned it. You make it up as it suits you just like Trump. Like him you also seem to forget what you said just a short while ago. Anyway, if they don't know how many illegal immigrants come in, how do they know it is down 61%? Is it a Stephen Hawking type of epiphany? Some amazing mathamatics kind of stuff, or...................are they making it up?


No need to answer if you are going to forget what you have already written. Take a rest, your memory may be better in the morning.

Edited by Andaman Al
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12 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Yes you do have the problem.


You mentioned, Stock markets, Currency Markets, your pay rise and your customer base, that is what we answered to. Now you bring in some random statement on illegal immigration being down 61%. We and YOU never mentioned it. You make it up as it suits you just like Trump. Like him you also seem to forget what you said just a short while ago. Anyway, if they don't know how many illegal immigrants come in, how do they know it is down 61%? Is it a Stephen Hawking type of epiphany? Some amazing mathamatics kind of stuff, or...................are they making it up?


No need to answer if you are going to forget what you have already written. Take a rest, your memory may be better in the morning.

Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be disaster



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6 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Seth Meyers Just Hilariously Skewered Ivanka & Trump For 100 Days Of Hypocrisy





Watched it on the tube today, made me laugh a lot. 


1 minute ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be disaster



That makes me laugh even more. Now who couldn't see that coming! 

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16 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Yes you do have the problem.


You mentioned, Stock markets, Currency Markets, your pay rise and your customer base, that is what we answered to. Now you bring in some random statement on illegal immigration being down 61%. We and YOU never mentioned it. You make it up as it suits you just like Trump. Like him you also seem to forget what you said just a short while ago. Anyway, if they don't know how many illegal immigrants come in, how do they know it is down 61%? Is it a Stephen Hawking type of epiphany? Some amazing mathamatics kind of stuff, or...................are they making it up?


No need to answer if you are going to forget what you have already written. Take a rest, your memory may be better in the morning.

The 61%, is based on news reports, perhaps you should pay attention, before you start arguing with people, especially when they know more than you. The point is, you and others keep saying the Trump Administration hasn't done anything, apparently they have, but you refuse to accept it. Again, your side lost, get over it.


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12 minutes ago, beechguy said:

The 61%, is based on news reports, perhaps you should pay attention, before you start arguing with people, especially when they know more than you. The point is, you and others keep saying the Trump Administration hasn't done anything, apparently they have, but you refuse to accept it. Again, your side lost, get over it.


I paid attention, I knew of the writing of the 61%, I am asking how do they know that? Don't you ask yourself the same questions? I have not said Trump has done nothing. You came on here saying you were better off under Trump (see you have forgotten or are being disingenuous), stocks, currency, pay rise and customer base. All we said was how? why?


12 minutes ago, beechguy said:

Again, your side lost, get over it.

Truly the most pathetic, child like ill-educated line on the forum.

Edited by Andaman Al
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59 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I paid attention, I knew of the writing of the 61%, I am asking how do they know that? Don't you ask yourself the same questions? I have not said Trump has done nothing. You came on here saying you were better off under Trump (see you have forgotten or are being disingenuous), stocks, currency, pay rise and customer base. All we said was how? why?


Truly the most pathetic, child like ill-educated line on the forum.

From a guy, that apparently can't read. I already said, things are better, because of market sentiment and other factors, because they know Obama is gone, and Hillary isn't coming in, to obstruct business.

Do you not think, that the Border Patrol and other law enforcement agencies, have procedures and policies to develop and keep a data base? Do you not think, that they have a number of tools at their disposal, FLIR, sensors, acoustic devices, etc. to track movements of vehicles, and people?

The ignorance on this thread, is astounding.


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3 hours ago, beechguy said:

From a guy, that apparently can't read. I already said, things are better, because of market sentiment and other factors, because they know Obama is gone, and Hillary isn't coming in, to obstruct business.

Do you not think, that the Border Patrol and other law enforcement agencies, have procedures and policies to develop and keep a data base? Do you not think, that they have a number of tools at their disposal, FLIR, sensors, acoustic devices, etc. to track movements of vehicles, and people?

The ignorance on this thread, is astounding.


What's always astonishing to me is how people confuse the stock market with the economy.  It's not surprising that the stock market rose under Trump. After all, he promised to slash taxes on corporations. Which means bigger dividends. The 1 percent and especially the .01 will benefit massively if Trump's plan goes through. However, if all you meant by that is that the rise in the stock market is good for you, congratulations.

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Remember when Trump railed against hedge fund managers for taking advantage of something called "carried interest" and only paying 23% income tax rate. Let's give him credit, his new tax proposal will change all that. He's going to make those lowlifes pay 15% instead.  The burden of carrying all that extra cash will probably cripple, if not kill, them.

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13 hours ago, beechguy said:

It's just been about 100 days, I'm willing to give the guy some time, and I'm already better off than I was under the Obama Administration. I also know, that I'm better off with Trump in the White House, VS Hillary.

By the way, Obama had 8 years, what great things did he do with NAFTA?

It's a sad day when people accept a president who lies and doesn't stick to the promises that got him elected. Democracy failed.


Obama accomplished a lot.  NAFTA was signed by Clinton,  not Obama.

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57 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

It's a sad day when people accept a president who lies and doesn't stick to the promises that got him elected. Democracy failed.


Obama accomplished a lot.  NAFTA was signed by Clinton,  not Obama.

And it should be pointed out that a big majority of House Democrats voted against it. If it weren't for the fact that a much bigger margin of republicans voted in favor, it would never have become law.

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19 hours ago, beechguy said:

All though it appears, Obama is in for a $400,000 pay day soon for a Wall Street speech.


Wow. That's enough for both Batak and Michelle Obama to get a membership to  Mar-a-Lago.

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