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"Thai people only"


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Banks offer decent fixed deposit rates sometimes. I told them one bank I wanted a fixed deposit at the rate and time period advertised. The bank rep told me it was for Thais only. Happens on a lot of things you buy - cheaper if you get a Thai to buy it for you.


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28 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

It is fine, their country after all; plus it is their centuries old culture. If I was the waitress I'd of given her the pizza but spit on it in the back room. The OP got off lucky, as bad as the pizza may be the cooking and delivery to the table could really ruin your day.


I visited Rome one day, the little thieves at the collisium only pick pocketed falang and they weren't even Thai. Go figure, huh. The aliens wouldn't be racist I bet, maybe anti-huminoid ?

Who is using the family brain cell today? 

"It's their country" = no excuse, does not fix the problem.

"centuries old tradition" = see above

"I would have spat on her pizza" = childish attitude/instant sacking offence

"as bad as the pizza might be" = Pizza Company pizzas are lovely


That's 4 retarded comments in one paragraph. Keep it up, you're doing well.

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        It may not be illegal to discriminate against foreigners in the manner described but it really isn't sensible business practice.

        The Pizza Company is the biggest company of this type in Thailand. I was unable to ascertain the number of outlets it has in the Country, but let's take a guess and say 200. Now just how many foreigners eat in one of their outlets every day, probably not all that many. These foreigners would tend to be tourists and foreign workers and retirees living here. Foreigners such as Burmese and Cambodian workers don't eat pizza, they can't afford it.

      Just how many of the foreign customers on December 5th would have their birthday on that particular day. I doubt very much whether more than one or two, and I'll bet many outlets wouldn't have even one.

      Therefore for the sake of not discounting (not giving free) the price of a maximum of 200 pizzas the Pizza Company  potentially loses the custom of foreigners who read about this  discriminatory practice on forums such as this. Not very sound business sense IMO but there again I'm sure they don't care.

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2 hours ago, teacherpaul said:

Pizza Company make lovely pizzas. If you disagree, your taste buds must be shot to pieces.


Clearly you have never had a good Pizza with a comment like that. HOWEVER if all you have compared it too is other Thailand Pizza's then I can understand.:smile:


1 hour ago, teacherpaul said:

no excuse, does not fix the problem.


Who said its a problem...you?


1 hour ago, Toknarok said:

It may not be illegal to discriminate against foreigners in the manner described but it really isn't sensible business practice.

        The Pizza Company is the biggest company of this type in Thailand.


The reality is like anywhere in the world, It will have ZERO impact on their business because a great portion of the worlds population simply wont care about it tomorrow.


In the end the customer lost out on a pizza because it appears there is a "Thai National" only clause hidden by invisible in and just as well, they are horrible to eat.


I had a coupon for an Inthanine for free drink. I went in and tried to use it. They played dumb like they weren't sure about the validity of the coupon. Maybe they thought "Forget giving that westerner a free tea, he doesn't need it" who knows. I smiled and said no problem. The next Inthanine I pulled in at they honored it. Did I pull the Discrimination card?. No, why. Because it petty.



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2 hours ago, teacherpaul said:

Oh dear. This has nothing at all to do with being PC. Let's go through it one more time, for the kiddies; being PC is not the same as being polite or treating everyone the same way. All Pizza Company had to do was make this offer open to everyone. Can you think of a logical reason why they didn't?


Because he is the King of the Thai people and not of the foreign people

Edited by deathmule
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2 hours ago, Toknarok said:


      Therefore for the sake of not discounting (not giving free) the price of a maximum of 200 pizzas the Pizza Company  potentially loses the custom of foreigners who read about this  discriminatory practice on forums such as this. Not very sound business sense IMO but there again I'm sure they don't care.


   No foreigner is going to boycott the Pizza company.

The O.P still had a pizza there and then without a discount , so, no one will boycott the company 

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3 hours ago, teacherpaul said:

Wrong. Pizza Company should offer this promotion to everyone. The BS here is that you seem to support discrimination.

No I don't support discrimination but I'm not going to get bent out of shape over a free and particularly crappy pizza.

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On 06/12/2016 at 1:20 PM, NanLaew said:

Thai people doing what they want in Thailand? Yes, that's fine with me.

 Oh yeah! Loving the same flag colors is like loving the same football team...so yes, if you are part of the "team", you can do what you want ? Sounds like fascism... 

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4 hours ago, akentryan said:

Banks offer decent fixed deposit rates sometimes. I told them one bank I wanted a fixed deposit at the rate and time period advertised. The bank rep told me it was for Thais only. Happens on a lot of things you buy - cheaper if you get a Thai to buy it for you.


My ex-thai girlfriend was selling Papaya Salad ( Som Tam) on the streets of Patong. ( Phuket)
She always charge double price to Foreigner, and I was so angry against that....she didn't understand that she is ruining her own business by acting like that. 
Her answer was : "Yes but we give more". Fact is that Farang are no so stupid and most of them knows the real price ( on the streets). And she wasn't giving so much more compare to the price.
So yes I agree, it happen in many places in Thailand, in many kind of business...but how to make them understand that they are not helping themselves ?!


Edited by Vermor
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4 hours ago, teacherpaul said:

Yes, it is racist and no, most countries would not do the same. Doing well, aren't you. Next.


  Race doesnt even come into it, so it isnt racism .

You must understand that everyone is different and only certain people are eligible for certain things .

   Thai people do not need a Visa to stay in Thailand where as Non Thais do need a Visa to stay in Thailand .

   Do you consider that to be racist ?

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1 minute ago, Vermor said:

My ex-thai girlfriend was selling Papaya Salad ( Som Tam) on the streets of Patong. ( Phuket)
She always charge double price to Foreigner, and I was so angry against that....she didn't understand that she is ruining her own business by acting like that. 
Her answer was : "Yes but we give more". Fact is that Farang are no so stupid and most of them knows the real price ( on the streets). And she wasn't giving so much more compare to the price.
SO yes I agree, it happen everywhere in Thailand, in everything...but how to make them understand that they are not helping themselves ?!


   So, because your GF charges foreigners more money, even though she gives bigger portions , this proves that over charging happens everywhere and with everything in Thailand ?

   ONE street seller is indicative of a whole nation ?

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Just now, sanemax said:


   So, because your GF charges foreigners more money, even though she gives bigger portions , this proves that over charging happens everywhere and with everything in Thailand ?

   ONE street seller is indicative of a whole nation ?

Arf come on...let say not everything, but many things.... Happy ?!

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9 minutes ago, sanemax said:


  Everyone is NOT the same, we are all different .

Oh really ? 
I have two eyes, a brain, legs , arms....
But many people prefer to look at the differences ! At the flags colors, langage, race, sexual orentation, etc....It s so much more easier to get angry against those people than against the "high society". 
Same everywhere in the world, WE LOVE high class people...they earn 100 to 1000 times more than 90% of the world population (with less effort), and WE LOVE THEM ! 

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23 hours ago, impulse said:


There's always 2 different prices: one price for people who know how to negotiate and another price for those that don't.


Chinese have told me that Germans generally pay the highest price.  They don't pick on Germans vs Brits vs Americans.  They have found from experience that Germans generally give up negotiating quicker than their other foreign customers.


She'll offer it to you cheaper because she doesn't want to waste time haggling with someone who speaks Thai (or looks Asian), because you're probably familiar with the culture and negotiating prices.  Most of us from the nanny states never had to learn how.  We pay accordingly.  Then we whine about getting cheated.

I have no sympathy for people who waste their time on buying crap to give to relatives or anybody else

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Hmm is this exactly the perfect example of "discrimination" towards foreigners ? We can find  many examples, but here I dont know.. It can depend also on what tone the waitress said it to her.  I can understand her  feeling, if she was discriminated previously, which could be why  she overreacted (emotional tensions linked to a previous unsolved situation) -->"...Near ruined her day"...  Maybe she had not a lot of money and could not afford to buy this pizza if not at the reduced price in which case the attitude of the waitress is poor. In such instance, talking to the waitress about it in a kind way may have helped her change her mind and have her offer the special discount on the kingsize pizza.  

But if we consider, cold headed, that special case as example, I would say this kindly  to her that although she seems emotionally linked to pizzas (which I am too ! ), Thai people themselves are linked emotionally and symbolically  to their Late King, so if this "only for Thai people" promotion was offered to anyone regardless of nationality it would lose of its reason to be as just a little gift for Thai people at this Nation's time of mourning....  I'm not Thai but  I can understand that. And by the way, maybe this was a crypted message to her that she may be better feed on something else than pizzas (how much does she weight)? 

Whatever , if I were Thai, this post would make me see her as another farang whiner. Spilling hot oil on a pizza is a rich idea, but using it on a fire to extinguish it is not the right solution : even if her hope to get a juicy pizza slice at the bargain price offered was legitimate, I think  the effect on Thai people who read this story is just COUNTERPRODUCTIVE.  Better take the Mai Pen Rai attitude then go and get a pizza or something lighter elsewhere, the Thai way.  


More generally speaking, not necessarily linked with that case, if you want someone to improve his attitude toward you, there are 2 steps : get back to your inner Self first to  find peace or alternatively   indulge in a good rest(aurant). Then you can talk to the person gently without anger about the issue that affects you, but also   focus on the person's qualities and not his defects, even if you see them , as anger (coming from tirednessj distraction,frustration,...) cannot bring any productive results. Also, it's not about being right, it's about creating a friendlier attitude from others. Some attitudes of some Thais (and anyone on this planet) may be immature and ego(is)tic, but any harsh critic should be mitigated with some words on the good aspects of the people. That would make them happy and be better toward you. Thais are particularly sensitive to that. And is a law of nature. The mirror effect. This is deeply linked with emotions. Emotions are located in   the "second brain", in the abdomen, the seat of empathy, emotions (whichever ), one of the reason why people are so obsessed by food and filling up their stomach. To come back to the subject, Thai people read this forum as you know,  and I'm sure they talk with each other about the alleged grumpiness of some foreigners by reading their posts. Some will remain either   neutral or react negatively...  I know it can be hard to suppress.. Even if you feel/know you are right,  before writing  or saying anything, wait till any anger has faded because frustration makes us focus on the negative things. Don't underestimate the power of words in this world of fast transfer of information to anyone, anywhere... So choose them well. And get back to your inner Self away from outside interference and take your time before taking any important decisions or saying/writing anything to others, whether in real life or on the internet.

I'm outta here and back to Bangkok on dec 20. Yatta ! I invite you and your friend for a pizza and a drink.  Happy Birthday to her !   cheers  Al 

Edited by Alainpm
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7 hours ago, teacherpaul said:

Oh dear. This has nothing at all to do with being PC. Let's go through it one more time, for the kiddies; being PC is not the same as being polite or treating everyone the same way. All Pizza Company had to do was make this offer open to everyone. Can you think of a logical reason why they didn't?

Simple cost control and ease of implementation. If this had become common knowledge among the coffin dodging, balloon chasing Pattaya pensioners, they would have to shut down half their franchises to recover the costs. That and the ease that most Thai's would have of proving their date of birth (most are always carrying their ID card) whereas most pontifical curmudgeonly farangs are reluctant even to carry a photocopy of their passport.

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