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Thai man who stomped on six year old boy's head walks free from court


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1 hour ago, greenchair said:

Whatever to all of the above. 

This was a standard sentence for a first time offender. 

Paying compensation to the victim is also standard practice in almost all countries. 

The sentence was fair. 


You are trolling? I surely hope so because if not then I pity your children if something like this will ever happen to one of them!

I don't know where you are from, some banana republic maybe? I'm from Holland and let me assure you that anyone in Holland who would do such a thing would NOT get away with a fine and suspended jail time! Not even if it was a first time offence! Not even in Holland, not known as the most harsh country.... A fair sentence? If it wasn't such a dramatic topic I would be laughing out loud now!

Edited by SamuiAxe
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4 hours ago, twizzian said:

I think the Judge should also go to prison for that farcical decision.

Its no wonder there's an apparent increase in violence.

With all the serious crimes here and pathetic policing and court outcomes, it's obvious' No violence = no money changes hands.

Very true.

Remember Koh Tao? Innocents convicted - and rapists and murderers completely untouched. 

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7 hours ago, trogers said:

Seems paying money to the victim lightens a criminal offence here.


Money does talk in this country...

money talks everywhere in one or another way...in the west u would pay an expensive lawyer who confirms to the court that u was not aware of ur actions cause an old lingering mental dispodition maybe a trauma etc...u would also pay a lot of experts to confirm ur story etc etc in arab u pay blood money to victims family ..in thailand the money people usualy pay the cops and/or the court....

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2 hours ago, amykat said:


The 10K baht according to this article, was only to pay the boy's hospital bills.  So he was only paying for damages he caused.


No damages for pain and suffering or punitive damages in this 10K.  The family got nothing.


The man got a punitive fine of 3K baht from the court.



Under Thai law they do  not take into account pain and suffering, only the degree of damage sustained in the attack.  Unfortunately, it is nothing like western law. :wai:

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3 hours ago, drummer boy said:

if a farang did that to a thai boy he would have a heavy sentance and pay for hospital tretment !


Im guessing 100k compensation  and deported.

But yes, you want to live here, you gotta be numb to this kind of thing, nothing you can do about it as a farang.

If Thais did harshly criticise the judge and decision in public they would probably be taken away for attitude adjustment.

Not condoning what the animal did but its just  the way it is   

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47 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Under Thai law they do  not take into account pain and suffering, only the degree of damage sustained in the attack.  Unfortunately, it is nothing like western law. :wai:


Yes, but this was an out of court settlement that the court took as a measure of good faith?  And I think usually one would pay more than just a victim's actual damages in a case like this to show some remorse. 


As well, another poster had criticized the father for taking that money and referred to it as "blood money" so I was correcting that perception.

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10 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


Quite right but in Thailand it is openly recognised that you can buy your way out of trouble.  It is standard procedure!


It is openly recognised and considered normal all over the developing world.


That is the world that is developing it's own idea of modernity, based on it's own cultural/social/philosophical/religious traditions.


Which are not those of the West.



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19 minutes ago, Enoon said:


It is openly recognised and considered normal all over the developing world.


That is the world that is developing it's own idea of modernity, based on it's own cultural/social/philosophical/religious traditions.


Which are not those of the West.



In a decent society, it is not normal. it stinks!

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In the UK in 1992 I had to have 17 stitches after being assaulted. I had follow up calls from the police, compensation of 7000 quid and was offered counselling. They never caught my assailant but I was looked after by all concerned very well indeed.

24 years ago! Thailand is in the Dark Ages in comparison. Very sad.

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9 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

So justice satisfied all round, except for the boy but does that really matter ?

nah  past  cute stage -1-2  years old  just  becomes  a  mild nuisance from  what  ive  seen, get  them  a  mobile phone  u  can  ignore  them until they  can  earn  u a wage

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2 hours ago, amykat said:


Yes, but this was an out of court settlement that the court took as a measure of good faith?  And I think usually one would pay more than just a victim's actual damages in a case like this to show some remorse. 


As well, another poster had criticized the father for taking that money and referred to it as "blood money" so I was correcting that perception.


Not a measure of good faith.  The Thai courts attempt to have these types of matters settled before trial, and it happens within the court itself or in a separate mediation process that is overseen by a government official appointed by the court. They adopt this approach in an attempt to lessen the time in court and if accepted by both parties in the latter process, then it is settled, as you indicate, out of court.


I know this as I am involved in a matter that has been going through this exact process.  And believe me those who are at fault will do everything in their power to lessen the amount of compensation paid.  I don't agree that it's blood money,  whilst the amount of compensation paid in Thailand is well below that of what one would expect through a western court.  Some do show remorse but a lot are bloody good actors.


Now if the matter goes to trial and the young person won, then the defendant can appeal, this can take anything up to two years.  If the young person is successful on the appeal then the matter can  see a second appeal, this time to the Supreme Court and taking up to five years.  I have no idea as to the extent of the young person's injuries but given he is Thai he will be covered under the government medical scheme.


The money paid, I'd say would go to the parents to help then should the young person require further medical treatment.  Still not enough and the guy should have had a couple of years holiday, regardless of his alleged good character.  A coward of the highest order, I wonder how he would go if he took on someone who was capable of  giving some back?  :wai:

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Violence (even to children) is acceptable in this country as long as you can pay some money (or go and wear an orange robe). There is no punishment that represents a deterrent. And so the cycle of violence continues. :sad:

This little kid is likely to be physically and psychologically damaged for life. And a few baht is going to fix that? Bulls hit.


Why is it the law cannot give TOTAL protection to its future adult citizens? Is it because the law makers (Government) and the Judiciary do  not care? It certainly seems that way.

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I always planned to save money in a Thai bank in case im injured . But now i know why i need to save money and it isnt in case im injured. Its if i accidently drink and drive, or kill someone accidently. Then ill just show them my bankbook and im somehow magically out haha. I hope my gf doesnt empty my bankaccount without my knowledge because then im in for lifetime.

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A major problem with the justice system is they don't consider safeguarding the public as their primary intention. They noted restitution was made to the satisfaction of the victim's father, so case closed. But the video clearly shows the assaulter couldn't control his anger and unleashed it brutally on a 6 year old. He's psychotic and shouldn't be unleashed back into society, if the safety of society is a ruling factor!

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Thailand  wants to advance  from being considered a third world country

 but  when adults can treat children  this way  and  get  away with  paying  off

their  crime,  it will  never change,  at least in our  life time. I  have  read stories

like this  with  the  same results. Yes money talks,  and adults get paid off

while the children get beaten, or  abused in a  worse  way,  and  yet in court,
nothing  is  done.  It  is shameful  to see  this  happen, but  I always  remember

what  part of  the world this  kind  of crime happened.  In  the  USA  with all  the

guns,  the  kicker  may  have found  some  lead  in  his  ticker


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This kind of sickening incident really says everything about the sad and worrying state of Thai Society.

A society where a mangy old Soi dog is protected, and you will incurr the full wrath of the law if you are cruel to one.

But defenceless children seem to be on open season here for so many sick and depraved abuses .

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In the US, Hulk Hogan wins a $140 million lawsuit against a web site which published a brief video of him boom booming a woman.  $140 million because he got his privacy violated, though he didn't suffer any physical  harm.


In Thailand, a not-famous little boy gets physically beat up and possibly harmed for life (physically and psychically) and the pay-off is Bt.3000.   


Hogan got 1.7 million times the compensation of a little boy in Thailand - and the big boy didn't get a scratch.



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On 11/29/2016 at 7:38 AM, cms22 said:

Sorry, but this once again shows that so many Thai men are like wild animals, like rabid dogs, with no regard no respect for anything. I know it is a horrible generalisation but it's true. Lock em up.

Yes it is a horrible generalisation, I would bet that most other countries have many men that are like wild animals, more than Thailand.

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