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Trump drama rolls on: Disputes, falsehoods hit transition


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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

However, all those blue collar workers voted for him. Could it be that the Dems no longer represent the working man? Could it be that the workers rejected the pants suited one? Could it be that the DNC have become elitist and out of touch with those they once represented?

So are you saying that "the working man" whether white or black or hispanic voted overwhelmingly for Trump? And what about working women?  They got the vote, too, you know.

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Here's one from Gen. Mike Flynn that's just been unearthed from a SiriiusXM interview hosted by Breitbart.com:

"I know from my friends in the Border Patrol in CBP that there are countries -- radical Islamist countries, state-sponsored -- that are cutting deals with Mexican drug cartels for some of what they call the 'lanes of entry' into our country… "And I have personally seen the photos of the signage along those paths that are in Arabic. They're like way points along that path as you come in. Primarily, in this case the one that I saw was in Texas and it's literally, it's like signs, that say, in Arabic, 'this way, move to this point.' It's unbelievable."


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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

Here's one from Gen. Mike Flynn that's just been unearthed from a SiriiusXM interview hosted by Breitbart.com:

"I know from my friends in the Border Patrol in CBP that there are countries -- radical Islamist countries, state-sponsored -- that are cutting deals with Mexican drug cartels for some of what they call the 'lanes of entry' into our country… "And I have personally seen the photos of the signage along those paths that are in Arabic. They're like way points along that path as you come in. Primarily, in this case the one that I saw was in Texas and it's literally, it's like signs, that say, in Arabic, 'this way, move to this point.' It's unbelievable."



This isn't surprising, though informative. The path of least resistance, the path held open by our own government betraying its own people and sovereignty.

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3 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:


This isn't surprising, though informative. The path of least resistance, the path held open by our own government betraying its own people and sovereignty.

Shawn Moran, a vice president at the National Border Patrol Council, the labor union of border patrol agents that endorsed Trump, told CNN's KFile the group was not aware of the signs Flynn referenced, but that they were concerned about the threat of terrorism at the southern border.


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On 11/29/2016 at 5:06 PM, mania said:


That is what We The People were hoping when we hired him.

After all we see the sorry mess the "Serious Politicians" made of things in recent decades



"We the People," huh?  With a good deal of help from Russia.  Tell you what, why don't all you Trump supporters just move there?

Russian interference tweets.jpg

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1 minute ago, Saastrajaa said:


"We the People," huh?  With a good deal of help from Russia.  Tell you what, why don't all you Trump supporters just move there?



No thanks We The People Like it Here ...in America/USA


But you whiners can go cry in any corner of the world you like...no problem.

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       America has been floating on other countries' money for decades. Other countries like to buy US Treasure bonds, because T-bills have traditionally been safe.  During the campaign, Trump hinted that he would make them unsafe. 


       Rich Americans (Plus US gov't and corporations) have been floating on other peoples' money, similar to how Trump has been floating on other peoples' money all his early life and later on as a professional property speculator and scam artist.


              Just like all empires eventually fall, so too will the 200 year old American empire. America manufactures very little any more.  Wall Street produces nothing - it just gambles with other peoples' money.  Rome was great in its heyday. The US was also great in its heyday.  Rome fell.  The US will fall.   Trump will hasten it.



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On 1/1/2017 at 3:08 AM, boomerangutang said:

       America has been floating on other countries' money for decades. Other countries like to buy US Treasure bonds, because T-bills have traditionally been safe.  During the campaign, Trump hinted that he would make them unsafe. 


       Rich Americans (Plus US gov't and corporations) have been floating on other peoples' money, similar to how Trump has been floating on other peoples' money all his early life and later on as a professional property speculator and scam artist.


              Just like all empires eventually fall, so too will the 200 year old American empire. America manufactures very little any more.  Wall Street produces nothing - it just gambles with other peoples' money.  Rome was great in its heyday. The US was also great in its heyday.  Rome fell.  The US will fall.   Trump will hasten it.



Must be the first thing I agree with you about. Empires always fall when they become corrupt and weak from within, and the US is, IMO, very corrupt within. Washington runs, IMO, on corruption.

I think Putin will be disappointed though. IMO China will be the next dominant country in the world, not Russia.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Must be the first thing I agree with you about. Empires always fall when they become corrupt and weak from within, and the US is, IMO, very corrupt within. Washington runs, IMO, on corruption.

I think Putin will be disappointed though. IMO China will be the next dominant country in the world, not Russia.

According to this survey, the US is one of the least corrupt countries.  Guaranteed Washington does not on corruption.  Corruption is there, but it's not the driving force. 

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Must be the first thing I agree with you about. Empires always fall when they become corrupt and weak from within, and the US is, IMO, very corrupt within. Washington runs, IMO, on corruption.

I think Putin will be disappointed though. IMO China will be the next dominant country in the world, not Russia.

You think the US is corrupt?  It's squeaky clean compared to China.

Out of all nations China is 83 on Transparency International Corruption Index.

The USA is 16.

The lower the number the less corrupt a nation is judged to be.





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8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You think the US is corrupt?  It's squeaky clean compared to China.

Out of all nations China is 83 on Transparency International Corruption Index.

The USA is 16.

The lower the number the less corrupt a nation is judged to be.


Thanks for putting up the link!  I forgot to add it! LOL

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On 12/31/2016 at 9:08 PM, boomerangutang said:

       America has been floating on other countries' money for decades. Other countries like to buy US Treasure bonds, because T-bills have traditionally been safe.  During the campaign, Trump hinted that he would make them unsafe. 


       Rich Americans (Plus US gov't and corporations) have been floating on other peoples' money, similar to how Trump has been floating on other peoples' money all his early life and later on as a professional property speculator and scam artist.


              Just like all empires eventually fall, so too will the 200 year old American empire. America manufactures very little any more.  Wall Street produces nothing - it just gambles with other peoples' money.  Rome was great in its heyday. The US was also great in its heyday.  Rome fell.  The US will fall.   Trump will hasten it.



Well written amazed that mine was the first like. I often witness some articles of dubious value getting 20 or 30 likes but such is the mentality of the keyboard warriors and justifiably so as we are not all equal which is OK. No doubt the "America is the greatest country in the world?" crowd will attack you so be of thick skin they can be brutal and Trump has made them hungry for so called change that unfortunately will never appear. This has run constant in politics over the decades. I have been witness to that and that is the reason we are in this mess today. Duck incoming!!

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO China will be the next dominant country in the world, not Russia.

They already are. Read about the scam they are trying to pull in Nicaragua on the country and its people. The lend money to bankrupt countries and end up owning them. Read about the Canadian couple just released and their treatment. You better hope that their generosity with strings attached never show up here in full force. Be thankful of our past good memories and the fact that we will not face future Chinese gulags. 

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On 1/2/2017 at 7:42 PM, elgordo38 said:

They already are. Read about the scam they are trying to pull in Nicaragua on the country and its people. The lend money to bankrupt countries and end up owning them. Read about the Canadian couple just released and their treatment. You better hope that their generosity with strings attached never show up here in full force. Be thankful of our past good memories and the fact that we will not face future Chinese gulags. 

Countries dominate because they are brutal and vicious. No country can be top dog if they are soft and weak. The US with it's insistance on silly things over important things is no longer hard enough to be the world's superpower. It is going to be a slow decline from now on till the next power ( IMO China ) takes over. Not as slow as Rome, but slower than the decline of the British Empire. They just lost the will and gave it all away after WW2. America still has the military technology to dissuade others from attacking it, for now.

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Countries dominate because they are brutal and vicious. No country can be top dog if they are soft and weak. The US with it's insistance on silly things over important things is no longer hard enough to be the world's superpower. It is going to be a slow decline from now on till the next power ( IMO China ) takes over. Not as slow as Rome, but slower than the decline of the British Empire. They just lost the will and gave it all away after WW2. America still has the military technology to dissuade others from attacking it, for now.

Your first sentence says it all. Yes they sold the farm after WW2. Russia was only to happy enlarge the Soviet Union at the expense of the west. Yes the F35 will be a war deterrent as long as its advanced technology stays stable (stuck this in for good measure)

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Ethics Office Warns Trump Cabinet Confirmations Are Moving Too Quickly

In a letter to Democratic Senate leaders on Saturday, Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub said the schedule for confirmation hearings is “of great concern” because his office has not had time to review everyone’s potential conflicts.

“The announced hearing schedule for several nominees who have not completed the ethics review process is of great concern to me. This schedule has created undue pressure on OGE's staff and agency ethics officials to rush through these important reviews,” wrote Shaub. “More significantly, it has left some of the nominees with potentially unknown or unresolved ethics issues shortly before their scheduled hearings.”


The swamp is turning into a cesspool which is feeding a sh*tstorm.

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On 12/5/2016 at 10:57 AM, Ulysses G. said:

"The standard reaction offered to any criticism whatsoever of Trump is denial, dismissal or ridicule".


Often for very good reason. The non-stop bile is pointless. The left - once again - crying wolf.




So, you like to excuse a proven liar. A man who back-tracks, or, completely denies making comments that are on record.

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it's not gonna be just for 4 years.

"the quest is for consensus, less by the exchange of ideas than by sharing emotions"

World Order page 359. 


specific topic? social media 

who wrote it? a totally unnameable person (emotionally and online a no no) but a read anyways. definitely. you have to get used to his perspective.. kind of like Chomsky... both of whom sees things clearly... and discards narratives.  which I really like.

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I just love how he comes out of the meeting with intelligence officials and rather than come out and admit he was wrong and that Russia is behind the hacks, he instead comes out and tells us that it had no influence on the election. I've read the public report they issued, there is nothing in it that says anything like that. 


We've seen him manipulate stocks through twitter several times already. Making negative statements on a company can cost them billions of dollars on the stock market. Making positive statements makes another company large amounts. This is why we need full disclosure on his investments. 

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