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Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 2m votes


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38 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

Yes. It's called the Electoral Roll man.


People register then turn up on election day and give their name. The system has worked for ages when everyone respects the dignity and equality of others. That's not the case now when all these minority voters clearly aren't entitled to that trust.


Illegal Immigrants & People that should not be voting are not entitled to this honor system. I do not want them voting. I see nothing wrong with legislation that keeps them out of the polling station. I know some will whine and cry and say that some minorities have a hard time locating their birth cert or going through the process of getting a local ID card but there are ways to make sure everyone that has the right to legally cast their vote, does. Thats not racist but I know you want to call it that. 

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I call it voter suppression! And racist on top as it is directed mostly at black voters. For the right wingnut Kool-aid snorters, there is no voter fraud, there is massive voter suppression by the right wing Republicans and they brag about it.

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39 minutes ago, Strange said:


I did not edit your post, I chose what I wanted to reply to. Its common practice but you can always report it if you don't like it. 


I literally do not care what a non-american thinks about america or its politics or policy. Just like I don't comment or barf up my opinion on UK, Brexit, European politics. Its their business and they have their reasons for doing what they do, and thats inherently for what they believe is the betterment of their country and themselves. 


Americans will have more insight as to the reasons that propel american people to vote the way they do. 


Go ahead and get it out of your system and call me a racist. I know your radical trigger finger is itching to. 


I have described how you distorted my post with your editing. It is not common practice. It has been adopted by some recently to dishonestly present posts in a context more suiting someone's agenda. Your thesis about Americans knowing more about their politics by virtue of the fact that they are American cannot be demonstrated and, in fact, there are many studies and reports that point to the actual level of understanding many Americans have about their governance structure and civic duties.

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49 minutes ago, Richard W said:

That's the system we had until recently in England.  It was wide open to impersonation and false claims of relevant citizenship, and much tighter controls had to be implemented in Northern Ireland, where there is a tradition of voter fraud.  The system falls apart if the number of dishonest people is not negligible.


How do you explain the causes for this in the UK? Are there more dishonest people now than 50 years ago? Do you think that the fundamental nature of people has changed?


I am yet to be convinced that voter ID in America is anything other than attempted voter suppression targeting minorities.

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51 minutes ago, Strange said:


I did not edit your post, I chose what I wanted to reply to. Its common practice but you can always report it if you don't like it. 


I literally do not care what a non-american thinks about america or its politics or policy. Just like I don't comment or barf up my opinion on UK, Brexit, European politics. Its their business and they have their reasons for doing what they do, and thats inherently for what they believe is the betterment of their country and themselves. 


Americans will have more insight as to the reasons that propel american people to vote the way they do. 


Go ahead and get it out of your system and call me a racist. I know your radical trigger finger is itching to. 


All good points. Thank you!

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49 minutes ago, Strange said:


Illegal Immigrants & People that should not be voting are not entitled to this honor system. I do not want them voting. I see nothing wrong with legislation that keeps them out of the polling station. I know some will whine and cry and say that some minorities have a hard time locating their birth cert or going through the process of getting a local ID card but there are ways to make sure everyone that has the right to legally cast their vote, does. Thats not racist but I know you want to call it that. 


Your puerile name calling notwithstanding, nobody is arguing that persons not eligible to vote should be voting. You may believe the whole fake new nonsense about undocumented persons being brought into the country by Democrats to vote for them in future elections, but it really does not pass the laugh test for a rational person. Legislation that requires the demonstration of qualification at the polling station, beyond what is required for the registration process, impacts on minorities and the poor who, as is well known, tend to vote Democrat. That is why voter suppression is racist.


I do not worry so much about Republicans playing games with the voter registration, which is well documented, since managing an election requires establishing timelines and deadlines. I support Democrat efforts to get voters registered before such deadlines.


When minority voices tell you something has a negative impact on them, you dismiss this because you refuse to admit racial bias. I can admit my own racial bias and how I deal with it but you make a game out of refusing to acknowledge it even exists.


You don't want to be seen as a racist, then don't say things that are racist. Not that difficult to understand I think.

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1 hour ago, Strange said:


I did not edit your post, I chose what I wanted to reply to. Its common practice but you can always report it if you don't like it. 


I literally do not care what a non-american thinks about america or its politics or policy. Just like I don't comment or barf up my opinion on UK, Brexit, European politics. Its their business and they have their reasons for doing what they do, and thats inherently for what they believe is the betterment of their country and themselves. 


Americans will have more insight as to the reasons that propel american people to vote the way they do. 


Go ahead and get it out of your system and call me a racist. I know your radical trigger finger is itching to. 


I have noticed on a number of threads that you respond to and indicate a 'like' to many non Americans who post things that conform to your point of view.


In such cases, this means that you literally do care about the views of those non Americans.


I am struggling to give credence to most of your statements since the inconsistencies and biases are so glaring.

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3 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

This may come as a shock to the many of you left wing posters out there, crying, and wringing your hands over "Hillary the Liar" receiving more votes than Trump, but the election is over.  Rest your neck.  Get over it.  I wonder how many of Hillary's votes came from dead people, illegal immigrants, and people who voted multiple times.   


Trump is now posed to reverse much of the damage done by Obama and Clinton, and is about to make America great again.


The Clintons will be lucky if they don't end up being recipients of correctional services.  Wikileaks is continuing to release more documents exposing the corrupt Clintons, and inept and incompetent Obama.


The most disgusting event these two are responsible for is the death's of Ambassador Chris Stevens, foreign service officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.


The entire Benghazi debacle sheds light on Clinton and Obama's lack of judgement, dishonesty, and non-exsistant leadership skills.  Good riddance to both of these lying, dishonest, and incompetent political hacks.  God Bless America, and God Bless Trump. :-)

I hope the next Sec State unearths the facts and let's us all know what really happened. I want to know who ordered that no rescue mission would be launched. Not a single plane from Italy.

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1 hour ago, sgtsabai said:

I call it voter suppression! And racist on top as it is directed mostly at black voters. For the right wingnut Kool-aid snorters, there is no voter fraud, there is massive voter suppression by the right wing Republicans and they brag about it.


Calm down man. I really don't think the intention is voter suppression and racism. I can understand how it would negatively impact some, but geez you can't do anything without negatively impacting someone, even with the best of intentions. 


By population of the USA, the percentage of African Americans to Whites, I'm more than sure that there are just as many White people that would be negatively effected just the same. Poverty is not just a black thing and its hardly targeting anyone in particular. Plenty of impoverished whites as well. 


There are plenty of completely legit youtube videos exposing not only the issue, but step by step on how to do it. 

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1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

Your puerile name calling notwithstanding, nobody is arguing that persons not eligible to vote should be voting. You may believe the whole fake new nonsense about undocumented persons being brought into the country by Democrats to vote for them in future elections, but it really does not pass the laugh test for a rational person. Legislation that requires the demonstration of qualification at the polling station, beyond what is required for the registration process, impacts on minorities and the poor who, as is well known, tend to vote Democrat. That is why voter suppression is racist.


I do not worry so much about Republicans playing games with the voter registration, which is well documented, since managing an election requires establishing timelines and deadlines. I support Democrat efforts to get voters registered before such deadlines.


When minority voices tell you something has a negative impact on them, you dismiss this because you refuse to admit racial bias. I can admit my own racial bias and how I deal with it but you make a game out of refusing to acknowledge it even exists.


You don't want to be seen as a racist, then don't say things that are racist. Not that difficult to understand I think.


What you find rational, another may find irrational. Such is life and you really should learn to deal with it. 


Plenty of poor whites vote Republican. Plenty of Poor whites would be effected just the same as poor blacks. Illegal Immigrants should never be rewarded the power of a ballot. There is no legislation in Voter ID that targets blacks and minorities only. There is always a spin to everything. 

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17 minutes ago, Strange said:


What you find rational, another may find irrational. Such is life and you really should learn to deal with it. 


Plenty of poor whites vote Republican. Plenty of Poor whites would be effected just the same as poor blacks. Illegal Immigrants should never be rewarded the power of a ballot. There is no legislation in Voter ID that targets blacks and minorities only. There is always a spin to everything. 


North Carolina NAACP Sues State Over Voter Suppression



Like I said, when black voices tell you that that voter ID impacts them negatively, you do not listen. You are so fixated on your ideology that you refuse to accept anything that contradicts what you are sure is reality. Undocumented immigrants having the right to vote. They do not have a right to vote in Federal or State elections and if they do so it is done improperly. Which is something that those who regulate elections and I believe that is each individual State based Secretary of State, needs to address.


Whoever has claimed that Voter ID laws targets blacks and minorities. Experience and research demonstrates that the impact of such legislation impacts these groups. An entirely different concept altogether. You are trying to divert away from the issue.

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4 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

North Carolina NAACP Sues State Over Voter Suppression



Like I said, when black voices tell you that that voter ID impacts them negatively, you do not listen. You are so fixated on your ideology that you refuse to accept anything that contradicts what you are sure is reality. Undocumented immigrants having the right to vote. They do not have a right to vote in Federal or State elections and if they do so it is done improperly. Which is something that those who regulate elections and I believe that is each individual State based Secretary of State, needs to address.


Whoever has claimed that Voter ID laws targets blacks and minorities. Experience and research demonstrates that the impact of such legislation impacts these groups. An entirely different concept altogether. You are trying to divert away from the issue.


The post I was replying to had the words racial and racist in it 5 times. For it to be racist it has to target people based on race. You link does not prove anything to be racist or racial. It was an incident that effected both whites and blacks as their address was not deliverable. No intentional suppression or racist behavior about it. Nobody trying to silence anyone. 


You just really want everything to be about race, racism, etc.. 


Illegal Immigrants should never be able to vote even if its done 'improperly' and by improperly you mean illegally, witch they do, can be done, and is done. Wether or not its done on a scale that has any real impact is irrelevant. 

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20 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


North Carolina NAACP Sues State Over Voter Suppression



Like I said, when black voices tell you that that voter ID impacts them negatively, you do not listen. You are so fixated on your ideology that you refuse to accept anything that contradicts what you are sure is reality. Undocumented immigrants having the right to vote. They do not have a right to vote in Federal or State elections and if they do so it is done improperly. Which is something that those who regulate elections and I believe that is each individual State based Secretary of State, needs to address.


Whoever has claimed that Voter ID laws targets blacks and minorities. Experience and research demonstrates that the impact of such legislation impacts these groups. An entirely different concept altogether. You are trying to divert away from the issue.


Racists everywhere agree, it is primarily blacks who are too stupid or incompetent to get an ID to vote.


Of course, SCOTUS has already ruled on voter ID. Not only that, it's a common practice in many countries. In fact, the UN was shocked to find out we don't have or don't enforce voter ID laws.




But let's honest, shall we? Those who oppose voter ID laws support voter fraud- under guise of fighting racism, of course (wink wink). 

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3 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


How do you explain the causes for this in the UK? Are there more dishonest people now than 50 years ago? Do you think that the fundamental nature of people has changed?

The change in electoral registration in the UK follows from the attempt to move it to an individual, on-line system, which could have made electoral fraud much easier.  The difference between Northern Ireland and England is probably because politics are more intense there, being far more likely to erupt into armed warfare.


Although the registration process has changed in England, to actually vote one merely has to give one's name and address so that one's presence on the register can be confirmed.  One can even point to the entry on the register if one can read up-side down.


Unfortunately, it seems that the nature of people has been changed by the abandonment of religion.  A formal moral code is useful for society, despite hypocrisy.

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1 hour ago, up-country_sinclair said:

Jill Stein just announced that she has raised the funds required to request a recount in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.


2000 redux?


I'm all for recounting votes in close races or if some anomaly seems apparent, but I'm left wondering why does some private citizen have to raise funds for a recount? Shouldn't the FEC or the relevant Secretaries of State be spearheading this if such conditions exist?

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5 hours ago, Strange said:


There has to be some kind of limit or procedure to verify citizenship and legitimacy of voters man. 

Yeah, I agree with this (R) idea about Voter ID and disagree with (D) position to go Popular Vote.  The old folks and minorities.......... I think "we" as country, can overcome and help them folks out so they can get an ID and vote.  The other 95% that have ID already, just show your ID, no big deal.  Is it?  Really?


And oh yeah, illegal aliens should not get a driver's license.  Or a State ID.  Why?  How?  Da fuq?  On this one, I'm in Trump's corner.   Sanctuary Cities?  My a&&.

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15 minutes ago, bendejo said:

If the tables were turned King Baby would be all over the media screaming RIGGED SYSTEM! 




If doesn't matter. Reality does. And the reality is, HILLARY LOST.


And now that Michigan is in Trump's column, his win is an electoral landslide.

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14 hours ago, DriveByTrucker said:


Not disputing that at all (actually she lost in more ways than one), just wonder what you think that she lost with 2 million (or 1.5%) more votes than the actual winner. What you think this means to the democracy of a country. And try to reflect it from an objective point of view, like when "your" choice was the one who lost this way....


Doesn't mean all that much. Trump didn't campaign to win the popular vote - no point in that, so focused his campaign in 12 key states.


For example, what was the point of turning a 30 point loss in California into a 22 point loss, just to try to win the popular vote?




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36 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I'm all for recounting votes in close races or if some anomaly seems apparent, but I'm left wondering why does some private citizen have to raise funds for a recount? Shouldn't the FEC or the relevant Secretaries of State be spearheading this if such conditions exist?


Excellent question and issue. So recounts are now subject to whether one can find a "sponsor" to fund it? I am uncomfortable with that and suspect the results of a recount would be affected by where the money comes from. I have no tolerance for creating such conditions.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


Indeed. The crybabies on the left just can't accept that.

right, just like that one candidate that before even one vote was cast already talked about a rigged system in case he should loose, that's the definition of a sore looser and a crybaby.


I am glad not to be an American, I would be utterly ashamed being part of a country that actually voted an idiot such as Trump into the presidency.


The only mitigating fact is that this rigged system actually helped the idiot, as the most votes he did not win.



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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

The system is rigged. However, so many Americans rebelled against. Trump won anyway. We do not care what outsiders think. Kudos to our new President!

I wish you luck. Allthough, since he already backed out off several election promises and since more than half of the hill (and that obviously include quite a lot GOP politicians) hates his guts, it probably will go well, he is probably going to be a lame duck, and that is only for the better. No one would want some of his nutcrack ideas to become reality :)

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