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GF asking money for cleaning room:)


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On 11/27/2016 at 5:58 PM, chiang mai said:

If she stays with you full time and doesn't work, you need to support her, giving her a few thousand for being a housewife doesn't sound that far removed from what husbands in the West used to do in the mid 1900's and well beyond.


Important to note, 4000 baht per month, no matter how you slice it, falls well below the 'suggested' minimum of 300 baht per day. I'm willing to assume she is (at the very least) passably attractive, a (relatively) benign soul, and a reasonably sound companion for the OP, when compared to the plethora of other 'exciting' relationship configurations in which he could've found himself.

If her greatest 'transgression' is  being a homebody drawn to watching television and such, that ought not be a deal-breaker, one way or the other. If all is as presented, and the 4K motivates the young lady enough to make a decent go of it, then, seeing as all's fair in love and war, it would seem a small sacrifice, in the interests of preventing, or at least mitigating the otherwise inevitable war.


Or not. OP's call.

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On 11/27/2016 at 6:12 AM, kenk24 said:

I think it is just a matter of whether or not you will to keep to your words... nothing really wrong with her having some spending money... 

I think you ought to charge her rent--she does live there doesn't she?

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On 11/27/2016 at 6:08 AM, forseo said:

She cleared apartment, but anyway was mostly dirty. I'm not crazy about cleanness, but I do not like when room like a big rubbish bin, with dirt everywhere.

After you saw how she cleared the apartment you should have cleared out. Greed laziness the signs were all there. Love can be blind but in your case you were in a love bind of your own making. Be gone lad be gone. 

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On 11/27/2016 at 6:43 AM, Crossy said:


No, only an "Asian Tour" :)


And I loved every one of them, one Korean lady turned my proposal down, twice :(



Of all my gf's, Korean women were the best by far. Miss them - at least some aspect of the relationship.


Edited by AGLV0121
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7 hours ago, realenglish1 said:


You do not know what you are talking about Crossing the boarder is considered by Immigration as "reporting" YOU need to double check your sources my friend 

Makes me cringe when people like this spew and don't know what they are talking about

im i missing something arnt we on another subject?

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On 27/11/2016 at 0:30 PM, jimmyyy said:

Yeah, i am not understanding the not cleaning thing.  I don't know of a Thai girl that does not clean the house if they they don't work.  We have three kids, my wife looks the kids cleans the house, makes a garden and is as happy as she can be.  Something is wrong with this woman.


Same same, plus 1, never stops from dawn to dusk and then wants a shag at 11pm, farcmedead 555

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10 hours ago, atyclb said:

gf is getting free room and board and has the nerve to want payment for cleaning


the op must be a very clever, slim hansum young man



add up all the monthly expenses and inform her to cough up 50%




If she is young and pretty do the math, 7 x a bang x 30 bangs a month, he's miles ahead, don't be such a tight "ass" 555

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Oh this is a follow topic. So my gf was the same. You didnt tell if you give her some money every month. I gave mine 10,000 and paid food, she stayed for free in a new condo. If she wanted more money she could go and work and would still get the 10000. She didnt want to work. I also asked her to clean but always `i just need to finish this`  I told her nice to move out if she didnt start to make our home beautiful and shining. So she cleaned very quick and then after 15min she said angrily`you see i do this in 15 min......

I told her if she want us to fight and breakup and loose 10000bht for 15min every day then she deserves to find a better man than me.

BUT i wouldnt go so far, instead i would just kick her ass out. Its not her fault, its yours for allowing this to happen.

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13 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


If she is young and pretty do the math, 7 x a bang x 30 bangs a month, he's miles ahead, don't be such a tight "ass" 555



ok  the amount of money saved in hooker disbursements justifies the loss of privacy and hassle of having a non productive couch potato  (semi productive if you consider sex as work) 




better if shes not young and pretty then you can close your eyes and use unending imagination and never get bored.


to each their own

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4000 baht a month that's crazy money for a start, here the rate in bangkok is 500 a visit and they do a great job, on the subject of cleaning, everyone of my "visitors" has cleaned my condo, washed up the cups etc, and this afternoon, a bonus, a free haircut from an ex hairdresser, sans clothing,, bliss, wow back to "hansum man"

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15 hours ago, Get Real said:

And what exactly would you like to get of your chest this time? The same as always I suppose. How stupid all farangs are who not live and do exactly like you.
Unlike you and your very small and narrow view of life and how to live, there are an open and wide opinion about that there are good and bad persons in all areas of life.
As your computerized and generalizing comments always are so predictable, I offer my condolances and standing ready to design a special bundle of uppgrades and plugins just for you and your wierd operating system.



I was asking a simple question. If he met or took her from a bar that explains everything. I don,t think i ever said ALL foreigners were stupid. I love this form of defection off the subject. Sorry i hurt your feelings again. I must bring back some bad memories. Get your head out of your butt any foreigner with a working brain knows the pitfalls of dealing with bar/massage girls. Being critical of stupidity many on this site as with many websites are far harsher than myself.  If you yourself are so thinned skinned stop reading , have a stiff drink and calm down.

Edited by Mitkof Island
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13 hours ago, vistascape said:

if youre paying your lady to clean your place, then youre the biggest loser in this world man.


of course your lady has to clean. it is a given man.


its time to wake up and be a man and make your lady a lady!

I totally agree with you.  Mr. Get Real seems to have a problem with any form critical discussion .

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4000 baht a month that's crazy money for a start, here the rate in bangkok is 500 a visit and they do a great job, on the subject of cleaning, everyone of my "visitors" has cleaned my condo, washed up the cups etc, and this afternoon, a bonus, a free haircut from an ex hairdresser, sans clothing,, bliss, wow back to "hansum man"

How much was sex?
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