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Gf visa

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Hi sorry you probably heard it all a million times. But I have a thai gf she works airport duty free I want her come uk. But I am unable to sponsor her. She owns a condo and has a good job what are the chances of her getting a visa and which company is good to use. Thanks

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You have posted this is the wrong forum. A moderator will probably transfer it for you at some point.


If she will be visiting the UK on a short visit (say 3 weeks) can show independent finances, and a job to return to, she should be able to get a visa without too much difficulty. If you want her to visit you for, say, 6 months or more, it will be tough. In that case, if she has good English, maybe try to help her find a job that would allow her to come on a working visa.

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Many applicants from Thailand, or indeed anywhere in the world, do not have a sponsor and still get issued with visas for a short visit the UK.


You say you want her to come to the UK, I'm assuming that she actually wants to come to the UK and can afford to do so.


As a matter of interest, why can't you sponsor her?


Most applicants don't feel the need to use a visa company, the application process is quite straightforward and using one doesn't give any preference, save that they will guide the applicant through the process. The only company I would recommend is Thaivisaexpress, but they're in Pattaya.


For your girlfriend to successfully apply for a standard visit visa she will need to satisfy the Entry Clearance Officer that her proposed visit is genuine, affordable and that, on the balance of probability, she would return home at the completion of her visit.


The visit visa application itself should be relatively easy, she would be applying as a regular tourist so she should indicate her plans whilst visiting the UK, if she's visiting you then it's best to say so. If she's paying for the trip herself then she needs to provide evidence that she can comfortably do so. Reasons to return are very important so she should provide details of her life here in Thailand, accommodation and any employment. You say she works at the airport so she should provide details of that employment, length of employment and salary, and include a letter from her employers that they are aware of her holiday and she is expected to return to work after her short break. 


I note the comment about employment in the UK from the previous poster, whilst that's of course an option but it's far from easy and, I would suggest, not appropriate for somebody who just wants to visit a boyfriend in the UK.

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Many thanks for the replies. I had a business that went bang I lost everything had to go bankrupt so my situation would not look good to sponsor anyone. I have no interest in her working just a holiday visa would be fine. She has good job and owns a condo so would that be enough reason to come back in the eyes of customs. She no intention of of over staying but potentially would stay 6 months then I would go back to Thailand with her once visa ran out.

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@carlsimp When I confirmed that your girlfriend could apply for a visa without sponsorship, I did make the point that it would normally for a regular length of visit, and that with compelling evidence of affordability and ties to her home country she would probably be issued with a visa.


You've now indicated that she wants to visit for six months, which rather kicks her reasons to return into touch. Whilst she may own, and be able to provide evidence of the ownership of her own, condo, the other reason to return is her employment at the airport, and she plans to take six months off, I know of no employer that would confirm that they've allowed an employee to take a six month holiday, and I suspect neither has the Entry Clearance Officer.


You seem to be aware that short term visitors are routinely issued with a visa with a validity of six months, that doesn't mean that applicants are routinely expected to stay for six months, though there is nothing illegal in doing so.

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She would give up her job. She we no intention doing anything illegal she woukd stay uk 4 to 6 months then back with me Thailand. Just wondering best way of getting her a visa without my sponsoring her. How much does she need in an account

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There's no set figure that she needs to have in her bank account, if she's applying as an independent tourist she needs to first of all to satisfy the ECO that her proposed trip is genuine, six months? put yourself in the shoes of  the decision maker, what would you think?

She then needs to satisfy them that the trip is affordable, how much do you think a person would need for a six month holiday in the UK, flights, accommodation, food and sight-seeing and of course insurance and having enough to survive on in their home country on their return whilst looking for a job? You say she owns her condo, does she have a mortgage?

She plans to give up her job for this six month holiday, what decision would you make if you were making a decision on the submitted evidence?

I'm not trying to put you off, but sometimes you have to structure your expectations.

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Yeh she got mortgage on the condo. She won't be saying she coming 6 months but will be stating it's for 2 weeks. However they give out a 6 month visa so she may aswell stay 6 months. She won't be a burden on the uk tax payers cos I will be taking care of all her living expenses and will buy her travel insurance. Like I said if I coukd sponsor her I would do it that way however my circumstances won't allow it. So have to go down the tourist visa route or could I do a spouse/marry visa i guess though that's the same as sponsoring I need proof of earnings

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What you're suggesting your girlfriend plans to do, is a high risk strategy, but at the end of the day it's her decision and it's her that would suffer if it went wrong.


You say that she will apply for a visit visa, advising the UKVI that she intends to stay for two weeks, presumably using her employment at the airport as one of her reasons to return. You have already told us that she would give up her job and stay in the UK for six months, not the two weeks she intends to declare in her application. That is a material change, in fact it's bordering on deception, and could result in her being denied entry at the UK Border and returned home. I'm not saying that it would happen, but it could and it's something she needs to be aware of.


As you are aware a visa doesn't guarantee entry into the UK, it allows the visa holder to travel to the UK Border and present themselves to a Border Force Officer, it is they who will decide whether to allow them to enter the UK. The officer will have access to the original application, in which she advised that she intended to stay for two weeks, they will also have access to the employment details, if they were included in her application. They might also ask for sight of her return ticket which might not match up to the details in her application, they of course might not ask for sight of her ticket, but for sure they will want to satisfy themselves that her visit matches up to the details she declared in her application.


Assuming that all goes to your plan, and it probably would, the change of plan would need to be declared in any future application, the fact that she applied for a visa for a two week holiday and then stayed for six months would cause the ECO to doubt the credibility of any evidence submitted in subsequent applications.


I'm not trying to scaremonger, what you're planning doesn't breach Immigration Rules, but it's a high risk strategy, but as I also said at the end of the day it's your choice.



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I appreciate what your saying and thanks for the information. If the way I'm planning is not a good way what other options do I have if any end of the day I just want my gf visit uk for 6 months whatever way I can without getting her into any kind of trouble. If for example she did get through and did stay 6 months instead of the 2 weeks would she have an issue leaving the country and would it harm her chances getting a visa again. I stay Thailand generally 6 months of the year so want her to be able come uk 6 months every year without hassle

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She wouldn't have an issue leaving the country as the UK Border Force no longer carry out embarkation checks, and in any case she wouldn't have overstayed her visa. The date she left the UK will be on record however, as carriers now carry out this role on behalf of the UKBF.

As I said before, submitting evidence for an application for a visa in which she says she wants to stay for a two a two week holiday, and then stayed for six months, would cause the ECO to doubt the credibility of evidence submitted in subsequent applications, unless compelling reasons were given for such a dramatic change of plans

The visa your girlfriend intends to apply for is the correct one, but if she intends staying for six months then she should say so, though I'm not sure she would be successful.

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