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Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 2m votes


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Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 2m votes


Hillary Clinton's lead over Donald Trump in the popular count of the US presidential election has increased to two million votes.


Republican President-elect Mr Trump won the election by winning a majority of the electoral college votes, and he will be inaugurated in January.


But with votes still being counted, two weeks on, the Cook Political Report has his tally at 62.2m and hers at 64.2m.

It is the fifth time the winner of the popular vote has lost the election.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38087150

-- © Copyright BBC 2016-11-24
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For a rank novice like Mr Trump to garner even 10 million votes is amazing…so 62 million is absolutely a slap in the face of crooked hillary and her corrupt establishment.


Why even bother counting votes since he won legally?


Seems like they are just doing this to provide themselves with ammo for their 'resistance' or whatever quaint word they are using to describe their cry baby responses.


No one is even paying attention any more…so they could put any figure up.

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4 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

For a rank novice like Mr Trump to garner even 10 million votes is amazing…so 62 million is absolutely a slap in the face of crooked hillary and her corrupt establishment.


Why even bother counting votes since he won legally?


Seems like they are just doing this to provide themselves with ammo for their 'resistance' or whatever quaint word they are using to describe their cry baby responses.


No one is even paying attention any more…so they could put any figure up.

They have to do the full count and there is a decision made in December. That’s why this seems like a never ending story. See details here.

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:

For a rank novice like Mr Trump to garner even 10 million votes is amazing…so 62 million is absolutely a slap in the face of crooked hillary and her corrupt establishment.


You probably missed the corruption Trump is planning once he has the immunity to be charged because of his position.

4 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Why even bother counting votes since he won legally?

How would you know he won legally if you dont think its necessary to count votes. I dont dispute he won legally btw....

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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Get over it. She LOST! 


Not disputing that at all (actually she lost in more ways than one), just wonder what you think that she lost with 2 million (or 1.5%) more votes than the actual winner. What you think this means to the democracy of a country. And try to reflect it from an objective point of view, like when "your" choice was the one who lost this way....

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There are EC voters who intend to flip their intended vote to Clinton but at the moment, not enough (37) to change the outcome.


"At least a half-dozen Democratic electors have signed onto an attempt to block Donald Trump from winning an Electoral College majority, an effort designed not only to deny Trump the presidency but also to undermine the legitimacy of the institution."



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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


The electoral vote. The one that COUNTS.


Not disputing that at all (actually she lost in more ways than one), just wonder what you think that she lost with 2 million (or 1.5%) more votes than the actual winner. What you think this means to the democracy of a country. And try to reflect it from an objective point of view, like when "your" choice was the one who lost this way....

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Electoral College did its job in this election and its job was to create some balance across our 50 states. More states wanted Trump as president. Just some quick math has California, Illinois, NY, and DC at something like 5,800,000 votes over trump HOWEVER when you look at some of the these states by county, there is even more in favor of trump in Illinois and New York and about 50/50 in California. 






HRC won Illinois, but look at it by county:


Screen Shot 2016-11-24 at 11.30.02 AM.png


HRC won NY but look at it by county:


Screen Shot 2016-11-24 at 11.34.25 AM.png

Edited by Strange
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7 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

That is not the issue. It is the fact that  Mrs. Clinton received 2 millon more votes than Trump.


Careful, or you'll get TV in trouble with Google for duplicate content. I guess that's all her clan is good for though, spouting the same tripe over and over because they are like lickle childwen with no other ideas. I think it's actually great that more people voted for her, because it pisses off the kids even more. :laugh:

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16 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

The Russians have had  significant succes sin  hacking US  IT systems. It is alleged that the Russians hacked the electronic devices to facilitate their designated candidate, Trump. Deal with that issue first.


I'll deal with it.


If the Russians are so successful in hacking the voting machines, as you claim, it would have been piece of cake for them to give trump the popular vote as well. Isn't it?

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10 minutes ago, daveAustin said:


Careful, or you'll get TV in trouble with Google for duplicate content. I guess that's all her clan is good for though, spouting the same tripe over and over because they are like lickle childwen with no other ideas. I think it's actually great that more people voted for her, because it pisses off the kids even more. :laugh:


Its good to see that pissing off people is worth more to you than democracy. It says everything about what/who you are! It is therefore really ironic that you are the one calling others lickle childwen....


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51 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

There are EC voters who intend to flip their intended vote to Clinton but at the moment, not enough (37) to change the outcome.


"At least a half-dozen Democratic electors have signed onto an attempt to block Donald Trump from winning an Electoral College majority, an effort designed not only to deny Trump the presidency but also to undermine the legitimacy of the institution."




So never mind the 126+ million US citizens who voted.


It really the folks who hold the 538 electoral votes.


Why bother with the expense of a national vote when these 538 call the election.



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28 minutes ago, Strange said:

Another way to look at how and why the "popular vote" is meaningless and Electoral College did its job. 




Screen Shot 2016-11-24 at 12.20.25 PM.png



It was about 50 years ago or so that the Supreme Court decided "one person, one vote." I guess, according to you, they should have decided "one acre, one vote." After all. lots of those acres may not have any people, but they are chock full of gophers. 

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In most states, the absentee votes, mostly military, are not counted unless it would change the outcome.  Add those in, and the popular-vote totals would move significantly in Trump's favor, quite possibly giving him the win.


Because the US-Constitutional-system involves balancing state-power with federal-power, the electoral vote system was put in place.  Because we have this system, the candidates Do Not Campaign with a strategy to win the popular vote.  If they had, the results would, again, be different, and the issues important to most areas of the country (all that red-area in the last map) would be largely ignored.


1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

It was about 50 years ago or so that the Supreme Court decided "one person, one vote." I guess, according to you, they should have decided "one acre, one vote." After all. lots of those acres may not have any people, but they are chock full of gophers. 


The electoral votes are based on Congressional-districts, which are in-turn based on population.  Therefore, it is not a matter of acerage, but this system does reduce the power of a few population-centers to choose what the entire rest of the country must endure from the federal government.  The senate is even more "un-democratic" in this respect, where each "state" gets 2 Senators, regardless of population.


Personally, I'd like to see less Federal-govt overreach and power, given such a large country, so that local communities had more control.

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

It was about 50 years ago or so that the Supreme Court decided "one person, one vote." I guess, according to you, they should have decided "one acre, one vote." After all. lots of those acres may not have any people, but they are chock full of gophers. 


When did the supreme court decide that the popular vote was the one that counted? 


Why should California get to decide what president would be best for Kansas? 

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45 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:


So never mind the 126+ million US citizens who voted.


It really the folks who hold the 538 electoral votes.


Why bother with the expense of a national vote when these 538 call the election.




It is a little more complicated than that.



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1 minute ago, LivinginKata said:


So never mind the 126+ million US citizens who voted.


It really the folks who hold the 538 electoral votes.


Why bother with the expense of a national vote when these 538 call the election.

Yes, that about sums it up, and why John Podesta came out on stage that night, and told the remaining Clinton supporters and staffers to head on home.  And why Clinton ultimately delivered a concession speech - with class and aplomb. 


+2 million votes is an impressive figure but my home town (San Diego) has 1.3 million inhabitants, so in real, geographical terms, it's not that persuasive, and probably why Hillary isn't out there stumping for the popular vote movement or to dump the electoral college system. 

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