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Trump taps 'Obamacare' foe, champion of privatizing Medicare


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On 11/30/2016 at 2:26 PM, Beats56 said:

I don't know why the US can't have something like the Canadian medical plan. Every one says it is free but it is not. It's in your taxes...you just don't see it. Go to the hospital for something and you walk out without a bill you have to pay. Of course there can be wait times for some surgeries but at least we don't get enormous bills.

People get afraid to go to a hospital if they know they got to pay. So they won't go. That's not good for anyone.



I see my taxes and it pains me.....


Some of the reasons US med costs are diabolically expensive:  more defensive medicine is practiced,  high incidence of malpractice claims,  US consumers disproportionately pay for new devices, meds and procedures,  elevated admin costs due to so many private insurance companies and medical providers,  higher doctor fees,  over reliance on specialists,  population is getting older, and those who aren't getting older usually eat too much processed food which is making them increasingly sicker.  

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A Thai friend of mine has to take a regular medication.   In the US it costs 10,000 Baht for a one month supply.   The same drug, manufactured by the same company, costs 1,000 Baht in Thailand.   He actually flies back every six months to get the medication in Thailand.  


The only difference between the two medications is the color of the pill and that is to prevent the re-importation business.  


I am not positive of the actual cost of the drug, but I believe they make a reasonable profit on the 1,000 baht drug, so I assume they are making a huge profit on the US version.   

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Obamacare will be gutted, which has been a dream of the GOP since it was first enacted. Trump promised (bigly) to replace it with something much, much better, a beautiful plan, the best plan. Now he's hired the best person to do this. (Insert snark here) The US will be going back to business as usual...people unable to access even the most basic healthcare because of pre-existing conditions, insurance companies able to drop you because you had the audacity to require an expensive procedure (which will then preclude you from getting replacement coverage because of your now pre-existing condition), and kids getting booted off of their parents' coverage when they turn 18. But some things will remain, like the ability for Big Pharma to continue to price gouge for critical medications.


Also, with Jeff Sessions as Attorney General you can expect aggressive enforcement of marijuana laws, so no more medical marijuana as Sessions is virulently anti-marijuana, regardless the help it gives to suffering people. My father died two years ago of Parkinson's Disease. His last several years were plagued with dyskinesia (uncontrollable body movement), and, as this video shows, medical marijuana would have likely helped him immensely, but he could not get relief because of the greedy, amoral slugs in the pharmaceutical industry and their bought-and-paid-for lackeys in Congress and the state legislatures. 



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