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Hi Guys i am looking for a POS system program for my cosmetic and beauty products retail shop.

I have a PC which I recently bought. I wish to have the POS program installed into my PC. 

I need to buy barcode printer, barcode scanner, thermal printer and a cash drawer.


I would prefer the program to be in English and Thai Language or just english language would be fine.

The program should have features like stock keeping, cost and profit analysis, different levels of discount and distribution prices for vip. vip customers database. 

Please kindly recommend me to any shops or if you have any to sell just drop me a PM or post here would be fine.


MAKRO may sell Point Of Sale hardware/software. 


The latest trend back home is to sell the hardware and then have you subscribe to remote Internet-hosted POS system ...and pay an ongoing fee for the life of the system. Ugh.


It depends where you are, I've seen those kinds of items being sold in some stores in Panthip Plaza and Fortune Town and ZEER malls in Bangkok.


One company called Seniorsoft in the above malls, sell soft and hardware for POS.

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