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In thailand without visa

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There is only one way I can see to get out of this.

He should find a sailing yacht that goes to the Med and convince (pay) them to take him on board.  There are quite a few yachts out of Phuket that actually go there.  The only problem is that most will make stops along the way, like first in Sri Lanka, next in India and then with luck straight through the Suez canal into the Med.  Most would do more stops than that though and would take several months to one year to reach the Med.

There are also quite a few super yachts in and out of Phuket going long distance direct.  Convince the crew of one of those to take him along and drop him off in a safe place would be another alternative but might be hard.

The way to find out would be to hang out in Phuket at the various yacht clubs and marinas.

Basically he would have to leave the same way he came in.

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5 minutes ago, Sir Bogdiver said:

There is only one way I can see to get out of this.

He should find a sailing yacht that goes to the Med and convince (pay) them to take him on board.  There are quite a few yachts out of Phuket that actually go there.  The only problem is that most will make stops along the way, like first in Sri Lanka, next in India and then with luck straight through the Suez canal into the Med.  Most would do more stops than that though and would take several months to one year to reach the Med.

There are also quite a few super yachts in and out of Phuket going long distance direct.  Convince the crew of one of those to take him along and drop him off in a safe place would be another alternative but might be hard.

The way to find out would be to hang out in Phuket at the various yacht clubs and marinas.

Basically he would have to leave the same way he came in.

And why would somebody be prepared to take a huge risk to take a total stranger to Europe.

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On December 6, 2016 at 0:51 AM, VodkaWizard said:

So they just check the stamps mostly? or will the immigration people look closely to see if your face fit the picture in your passport? 

I usually just read these to learn things and for any knew information about immigration rules but MY GOD I hope that you're joking about this and even if you are it ain't funny.  This is serious sh!1 that you're talking about and insinuating.  


In this post you're insinuating that it's not "your friend's" actual passport, uhh yeah they look at the face and the picture on the passport and all the stamps.  Do you seriously have to ask that?  Immigration very carefully checks everything AND they take your biometrics at border crossings and the airports to catch people who are using fake passports so if it's not your passport this person could be in even more trouble than this person already is.  


Also you're talking about bribing officials, entering the country illegally, and trying to illegally cross international borders.  Is this person crazy?  Is he or she trying to get shot or put in a very nasty prison?  You shouldn't be talking about illegal activities on here as I'm sure these forums are probably monitored.  People like your "friend" is the reason why immigration is getting tougher and making it difficult for those of us living here legally.  


I'm no lawyer but I think your friend is pretty much screwed.  This person should go to a visa agency that can put him or her in contact with an immigration attorney.  Or go straight to the airport hope you don't get caught before that and catch the first flight the hell out of Thailand and hope that he or she is not arrested at the airport, I truly don't know.  


I'm thinking that the best option is get a lawyer fast and deal with this SOON.  This person is potentially in a lot of trouble.  You can't blame this on "corrupt officials" as you say.  If you're "friend" willfully got on a boat and crossed the border into Thailand illegally without clearing immigration first and then stayed in Thailand illegally for 3 years than your friend knew damn well what he or she was doing was wrong and your friend would be a criminal.  


This whole story is extremely shady to put it politely.  Whatever your friend does DO NOT try to bribe anyone because you're probably going to just get in a hell of a lot more trouble.  Talk to a lawyer and try to deal with it legally because you ain't in Kansas anymore the officials here do not play games.  This is most definitely not a country that you want to break the laws in.  Tell your friend to find a lawyer.  I've read my share of dumb things on here but this one is up there on the list.  I think there are some people like your friend who should never travel abroad and just stay in their home country.  Always do your research before traveling abroad on the host country's Embassy website and get the proper visas first.  Crossing an international border illegally is very dangerous trust me.  Regardless there's obviously something very fishy about this story and most of your posts.  Sorry if I sound brazen but it is what it is and your friend better wake up and face reality.  No body's perfect people make mistakes but this whole story is strange and just doesn't smell right.  I think I know what's really going on here but I'll keep my personal opinion to myself.  Something tells me that I'll be reading about this person on here again soon after he or she is possibly caught.  


I normally don't post on here I just read but when I read this I couldn't help but say something because you're blatantly discussing illegal criminal activity and even asking for advice on how to further continue more criminal activity, and even more serious criminal activity.  Your friend doesn't want to do that your friend is already in enough trouble don't make it worse.  You make it sound like your friend is wanted by INTERPOL or something.  Maybe you are really trying to help a friend I don't know but think about what you post and how you say it before you hit the send button if so because this sounds extremely shady and clearly illegal.  You also should consider that these forums are probably being monitored by government officials.  So you shouldn't be blatantly talking about committing more criminal activity just entering Thailand illegally and then living here for 3 years illegally is more than bad enough.  This is not the proper way to address a problem like this not in some chat room with a bunch of strangers.  Your friend needs the help of a qualified professional.  

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2 hours ago, Sir Bogdiver said:

There is only one way I can see to get out of this.

He should find a sailing yacht that goes to the Med and convince (pay) them to take him on board.  There are quite a few yachts out of Phuket that actually go there.  The only problem is that most will make stops along the way, like first in Sri Lanka, next in India and then with luck straight through the Suez canal into the Med.  Most would do more stops than that though and would take several months to one year to reach the Med.

There are also quite a few super yachts in and out of Phuket going long distance direct.  Convince the crew of one of those to take him along and drop him off in a safe place would be another alternative but might be hard.

The way to find out would be to hang out in Phuket at the various yacht clubs and marinas.

Basically he would have to leave the same way he came in.


As someone with intimate working knowledge of yachts in Phuket here for the Med winter season, I can safely state that your suggestion will NEVER happen. None of these superyachts will take him on board without seriously legitimate bonafides.  Not going to happen

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On 12/6/2016 at 1:07 AM, VodkaWizard said:

That is the problem . he doesnt have the old passport,and he cannot go to Myanmar because of the situation with business dealings in that country. 


Please do tell - why can 'he' not go to Myanmar?  Your explanation is very vague about 'the situation with business dealings in that country'

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10 minutes ago, Argus Tuft said:


Please do tell - why can 'he' not go to Myanmar?  Your explanation is very vague about 'the situation with business dealings in that country'


   It must have been something more than business dispute , if the Myanmar authorities wanted to question him and he felt that he couldnt go through Myanmar immigration 

HHmmm  http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/739343/Scots-suspect-Harris-Binotti-Myanmar-murder-Gary-Ferguson-not-Thailand


"Deputy national police spokesman, Colonel Krissana Pattanacharoen, said: "Binotti left Thailand in mid-October. We have no record of him re-entering Thailand after that incident."

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:


   It must have been something more than business dispute , if the Myanmar authorities wanted to question him and he felt that he couldnt go through Myanmar immigration 

HHmmm  http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/739343/Scots-suspect-Harris-Binotti-Myanmar-murder-Gary-Ferguson-not-Thailand


"Deputy national police spokesman, Colonel Krissana Pattanacharoen, said: "Binotti left Thailand in mid-October. We have no record of him re-entering Thailand after that incident."


The Binotti affair was only 2 months ago more or less, and a far far different situation.


My question was about the OP's friend, and why did he leave Myanmar illegally, and why can he not return there?  (not for an instant do I condone returning illegally when he left there illegally in the first place)

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4 minutes ago, Argus Tuft said:


The Binotti affair was only 2 months ago more or less, and a far far different situation.


My question was about the OP's friend, and why did he leave Myanmar illegally, and why can he not return there?  (not for an instant do I condone returning illegally when he left there illegally in the first place)


    Yes , I know , hows this for a possible scenario :

Binotti was in Myanmar, where he allegedly killed someone .

He got himself a stolen passport with a Myanmar entry from three years ago .

He crossed into Thailand avoiding both immigrations

He is now in Thailand,  trying to get out of Thailand on the stolen PP

The only problem being he doesnt hare a valid Thai visa or entry stamp ?

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9 minutes ago, sanemax said:


    Yes , I know , hows this for a possible scenario :

Binotti was in Myanmar, where he allegedly killed someone .

He got himself a stolen passport with a Myanmar entry from three years ago .

He crossed into Thailand avoiding both immigrations

He is now in Thailand,  trying to get out of Thailand on the stolen PP

The only problem being he doesnt hare a valid Thai visa or entry stamp ?


Okay I get it now.  You're trolling.  Totally ludicrous scenario.  Thanks

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1 minute ago, Argus Tuft said:


Okay I get it now.  You're trolling.  Totally ludicrous scenario.  Thanks


   In which way would that scenario be "ludicrous"

I gave a possible scenario , simple saying that its ludicrous without giving reason doesnt show that my scenario is indeed ludicrous

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On 12/5/2016 at 7:45 PM, VodkaWizard said:

They won't stop him even when he does not have a thai visa? 
My friend is from austria and preferably he would want a thai visa. However he would not want to pay any large sums of money for it. 


YOUR FRIEND(wink wink) sounds like freeloader who doesn't  want to pay much for anything.

He'll pay someone, Thailand or Laos but you (sorry) 'your friend' must pay the piper. 

The way I see it, You or your friend will end up in an IDC for quite some time depending on how long it'll take this person to front up with money for a  personal VIP deportation.

There are foreigners in IDC who have been there for yrs. Some don't want to go home, and some just don't have funds. It can be expensive in there as well, just surviving on a daily basis.


Nurture this thought as it looms in the immediate future.

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On 06/12/2016 at 6:31 PM, NancyL said:

Perhaps a visit to his Embassy in Bangkok could be enlightening ... or not.  They certainly would be willing to assist if he doesn't currently have a valid passport.  That should be a top priority -- to have a valid passport.  Without that, there is little else that can be done.  As for helping him with his other troubles, well they may not be so helpful.


Surely one of the questions that his embassy will ask is how he got into Thailand in the beginning. If he said that he lost his passport the next questions would probably be where, when, how, have you reported it to the police and do you have a copy of the police report.

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Friend of mine was in similar situation few years back.He has managed.You can do it as well.But do not listen to idiots.If you just think - you will come to the same solution,as my friend did.

However - some time has passed already,many things work differently today.You have to consult people who deal with such problems.In my previous post I had suggested you the direction.

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I am very surprised that this topic has been allowed to continue . i have had topics deleted

 which were just put forward as humorous by me example.... Video news had gone off air a while back

I simple asked where it had gone, the news reader by the name of Rod who is terrific by the way,

but i had a spelling mistake and called him Rob and a certain moderator i will not name accused me of having alcohol

taken and took it upon himself to delete my topic. 

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8 hours ago, billd766 said:


Surely one of the questions that his embassy will ask is how he got into Thailand in the beginning. If he said that he lost his passport the next questions would probably be where, when, how, have you reported it to the police and do you have a copy of the police report.


Well, yes, of course the Embassy will ask these questions, but depending upon the consular officer, he might encounter someone sympathetic who could give some good advice.  Because a consular officer with any experience has seen others in a similar situation.  Thailand has a long coastline and many people arrive by sea without benefit of a check-in by Immigration officials.

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8 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

like the scenario of the OP is a normal thing.

OP aside, my comment was on the later poster trying to link the recent Yangon murder to this case from 3 years ago.  As if the alleged perpatrator went and found the OP's 'friend's' passport.  Nonsense.

Having previously met the people involved in the recent Yangon murder, I stand by my troll call

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13 hours ago, NancyL said:


Well, yes, of course the Embassy will ask these questions, but depending upon the consular officer, he might encounter someone sympathetic who could give some good advice.  Because a consular officer with any experience has seen others in a similar situation.  Thailand has a long coastline and many people arrive by sea without benefit of a check-in by Immigration officials.


I dont think that that many westerners would come into the country that way and survive easily with no passport. Also nowadays consular officials are bound by very strict rules about issuance of a passport. He could probably get an emergency travel document issued but there would be quite a few questions asked and the ETD would only be valid for a short time and for a trip back to the home country.


He would also need money for a ticket, somewhere to stay, to eat as well and whether the embassy would sub him or not I have no idea. I know that the UK embassy doesn't do anything like that for its citizens.


He would have to get to the airport without being caught by the police who would certainly ask what happened to the original passport and visa, TM7 etc

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1 hour ago, billd766 said:


I dont think that that many westerners would come into the country that way and survive easily with no passport. Also nowadays consular officials are bound by very strict rules about issuance of a passport. He could probably get an emergency travel document issued but there would be quite a few questions asked and the ETD would only be valid for a short time and for a trip back to the home country.


He would also need money for a ticket, somewhere to stay, to eat as well and whether the embassy would sub him or not I have no idea. I know that the UK embassy doesn't do anything like that for its citizens.


He would have to get to the airport without being caught by the police who would certainly ask what happened to the original passport and visa, TM7 etc


At the airport, they will look for his entry into the country.  If not found, I don't see how he gets out without going to jail.  Every exit has to be connected to some entry, and every person leaving on a plane would be logged.


He probably won't be welcomed back to where ever he "appears" from off-the-radar (better be with a good-story, lawyer, and money) so that he can get stamped out of that country and allowed on a plane home. 


It sounds a bit like John McAfee's story:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't he shave his head, join a temple, wear robes and wai to every- and anyone to show contrition for a month or three and then submit to the immigration authorities? The join a temple game seems to work for most other people caught in criminal acts in Thailand.

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