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Trump interjects himself in Air Force One, business deals


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2 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:


Please tell us when the last attack occurred targeted at AF1 that needed to be defended against....


Yup - never happened.


I know this, Trump knows this. Ain't worth no $4BN. Better to lose the odd president here or there...


True, never happened but it could. Before Sept 11, 2001, no one ever flew a plane into a skyscraper. Many major companies invest billions of dollars into a disaster recovery site that they will hopefully never need.


I guess the price to protect the president needs to be less than 4 Billion USD. There is also the image of the USA to consider. Air Force One is the "face" of the presidency.


Personally, I could care less what the Don the Prez uses for transportation. Won't keep me up at night. But he'll never see these two new planes as they won't be finished during his term (or terms)...maybe that is what his issue is. 

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16 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:


You are absolutely correct. I don't know about aircraft or aircraft development and the costs involved and neither do you. That is why it is so funny that you comment on it in the way you did.


Trump on the other hand, has purchased a number of aircraft. In addition, he now has access to the documents pertaining to the new AF1 project. 


As for your predictions of Trump charging the US $100M per year to use his own plane. Well - that's just liberal mental masturbation. Are facts irrelevant now?


BTW - I am already wrinkly.

I am a career pilot with 3 businesses involved in the sale, overhaul and maintenance of large hull aircraft world-wide. I currently have 20 large aircraft for sale if you would like one. I know what I am talking about and for the development of aircraft that are capable of shielding against electro magnetic pulse and from an enemy attack, whilst maintaining the ability to function as the nerve centre of the worlds largest super power (this is nothing about protecting the one man) then 4 Billion is a mere snip to ensure that the Government and Military can continue to operate at the highest levels of command in the event of some natural or enemy instigated disaster.


If the UN can charter large hull aircraft routinely for 5 Mill a month I think Donald will have no issues trying to get 100Mill a year for Trump Farce 1.


Also, if there had ever been a threat to AF1 it is unlikely you would be told about it, the fact that threats do not occur is often a result of meticulous planning and preparation where the enemy know it is futile to try and attack a specific target. Just like our stand-off with the nukes we have, the meticulous preparation to ensure operational continuity of the US Government is not a Micky Mouse matter that can be taken lightly either in attitude or cost. Frankly you should wish that no expense should be spared in order to give the US the operational continuity it would need in the event of a global disaster.


there is little point having the worlds strongest military if you cannot ensure you can command it at the highest required levels.

Edited by Andaman Al
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31 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:


You are absolutely correct. I don't know about aircraft or aircraft development and the costs involved and neither do you. That is why it is so funny that you comment on it in the way you did.


Trump on the other hand, has purchased a number of aircraft. In addition, he now has access to the documents pertaining to the new AF1 project. 


As for your predictions of Trump charging the US $100M per year to use his own plane. Well - that's just liberal mental masturbation. Are facts irrelevant now?


BTW - I am already wrinkly.


He also ran an airline into bankruptcy, so his track record on accurately judging the costs of airplanes and things airplane related isn't that great. N


There will be no apples to apples comparison since AF1 is really a custom one off job, but to give an idea of the ridiculous amounts of money that go into development of large aircraft: the development of the Airbus A380 cost $25 billion. That investment was supposed to be recouped over the sale of around 300 aircraft. Boeing would need to recoup the costs over 1% of that volume. You might say, that was for development of a new aircraft but this is modification of an existing one. Well, to give an idea of the scale of costs for retrofits: Airbus estimated that to re-engine the A380 would cost over $2 billion. That is for a single large modification, so once again apples to apples would be difficult, but its realistic to think that individual requirements for AF1 could run in the 100's of millions of dollars, so when you add them all up, it could easily get to $4 billion.


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This, like the phone call to Taiwan, was planned and orchestrated months in advance.


Why are none of the ex spurts on here mentioning that Boeing is building a factory in China? Why are none talking about the huge tariffs China charges for US product imports while the US charges China none, forcing Boeing (and Buick also) to build factories in China to compete there?  Forbes


This is a shot across the bow of Boeing just as the Taiwan phone call was a well planned message to China.


There's a new sheriff in town and if you want to do biz with the US government for the next 4 years (maybe 8) you don't open factories in China.


I mentioned earlier that "some posters on here" seem to get their news from TVF, all like echos in a barrel without finding out what's happening in the real world. First it was false assumptions about the Taiwan call and now ignorance about Boeing. Amazing.



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1 minute ago, NeverSure said:

This, like the phone call to Taiwan, was planned and orchestrated months in advance.


Why are none of the ex spurts on here mentioning that Boeing is building a factory in China? Why are none talking about the huge tariffs China charges for US product imports while the US charges China none, forcing Boeing (and Buick also) to build factories in China to compete there?  Forbes


This is a shot across the bow of Boeing just as the Taiwan phone call was a well planned message to China.


There's a new sheriff in town and if you want to do biz with the US government for the next 4 years (maybe 8) you don't open factories in China.


I mentioned earlier that "some posters on here" seem to get their news from TVF, all like echos in a barrel without finding out what's happening in the real world. First it was false assumptions about the Taiwan call and now ignorance about Boeing. Amazing.



Is Donald making his ties in the USA now? Is Ivanka making her shoes in the USA now? I think you credit Trump with way too much intelligence.

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7 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Is Donald making his ties in the USA now? Is Ivanka making her shoes in the USA now? I think you credit Trump with way too much intelligence.


And you don't give him enough credit. He's doing exactly what he promised to do. Former leaders have allowed the US to be ripped off by China for the past 50 years, much to the detriment of all US citizens. Who is it that has approved allowing China to charge the US big import duties while we charge them none? It has to stop. Trump is already on it.


Ivanka has zero to do with being POTUS.



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8 minutes ago, NeverSure said:


And you don't give him enough credit. He's doing exactly what he promised to do. Former leaders have allowed the US to be ripped off by China for the past 50 years, much to the detriment of all US citizens. Who is it that has approved allowing China to charge the US big import duties while we charge them none? It has to stop. Trump is already on it.


Ivanka has zero to do with being POTUS.



Is Donald making his ties in the USA now? Is Donald making his shirts in the USA now? Why did Donald just apply for and get 78 H2B visas for foreign workers to staff his Mar a largo complex? A local Florida recruitment agency said there are many many US citizens qualified capable and willing to do the jobs. The man is a grade A schmuck! and you support him making one rule for US businesses while he screws the system himself. You couldn't make it up.

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27 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Is Donald making his ties in the USA now? Is Donald making his shirts in the USA now? Why did Donald just apply for and get 78 H2B visas for foreign workers to staff his Mar a largo complex? A local Florida recruitment agency said there are many many US citizens qualified capable and willing to do the jobs. The man is a grade A schmuck! and you support him making one rule for US businesses while he screws the system himself. You couldn't make it up.


"Some people" have a habit of getting part of the information that suits an agenda, and ignoring the rest. Why is it my job to inform?


Florida has a huge population increase in the Winter from people who live in cold climates. That's not just the Northern US but also Canada, Europe and so on. There aren't enough locals to fill all of the temporary  jobs such as housekeeping, landscape work, restaurant work and so on.


It has long been standard procedure to import people legally but temporarily to fill that need. Many are college students from Canada and S. America on their Winter breaks. You did point out that Trump gets visas to do it legally rather than hiring illegals under the table for less than minimum wage while paying no taxes on them.


You're going to be surprised at what a good job Trump does.



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The scandal is when US companies get H2B visas to import highly skilled workers at low wages to replace Americans already doing the job. This has happened in places like Silicon Valley where IT people have lost jobs to foreigners. Sometimes they even have to train their replacements. This of course drives down wages for Americans who have to compete with people from places like India who will work for peanuts.


The large corporations who do that let it be known they weren't Trump supporters of course. He promised to penalize companies who do that.



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"If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed." -- Denzel Washington


If you follow only the MSM you can be made to believe that Trump's Taiwan phone call was ill advised and spontaneous rather than being a shot across the bow at China which had been planned for months.


You can believe that Trump's comments about Boeing were spontaneous and ill advised rather than knowing they were a well planned shot at Boeing for building a plant in China and another warning to China.


I used to be surprised by some of the low information but very loud parroting posters on here, but no longer. I'm used to it.





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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Is Donald making his ties in the USA now?


Trump makes some products in the USA and some overseas. As a businessman, he wanted them to be the most cost effective. Now that he is the President-elect and working on fixing the system, his priorities may be very different.





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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Trump makes some products in the USA and some overseas. As a businessman, he wanted them to be the most cost effective. Now that he is the President-elect and working on fixing the system, his priorities may be very different.





Complete BS. Therefore every businessman in the US will have the same priority of making sure that everything is the most cost effective. Do you think Trump has any chance of success by now increasing costs to those businesses. Is this Trump having a private philosophy and a public philosophy that he so ridiculed HRC for. You swallow whatever crap he serves you on a plate. Trump calls out those businesses who use overseas labour yet his own businesses run by him and his family do exactly the same. He calls out Obama for not paying enough taxes then he pays zero taxes himself. The man is a fraud and a snake oil salesman. Still, let his actions speak for themselves and lets see how long you continue to justify him. It is most entertaining that someone can have such a limited moral compass.

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14 hours ago, NeverSure said:

Who is it that has approved allowing China to charge the US big import duties while we charge them none


Rather than absorbing misinformation, you may wish to Google the facts on US duties / tariffs on Chinese imports. e.g.




Some reasons why Boeing entered a joint venture to assemble some of their aircraft in China i.e.




BTW Boeing aircraft are over 25 tonnes so they are not subject to Chinese VAT

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14 hours ago, NeverSure said:

The scandal is when US companies get H2B visas to import highly skilled workers at low wages to replace Americans already doing the job. This has happened in places like Silicon Valley where IT people have lost jobs to foreigners. Sometimes they even have to train their replacements. This of course drives down wages for Americans who have to compete with people from places like India who will work for peanuts.


The large corporations who do that let it be known they weren't Trump supporters of course. He promised to penalize companies who do that.


Hmm...and where have I heard someone doing exactly this...oh yeah.





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