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Pol Gen Srivara says thousands of Thais are supportive of ISIS


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6 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


This aspect is not only confined to Thai Police, it happens world wide, so they're not pillocks.  it's called information sharing and it is a crime fighting tool used by most police forces.  If you knew how law enforcement operated and interacted then maybe you wouldn't be so harsh.  They really can't win can they, especially with the experts weighing in.  :wai:

My apologies. So you would describe the RTP as a modern, progressive, proactive law enforcement agency? Didnt realise they were recognised internationally as the tip of the spear and for their information sharing capability but then again according to you I have no idea about how law enforcement operates, even though you no zero about me. In my ignorance compared to your vast wealth of knowledge perhaps you could point me to any example of the RTP's involvement and interactment in international law enforcement. They certainly didnt look for any help when it was offered by federal police in the kao tao murders .Cheers and your wai emoji doesnt excuse the insult.

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3 hours ago, starky said:

My apologies. So you would describe the RTP as a modern, progressive, proactive law enforcement agency? Didnt realise they were recognised internationally as the tip of the spear and for their information sharing capability but then again according to you I have no idea about how law enforcement operates, even though you no zero about me. In my ignorance compared to your vast wealth of knowledge perhaps you could point me to any example of the RTP's involvement and interactment in international law enforcement. They certainly didnt look for any help when it was offered by federal police in the kao tao murders .Cheers and your wai emoji doesnt excuse the insult.


A bit touchy aren't we? You criticised them but when someone takes you to task on that aspect, oh my,  you can't handle it.  It's alright for you to criticise anonymously knowing they cannot reply but when someone responds you accuse them of insulting you.  You insulted the RTP by referring to them as pillocks but I suppose you think that is ok?  Yes, there are many, many problems within the RTP and it will take quite a long time for them to be eradicated but it will happen.  Sure there have been many stuff ups and corruption is rampant but that does not apply to all and yes, they are, in certain areas, quite modern, progressive and a proactive law enforcement agency.


We rarely hear about the good work that many do as the press here, like they do world wide, only use the negatives, so if they happen to do something that warrants a pat on the back, then people like you want to denigrate them. Yes I know zero about you but your post clearly highlights you lack of knowledge, however, I'd say my 30 years in law enforcement gives me more of an insight into how there is world wide police cooperation, in which the RTP is involved


If you have to ask me for examples of the RTP's involvement in international Policing, then it is evident you have no idea but please tell me, what is your experience that gives you the right to denigrate the RTP.  And no, you weren't called ignorant, you brought that into the equation, I would not insult you in that manner.  It is just that I don't believe you have the knowledge or experience to make such a determination.  If I'm wrong then please correct me.


To enhance your knowledge, look at Cyber crime, the tracking of and arresting of Paedophile groups,  the arrest of international criminals, the assignment of RTP to different police forces, and selected overseas universities where they are trained in modern policing, and come back to train other police. They also interact with Interpol and have a close association with the Australian Federal Police and held an ex-commissioner, Mick Keelty, who often interacted with them, in high regard.  Just a few examples, is that enough for you to stop bagging of them?


The only thing I agree with is the manner in which those crimes, you mentioned, were investigated and that many should be brought to task for their failures.  However, with the current culture it may not occur but then none of us know if there is anything occurring in the background that may or may not see action taken in this regard.


Now, you also referred to Federal Police offering help, are you talking about the AFP, who I mentioned or are you referring to the British Police.  if the latter, who were involved on the peripheral, not allowed to conduct investigations, then it again highlights your lack of knowledge of policing and who and who were not involved.  So please unless you have facts that can back up your insults, then maybe you shouldn't.  And please, don't be so thin skinned and suggest that when someone criticises they are insulting you, at least I didn't call you a pillock.  And you can take the wai any way you want. :wai:    




Edited by Si Thea01
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On Wednesday, November 23, 2016 at 4:24 AM, greenchair said:

I was volunteering in a Muslim school for 8 years here in Bkk. 

Those little kids are taught to behead cows once a year. 

They are shown extremely graphic videos of women having their stomach cut open. 

I have seen them walk past my class and practice throwing a bomb and walk away quickly. 

Any student that doesn't follow according to the student leader is beaten up and gets bags put over their heads. They have videos all day of Muslim clerics telling them to kill. Basically, they are brainwashed. All going on right here in good ole bkk. When the moe comes to visit, they hide it all. No hour long prayers. No videos. They paint a very pretty picture. Scariest kids I ever worked with. 

Well obviously I wouldn't suggest you are exagerating a little , let alone suggest that this entire account is a complete fabrication. I am a little confused though , why would anybody work for 8 years in such an odious hellhole. Perhaps you were 'undercover' and presented , at mission's end , a full and explosive report to the relevent authorities.

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On 22/11/2016 at 5:14 PM, hdkane said:

For anyone who thinks that Muslims are a peaceful people, and only a minority of believers adhere to violence as a means of expression and submission, just remember that 700,000,000 Muslims worldwide hold the view that it is entirely appropriate to kill infidel civilians, beat/kill women for adultery, commit honor killings of women and children, rape children, and impose the death penalty in the form of stoning for such crimes as minor theft and lese majeste.  This is a majority of those that admit to being  followers of Islaam. 




During the vietnam war I was told the communists were bad guys. we must fight them, domino effect in south east asia if USA lost the war etc., Now the vietnamese are good guys we go and eat vietnamese foods even marry their women. So they are good guys now.

I am waiting patiently to hear them say the Arabs are good guys, we should go and eat their kebabs.

How did the vietnamese became good guys? And Arab terrorists (IS or whatever they called them) are now bad guys. In what ways are they bad guys, they come with bombs to your door steps right? But why would they do that?

Hey, you Americans should stick it up your behind all right?

Islam state is good no matter how you look at it, it is their way of life not anybody else.


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