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The DSI and the police will decide when to arrest Dhammachayo: Gen Paiboon


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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

DSI please keep it up.

Reading about your stupid escapades keeps me laughing all day.  :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Also helps me forget about my own mobility problems.

Maybe it is time to change your name, from department of special investigations

to department of stupid idiots.


department of "special investigations", or X files

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The Justice Minister said on Thursday day he had assigned Department of Special Investigation Director-General and the Deputy Chief of the Royal Thai Police to exercise their discretion when they will arrest Dhammachayo.


The game is called  "pass the hand grenade".

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"Excuse me, I am the head of the NOB team. I would like to ask you a few questions."

"The what team?"


"I see... and you are the head of this team?"

"Yes I am the chief NOB inspector."

"So you are the number one NOB of all the NOBs?"




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It's time to either put an end to this farce and arrest the monk OR shut up about it! Day after day they come out with new statements and just make themselves look incompetent. 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

If the abbot was in the compound, it was the acting abbot’s duty to hand him over to DSI investigators, Paisit said.

You just made that up, didn't you? I mean, it's not exactly in the "Acting Abbot's" job description to do that.

(FBI: Hey you, Al Capone's lieutenant, it is your duty to hand over Al Capone to the FBI.)

I think it's the cleaning lady's duty to hand him over.... Actually, it's everybody else's duty in this country to do the DSI's job

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Dear Lord! Or is that Dear Buddha? I've just read in another article that someone very high up has said: "We will get him within three months". Of course you will, boy. Of course you will. :sleep:


Meanwhile, the rest of us will be sat around waiting on the edges of our seats (sigh)

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Mmm, in the real world you would make a surprise raid arrest then talk about it afterwards, here it load of hot air talk and nothing else.

Would imagine this monk got a lot on corrupt dsi police and military so unlikely get arrested as could implement too many . Total mess and makes everyone including pm look a proper NOB official. :-/

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2 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

While they're deciding some of the DSI lads have joined a dance group. "Maybe we can lure the Abbot out with out funky dance moves" one said.


Haha.  Don't forget the motor bike display team

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16 hours ago, smutcakes said:


The likely reason that the NBO is reticent to take any action, is due to the fact they are probably up to their necks in scams themselves, either connected to this one or other ones.


The same reason why the army will not do anything against the police, and no agency is really prepared to take any steps against anyone else in a position of power. Because a large amount of them are it and no one wants the boat rocked or revengful people peering into their own affairs.

Very good point. Yes they are all at it. Does that make it impossible to stop I wonder?

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It's Thailands version of the beloved British seasonal Pantomime. 

"Oh no you won't!"

"Oh yes we will!"

For added fun, brit posters can make up their own minds whose playing the role of Buttons, Widow Twankey, etc. 

Day one on the site and I'm almost in as much grief as Dhammalammadingdong.

*Self censoring, we regret the necessity.*

Edited by nunoyabiznez
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55 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Very good point. Yes they are all at it. Does that make it impossible to stop I wonder?

Improbable. Who would want to? if you were on the trousering team of happy campers, would you break ranks to give up the gravy train for the greater good? In all honesty, I bloody well wouldn't! 

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21 hours ago, DoctorG said:

Even worse than toothless tigers.....pussies.

This seemingly "Untouchable" abbot maybe "Radioactive" that could harm any authorities who dares to touch him?

This is a possible explanation to why he seems to be able to avoid prosecution according to the law for  such a lengthy lingering challenge to the authorities?? :smile:

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