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Eleven year old raped by "trusted" granddad, 68


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21 hours ago, Thechook said:

Paedophile scum, the lowest life form on the planet.


    Believe it or not.... there is even a lower form of life..   A brutal bastard who rapes a child.... and then slowly tortures the child to death.  

                Such a monster should be executed the old fashioned Chinese way.   The "Death of a Thousand Cuts" . That is where they take a thousand pieces of paper, and on each one, they write the name of a small section of your body, and also certain parts. One thousand of them.  No two of them the same.

      The criminal is chained to the wall. Each day.. he or she is fed and given drink.   Kept alive.  

                  Each day, the executioner comes in.... reaches into the box, and takes out one piece of paper.  Whatever small section, or part of the body that is written on that piece of paper.... that part of the criminal is slowly removed and the wound cauterized so the criminal does not bleed to death too soon.   It could be just a small patch of four layer thick skin one day......   the left eye another day...  a half an inch removed from the penis...   a toe nail..... half of the upper lip......    you never know from day to day. 


    This goes on.. day... .after day.... after day...    after day. . until the criminal dies...  "Death of a Thousand Cuts".   


  At least that is what I read in a book many years ago...  

Edited by Catoni
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29 minutes ago, Catoni said:


    Believe it or not.... there is even a lower form of life..   A brutal bastard who rapes a child.... and then slowly tortures the child to death.  

                Such a monster should be executed the old fashioned Chinese way.   The "Death of a Thousand Cuts" . That is where they take a thousand pieces of paper, and on each one, they write the name of a small section of your body, and also certain parts. One thousand of them.  No two of them the same.

      The criminal is chained to the wall. Each day.. he or she is fed and given drink.   Kept alive.  

                  Each day, the executioner comes in.... reaches into the box, and takes out one piece of paper.  Whatever small section, or part of the body that is written on that piece of paper.... that part of the criminal is slowly removed and the wound cauterized so the criminal does not bleed to death too soon.   It could be just a small patch of four layer thick skin one day......   the left eye another day...  a half an inch removed from the penis...   a toe nail..... half of the upper lip......    you never know from day to day. 


    This goes on.. day... .after day.... after day...    after day. . until the criminal dies...  "Death of a Thousand Cuts".   


  At least that is what I read in a book many years ago...  


You've been watching too many movies.

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4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


You've been watching too many movies.


     Nope.... never saw it in  movie..    You haven't studied that part of history I guess......  it happened...  


       According to Wikipedia...  It's called Lingchi       a form of torture and execution used in China from roughly AD 900 until it was banned in 1905. (But used "illegally" a number of times after that year also) 

  In this form of execution, a knife was used to methodically remove portions of the body over an extended period of time, eventually resulting in death.

  It was also used in Vietnam.


    There are even photographs of Lingchi... beginning in the late 1800's and going through the early 1900's.   Not pretty..  


   There were several variations of it.  Different time periods or rulers or executioners changing the procedure slightly in one way or more.. 


     You can find information on the internet of course..  


Lingchi:     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingchi

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1 minute ago, seahorse said:

It represents the insidious devaluation of the role of fathers in an increasingly feminised society.

No it doesn't.


This piece of filth raped a child and whatever relationship it had to the child is utterly irrelevant.


You have an issue that you are raising in the entirely wrong place.

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On ‎29‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 4:54 PM, DogNo1 said:

So sad for both the girl and the granddad. What could he have been thinking?  Two lives ruined!  The first priority should be therapy for the girl.This could damage her for life.

You feel sorry for the "granddad" who by the way isn't - are you trying to be  No1 bleeding heart of Thaivisa this month?

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On 30/11/2016 at 8:09 AM, seahorse said:

I am going to make this point again and again until people wake up to reality. This guy is NOT the girl's "granddad." He is her mother's boyfriend's father.


No, he is not, he is the girl's mother's husband's father.

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21 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Why is this A-holes face blocked out - it should be enlarged and pasted everywhere for all to see.

His face is obscured for the same reason anyone else's can be, including yours if you are ever charged with an offence, he's not been found guilty yet.

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4 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

His face is obscured for the same reason anyone else's can be, including yours if you are ever charged with an offence, he's not been found guilty yet.

wrong, wrong and wrong again.


You better enlighten all those taken on crime re-enactments - not yet found guilty but faces and most detail fully exposed and discussed.


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2 minutes ago, Artisi said:

ever heard of irony --   seems you  haven't  -  a good dictionary might help 


Yes, I have, have you looked it up?  What you said may have been intended to be sarcasm, it certainly wasn't irony, but reports such as the OP on this thread are not the right place for sarcasm regardless of how amusing you may, misguidedly, think it is.

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16 minutes ago, gdgbb said:


Yes, I have, have you looked it up?  What you said may have been intended to be sarcasm, it certainly wasn't irony, but reports such as the OP on this thread are not the right place for sarcasm regardless of how amusing you may, misguidedly, think it is.

On the other hand you don't mind and condone pettiness with corrections of posters minor misquotes:  Quote, gdgbb : No, he is not, he is the girl's mother's husband's father. unquote.

Lets call it even and get on with something constructive.

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2 minutes ago, tominbkk said:

  Unfortunately rape by a family member happens all over the world.


 Sad, very sad, that you are trying to defend this disgusting act. If the thread is too negative for you, then avoid it, dont try to justify it.

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11 minutes ago, brling said:


 Sad, very sad, that you are trying to defend this disgusting act. If the thread is too negative for you, then avoid it, dont try to justify it.


Why did you cherrypick my original posting to fit some point of your own?  I wrote:


"A sad and morbid affair.  To those trying to make this something that only happens in Thailand however, please know that it is not something peculiar to this country only.  Unfortunately rape by a family member happens all over the world."


Where do you find me defending this guy?  And why do you malign my original text to fit some weird racist agenda you have?  My points were that (1) yes I agree this was a horrible thing and (2) don't try to make it out like this only happens in Thailand, but it happens all over the world (familial rape is endemic in many cultures, not just in Thailand).  


I get sick of people acting like these kinds of horrible things only happen in Thailand by Thai people.  It's racist and inaccurate.  Your racism only exacerbates the situation and polarizes the focus people really need to have to solve the problem.



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