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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                             Trump's nationwide support was weak and is weakening, week by week. For example:  in Nov. Texas went for Trump, and all Trumpistas are sure Texas is completely Trump territory.   Yet all the large counties in south Texas gave a majority of votes to HRC, as did its largest cities.  


                       Even in the reddest of states, there are swelling anti-Trump sentiments.  That's why Trump won't go out and speak in public - anywhere, other than tightly orchestrated places like the Coast Guard academy (note: Coast Guard graduating class members barely applauded at all during Trump's recent speech).  Everyone knows he'd be roundly booed if he went to speak in public.  That's why he didn't go to throw the opening pitch at a baseball game.


         Ryan and McConnel probably puke privately whenever they think of Trump, but they have to keep a public face of supporting him - because for Republican politicians, party is more important than country.



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Pro-Donald Trump rally outside White House draws tens of people


The “March For Truth” campaign saw rallies and protests against Donald Trump today in more than a hundred cities across the United States – including one at the Washington Monument in Washington DC, which drew thousands of attendees. The Trump administration tried to counter this by organizing a pro-Trump rally outside the White House in Lafayette Square. But turnout among Trump supporters was abysmal.



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Trump files for extension on his 2016 taxes


It's a rare piece of information about Mr. Trump's tax returns, which he and his administration have repeatedly declined to release to the public. In April, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said the president has "no intention" of releasing his returns, although Mnuchin later said he hadn't spoken with the president about the topic.


Protesters led events across the country in April urging the president to release his returns, to the extent that Mr. Trump's motorcade took a different route in Florida to avoid them.




-What is Trump so afraid to show people?

1. He owing bilions to russian oligarchs?

2. He isn´t as rich as he says that he is?

3. He doesn´t give as much to charity as he says he does?

4. All of the abowe?

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12 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump files for extension on his 2016 taxes



-What is Trump so afraid to show people?

1. He owing bilions to russian oligarchs?

2. He isn´t as rich as he says that he is?

3. He doesn´t give as much to charity as he says he does?

4. All of the above?


#ShowUsYourTaxes: Here’s Every Time Donald Trump Has Said He Would Release His Tax Returns


"When — if ever — will Donald Trump release his tax returns?

"That’s the question journalists and commentators have been asking for months now, prompting the Republican nominee to repeatedly insist that he cannot do so while he is undergoing an IRS audit."


"But transcripts from over a dozen interviews he has given since 2011 show not only that he’s long overdue on his promises, but also that he has strategically changed his approach to this question, leaving contradictions along the way."



Special Councel Mueller has the authority to look into the liar's tax returns:


Now it's up to the special counsel


"Mueller will also have discretion to take the investigation where he sees fit and will likely be well resourced, in terms of manpower and his own vast experience, and will be able to convene a grand jury and lay indictments."
"Most concerning for the White House may be Mueller's investigative freedom."
"He could for example subpoena the President's tax returns, which Trump has refused to release publicly, and which his critics say could contain evidence of exposure to Russian debt or investments that could pose a conflict of interest or cloud his judgment."
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"The investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller may also expand to look into the roles of Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions and Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein in the firing of FBI Director James B. Comey."


Sessions should be buried up to his neck, with marmalade daubed on his eyelids, as food for ants.


                     Rosenstein will prove to be an interesting tool against Trump.  Earlier, he fell into the the trap of writing that ridiculous letter which Trumpsters referenced as justification for firing Comey.  He didn't have the street smarts to know he'd get pilloried by congress for that letter.  A few days later, he got partial compensation by appointing a special counsel (though it should have been a Commission).  


                 Yet, the best fireworks are going to be in the near future, when a Congressional panel asks him whether Trump ordered him to write that ridiculous letter dissing Comey.   Rosenstein will say 'yes' and it will be yet more proof (as if any were needed) of blatant 'obstruction of justice' by Trump and his underlings.

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Re; post 2409 and it's quoted video entry---> Contained in the story, it adds up to this: "I think, I think, I claim, claim, I heard, I heard... I believe, I believe"... but Proof? Well, you can't have everything. What passes for journalism can be frightening, truly.

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18 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Pro-Donald Trump rally outside White House draws tens of people


The “March For Truth” campaign saw rallies and protests against Donald Trump today in more than a hundred cities across the United States – including one at the Washington Monument in Washington DC, which drew thousands of attendees. The Trump administration tried to counter this by organizing a pro-Trump rally outside the White House in Lafayette Square. But turnout among Trump supporters was abysmal.



Now we have to wait for Spencer and the Trump tweets to come up with there famous alternate facts.

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2 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

Re; post 2409 and it's quoted video entry--->

Contained in the story, it adds up to this: "I think, I think, I claim, claim, I heard, I heard... I believe, I believe"... but Proof?


Trump picked Mafia-linked stock fraud felon as senior adviser 

"Donald Trump knew a man he named as a senior business adviser in 2010 had been convicted in a major Mafia-linked stock fraud scheme, according to Associated Press interviews and a review of court records."


"The revelation about Sater's role is significant because of its timing and directness, and marks the first time the Trump Organization has acknowledged publicly that Sater worked for Trump after the disclosures of Sater's criminal background."



Trump under oath, video here:



Former Mafia-linked figure describes association with Trump

“Anybody can come in and build a tower,” Sater told potential investors, according to testimony in a 2008 court case."


“I can build a Trump Tower, because of my relationship with Trump.”


"Sater said he popped into Trump’s office frequently over a six-year period to talk business. He recalled flying to Colorado with Trump and said that Trump once asked him to escort his children Donald Jr. and Ivanka around Moscow."



Willfully uninformed=Willful Ignorance.



"If he were sitting the room right now, I really wouldn't know what he looked like"






Edited by iReason
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11 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

Re; post 2409 and it's quoted video entry---> Contained in the story, it adds up to this: "I think, I think, I claim, claim, I heard, I heard... I believe, I believe"... but Proof? Well, you can't have everything. What passes for journalism can be frightening, truly.

A Trump supporter, addicted to conspiracy theories, asking for proof when Trump never supplies any proof for any of his claims?  The logic and ethics of a Trumpeteer at its finest is something only a tyrant could believe in.


Btw, where are those tax returns?

Edited by EvenSteven
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trump gone full on nutcase on twitter, yet again.




Covfefe was a cute diversion.

This latest stuff is just nasty. 

A weirdo like that with the nuclear codes. 

How any rational person can still support trump is beyond rationality. 

In almost every sense --  public, personal, and presidential -- the clown president is INDEFENSIBLE. 






Trump’s latest unhinged tweetstorm could hasten his downward spiral


Beyond that, he confirmed once again that a deep rot of bad faith and a profound contempt for process continue to infest much of what this administration does:






Edited by Jingthing
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Well this Tweet this morning from Trump should guarantee a minimum of 5 votes against Trumps 'travel ban' with SCOTUS!! He is a donkey.




And for this tweet this morning Trump, his Administration, his supporters and for the time being America can go to hell.




Please, you have got out of the Paris accord, now get out of NATO and get out of the UN,( there are plenty of city's happy to host the administrative HQ), and you can carry on with the policy of make America hate again, but at least you will be on your own, completely and Bannon will be living his dream. How could a nation so great let such a group of retards in to office.

Edited by Andaman Al
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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Well this Tweet this morning from Trump should guarantee a minimum of 5 votes against Trumps 'travel ban' with SCOTUS!! He is a donkey.




And for this tweet this morning Trump, his Administration, his supporters and for the time being America can go to hell.




Please, you have got out of the Paris accord, now get out of NATO and get out of the UN,( there are plenty of city's happy to host the administrative HQ), and you can carry on with the policy of make America hate again, but at least you will be on your own, completely and Bannon will be living his dream. How could a nation so great let such a group of retards in to office.

6 more dead, this time in Orlando. What is Trump's responce? More support for the 2nd amendmentists? 

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8 minutes ago, pegman said:

6 more dead, this time in Orlando. What is Trump's responce? More support for the 2nd amendmentists? 

Well I am 100% sure the British Prime Minister will not tweet disgraceful false comments about the Mayor of Orlando. Sad to hear more people losing their lives to sub humans.

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 To the Paris Climate Change Protocol he shows the middle finger to all countries of the world. 

Pissed on all Nato G7 Members.

Sends 3 aircraft carrier units off the coast of North Korea.

And now packs with Saudi Arabia.


The global war probability has risen significantly.

And that should be good?

This guy really has a screw loose.




Edited by tomacht8
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49 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

 To the Paris Climate Change Protocol he shows the middle finger to all countries of the world. 

Pissed on all Nato G7 Members.

Sends 3 aircraft carrier units off the coast of North Korea.

And now packs with Saudi Arabia.


The global war probability has risen significantly.

And that should be good?

This guy really has a screw loose.





It's almost like he's putting America first. How dare he.

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4 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump’s Top Strategist Just Quit And Wrote This Brutal Open Letter To Trump Voters



The former head of a pro-Trump Super PAC abandoned the sinking ship that is the Trump team by penning an essay on how she had lost faith in Donald Trump. Stephanie Cegielski, a strategist and communications specialist, who was hired to run the Make America Great Again Super PAC over the summer, came to realize that Trump is fundamentally unfit and unprepared to be president.


Cegielski’s open letter appeared on xojane. She describes in painstaking detail how she came to be disillusioned by the Trump campaign and the candidate himself. Choice quotes include:



Your article must be true. And the reason is that snopes.com debunked it and as every good conservative knows, snopes is just another branch of the democratic party.

"While Cegielski’s official title may be unclear, it’s certain that labeling Cegielski “Trump’s top campaign strategist” is incorrect. Cegielski worked for a super PAC (which, despite the name, is not legally recognized as a political action committee and by law cannot contribute directly to or coordinate with a political campaign, although they can use raised funds to campaign independently) and not for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign:"


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Hopeful statistical signs for taking congress away from trump's party in 2018.





Here’s The Best Tool We Have For Understanding How The Midterms Are Shaping Up

As each party recruits candidates and the dynamics of individual district take shape, how the generic ballot will translate into seats won by each party will become clearer. For now, the generic ballot shows the Democrats in a stronger position at this point in a midterm election cycle than any party without control of the House since 1942. That’s about all a minority party can ask for at this point.



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14 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

A Trump supporter, addicted to conspiracy theories, asking for proof when Trump never supplies any proof for any of his claims?  The logic and ethics of a Trumpeteer at its finest is something only a tyrant could believe in.   Btw, where are those tax returns?

I was not a Trump supporter and didn't cast a vote for him. 

What's all the fuss about his tax returns? He filed an extension for 2016 if that's what you're looking for. 

No candidate or elected official is required to release their tax returns; the total sum of their annual earnings is no one else's business .

It's the same for every US citizen.

If there is any question regarding accuracy or illegality, that is between the person and the IRS, the state, or the local agency responsible for tax collection.

That's the law in the USA. 

Everything else is immaterial.

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Trump's approval rating has tumbled to new lows, again. Interesting comments about how opposition parties,  historically,  gain a lot of seats during the midterm elections when the president's ratings are below 50. Trump is below 40%.


Lets hope this happens.

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21 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

I was not a Trump supporter and didn't cast a vote for him. 

What's all the fuss about his tax returns?

If there is any question regarding accuracy or illegality,

that is between the person and the IRS, the state, or the local agency responsible for tax collection.


"I was not a Trump supporter and didn't cast a vote for him." :blink:


Then why do you spend so much time defending a person you couldn't even bring yourself to vote for?


"What's all the fuss about his tax returns?


Because he said he would. Many times:

The many times Donald Trump promised he was going to release his tax returns 



Trump in 2014: If I run, I'll provide taxes



"If there is any question regarding accuracy or illegality,

that is between the person and the IRS, the state, or the local agency responsible for tax collection."


And Special Counsel Mueller. :thumbsup:


Stay tuned...

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Trump's approval rating has tumbled to new lows, again. Interesting comments about how opposition parties,  historically,  gain a lot of seats during the midterm elections when the president's ratings are below 50. Trump is below 40%.
Lets hope this happens.

Same polls that said he would lose the election in a landslide.

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