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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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2 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

I was not a Trump supporter and didn't cast a vote for him. 

What's all the fuss about his tax returns? He filed an extension for 2016 if that's what you're looking for. 

No candidate or elected official is required to release their tax returns; the total sum of their annual earnings is no one else's business .

It's the same for every US citizen.

If there is any question regarding accuracy or illegality, that is between the person and the IRS, the state, or the local agency responsible for tax collection.

That's the law in the USA. 

Everything else is immaterial.

Let's see, there's the hypocrisy of his condemning Mitt Romney for being slow in releasing his tax returns in the 2012 presidential election.


There's the fact that it has become a tradition for presidential candidates to release tax returns to prove they are honest, tax paying citizens.


There's the fact that he promised to "drain the swamp", which is full of people obeying minimum legal standards.  Now he's showing he's not just another swamp critter, but the biggest swamp critter.


There are questions about his ties to Russia, other unpleasant governments, mobsters and money launderers that his tax returns might shed light on.


I'm sure there are other reasons for him to release his tax returns. These are just the reasons I can think of why an honorable man with nothing to hide would release his returns.

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Trump Grows Discontented With Attorney General Jeff Sessions


"WASHINGTON — Few Republicans were quicker to embrace President Trump’s campaign last year than Jeff Sessions,

and his reward was one of the most prestigious jobs in America"


"But more than four months into his presidency, Mr. Trump has grown sour on Mr. Sessions, now his attorney general,

blaming him for various troubles that have plagued the White House."


"The discontent was on display on Monday in a series of stark early-morning postings on Twitter in which the president faulted his own Justice Department for its defense of his travel ban on visitors from certain predominantly Muslim countries, Mr. Trump accused Mr. Sessions’s department of devising a “politically correct” version of the ban — as if the president had nothing to do with it."



Absolute chaos.

Lovin' it.

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Washington Post Shocker: Donald Trump Stole Money from His Non-Profit Charity to Pay Lawsuit Settlements


The Washington Post has learned that the Trump Foundation, which handles all charitable transactions and activities for Donald Trump, has admitted to breaking laws related to self-dealing on its 2015 IRS filing.


While the Post has not confirmed with the IRS that forms now available on GuideStar (which tracks the financial goings-on of non-profit organizations), they have confirmed with GuideStar that the forms in question were uploaded by the Trump Foundation legal counsel.


The Washington Post explains,





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Now that President Trump has stopped the flow of American wealth through the Paris Agreement climate change scam of trillions of tax dollars, he  will be attacked with lies and false accusations to impeach or worse

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1 minute ago, stander said:

Now that President Trump has stopped the flow of American wealth through the Paris Agreement climate change scam of trillions of tax dollars, he  will be attacked with lies and false accusations to impeach or worse

I don't think trump can be impeached for bad policy, but the reality is that the vast majority of Americans do oppose trump's perverted move to leave the accord. 

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11 minutes ago, stander said:

Now that President Trump has stopped the flow of American wealth through the Paris Agreement climate change scam of trillions of tax dollars, he  will be attacked with lies and false accusations to impeach or worse




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17 minutes ago, stander said:

Now that President Trump has stopped the flow of American wealth through the Paris Agreement climate change scam of trillions of tax dollars, he  will be attacked with lies and false accusations to impeach or worse

The only one that is attacking Trump is Trump himself. The lies and false accusations are comming from your hero.

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32 minutes ago, stander said:

Now that President Trump has stopped the flow of American wealth through the Paris Agreement climate change scam of trillions of tax dollars, he  will be attacked with lies and false accusations to impeach or worse

Do you have any evidence to support "the flow of American wealth through the Paris Agreement climate change scam" or is this just fake news?


"he  will be attacked with lies and false accusations to impeach or worse"


Are you unaware that he was under attack well before his withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, for valid reasons unrelated to this issue?  If not, you really should make the effort to stay better informed.



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29 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

It looked a lot worst than that in many places.  I grew up in a pulp wood mill town in the deep south that pumped toxic waste into a small river that flowed directly into a popular fishing area of the Gulf of Mexico.  The river was so polluted there was a wide dead zone on either side where nothing would grow, and you could smell the stench long before you reached the river.


Situations like this, and worse, existed all over the US.  How many people remember when the Cayuhoga river caught fire?  Yes, as shown in the video, an actual river caught fire.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuyahoga_River  


Of course people who don't live near these toxic waste dumping grounds don't think they're a problem.  "If I can't see it it must not be there."

Edited by heybruce
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1 hour ago, stander said:

Now that President Trump has stopped the flow of American wealth through the Paris Agreement climate change scam of trillions of tax dollars, he  will be attacked with lies and false accusations to impeach or worse

Keep telling yourself that drivel, but your great one has lost all of his credibility a long time ago.   And keep in mind that supporting a compulsively lying and compulsively smearing sociopath says a lot about you.

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‘The guy won’t pay and he won’t listen’: Four top law firms refuse to represent Trump in Russia probe: " our top law firms turned down White House requests to represent President Donald Trump in the ongoing Russia probe — and many cited his infamous unwillingness to heed legal advice as a key reas"



Trump is getting radioactive



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Brookings Institution: Trump’s $110 billion Saudi arms deal is “fake news”

“what the Saudis and the administration did is put together a notional package of the Saudi wish list of possible deals and portray that as a deal.”



Once a con. Always a con. Same applies to con men. Has there ever been a president as sleazy as trump or even close?



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Trump and Putin are very dangerous to the future safety of world peace. So on one hand we have got Trump claiming credit for the isolation of Qatar, even tweeting as much, and then we have other news saying that US investigators (stationed in Qatar) were called in to help the Qatari's find out who hacked their news agency. The Americans said it appears the Russians have hacked the Qatari news agency and planted the fake news document that stated the Emir of Qatar had spoken warmly of the Iranians. .............and who would have thought Trump and Putin might be colluding !!! We live in dangerous times and things are not as they seem.



Trump's attitude to Qatar crisis has profound implications

The US President is leaving himself exposed to accusations he has been played for a sucker by the Saudis, writes Dominic Waghorn.




Qatar row: Trump claims credit for isolation




CNN Exclusive: US suspects Russian hackers planted fake news behind Qatar crisis



So it seems that Trump may have been taken for a sucker by Saudi. What better way for Russia to increase revenue at last. Long suffering due to low oil prices, destabilising the Middle East with the aid of the witless and clueless Trump could see a conflict kicking off that would have oil back up at 100 USD per barrel in no time. Exactly where Russia and Saudi need it.


If you think you smell rotten fish, then there are rotten fish. I have spent a lot of time in both Qatar and Saudi and if anyone is playing games in a bid to kick off a conflict I would put money on it being the Saudi's, It suits there needs and purpose. Trump and Putin are leading us into a conflict. Trump gets the war he so desperately needs and Putin gets 100 USD per barrel for his oil that he so desperately needs. Win-win for the Trump and Putin dynasty's and lose-lose for the rest of the world.

Edited by Andaman Al
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Trump’s sons push their father’s presidency and hotel chain at same time


"The supposed wall between President Donald Trump and his business empire continues to crumble."


"Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr., the president’s adult sons who took over the Trump Organization as their father took control of the White House, hit the morning show circuit this week to promote Trump Hotels’ newest line: a budget-friendly chain inspired by the sons’ time on the campaign trail with their father."


"While the sons earlier this year agreed to be barred from discussing company operations and the inner workings of the U.S. government with their father, they have continued to serve as strong public advocates for their father’s presidency and have boasted about the company’s increased brand value since the inauguration and kept him in the loop on the Trump Organization’s bottom line."



A whole nest of shameless hucksters.

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Trump floats idea of using solar panels to pay for Mexico wall


"President Donald Trump floated putting solar panels on his planned Mexican border wall in a meeting with legislative leaders Tuesday afternoon, according to White House and Capitol Hill officials."


"It was unclear why Trump brought up the topic, but he presented the panels as a way to fund the wall, which is expected to cost billions of dollars, according to three people familiar with the conversation."


"He didn't express certainty that it would happen — but that he'd heard it as a possible idea and wanted to see what others thought, said a senior official familiar with the White House meeting."





Next up: A tourist attraction?


Pissing in the wind...




Edited by iReason
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Fox host to Trump: ‘Fake news media’ isn’t the issue, it’s you


“Mr. President, it’s not the fake news media that’s your problem,” he said on Fox. “It’s you. It’s not just your tweeting, it’s your scapegoating. It’s your refusal to see that sometimes you’re the one who’s feeding your own beast and acting beastly with your own guys.



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15 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:



Fox host to Trump: ‘Fake news media’ isn’t the issue, it’s you


“Mr. President, it’s not the fake news media that’s your problem,” he said on Fox. “It’s you. It’s not just your tweeting, it’s your scapegoating. It’s your refusal to see that sometimes you’re the one who’s feeding your own beast and acting beastly with your own guys.



Fox has some legitimate news programs, they're just not very popular.  Most of the people who get their 'news' from Fox News are actually getting their opinions from the Fox opinutainment programs--Hannity, Fox and Friends, O'Reilly (formally), etc.  Those are the programs that get the ratings.

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Just now, Skywalker69 said:


Carrier Sends Jobs to Mexico, Workers Say Trump ‘Misled’ Them


The president promised to save 1,100 Indiana jobs, but the company never agreed and now six months later, they’re beginning layoffs.



Yeah, but trump and trumpists don't care about the truth. They're willing to buy any lies that the con man spouts. 

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Comey Told Sessions: Don’t Leave Me Alone With Trump


WASHINGTON — The day after President Trump asked James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, to end an investigation into his former national security adviser, Mr. Comey confronted Attorney General Jeff Sessions and said he did not want to be left alone again with the president, according to current and former law enforcement officials.



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