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Trump's Cabinet: 'Draining the swamp' or diving right in?


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On 12/1/2016 at 10:22 AM, mike324 said:

You just can't run a country without being surrounded by sharks and highly influential figures in the industry to get things done. "Drain the swamp" is a nice slogan, but those who actually believe it simply don't know what it takes to run a country.


Look at how many policies Trump is already backtracking, or saying we'll keep a bit of this and that. Before he says he will close it down / stop it completely / etc.


You mean..........he lied?

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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I don't whine about hamburgers looking different in advertisements either.


It isn't about "whining", regardless of the repeated attempts at misrepresentation. And of course, you were aware of it from the start. Right.

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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

Show me an honest politician and I will show you a liar. 

There is a difference though, between a politician who makes promises, he can't keep (in the end) (Obama- Gitmo) and a politicians who lies on purpose, when he opens his mouth (Trump- everything) and knows that full well!

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4 hours ago, DM07 said:

There is a difference though, between a politician who makes promises, he can't keep (in the end) (Obama- Gitmo) and a politicians who lies on purpose, when he opens his mouth (Trump- everything) and knows that full well!

There you go ruining my argument again. Is one of the above a liar on steroids. 

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Onewest when it was owned by Steve Mnuchin got caught doing one of the lowest things imaginable for a bank to do.

 It backdated documents and invented documents so it could go ahead with foreclosures on people's homes. And this continued for a year after it promised the government that it would stop.

"Some of the largest mortgage servicers are still fabricating documents that should have been signed years ago and submitting them as evidence to foreclose on homeowners.

The practice continues nearly a year after the companies were caught cutting corners in the robo-signing scandal and about six months after the industry began negotiating a settlement with state attorneys general investigating loan-servicing abuses.

Several dozen documents reviewed by American Banker show that as recently as August some of the largest U.S. banks, including Bank of America Corp., Wells Fargo & Co., Ally Financial Inc., and OneWest Financial Inc., were essentially backdating paperwork necessary to support their right to foreclose."


And Steve Mnuchin is a guy who's going to help drain the swamp?  Steve Mnuchin is a bottom feeder in that swamp.

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On 12/1/2016 at 3:29 PM, aslimversgwm said:

Not a dicky bird from the Trump supporters on here who were so vocal after he was elected.

Lost your voices have you?! I wonder why!


Easy! No need now Trump's won. Best you preach to the choir and talk amongst yourselves. Better stuff to do than read the same old rants from the left as before the election. Just read the first few then give up, Same old same old. But I have to thank the left wing liberals because one thing you've taught me is that  the truth proves to be  diametrically opposite to all the bombastic pontifications on here so it's a good guide on what the future actually holds. While you're onto the question of disappeared posters, a lot of the left are still away having a tough time eating crow.

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16 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Easy! No need now Trump's won. Best you preach to the choir and talk amongst yourselves. Better stuff to do than read the same old rants from the left as before the election. Just read the first few then give up, Same old same old. But I have to thank the left wing liberals because one thing you've taught me is that  the truth proves to be  diametrically opposite to all the bombastic pontifications on here so it's a good guide on what the future actually holds. While you're onto the question of disappeared posters, a lot of the left are still away having a tough time eating crow.

So, what's your take on Steven Mnuchin?  

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On 12/2/2016 at 7:30 PM, ilostmypassword said:

Onewest when it was owned by Steve Mnuchin got caught doing one of the lowest things imaginable for a bank to do.

 It backdated documents and invented documents so it could go ahead with foreclosures on people's homes. And this continued for a year after it promised the government that it would stop.

"Some of the largest mortgage servicers are still fabricating documents that should have been signed years ago and submitting them as evidence to foreclose on homeowners.

The practice continues nearly a year after the companies were caught cutting corners in the robo-signing scandal and about six months after the industry began negotiating a settlement with state attorneys general investigating loan-servicing abuses.

Several dozen documents reviewed by American Banker show that as recently as August some of the largest U.S. banks, including Bank of America Corp., Wells Fargo & Co., Ally Financial Inc., and OneWest Financial Inc., were essentially backdating paperwork necessary to support their right to foreclose."


And Steve Mnuchin is a guy who's going to help drain the swamp?  Steve Mnuchin is a bottom feeder in that swamp.



An alligator is appointing reptiles for cabinet positions. When the majority of Trump supporters finally figure out who this guy is, how phony he is, and how disingenuous he has been this entire time, there is going to be alot of anger, frustration, resentment and disillusionment out there. So far, he is picking candidates that are primarily within the beltway. Insiders. Seasoned political types. Some would argue the experience is a good thing. But, it is not what he campaigned on. It is not what he promised. Already the promise of draining the Washington swamp seems to have been abandoned. How many more promises will be forgotten? My guess is the vast majority. This is a Barnum and Bailey huckster, who has spent his entire career saying, or doing anything to get the deal done. He has now sold the American people on his snake oil treatment, and when they wake up and see that it is not working, and that the wise man is not operating as he said he would, there will be alot of dissatisfied devotees out there. 

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22 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

He has now sold the American people on his snake oil treatment, and when they wake up and see that it is not working, and that the wise man is not operating as he said he would, there will be alot of dissatisfied devotees out there.


Ah, but the showman Prez has a number of reality TV tricks to play as he is already doing. Right now he is setting off on his "Ain't I great" Thank You Tour to distract his followers from his staff choices. He riles them up and spews more bluster so they don't see what the left hand is doing. The old magicians slight of hand. I think this will continue to be the pattern as long as his followers are kept sated with shiny objects, he is free to do whatever he wants. He will continue to attack the media (even though it helps him) as another target for his followers to hone in on.


This is his plan for the next 4 years of bait and switch, of slight of hand, of appeasing the masses in order to further his own agenda (fortunes). Get used to it. And if he manages it well, you can expect another 4 years after that since he seems to be able to sell himself very well no matter what happens.

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All the dire predictions from the left are getting comical. We all know that these folks are never going to give Trump a chance and will spin every move he makes in a negative manner. They predicted that he would get smashed in the election and they will never admit they were wrong and continue to be so. The left have been crying wolf for years - lying about Republican candidates - and it finally caught up with them.





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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

All the dire predictions from the left are getting comical. We all know that these folks are never going to give Trump a chance and will spin every move he makes in a negative manner. They predicted that he would get smashed in the election and they will never admit they were wrong and continue to be so. The left have been crying wolf for years - lying about Republican candidates - and it finally caught up with them.






There is some truth in that and the Democratic party and their surrogates would be wise to take heed. Maybe next time they'll run a candidate with more credibility than an Eastern European computer hacker.

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On 12/2/2016 at 0:45 AM, Ulysses G. said:


I don't whine about hamburgers looking different in advertisements either.

Ok , so you don't mind deceptive politicians, and you don't mind deceptive Deceptive advertising.

what else you don't mind?


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On 12/1/2016 at 3:54 PM, CMNightRider said:

On a positive note, Trump made a call to the Carrier manufacturer CEO and talked him out of moving the Indiana business to Mexico.  Trump hasn't even took office yet and is making good on his promise to keep manufactures in the U.S. instead of leaving for other countries


You forgot to add that this deal has cost the taxpayers $7 million............

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On 12/1/2016 at 11:06 AM, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, Trump has been saying that it won't all be a wall, but a fence in many places.  Of course, there is still his promise to make Mexico pay for it. Maybe it will end by being just a chain link fence and Trump will lend Mexico the money to finance it?


I hate to think what the interest rate will be if he does.

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46 minutes ago, xylophone said:
On 12/1/2016 at 3:54 PM, CMNightRider said:

On a positive note, Trump made a call to the Carrier manufacturer CEO and talked him out of moving the Indiana business to Mexico.  Trump hasn't even took office yet and is making good on his promise to keep manufactures in the U.S. instead of leaving for other countries


You forgot to add that this deal has cost the taxpayers $7 million............


Well, just the Indiana taxpayers. It was awful nice that Pence is still Governor of Indiana (yet to step down) and on the committee that makes decisions on what to do with Indiana's tax money. Sure was helpful now wasn't it.


Now if Don the Prez can get 49 other governors to do the same, the country is all set.

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I find it amusing, still not one Trump supporter can defend some of Trumps questionable appointments.... if it were the dems, they would be screaming criminals, in bed with big corporations.... can't wait to see Trump take on the next 4 years.  He is already picking twitter wars with SNL


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On 12/1/2016 at 4:36 PM, ilostmypassword said:

Yes. Carrier was a good thing.  It's provides about .2 percent of all manufacturing jobs in Indiana. Let him reproduce that on a large scale and it will actually be meaningful. 

As for his picks being stellar: Tom Price, Trump's choice for Secretary of Health, wants to privatize Medicare. That's right, the system that Donald Trump vowed to defend is now being headed by a guy who wants to privatize it.  And reduce the benefits. He's also in favor of employers being able to fire employees for using birth control. He voted against allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. That is estimated to cost the system anywhere from 50 to 100 billion dollars per year. It's funny, right wingers are always saying Government should act more like business. But when Medicare tries to do what insurance companies do, like negotiating drug prices, that's a no-no.Actually, that statistic is out of date. Drug prices have skyrocketed since then. His reform plan for medical insurance is basically to throw the elderly, the ill, and the poor to the wolves.

Steve Mnuchin, his choice for Treasury Secretary, is an alumnus of Goldman Sachs and a former associate of George Soros.  Thank goodness he's not connected to the corrupt world of high finance. In the wake of the financial meltdown he bought himself a bank that was noted for being unusually harsh with people facing foreclosure. More than 36,000 foreclosures in all during his tenure. You know how many Goldman Sachs people in top positions Obama has working for him? None.. Mnuchin does come from a modest background. His father was head of block trading at Goldman Sachs. Poor boy grew up in a townhouse in Manhattan. What with foreclosing mortgages and a privileged background, he's definitely equipped to understand the problems facing middle Americans.

Wilbur Ross, commerce secretary, is a buyout artist. Apart from that, what his credentials o be commerce secretary is anybody's guess. Oh yes, he's also a billionaire. Another guy who is hardly connected at all to Wall St. But here's an interesting bit that should cheer up the good citizens of West Virginia:

"Following the Sago Mine disaster, the New York Post's Roddy Boyd reported that Ross "had been intimately involved with the company that owned the West Virginia mine where 12 miners perished — and he knew all about its safety problems, former executives charged." The article also reported that the mine had 12 roof collapses in 2005, and that the U.S. Department of Labor data showed 208 citations for safety violations in that same period, including 21 times for build-up of toxic gasses. Despite these figures, Ross refused to shut down the mine.[16]"


Ross also grew up in an affluent family. So you can be sure he understands in his gut how hard it is for Americans in the heartland to get by.

Then there's Karen Devos. Like Trump she got rich the old-fashioned way: she inherited it.  But she did do Trump one better: she also married into it. She's spent her adult life promoting school vouchers and charters in Michigan. Vouchers are an especially interesting idea.  Unlike Charter schools, vouchers don't necessarily completely pay for a child's education. It's just a contribution towards that education. And they can be used to fund schools that tell your kids that the earth is 5000 years old.  She's also fiercely anti-union, because, you know, workers don't need unions. Government and corporate executives have a genuine inclination to treat their workers fairly. Just ask Wilbur Ross. Or any of the other billionaires like Mnuchin or Devos that Trump has hired. Clearly, these are 3 people who know what it means to struggle economically.



Thank you for your post; much appreciated. 

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Trump supporters do not find them questionable, so what is to defend? That is nothing but liberal spin.


Thank you, I lay my case to rest. Republicans must be saints, guess I need to get my eyes checked again.

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4 hours ago, mike324 said:

I find it amusing, still not one Trump supporter can defend some of Trumps questionable appointments.... if it were the dems, they would be screaming criminals, in bed with big corporations.... can't wait to see Trump take on the next 4 years.  He is already picking twitter wars with SNL



Trump supporters warned us that if we voted for Hillary, Goldman Sachs would end up running the country.
So it's a good thing Trump's treasury sec is...wait, what?

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On 12/3/2016 at 8:34 PM, spidermike007 said:



An alligator is appointing reptiles for cabinet positions. When the majority of Trump supporters finally figure out who this guy is, how phony he is, and how disingenuous he has been this entire time, there is going to be alot of anger, frustration, resentment and disillusionment out there. So far, he is picking candidates that are primarily within the beltway. Insiders. Seasoned political types. Some would argue the experience is a good thing. But, it is not what he campaigned on. It is not what he promised. Already the promise of draining the Washington swamp seems to have been abandoned. How many more promises will be forgotten? My guess is the vast majority. This is a Barnum and Bailey huckster, who has spent his entire career saying, or doing anything to get the deal done. He has now sold the American people on his snake oil treatment, and when they wake up and see that it is not working, and that the wise man is not operating as he said he would, there will be alot of dissatisfied devotees out there. 

I wonder if those who supported "The Groper" will have the moral convictions to honestly look at the liar they supported (at all costs)? I anticipate more rationalizing/justifying/denying all part of mental illness who is led by this bigot. The entire lot of them totally disregard facts.

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On 12/4/2016 at 5:01 AM, Silurian said:


Well, just the Indiana taxpayers. It was awful nice that Pence is still Governor of Indiana (yet to step down) and on the committee that makes decisions on what to do with Indiana's tax money. Sure was helpful now wasn't it.


Now if Don the Prez can get 49 other governors to do the same, the country is all set.


The 49 other states already do that, as do their county and municipal councils. It happens everywhere in the US. I'm not for or against it, it is just the way things work now. In the case of Carrier and their parent company however I think I'd have been more inclined to lead with the stick rather than the carrot but I'm no expert in these matters.



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On 12/4/2016 at 7:12 PM, xylophone said:


You forgot to add that this deal has cost the taxpayers $7 million............


And it seems like Donald Duck Trump can’t help himself………



“Carrier's union president: 'Donald Trump lied his a** off' about deal to save jobs”

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On 12/2/2016 at 7:30 PM, ilostmypassword said:

Onewest when it was owned by Steve Mnuchin got caught doing one of the lowest things imaginable for a bank to do.

 It backdated documents and invented documents so it could go ahead with foreclosures on people's homes. And this continued for a year after it promised the government that it would stop.

"Some of the largest mortgage servicers are still fabricating documents that should have been signed years ago and submitting them as evidence to foreclose on homeowners.

The practice continues nearly a year after the companies were caught cutting corners in the robo-signing scandal and about six months after the industry began negotiating a settlement with state attorneys general investigating loan-servicing abuses.

Several dozen documents reviewed by American Banker show that as recently as August some of the largest U.S. banks, including Bank of America Corp., Wells Fargo & Co., Ally Financial Inc., and OneWest Financial Inc., were essentially backdating paperwork necessary to support their right to foreclose."


And Steve Mnuchin is a guy who's going to help drain the swamp?  Steve Mnuchin is a bottom feeder in that swamp.

Somebody should vet the vetter oops sorry 60 million people have already done that. 

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On 12/3/2016 at 9:06 PM, Silurian said:


Ah, but the showman Prez has a number of reality TV tricks to play as he is already doing. Right now he is setting off on his "Ain't I great" Thank You Tour to distract his followers from his staff choices. He riles them up and spews more bluster so they don't see what the left hand is doing. The old magicians slight of hand. I think this will continue to be the pattern as long as his followers are kept sated with shiny objects, he is free to do whatever he wants. He will continue to attack the media (even though it helps him) as another target for his followers to hone in on.


This is his plan for the next 4 years of bait and switch, of slight of hand, of appeasing the masses in order to further his own agenda (fortunes). Get used to it. And if he manages it well, you can expect another 4 years after that since he seems to be able to sell himself very well no matter what happens.

I think this article ought to be shared:


Thank you for your post btw. 

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On 12/1/2016 at 5:06 PM, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, Trump has been saying that it won't all be a wall, but a fence in many places.  Of course, there is still his promise to make Mexico pay for it. Maybe it will end by being just a chain link fence and Trump will lend Mexico the money to finance it?

Now the Chief Groper/Liar might be suggesting a few STAY OUT signs rather than a wall. lol I saw his picture in a psych journal when I looked up pathological liar. 

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