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Thai govt slams media over ‘bias’ exercise-campaign reports


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1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

so many years ago i went through basic training for the army reserves. big part of the process seemed to be getting people to do things without questioning orders. this all seems to be part of the same thing. wonder if people will be taught to march around a parade ground.

I can absolutely tell you he is taking a page out of the book of China brainwashing operations. I lived in China for 1 year and personally witnessed the indoctrination and brainwashing that not only government institutions but businesses hotels blah blah blah the majority of them always had an exercise program not designed to encourage healthy habits of its employees, but as a repetitive form of anchoring discipline and no questions asked loyalty and obedience. Good job William pointing this out and by the way thank you for your past service.

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Daily regime exercise -- slam the media, jump on the media, hammer the media, and kick the media. In their spare time, round up the media for some much needed attitude adjustment.  Oh, I forgot knee-jerk reactions!  Still haven't seen a picture of Prawit at the exercise sessions!

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha’s controversial weekly exercise campaign.

50 Shades of China


In 2010 it was planned that 4 million workers will perform the exercise routines at 10am and 3pm each day.  According to Zhang Yujing, a spokesman for the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions: "The short-term goal is to involve 60% of the workforces in Beijing by 2011, and 70% of the workforces of the government. We want all state-owned enterprise workers to have restarted this routine by next year."



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3 hours ago, jerojero said:

Perhaps the PM ought to spend his precious time on more important issues of reform, such as RTP and Education. Acting more and more like a typical politician with feel-good initiatives, while ignoring fundamental changes needed in his society.


Maybe if you spent some of your precious time trying to find out what the PM has instructed Departmental heads to implement within the RTP, education and heath departments, then maybe we'd see some praise instead of criticism.  He delegates, as do all world leaders, CEO's, Managers and foreman or aren't you familiar with the chain of command?


Changes are a coming in many departments, especially education, police and medicine.  How do I know, my wife is teacher, her brother a doctor and his son is a police officer at RTP headquarters, Bangkok.  it's funny you know, these people do talk and those of us who care to listen, learn and understand but also realise that it will take time.


And if he sets aside a small time slot and wants government officials, who sit on their bots most of the day, to get off it for a whole 1.5 hours, once a week, then why howl him down.  It is obvious that he is concerned about the health of the workers so why the bagging.  I know, some people and the lefty press are never happy unless they start their day criticising others.  And here we are, It only took two posts for him to be criticised, almost a record I'd say.   :wai:  

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Government Spokesman Lt-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd on Sunday rebuked media members for reporting “bias” reports about Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha’s controversial weekly exercise campaign.

Is that a bias towards the truth?

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45 minutes ago, pookiki said:

Daily regime exercise -- slam the media, jump on the media, hammer the media, and kick the media. In their spare time, round up the media for some much needed attitude adjustment.  Oh, I forgot knee-jerk reactions!  Still haven't seen a picture of Prawit at the exercise sessions!


Are you blind or not wearing your glasses?  Who is in the picture and leading the exercise?  And yes, the media needs all the kicking they can get.  I am tired of trial by media, government by media, elections by media, they are just a pack of prima donnas, who cannot find it in their DNA to report good news stories or if they  do, they change it around to make those who are trying to do good, look bad.   Yes, round then all up and give then a few lessons in attitude adjustment, they certainly need it. :wai:

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2 hours ago, louse1953 said:

The same thing goes on in my local hospital at just after 8am.A vdo comes on and they all get up and sing a song and wave their arms about,then come around with the hand disinfectant.I learnt about personal hygiene as a child.They all get up,but you can see that their hearts aren't in it,only a few oldies and me can't be bothered by the sheep mentality.What i do like is the hospital gym that the sick are supposed to use up to 4pm.Never seen anyone in there,the patients are sick after all.After 4pm the public can use it,just nurses and me and a couple of lads.1000 baht a year,this is a steal.Most pay 20 baht per visit,nurses free.

Where's this then...

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No-matter what he does, people have to complain. We did something along this line years ago with the company I worked for. We found that the stretching helped both our labour force and office staff in reducing lost time injuries. Don't knock it until you try it.

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2 hours ago, Crash999 said:

All this fuss over mandatory weekly exercise during office hours? I wish my company would pay me to exercise. 


They will if you get physical issues from sitting all day long...something like rsi or a flat arse, bad eyes, headaches....


It's cheaper for companies to let the staff sport than paying for their absence and find  replacement.

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"...The spokesman said that the government had good intentions behind the campaign..."


And that, just like everything else the junta and its cronies do (including their precious roadmap), is their argument for making it OK ???


Well, maybe Thais should start remembering that old saying about "roads" and "good intentions", and just think about more about the destination !!!



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This article last week below in a UK paper, mentions that Children from the UK are as unhealthy as children from Thailand. I mention this as the findings were presented in Bangkok Something needs to be done to ensure that the people and children do not become obese and unhealthy.



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1 hour ago, lubfishin said:

I can absolutely tell you he is taking a page out of the book of China brainwashing operations. I lived in China for 1 year and personally witnessed the indoctrination and brainwashing that not only government institutions but businesses hotels blah blah blah the majority of them always had an exercise program not designed to encourage healthy habits of its employees, but as a repetitive form of anchoring discipline and no questions asked loyalty and obedience. Good job William pointing this out and by the way thank you for your past service.

Wrong Book. Patriot America Brainwashing is the one to copy from, because the most effective brainwashing is the kind that denies it's brainwashing, or has learned to love its brainwashing and/or no questions asked loyalty and obedience.

....admittedly, tho, only a slight rinse is required there

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8 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

This article last week below in a UK paper, mentions that Children from the UK are as unhealthy as children from Thailand. I mention this as the findings were presented in Bangkok Something needs to be done to ensure that the people and children do not become obese and unhealthy.



just for the hell of it, I parked my bike at a Cdn park beach last summer to verify what I've read.

3 out of five passers-by were overweight, 2 out of 5 or 6, obese.

Kids seem to reflect their parents physiology, tho a little less.,

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4 hours ago, seahorse said:

It's not just a feel-good initiative. Thais are unhealthy and unfit. They need to exercise more.

If the Thai's continue to eat cheese cake and donuts at the same rate as the past 2 years.

They will need to Exercise Wed, Thursday and Friday. 

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2 hours ago, lubfishin said:

I can absolutely tell you he is taking a page out of the book of China brainwashing operations. I lived in China for 1 year and personally witnessed the indoctrination and brainwashing that not only government institutions but businesses hotels blah blah blah the majority of them always had an exercise program not designed to encourage healthy habits of its employees, but as a repetitive form of anchoring discipline and no questions asked loyalty and obedience. Good job William pointing this out and by the way thank you for your past service.

well thanks for the positive feedback.

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All public servents understand. Of course they do. Corrupt lazy bastarts. Why make them exercise though?. Way to much hard work for them. How could they fit that in with extravagent lunches, field trips and such....

Biggest laughing stock. Perhaps the good general should have done a " do i look stupid" poll before taking over because it just looks so pathetic. How could anyone take this person seriously.

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6 hours ago, candide said:

There is no doubt that ill-intentioned people are behind this subversive campaign aiming to prevent the government from implementing needed reforms!  Serious attitude adjustment would be relevant in this Case! 

stated like a Chi-com , Sandinista , Kermer-rouge , or perhaps a ruttin tootin Putin ......boyo ya need to read more .

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7 hours ago, candide said:

There is no doubt that ill-intentioned people are behind this subversive campaign aiming to prevent the government from implementing needed reforms!  Serious attitude adjustment would be relevant in this Case! 

Absolutely, people around them should chastise them and point out their social failings, then, report them to the police!! :passifier::wai:

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Well Thailand moves with this PM into the communist system: showbusiness and behind of all there is a big deep dark hole with all what is the role of the government.....: Tito, Castro, Ceauscescu, Lenin.....Nomenklatura is healthy. most people suffering...

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7 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

so many years ago i went through basic training for the army reserves. big part of the process seemed to be getting people to do things without questioning orders. this all seems to be part of the same thing. wonder if people will be taught to march around a parade ground.


Nothing like the same. Was your basic training successful? Did you understand the reasons for it?

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11 minutes ago, manhood said:

Well Thailand moves with this PM into the communist system: showbusiness and behind of all there is a big deep dark hole with all what is the role of the government.....: Tito, Castro, Ceauscescu, Lenin.....Nomenklatura is healthy. most people suffering...


Look up the word communism. Then consider what you just wrote.

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53 minutes ago, manhood said:

Well Thailand moves with this PM into the communist system: showbusiness and behind of all there is a big deep dark hole with all what is the role of the government.....: Tito, Castro, Ceauscescu, Lenin.....Nomenklatura is healthy. most people suffering...

I hardly think the reactionary junta chief is advocating the workers owning the means of production. Far from it, in fact. 'Totalitarian' might be a better word.

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